If Valve commits to a permanent 88% revenue share, we’ll stop making new exclusive deals

It's your move Valve. Respond quickly until your store has to shut it's doors.

Attached: 1556168480940.png (670x763, 340K)

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/Epic Already Rejecting/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/epic store/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/game store battle/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/annual survey/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/unironically based/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/earn their 30/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/world war z pricing/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/steam dying platform/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Epic Store strikes again /type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Why Ubisoft moved The Division 2 /type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/For the low price of $160/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/survey Valve/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/ Steam And Epic Are In A Game Store Battle/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/What do you think the smart move is from Valve/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Steam so far has only countered with/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Has Valve made something/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Is 'Metro Exodus' Bailing On/type/op/

please fuck off spamming this shit

but Epic is several times more richer than Valve, GoG he could just moneyhat them out of existance, and then demand this.

Ubisoft, Activision and Microsoft lets this happen because they don't care


Attached: 2.png (1116x221, 24K)

You're all laughing now but just wait til E3 and you see all those EPIC EXCLUSIVES in big bold letters and we'll see who has the last laugh steam cucks.

>we will stop being total shit after everybody else becomes shit!
How am I supposed to take Swiney's statement as anything more than a butthurt 'no u!' at this point?

The chinese backstabber never rests I see. Fuck off chicoms. Stop trying to kill valve.

Holy shit he got btfo'd so hard I can see pieces of his ass all the way on Jupiter!

Fuck off you spamming cuck.


Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-25 r pcgaming - Tim Sweeney says that if Valve matched the EGS revenue split, Epi (1176x611, 95K)

>we'll stop making exlusive deals
I don't know, I'm kinda liking the return of piracy.

Why has tim fallen so low that now he's just desperately calling out a silent valve and posting on reddit?

As if the Ebin store wouldn't be a 70/30 split the exact second Steam went under....

EGS should try to match all the services steam provide with that revenue share, sweeny will be on the streets in the following months

It almost seems like he lost support from his Tencent overlords since they are launching their own store internationally.
He's all alone now and he's desperate for attention. Hence why all this garbage is happening.

Honestly Valve doesn't need to do anything. Epic is gonna cannibalize itself at this rate.

Epic already said 88% was unsustainable and now they want to force it on Valve?

Steam already has an 80% split

Sweeny likes to pretend he never said that.

I've asked for proof of that quote and Steam drones can't provide it

Not negotiating with rice-munching terrorists.

He most likely knows steam can't compete with 88% so this is a gambit to turn the public on Steam. The whole strategy is straight out of the Amazon playbook, trying to price out your competitors out of the market, even if it means basically running at cost.

Honestly, Steam drones, has Valve made anything successful in the past few years?

>Steam machines? Flop
>Steam controllers? Flop
>SteamOS? Flop
>Steam Link? Flop
>Shartifact? You better believe that was a flop
>Source 2? Not even made to even be a flop
>Steam Videos? Flop
>Steam VR? Fired devs

Literally the only money they have is from rent controlling other peoples games like a corrupt landlord, and that's gonna end soon.

(Reminder Steam drones have never proven me wrong about this list and instead just say things like "NOBODY CARES ABOUT ARTIFACT!!!1")

I wish this were true.
Is it?

I have no issue with skipping literally every exclusive this data-thieving Chinese-worshipping cunt wants to buy up the rights to. Maybe I'll pick them up on Steam eventually, maybe I won't, but we live in a time where there are so many good games coming out regularly that I could literally just work on my backlog for the next five years and be happy, so this means nothing to me. I'm not interested in their fucking botnet, no matter how much they beg for attention.

Attached: 1554727819016.jpg (894x894, 368K)


Wow, I didn't know that Tim Sweeney was such a Nazi far-right bigot. Disgusting. #canceltimsweeney

why do you want someone to try and prove you something?

if you like epic more than steam, then use it

He was trying to justify charging the user all sorts of fees outside of the US, in doing so he admitted 12% isn't enough for even his barebones piece of shit system.

