Why did you stop playing Heroes of the Storm?
Why did you stop playing Heroes of the Storm?
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Because Blizzard stopped supporting it
What this dude said. The moment they announced that the gonna give it a slow death I bailed.
I legit don't play it because there are asses like that in the game that you can hardly ever fucking see. Fuck that cap. Fuck blizzard. more like Chinkzard.
They changed Sylvanas.
That was a while ago though.
>Dragon Brap
Been waiting for the new hero.
Plus Mobas are a waste of time in general. Hopefully they make a WoW expansion that isn't trash with the talent they pulled but it's prolly just gonna get squandered on projects with incompetent direction. Fucking dumb ass old guard of blizzard forgot to train suitable replacements.
Because the game died
Only moba i can stand is dota. And only 1 game on 5 is actually fun.
I want warcraft with a new gameplay.
Isn't she supposed to have used condoms hanging from her horns?
Still playing it with friends and having some fun.
They did, its just Activision probably fired them or pissed them off.
I still watch the sfms and blender
My favorite characters were "reworked" and completely ruined them.
Also Overwatch characters are cancer.
I want to marry and impregnate Li-Ming.
I still play it but the game is dying. Aus severs are just about dead.
Because it's bland and boring mess.
>Creep last hits don't matter, you will get XP just by standing there, lul
>Team XP eliminates all solo carry potential
>The damage numbers even on carries are wet noodle tier
>The map objectives are boring as shit
>The art style is pg-13 kiddie shit
>All remotely unique heroes got gutted and the rest are made as generic as possible
>The whole game feels clunky, sluggish and like it doesn't reward you for playing well because snowballing is next to non existant.
It's funny and sad at the same time. The only thing Blizzard had to do was to copy LoL's modern game mechanics, combine it with DoTA's tactical depth and slap their own intellectual property on top of it and you would have made a moba game that would have surely dominated. But no... You just had to fall into the trap of "Le unique videogame developer" and make some blad below average shit at best and dog doo-doo at worst -level product.
Hope this game dies and Blizzard burns with it. They have fallen so hard from grace it's stupid.
Ps. Nu-Alex model is a shit retcon made to appease to hamplanets and Tumblr trash.
I used to play the game daily and enjoyed it a lot. The move toward pushing Overwatch was the big nail in the coffin for me. The Overwatch heroes are incredibly unfun to deal with and their maps are among the worst in the game. Anytime Hanzo, Genji, or Tracer are relevant the game is going to be unplayable.
spoken like a true shitter.
all your claims are flat out wrong, so you're probably just some casual tard who couldnt get out of gold
The nerfed Murky. This was back near the end of the Beta, never played since.
Have sex!
Only if it's with Lana Bachynski, aka the real woman who gave us Alexstrasza and other HotS waifus.
>Lana Bachynski
No, faggot. Comparing the core gameplay to League of Legends for example HotS is a snooze fest. With the only exception of like Abathur or Murky. I don't have to "play safe" or be aware of anything. Oh is that a carry or an assassin coming to kill me? Well, it doesn't matter since the heroes in this don't even do enough damage to solo kill others I can just walk away.
Laning properly by last hitting creeps (in Dota's case denying enemy last hits) and winning trades? LOL Doesn't matter in HotS, since there ARE no last hits or gold to be gained from creeps, just team XP. Just hit creeps whenever you like.
Oh you made multiple good plays as an individual? Doesn't matter because there are no individual XP or gold so you can't solo carry because the amount of you get "ahead" is so small it's laughable.
The map objectives feel gimmicky as fuck, yet if you don't actively play them like the Zerg Beacons or Raven lord tribute you will ALWAYS be at a disadvantage.
I love her so much
Gf got me a ps4 for my birthday, been playing all souls games
I still play it from time to time. The game's just boring and I'm only there for the Blizzard fanservice.