You mean 70/30 and charge customers with transaction fees.

you know when you eat corn and some time later you have to shit and then you look at the shit and the corn is in the shit now

>Epic paid more than the development cost for Phoenix Point

And what would Steam offer these devs?

Attached: pp.jpg (990x638, 103K)

>this copypasta again
>next are going to be a bunch of pics he spammed all over the board without changing filenames/sums
Oh so you're back? I sure hope jannies will block some more vpns you got today.

Attached: 44.png (1179x691, 113K)

Meanwhile gabe the megajew just rakes in the cash

u mad?

It's ok to be mad Sweetie.

Valve being shit doesn't mean Epic isn't shit. Stop using this terrible argument.

And despite that...


>Epic boss Tim Sweeney is worth nearly $3 billion more than Gabe Newell, according to Bloomberg

>but Epic is several times more richer than Valve

See: Also reminder that every time you bought a game made in UE4, you were giving money to Epic

Attached: epic revenue steam 2.png (714x1017, 58K)

Could he actually move the assets that make up most of his net worth? Genuine question, not rhetorical.

Valve wins with silent treatment. Nice
Also this is pretty much ransom of some sort, I wouldnt make this my headline cause its show they wont stop

Attached: 1495326376516.png (399x382, 89K)

Does anyone here actually have the epic store downloaded? I assume since a ton of you are kids you probably have it for fortnite or something, but I instantly forget it exists unless it's being pushed into a thread. It's almost like the sole reason for these threads, the reddit backlash, the kotaku support, is simply because people would forget it even fucking exists without the controversy.

Attached: disgusting.gif (275x154, 1.83M)


I like epic store just because i get to pirate games and not feel sorry for the devs now. Papa tim will go out of his way to make sure they make a profit for the games i didn't buy.
win win for everybody

yeah, they are riding the negative wave for being relevant. They got nothing, and they know it, thats why they are trying so hard. They are talking like they matter and they are the big fish here, but its just smoke and mirrors

Yes and I still play my free Subnautica from time to time, though I don't expect a Steam drone to understand wanting to play a game that doesn't have meta shit surrounding it like trading cards

I had it some 2 years ago for UT4. Shit kept on crashing but the game for what it was worth was fine until they pushed the gun update and killed the playerbase. But since then I've been recevieing emails that someone is trying to access my account and I should verify it or something. Thankfully I used a burner mail on it so I don't really give a shit about it anymore.

Hey jannies you've got some work to do since this autismo got himself some new vpns and is posting the very same copypasta shit yet again.

free subnautica?


Attached: 1540623662861.png (668x736, 149K)

I think Tibet should be free.

This is the exact reason I like it. I can pirate stuff like the Outer Worlds, beat it this year, buy it in a Steam Sale in the future, then transfer the pirated install data to Steam - hit patch. Boom, I get all the steam achievements, and don't feel bad for the initial pirating since I purchased it in the long run.

They gave out Subnautica for free for two weeks

He's not being an angel of any sort. Valve isn't going to bend to the will of a competitor and it's putting his name in the light. Even in the case that they did, it makes them look weak to Epic

>hating shills means you're a shill
What in the world?

dumb wojack fag

you make no effort into it man, using caps lock is lvl1 "troll" weapon

Attached: 1490088861324.jpg (640x640, 33K)

i mean i bought the subnautica steamkey for 3 dollars off of g2a about 3 years ago but ok

>Even in the case that they did, it makes them look weak to Epic

If/when it happens, I'll be the first one to make threads saying how Gaben was cucked by Sweeney

You want to talk shit - you talk shit.
But spamming copypasta text/copypasta images is a no no. Including the very post I'm replying to.
You can now go and suck my cock, you have my permission to do so.

Got a taste of Randy's cock and looking for his next dose.

>could you match steam's feature set
why the fuck would you ever want that?
are steamcucks actually so devoted to worshipping every runny piece of shit dropping out of Gaben's ass? steam is a bloated piece of shit that would unironically improve by dropping half its features




Some choice quotes
>Being on Steam means nothing now
>You can't rely on just Steam to sell your game
>There are games on Steam that have sold 0 copies

How will Steam drones live in denial about this?