I'm always surprised by the people that have 1k+ account level. How can you play that game for so much and not have your brain just melt?
got banned cause of spineless faggots who cant take a little banter and mean words
>healer major role in a pvp game
The dumbest shit
>team fucks up mechanic one round
>enemy team is now strong as fuck and snowballs no matter what you do
>impossible to comeback unless the enemy fucks up entirely
>teammates leave
Sure is a fun game in here
As someone who played league for 8+ years Last hitting isn't some super amazing skill it's a fucking chore. It's always brought up as this super skill intensive thing and it isn't the only significant part about it is that your opponent can potentially zone you off of minions. Which happens in hots with regen globes. Every other point you make is horribly steeped in ignorance and scrubbery. Oh and if you can't solo kill someone as an assassin like in hots you are just terrible. You want that shitty one button delete skill-less trash. Maps having some variety actually makes it so you have something different to do. And please elaborate on how having an objective makes it gimmicky when the same could be said of ANY objective in a moba. Or do you just want it to be the same boring map with the same boring objective?
>Oh is that a carry or an assassin coming to kill me? Well, it doesn't matter since the heroes in this don't even do enough damage to solo kill others I can just walk away.
You never played Genji? Or a burst mage like Jaina, Li Ming, KTZ, KT or Orphea?
blizzard fucking sucks and they fucked this game hard
pre-2.0 was peak heroes
Because Blizzard is so retarded they can't even rollback their own bots to working state after they completely fucking broke them for literally no reason.
>latest patch notes
>hey guys THIS time we totally fixed them whoops not really actually we fixed only this particular bug in their behavior everything else is still completely broken enjoy guys
>even this fucking bug they mentioned is not fixed
I can't believe back then AI in Blizzard games was one of the best.
my ability to give a fuck about anything was decimated by tinnitus.
They're releasing another new character this week. They stopped funding tournaments because they realised it wasn't making them any money.
>Moving people who had little to do from the team = stopping the support for the game
Are you retarded? There's a new hero releasing soon and a big event is going on right now.
>Last hitting is a chore
Last hitting has always existed in MOBAs and HotS just dumbs it down. It's another core fundamental that's taken away, it lowers the skill floor and lowers the skill ceiling.
>Every other point you make is horribly steeped in ignorance and scrubbery
Yeah sure, except compared to Dota or LoL this game is way more casual and bland, it's esport scene failed, the game is not nearly as competitive and even blizzard themselves put the game on the back burner because they know 1.) It won't bring in any money and 2.) It was a cluster fuck of a project.
>Oh and if you can't solo kill someone as an assassin like in hots you are just terrible. You want that shitty one button delete skill-less trash.
Okay I admit, I over exaggerated, but my point still stands and it shows in teamfights for example or in the fact that HotS in general has way less solo kills and solo kill potential than either in League or in Dota 2 which is bullshit.
And last but not least if you've played League for 8+ years you'd know what I mean by saying how the objectives in HotS feel gimmicky, In league you can play and "ignore" objectives in favor of more lane control and getting more towers. In HotS it's the complete opposite, the objectives feel gimmicky because they are shoehorned so hard. The lanes don't matter nearly as much because the towers, gates and structures are paper compared to League and since they only again offer team XP, the reward for taking them feels almost secondary, which is funny since the winning condition is to destroy the enemy base. x)
I did actually.
All in all, my point here is that HotS as a MOBA game is extremely casualized, watered down and bland. Which drags it down and makes the game feel booring as shit. Why do you think former Dota and LoL pros swapped to Competitive HotS, when that was still a thing? I can tell you right now, it's not because the game was ground breaking. :^)
Never played it in the first place. Why would I want to play a gimped MOBA with none of the fun features like item builds and being able to snowball?
>not a single brap poster
i'm impressed Yea Forums
>no carry potential
Someone got carried hard...
>we made a heroine alternative
>but it won't get you high
Why is anyone still playing this specifically?
Also why is anyone still playing MOBAs in general?
Game is trash. Only suffered through it for the cute D.va skin.
He's right though. The only reason people even play MOBAs is for the games where they snowball and the game jerks them off for it.
This game completely removes that aspect so you're basically stuck with:
Not either of these people but I personally love this game. It is THE most casual moba out there. No need to overthink thing like what items to buy or what strategy to use. Just go on with QP matches and chill the fuck out.