Attached: steam game sales 2.jpg (1266x1104, 121K)

>try to make gabe commit legally to a permanent 88% share
>when he himself has said their 88% share isn't sustainable and once they strongarm a market position they will raise their cut
is he a fucking idiot? does he think gaben will just ignore that he said that and the internet won't remember he said it or something?
your competition isn't going to commit to something you yourself have said you won't and can't commit to, jesus christ almighty

Does Tibet even exist anymore? Last i heard China was sending thousands of people there to displace the local populations and had criminalised religious practice in order to destroy their culture and that was like 10 years ago.

yeah, valve pays its employees a hell of a lot more money than epic that forces shitty working conditions on theirs.
real achievement for sweeny to be richer than someone who does not exploit.
none of this pertains to valve and epic though.

Also as proof of that guys claim in his video, this game sold between 50-500 copies

Attached: tayel.png (835x856, 118K)

So steam provided it a platform where it can sell those copies.

But will Epic ever accept a literal who dev like that?

>Score hidden

tibet is just a meme at this point. It was systematically murdered and nothing left of it now.

If anything, they fucked up the possibility of Valve changing their share because public opinion will assume that the decision was influenced over this.

No you wont. You are making your own money printer after Fortnite dies. Cheap bastard. At least make your own store usable if you are keeping this up...

Attached: 1552784519804.gif (236x161, 1.33M)

>push literal unity asset flips
>be suprised they don't sell
>"this must be valve's fault!

and thanks to that game he's working for Capcom now.
Funny huh?

I don't think working at a soulless corporation is anyone's dream jo-

*gets zapped*

Oh yes, I sent my application to Capcom and I'll be working for them right away!

*thumbs up*
*winks at the camera*

Being another cog in the machine is what I've always wanted to do! Forget having my own successful game!


“Just suck Publisher dick”
This is what he meant to say correct?

They KNOW that their store sucks and that nobody wants to use it, that's why the only way to promote it is to convince the consumers that the actually good store is somehow "evil".

Attached: giggle.gif (540x540, 1.1M)

Yeah like that EVIL publisher behind Shakedown Hawaii, the same guy who developed the game... meaning he'll get the maximum return from sales thanks to the Epic Store deal...

Attached: shakedown steam 2.jpg (1469x878, 124K)

please don't post my wife Sento

Thee controller is amazing fuck off

Nothing. If their game doesn't sell they should have made a better game.

>Meanwhile Valve is doing nothing and still succeeding
How can you fuck up this hard? Just shut the fuck up and sell games. Origin and Battle.net didn't start REEE'ing at Valve, and they also had games that people like. The math is too hard.

More like
"I'm gonna keep throwing childish tantrums until other company will work on my conditions"

Reminder that the dev of that game literally got a job at capcom.

yes to get a new free game every two weeks

>meanhwile epics barebones store still needs more resources then steam

Attached: 62QFG89.png (1127x955, 149K)

>$18000 mean revenue 2017
>$25740 mean revenue 2018


It looks to me like the system is working. As time goes on, there are more and more games on Steam, but the minority which are worthwhile are earning more money, whilst the lazy, cheap or bad games are forced to sell for less. Capitalism at work, baby.


>Nothing. If their game doesn't sell they should have made a better game.

What a cringe comment, though I shouldn't expect better than Randian logic from a fanbase of people who worship a platform with libertarian ideals

>You can't rely on just Steam to sell your game
>There are games on Steam that have sold 0 copies
Steam is a store. They only are interested in promoting your game if it benefits THEM financially. If they get more money by promoting other games instead, they will not touch yours. Valve is not responsible to do advertisement for your product. They just sell it.
It's like these people think all you have to do is release something and everyone will throw money at you.