Treating this game like an Esport is just dumb.
They have heroes like Murky, Abathur or god damn Cho'gall. Don't take the game too seriously is my advice and you will do just fine.
You play to snowball? Lmfao. Yeah, back to LoL with you, please.
Blizzard changing the game was the worst thing ever and made it unplayable
>Last hitting has always existed in MOBAs
>It's another core fundamental that's taken away
Last hitting in DotA was literally a bug Icefrog and Guinsoo didn't want.
It was part of the engine limitation of WCIII from when they made the fist few iterations. They actively tried to remove it.
As someone that has played MOBAs since they were called DotA-likes, last hitting is literally the worst thing in any MOBA, including the retarded players.
Getting rid of it isn't removing a fundamental. It's trimming the fat.
Never really cared much for mobas in the first place but I'm thankful for all the porn it's helped produce.
it was after announcement of its slow death
isnt blizzard spending most their time covering up all their old art and uglying up the old fantasy world nowadays anyway?
The ONLY thing that HOTS did really good was give us all these thicc mommies and waifus that we waited for all these years. And for that, we're forever grateful. Because if we expected this kind of fanservice from WoW, we would still jerk off to only fanarts and not nicely done 3D models like now, thankfully.
I have to say though that they fucked up Alex's face a lot in-game. That was a biiig minus.
grind too long. Abilities too weak but low cooldown, prefer longer cooldown stronger spells. Mounts are for fags. no ability to get any individual experience. This allows no solo grinding for a quick power boost, and makes a team hitting the ultimate level a lot more powerful than the other team that has to wait and get zoned. Being forced to live under blizzard "balance" aka lets keep everything broken and then nerf it into the ground
I play dota
jesus christ that fetal alcohol syndrome. that looks like cheap chink CGI
But I'm still playing it.
>big event
>8 non-repeatable quests that take few hours to complete
>Someone got carried hard...
>tfw you have the highest damage numbers both enemy hero and structure wise on average
It's not even that. It's that there is no option to snowball in the games in the first place, I know MOBAs are team games, but even in team games if an individual performance is high it SHOULD be rewarded properly, this is not the case in HotS.
>Treating this game like an Esport is just dumb.
I'm not. But if I wanted completely mindless button pressing I could go an play something like Farmville.
>They have heroes like Murky, Abathur or god damn Cho'gall.
Unironically these heroes had some actually unique Hero designs, I'll give them props for that.
>Don't take the game too seriously is my advice and you will do just fine.
I couldn't care less about HotS and haven't for a LOOOONG time. I just for the life of me don't understand understand why Blizzard decided to went this route when developing this game, when they COULD have actually do something really great.
>As someone that has played MOBAs since they were called DotA-likes, last hitting is literally the worst thing in any MOBA, including the retarded players.
If you literally think that, I don't know what to say. It might have been a bug, but has become a feature that is a cornerstone of MOBA games. It promotes good mechanical play (8-10 cs/per minute, proper trading in lane), tactical play (jungling and supports as roles, funneling strats) and game knowledge. Though I do agree about the retarded players. :^)
Kek, these.
Wait... is "not supporting tournaments" the end-all-be-all of what "stop supporting it" means????
well they pulled the plug on tournaments immediately, and they moved a bunch of people away. They call it "life support". So there are still people working on it, but its a lot less
Not the HotS team.
Never played it.
Sexy character models isn't enough for me to play a video game.
>>Sexy character models isn't enough for me to play a video game.
I bet youre not even a virgin
It's unironically pretty sad how they suddenly started to go backwards with HotS. The game was picking up after the HGC.
stop having sex.
It's too casual and repetitive.
You played it once, you played it all.
And i can't play other heroes because they are locked behind pay/grindwall.
So as soon as i done trying the heroes i can try, i'm done playing.
Yes. Lost my home internet.
on phone
Still the best dev team in Blizz at the moment. Heroes of the Thick
>poach anyone with talent for the overwatch team
>fire most of the remaining dev team
>"i-it's just the tournament guys, the game is still alive!"
shit pasta
Played it a long time ago, shortly after it became accessible to the general public. I remember doing so-so and feeling like a had very little impact on the game. Then I picked the illidan character and won 30 games in a row. Got bored and quit the game.