>And what would Steam offer these devs?
A consumer base that doesn't hate them and will buy their next product. Y'know, loyalty and goodwill from fans matters.
Or do you think tenecent is gonna pay them another 3 mil to make another game that nobody will buy because they're disgusted by the anti consumer practices and jewery?

Valve us actually doing the right thing here, saying nothing and giving EGS just enough rope to hang themselves.

I just looked and the guy is arguing with random people on Reddit at like 3-4am local time. I guess even CEOs stay up late to shitpost sometimes.

Maybe make a game that isn't garbage?
Show me which games haven't sold a single copy, lets see what exactly he's talking about.

only 2 mil? seriously? I don't believe this. I'm sure they would make up that amount easily on Steam, unless they are so unsure of their game succeeding.

>used to post 3 positive EGS stories a day followed by multiple VALVE BAD articles
>people called him out on it so he had to stop

Since we recently found out Epic pays up to 3 million for exclusivity, I wonder how much they pay writers to shill? Or do they do it... for free?

Attached: nathan grayson.png (336x336, 153K)

Why should anyone believe him?

>*gets zapped*
You're literally objectifying the developer here. You're acting like he had no agency in the decision, as if he was brainwashed and forced to work for Capcom. Because pretending that it's some tragedy, that he's been forced against his will to work for le evil big corporation, fits your narrative.
You are scum.

So what position does Dalai Lama have?

I hope he spend that 15 dollar wisely, investing to future projects.
Now seriously, you are posting exception, not the norm. We can cherry pick all day shitty steam games not selling and one or two game that can be considered positive in epic store, but we both know we are bullshitting for fun. Steam store right now is superior in every way, no matter what the "shills" say.

Attached: 1536607187316.gif (116x88, 93K)

What, you think you are entitled to success?
Success is earned, just because you made a game doesn't mean you deserve money.

The guy wanted to work on megaman games.
He is now helping to work on megaman games, probably on a higher earning than what he'd get selling his own game.

they do it because they're puritan liberals that dislike steams pro free speech stance

Actual customers.
Customers that might become fans of your games and purchase your future products as well.

what the fuck, bethesda can't even make a proper non-garbage launcher?

>Randian logic
What the fuck are you even on about? Games are commercial products.
Make a better product that people want to buy and it will sell.

No one gives a fuck about how much time you spent crunching or living off of cup noodles.

Bethesda can't code their way out of a wet paper bag.

puppet for keeping the status quo. He is there so the chinese can say they didnt annihilated the whole region.

>A consumer base that doesn't hate them and will buy their next product. Y'know, loyalty and goodwill from fans matters.

Literally only know about it thanks to the Epic Store controversy and will buy it if the reviews are good.

He claims the company was doing fine before the deal, but I'll bet any money that's a lie. They were way over budget and we're desperate for some cash, but didn't want to admit that to the backers, especially since some were literal investors instead of Kickstarter meme investors. Then Metro got their deal and he saw an out.
That's my guess anyway.

Remember when Microsoft gave Polygon 750,000 to film a self promotional documentary, that was weird haha

That may be true but their coding would cause them to clip through the bag while calling it a feature.

>I'm sure they would make up that amount easily on Steam,

They wouldn't

>unless they are so unsure of their game succeeding.


>* PD sold well, but not as well as some expected

A strategy game like Pheonix Point that was exclusive to Steam recently had to close the company. Wonder why the PP devs would accept the money from Epic... I wonder...

>indies are boycotting steam
>AAA devs are moving to EGS
loving every laugh

Unfortunately they don't know how statistics work, but that's not a surprise given how they also don't know how to make good games.

It was something like 2.3 mil irrc.
Epic essentially paid them for X amount of copies upfront, so you could probably figure out what they planned to sell the game at if we got the actual figure they were paid.

PP approached epic, so it was likely confidence issues regarding the game or just straight up greed.
I was only loosely following it so i cant be sure about the budget issues, but it makes sense.

Makes sense, Phoenix Point never looked like a game that can be developed with just 2mil$ (or whatever they raised). I guess they hoped to attract investors by showing that there is interest in the game, but when they failed to do so they just turned to Epic. At this point I can't even blame them, it was probably the only to save the game and not release it half-baked.