>It's too casual and repetitive.
this is it.
It's really fun to play for about a week straight every 8 months or so, but after that week, the game gets so repetitive its insane
You mean
>poach most of the dev team for phonegames to pander to chang
Literally the only reason anyone has interest in this game anymore is Alex and Whitemane's asses. Game would be completely dead without them in it.
Because team-based pvp games are not fun
Can't into team play and socialize irl.
SHM, you need to leave your room user
>this arrow will never be your dick
Pain is something all around us...
Thicc mommy.
Still has best Zarya skins. OW team sucks.
Tourneys I didnt care, but removing devs was a turn off
HoTS and Hearthstone teams still get the soul of WC, hopefully with Classic and WCIII remastered, we can pretend the later seasons of WoW never happened and make a less awful storyline.
I can find games pretty quick tho
Dragon pits
HotS is the most fun MOBA.
All the heroes play pretty damn unique and there's a playstyle for everyone.
Even when you're getting stomped, there's always a chance for a comeback.
If you keep getting fucked up due to a feeder or whatever, the match can be over in as little as 10 minutes.
Each map plays differently and requires different styles of play.
It cut out all the tedious shit and sped up the game's pace.
Damage is far less instant, so you are never just deleted immediately without knowing any chance of counterplay.
All the heroes are either beefcakes or cheesecakes. Something for everyone.
It's different so people call it bad.
They can't comprehend a MOBA that isn't weighed down by shit that even the developers of the games that started it all think are terrible design choices.
So, barely anyone played it compared to LoL or DotA2. CEOs, not seeing dollar signs in their eyes, pretty much publicly executed it.
HotS was too good for this world.
no wonder the game died lmao
look at the clowns
I didnt
her measurements are fucking unreal
Perhaps the things that "weigh down" the game are also the ones that make it more interesting. For example, the lack of items and assembly of many different builds and game economy make it a more shallow experience since there is almost zero thought in your build because the selection are too few.
Fuck you nerd. Many of them are /fit/ af. Compare them with your gollum Hazzikostas and you'll see how retarded your statement is.
>look at the clowns
I wish i was a clown too.
>no picture of alexstrasza getting fucked posted yet
I am disapoint
Can someone edit the arrow in this pic into a dick?
>happy nerdchad & nerdstacey dev team
>shit game
Overly annoying heroes
Really poor QM they took too long to even try to fix
Annoying gimmick maps and no option to play on a basic one where I'm just fighting hero v hero not hero v hero v map objective v man in giant plant
>that little thing edited into a dick
lmao a white dick maybe
>the CHAD HotS devs vs the virgin Overwatch team
Got my account banned. I swore to never play a blizzard game ever again, it's been a year and I'm perfectly fine.
Games as a service is a shitty practice and I think you should to everything in your power to own things you pay for.
Please tell me why you got banned?
What do they smell like?
While Instill kept playing it Genji made me hate the game until I just stopped altogether eventually. Who thought being able to dash over walls and deflect tower shots to kill someone then reset and dash away was at all a good idea.
Wet lizard
Stand in a more favourable position if facing genji. You know he is on the other team.
>Has Li-mings defining passive built into half his abilities including his ult
>Which resets off a fucking assist
Yea I stood in the uninstalled game position
I want to cum inside of her until she bears my children.
they changed gardens of terror and took away what made it unique and now I'm worried that they'll "fix" other maps too
I like the porn
the bald manlet is 100% a /fit/ poster
probably spams the "subtle alpha" copypasta
And just like that, you lost me. So much lost content and occupied space thanks to futashit....
You tried
>"great b8"
>isn't about hook and fish silhouette
>Item builds
>Literally 1 ideal build for every character
I put more thought into talents than I ever did for items.
I'll concede that DotA and HoN have a pretty good selection of active items, though. Shame most builds won't ever see them.
No I more or less instantly uninstalled when they added genji since he's a faggot.
Won't be hard to successfully seed her, "Essence of Life" and all.
There is lots of non futa porn too
That's not true. Sure after a while, in games like LoL for example, you'll know what set works best with each character, but it's gonna take a LOT of game-hours to reach that level. And even then, a nerf or a new counter character can force you to improvise if you know your stuff.
Plus, LoL spicy things up with the rune system as well.
Hots devs
this one little island of hope in sea of current blizzshit
is now gone forever
When they said they will be dropping tournaments and such, that completely killed the will to play for me and my friends
Trash post.
>Can't into team play
Funny. Even the teamplay aspect is shit. In league for example; you can splitpush, you have a designated jungler, you have have TP, you havi pick comps, you have multiple different type of teamfight openers.
What does HotS have? None of those.
>and socialize irl.
What does this have to do with anything?
Any lewds of the goth loli yet?
My most awaited hero (Dreadlord) was such a dissapointment
>No infernal ult
>Super simple and boring skills
Also that dumb weeb oc was the last fucking straw, the game had a lot of potential and genuinely fun designs but it has was always ruined by their casual pandering like their other current games. You can't even micro summons and its the SC2 engine ffs.
Also who the fuck wanted Anduin? got suspended for a week too (reinstalled like 2 weeks ago).
>all these posts about how damage is lower in hots
>die far faster as hots tanks than any other moba because there's no option to stack tanky items to shut down enemy damage they have too much of
>only a chance your hero will have -phys damage in particular or whatever
>even with, you die almsot as fast as the non-tanks
>Also who the fuck wanted Anduin?
There is. I'm just saying futa animations are wasted content.
for you
>they patch it still every 3-4 weeks
>a new hero is on the PTR right now
Gimme my fucking Blackthorne.
Fuck Anduin that was just announced.
they added overwatch heroes
For straight men, yes.
post the whole picture
I wish they had made her hair look more like it does in her portrait. But I guess they used a lot of her polygon budget on her coffin and abilities.
Oh my a futa lover. At least musclegirl fans have an excuse in so far as musclegirls don't have dicks.
>Musclegirl futa on girly girl and the girly girl has a bigger dick
combination of factors:
- People triggered I liked playing "non-meta" (medivh) 25%
- Shit talk 25%
- Refusing to engage when outnumbered 25%
- Trolling when tilted (tassadar walls, throwing teamates as garrosh) 25%
Overall I think it was almost justified, but also made me realize how shitty is to get denied content you paid for.
>futa and furry
yeah no thanks
its too big for the chins
People can personally mute you for shit talk. Playing non meta characters are good, for everyone.
Refusing to participate in a unfavourable non game resolving fight is good too.
Griefing is wrong though.
>Even when you're getting stomped, there's always a chance for a comeback.
That's just because the other team made 1 stupid mistake and it's done, this game is literally multiplayer chess, no matter how well you played the whole match if one of your teammates makes 1 silly mistake it's all over.
And both of these teams can do that
Think before you post
How many children has this picture killed by now?
i still play every 3 days for the quests , and i talk so much shit im surprised i havent get banned or muted , its good fun when you try to instigate hate
Yeah, it's terrible design, basically every game is just a coin toss.
i got banned
1. MOBAs are a dying genre and that's a good thing
2. Fuck NuBlizz
Why though? The game already has a bad rap and fewer players than ever.
>Calling fair contest bad design
My graphics card died and I'm a poorfag
>MOBAs are a dying genre
>around 100 million players worldwide
Yeah ok honey.
>1. MOBAs are a dying genre
That's what you said eight years ago.
Literally only League has a playerbase. DOTA2 is russian central and nothing else is even worth mentioning, the fact HoTS flopped as hard as it did is all the proof you need.
2 tanks no healers , 3 mages , going to objectives late , etc , most people who play vs ai go straight to ranked or unranked , im just playing for the quests so i dont care about the outcome but besides having fun playing i enjoy talking shit and call out their mistakes , sometimes they get really angry or sometimes they dont answer , but i still call them trash when they die or make a bad play , its therapeutic
This thread needs more porn.
Time: 00:00 *muted*, problem solved, keep playing. Hard life.