So how long until the Ebin store goes under?

What happened?
Galenkin treacherously stole many games from Steam
What do the usual anonymous?


There is an opinion that thought is material. To arrange srach about this, I'm not going to. Believe it or not. In this thread we will conduct a decisive astral attack on the Epic Gays Store.
The goal: the death of the patient. The alleged result of the attack is to turn off the store tonight. Obviously, such a result can be achieved only by our common mental efforts and the great desire of many anons.

So what do we do?

Tomorrow, exactly at 12:00 AM, we focus our eyes on Pikreleited’s forehead just above the bridge of the nose and begin to wish the store to fail, imagining how the servers are turned off and the game developers go to competitors.
If you are a believer, you can at the same time pray to your god for the killing of the villain Galenkin and Sweeney
If you are an atheist, then just be sincere in your desires, let the shutdown of the Epic Gays Store for 5 minutes be the meaning of your whole being.

I repeat, we start tomorrow exactly at 12:00 AM
In the meantime, prepare for an attack, ask for answers, tune in to the desired wave and recalculate.
And remember, everything is in our hands. But there must be a lot of anons!

Attached: IMG_20190425_161244_657.jpg (298x297, 23K)

When the two biggest faces defending your launcher is your own hypocritical CEO and Randy fucking Pitchford of all people you know it's fucked.

That game was mediocre though. And so was Hard West. It's almost as if people didn't buy bad games from devs with a bad record.

Epic store will be dead once Fortnite dies in 3-5 years anyway, you can't fight inevitability.

Why is the Epic store PR so obsessed with comparing itself to Steam?
I know the comparison is inevitable, but it should be done from the outside. Having people involved with Epic obsessing over Steam while Valve doesn't even respond makes Epic look very nervous and insecure.
Even Origin did a better job establishing it's presence separately from it's competition than this.

A crossborder from /x/ is the last thing I'd expect in a thread like this.

How about you take this bullshit back to russian Yea Forums?

But the chink gubmint has their own puppet Panchen Lama. He is presented as the true spiritual leader of Buddhism while they are suppressing Dalai Lama leadership where they can so the reality doesn't fit into your narrative here.

Attached: panchen lama.jpg (1600x899, 140K)

>allow garbage products on to your store due to complete lack of curation
>somehow this is not Valve's fault
Holy shit it's a wonder your skull is still in tact after all those mental gymnastics.

>What the fuck are you even on about? Games are commercial products.
>Make a better product that people want to buy and it will sell.

Because we all know great products never flop, right?

This kind of logic stems from boomer cucks who still think hard work pays off and you'll be the manager one day!!!1

Attached: blade runner.jpg (1482x1056, 527K)

>Wonder why the PP devs would accept the money from Epic... I wonder...
Because they realized nobody was gonna buy their game regardless of steam or Epic and took the chance ot leser or completly overcome that blow.

And you weren't a customer that mattered then.
Know who were? The ones that literally funded their fucking kickstarter to make the game. The people who followed gollops work for decades cause he's done good shit. All their years of loyalty and goodwill, gone in an instant. Your sale isn't worth that, nor is 3 mil from chinks unless he planned to immediately retire, which he had more than enough money to already do if he wanted to.

Because they're trying to make a statement.

They're fighting for the gamers and the developers by challenging the treacherous monopoly of steam.
They're the underdog and Tim is making it known to all.

>tfw get vac banned from steam for using aimbot and lost all of my tf2 shit I paid for
>go on a crusade against steam and side with epic store while defending the new superior store restlessly
Fuck steam and fuck gabe the fat fuck
I want to watch valve burn to ground

My guess is 1-2 years.

>This kind of logic stems from boomer cucks who still think hard work pays off and you'll be the manager one day!!!1
What you mean like indie devs spending hours upon hours every day making a shit game and whining that it doesn't sell?

Hello again based retard. Enjoying your aid leg you shot yourself?

The guy is such a snake.
Just look at this shit.
Casually making up words like co-exclusives as well.

Attached: epic.jpg (1366x4789, 1.23M)

Joker is definitely Steam

>We live in a SOCIETY where I have to actually curate my store? (Rape Day)

Epic needs to use more processing power to send your info to China

What Gabe did to Tim so he is so salty now?

Burned his village, killed his family in front of him and pissed on his dog and left him among burning corpses and bathed in blood to make him scream to the sky and swearing revenge until the end of time?

That would be epic

>They're fighting for the gamers

Attached: 1538402024788.gif (360x270, 1.63M)

The only cringe here is coming from the travesty that is your comment.
>submit university paper
>it's really bad and is graded appropriately
>"plz give better mark I worked really hard"
I could find more brains on Kurt Cobain's hotel room ceiling than in your head.

Someone out there actually unironcially believes this.

Imagine siding with this faggot's purposely contrarian opinion on anything.

>>* PD sold well, but not as well as some expected
That's because it wasn't a good game, it was very obviously unfinished, otherwise the devs are just unable to complete a game properly.

>hurr durr wonder how well an xcom game will sell, better not compare it to the latest xcom games sales, better not factor in that the original creator of xcom is the creator, better not factor in that people want a more true old xcom experience

It would have undoubtedly sold better than xcom 2 with ease, let alone some much smaller scale game with nowhere near the longevity put into it

Ya'll don't understand that EPIC showed their hand too early, Dropping 1-2 million per popular exclusive. Steam isn't gonna compete with a company like that because it doesn't make any sense. If epic reaches 50 'exclusive' titles (they don't even have to be triple A) then that's 50-100million dollars of possible profit thrown away to greedy game CEOs.

At first everybody was happy about the split because it could of resulted in 10% more profit for the devs and 10% cheaper games for the consumer, Then they changed their tune and said that 20% was going straight to the devs to help them survive and now we see these CEOs simply pocketing that cash (ala randy bitchford) and the dev teams still suffering. All that has been done is the shifting of money from one greedy fuck to a different greedy fuck in an act of power plays.

We don't need a new gabe because gabe is already a meme, Tim just wants to be the 'new' face of western PC gaming so he can flex on us and help china continue to dominate over gaming.

>allow garbage products on to your store
>yeah uhhh, it's valve's fault i made a shit product, if they wouldn't allow shit products my game would sell better
>but your game is shit so it wouldn't be allowed anyway
>uhhh.... valve's fault!


Those games have no selling point outside of their setting, what they should be comparing themselves to is Xenonauts, which still appears to not be in a good place right now but not dead

He won't, he is just trying to shift the blame.

>I share a board with retards like this
Bruh moment

How is Steam a monopoly when there are other stores on market?

>Agreeing with yourself


God dammit Bethesda. Why are these people so incompetent?

>You can't rely on just Steam to sell your game
If you think your game is gonna sell jsut because it's on steam, think again. Your job to make an itneresting game that gets word of mouth or pull some kind of marketting for it.

you really think the chinese wouldnt take down the lama in an instant? The whole thing in tibet is just a little theatre act. That fake lama is only there for another character in the play

Why would Steam want to stop Epic spending hundreds of millions of dollars on exclusives?

>we'll see who has the last laugh

That's the point - being on Steam originally used to BE the marketing strategy, but most Steam drones that don't remember how quality Steam was in 2009-2010 don't remember this

Attached: old steam.jpg (1568x932, 337K)

Quintessential cope post

>Spend millions making games
>"Hey we‘ll give you your development money back if you make it epic exclusive"
>Game only sold 9 copies

None of them actively try to compete with Steam. Pic related, it's GOG in the dog suit to Steam's old business man

They either don't have any interaction with Valve/Steam or are Steam's bitch

Attached: dog mask.jpg (612x456, 47K)

I doubt it's only 1-2mil$ per popular exclusive, it should be much more for games like Metro, Borderlands and Division 2, I bet they spent >100mil$ on all of them. While games like Outer Worlds or Ashen probably got like 2-3mil$ each.