I rage uninstalled but I'm back because I missed her
My only gripe with HOTS is that its a waste of art talent to create what is essentially one massive blizzard fanwank
Yeah, but that playerbase is much more in numbers than all other MOBAs combined and more. LoL is, plainly speaking, a very popular game and doesn't seem to slow down in popularity.
Yeah, you can thank Riot's underhanded marketing for that.
Ranked ques were becoming too long
god I wish diablo 3 wasn't boring as fuck, what are other games where I can play as a hot amazon woman?
Dragons Crown.
Diablo 2.
Poe doesn't really have one, ranger is too petite, and the scion isn't rough enough. You can play them as amazons though.
They nerfed sylvanas
thanks, I'm also playing dragon's dogma but I like having an amazon pawn, I wish she could carry me around
what are they?
As much as I love HOTS Sylvanas, she needed a nerf. Powerful, and boring to play. She was only used for one job.
it stopped being fun
I don't know, but you can see from that pic that they're great
>but also made me realize how shitty is to get denied content you paid for
you know hots is free right?
They are perfection user. Plain and simple.
They are also unintentional mass murderers.
I just wish I could play Abathur like he is in HotS but in anything that isn't HotS.
Ysera The Awakened, Mother of Dreams, Aspect of Dreams, Emerald Queen, She of the Dreaming, The Dreamer, Mistress of Dreams, Lady of Dreams, Queen of Dreams, Green Aspect fucking when?
>>The art style is pg-13 kiddie shit
so like every moba
at least hots shows huge asses in-game models
Because Blizzard properties that aren't Overwatch never really interested me. And MOBAs bore me to treats
must feel awful to vomit 2 liters of cum
Because I can't play 24/7 goddamn it. I was playing half an hour ago. Goddamn it I miss old Tychus.
too bad she is kinda shit
It's legit hard to know if they simply removed the people from tournaments, because that DOES consumes a lot of manpower.
I still feel sad.
Source to any of your claims?
Is Anduin cute? I mean is he good?
I still have no idea why they didn't just make an editor like they did with wc3 : players would have made a better moba than this trash
last hitting is a caner and i get closer to death every time someone defends it
>Team XP eliminates all solo carry potential
This is the biggest problem, along with the reworks, right now. In other games, when I know I can just carry the team, I play qms, but here, it's AI or bust because I don't trust the matchmaking.
best dragon
>It's funny and sad at the same time. The only thing Blizzard had to do was to copy LoL's modern game mechanics, combine it with DoTA's tactical depth and slap their own intellectual property on top of it and you would have made a moba game that would have surely dominated
Fuck no, if you try to copy other games all you will get is a dead playerbase, back in the day, when HOTS was gaining popularity, the main reason why people played was because it was more of a party game, it was to mobas what smash bros was to fighters. It's precisely due to the fact that they neutered to many good characters, instead of giving claws to the bland ones, that many people left.
>you will never spend a long hard day adding a sexy new skin to a game before hitting the gym for a session with your bros then winding down with some video games with the team (of course thundercock invited all the girls, even the one who likes you)
i want to die
The fact that this game will never get a story mode is a fuckingg travesty.
>All the heroes play pretty damn unique
Gotta disagree with you there boss. The quality of the "uniqueness" really went down as they tried to appeal to the comp crowd.
>tfw HotS dev team are basically Blizz retirement community
I'd give anything for a female inquisitor/marauder in PoE. I'm tired of playing inquisitor with Giraffe Neck.
gonna need examples
How do I get good at blender?
How do I attain a Red Dragon Flight Wife?
>In WC3, units can be assigned to give gold if they're killed by enemies
>If you kill an enemy creep/cannon fodder unit, you get gold
>If you kill your allied creep/cannon fodder unit, the enemy team can't kill it to get gold
How is this a bug you retard
Because each player in DotA were on different "teams" so only the "team" that got the last hit would get the gold. They probably would have liked either the gold to be spread to the entire 5 teams that make up one side of the battle, or spread among any of the allied teams in range.
>it was to mobas what smash bros was to fighters
Holy shit how many waifus does this game have?
Yeah? What's your point? That's how events always worked in HoTS for the last year or two.
One for all flavors
>Muscle elf
>Mommy elf
>Muscle girl
>Skinny (But still thicc) elf
>Orc woman
>Shortstack in two flavors
The list goes on and on.
All shapes and sizes, from Slimthick to thickfit
Can't stand the matchmaking. 2000 MMR team with people with 2500 MMR and 1500 MMR at the same time is agonizing.
8 pages of Captcha, fuck you.
22 standard Waifus
Brightwing, Li-Li, Orphea, Lunara, Chromie, and Zagara are more niche waifus, but still get a decent amount of smut.
Gold gain for buying new heroes is excruciatingly slow. Even with the dailies, it takes too damn long. Made worse by the fact that they refuse to give a price drop to the fuckload of 10k gold heroes.
>finally gets to see us in the nexus
>Blizzard announces that they're putting the game into maintenance mode
>he leaves hots team and blizzard all together
my heart...
We can only hope that HotSMom can fill the spot.
But it'll never be the same...
what's wrong with futanari?
Because getting MVP won't make me a mommy dragon for real
>he didn't buy a Yea Forums Pass
oy vey!!
Blizz pulling support from the game. It's a walking corpse now, I've lost all motivation to play it even with friends. Fuck Bobby Kotick, fuck Blizz, fuck Activision
>those second row skins
Like tears in the rain...
whoever did these has patrician taste
sideboob... side thigh... hips... god damn
Also Dragon's Dogma has A LOT OF porential for creating the musclewaifu of your dreams.
Any of you shits trying to play storm league?
>so like every moba
Pre Season 3 - Season 4 League was pretty nice. And they have champs with alot of sex appeal. But nowadays it is more tame though
>at least hots shows huge asses in-game models
Fair point, I agree. Hots has some nice brappers.
Lol, pleb.
Yeah. If in say League or Dota I play as a truly fed carry. I will hard carry the team, no problem. In HotS if I'm (my team) is ahead, it translates next to nothing.
It's true that it gained alot of popularity because of the casual nature of the game, but instead of that, the game could have been so much more than some casual filler. This could have been the game with everything, the game could have taken out League and Dota in terms of pretty much everything.
>This could have been the game with everything
Nigga, you don't understand how game design works, any game that tries to have "everything" will end up with nothing. Harcore players already sunk thousands of hours on Dota2, players who wanted the same thing but a bit more casual went for LoL, there's no way either group would leave either game for a new one. The only thing they could do was go in a whole different direction. The initial idea was to go for making something akin to a party game. Of course now that they "balanced" the game, that's butchered, but it's legitimately one of the few niches that hasn't been filled already.
Hell the fuck no what a cesspit of BR/RUS retards
Im only in the game for thighmain and my wife alex
Its more than likely you are just shit at an easy game
ThiccSally is extremely strong but can only heal 1-3 people at a time. Either go all in plea or all in purge and juggle stacks for infinite mana/heals, never take lash shit always take aegis.
no it's more likely that against good opponents in a lot of maps she is really underwhelming compared to other healers or else she would have high ban rate, but she doesn't
sounds like you're just a quickplay baby
>moving goal posts
then just pick ana if you are so meta my bronze friend.
I don't think you understand what a goal post it, and it would make sense since you're a quickshitter
the moment I improved my KDA matchmaking started teaming me up with total morons. I hate to sound like total snowflake who "just can't crawl out of his league because everybody else on his team is an idiot" but I legitimately feel like it was just the case. The moment somebody types is "LOL WTF GUYS FOCUS MORALES/DON'T ATTACK TANK" I wanna throw my fucking computer out the window. My teammates getting 6 deaths in 8 minutes was common, such as fighting near enemy towers (yes I know it can be legitimate strategy on some special circumstances but obviously I'm mentioning it because my allies had no clue what they were doing)
I was fucking done when once I was teamed up with a medium platinum guy on ranked who mained garrosh and had 37% w/n ratio with over 100 games with him and after 100th time with retard russian who picked spec and was constantly getting ganked in his lane despite pinging him and typing in chat to look out because every enemy is missing on the minimap.
and yes I realize I am not that good. I never dreamed to get anywhere higher than plat 1, but the shit I've just mentioned I expected to end when I was out of silver.
This is amazing game and I want to play it and enjoy it but I just can't.
>Nigga, you don't understand how game design works, any game that tries to have "everything" will end up with nothing.
This is true alot of times, especially in the case of MMO's. But not this time. Blizzard had the recipe for absolute success, they threw it away for the sake of makign a casual game.
>Harcore players already sunk thousands of hours on Dota2, players who wanted the same thing but a bit more casual went for LoL, there's no way either group would leave either game for a new one
This is not true. Alot of Dota2 and LoL players wanted and waited for HotS and tried it out, but as quick as they went in, as quick as they left because of the nature of the game being bland casual shit.
>but it's legitimately one of the few niches that hasn't been filled already.
Technically yes, but why would you settle for that when you could have had so much more. It's wasted potential and opportunity that pisses me off, not the game itself.
Because I remembered that MOBAs are just the shill lazy offspring of a dead genre (RTS)
user but HOTS runs literally on SC2 engine with some minor changes and SC2 has editor.
Because the matchmaking was bullshit.
It unironically got to casual. They've stripped every depth out of it. You might as well play a mobile game.
I'm still playing it. Pretty much the only game that still captures that old Blizzard feeling at this point
Stop playing ranked. No one cares about rank in a dead game anyway. Play unranked draft mode. Strangely enough there's less morons playing there and people are less on edge because no one is sperging out if they can't lose "rank".
Go try it and you'll see how much more enjoyable the game becomes.
i've got banned from playing the game for being rude. litteraly
>alot of times, especially in the case of MMO's
Nigga, u don't even understand that this isn't even only applicable to games, this is a MARKET thing, it works in literally every type of market.
>Blizzard had the recipe for absolute success
Nigga, how can you even say that when you're literally talking about a completely different concept than the game that exists? If a chef does a pie you don't have any basis to say that "he had the recipe for the perfect cookie". That's not how logic works.
>Alot of Dota2 and LoL players wanted and waited for HotS and tried it out
Literally not true, because they knew the game was made for a different type of player. I have been on the game since alpha, I know what I'm talking about, the people who did try HoTS were the ones not interested in LoL or Dota2 in the first place.
>but why would you settle for that when you could have had so much more
Because unchecked ambition is the road to ruin you fucking brainlet. It's precisely why every mmo failed when trying to copy wow, or why OW failed by trying to appeal to both the comp scene and the casual crowd. There's no "so much more", it's literally a fucking delusion from you.
I'll be in my bunk
honsetly unranked was very similar. I think it might even been slightly worse because all babies just wanted to play assassins. I main supports and play tanks often too but sometimes I would like to play assassin as well, perhaps as often as supports (like every second game) but for me it was either letting it go and filling in or playing without tank or support because it wasn't uncommon for the shitter babies to blackmail the rest with picking their gazlowe or some mage despite them picking last. No fucking shit. I also main(ed) Jaina but she's so glass just forget about it. I mean, don't get me wrong, playing whith her was very enjoyable anytime I had a team of 4 who had at least basics figured out. In other cases I would have to switch talents because nobody would root/stuck for my blizzard nor nobody would ever cover me because they would be too occupied chasing morales instead of just holding ground, not to mention shooing off zeratul which I can't do anything about on my own.
I could be giving out examples for hours. No, just no. No unless I have a team of other 4 people which is impossible.
>a thread posted with an image of a woman's bare ass has been active for 11 hours
>mods haven't removed it
Tyrande and Alexstrazsa fat asses were covered by clothes per Blizzard design.
reminder to not answer these questions as you have already answered them ages ago. you do not need to associate yourself with blizzard products any longer
made for sleep sex.
I wouldn't have known that without you telling me whereas before they would have put out at least one video advertising the additional hero, now they don't even bother with that. It is a skeleton crew, not a real team
I still play it and enjoy it. I stopped playing ranked though.