Are you literally retarded? What point exactly were you trying to make with this nonsensical bullshit?
If Valve actually curated their shitty store then there would be no Unity asset flips on it. Allowing trash on your platform degrades it's public image, and I really hope I don't have to explain why that is the case to your retarded brainlet ass.


Attached: 1553512635923.jpg (1941x1638, 1.92M)

Steam being a marketign strategy was an exception, not a norm. In any other market you'll eat shit.
Your game won't sell just because it's on a nintendo console, your movie won't sell if it's sold in a blockbuster, your cookies won't sell just because they are on Walmart or whatever.

Devs grew lazy and though releasing on steam was all they needed, till the market got saturated and now it's back to properly marketing and shilling your game, and turns out a lot of these devs don't want or know how to do that.

its hilarious how indie devs are still demanding steam to """""curate"""" and lower its cut despite singing praises to epic a couple of months back
what happened? why didn't you move to epic already? they didn't accept your shitty game?

>>Game only sold 9 copies

*Shatters your steam drone narrative*

Attached: wwz world war z.jpg (957x990, 229K)

How is this Steam's problem?

>have fun in a game
I'll be the one laughing and calling you retards once steam shuts down and you lose all of your games too

>>Your game won't sell just because it's on a nintendo console

Au contraire, Steamame


>#NintendoSwitch community is a blessing! #BlossomTales is now a turnaround story: Humble indie dev @castlepixel can stay in business and continue making games. Love y’all! 3 months #Switch revenues surpass #Steam lifetime revenues 20 times!

The Switch port saved them while the Steam version nearly killed them

Steamfags are getting a bit annoying tbqh. Maybe I'll get Epic after all just to spite them. Its like when I voted for Trump because SJWs annoyed me.


Attached: 1547217165527.jpg (202x360, 14K)

It's plus one more sale now thanks to you.

>release numbers on a l4d clone
>still haven't release solid numbers on Metro Exodus their first high profile exclusive


He's not wrong. Official forums are a cesspool of retards and useless for anything constructive.
He got BTFO though.



Attached: metro epic store.jpg (1035x596, 166K)

>can only have fun if you are winning, not by your own skill even
>can only have fun at the expense of others
Is this autism?

>violates EULA
>gets punished for it
Keep going based retard.

Different user but no user, you're retarded. The best course of action for a digital store with zero space constraints is to offer as many products as possible so that any and all consumers no matter what they may enjoy have the things they want to buy in your store.
You can cry about public image and dumb shit all you want, it doesn't mean jack shit to the consumers, ultimately it's just whining that instead of you getting free marketing because there's less competition so every game eventually gets front page free advertisement, you have to do your own fucking marketing like you should always have been doing anyway.
Consumers with brains don't give two fucks that valve sells rpgmaker games or asset flips or anything else, they only care that valve will sell them the kinds of things they like and want to buy. And for some people, quite clearly as sales numbers will show, that includes rpgmaker games and asset flips and anything else that happens to be enjoyable for them.

>It's natural for a store launching 15 years later will have
This nigger can't even speak proper England.

Liberals love free speech. Don't confuse the totalitarian SJW with a liberal. It can save your life.

>sold better than the flop that was last light


This. I'm in no hurry to play the latest shit, they can suck my cock. And if I really want to play something I can always just pirate it.

wait what, are you telling me that epic shills don't even use the store they're relentlessly shilling for?

Attached: 1478104445387.png (500x387, 114K)

2.5x last light. Very curious that last light sold almost nothing isn't it, and that it was redux that sold big :^)
But we'll just pretend everyone on the internet is as dumb as you and won't question your very obvious bullshit and fall for retard tier marketing tricks lul

So realistically, how long can Epic keep bribing devs?

I mean if Epic is throwing away millions per exclusive how the hell are they gonna make a profit?

>now here is something really interesting
No it isn’t. If valve lowers its prices for developers, epic would have to pay substatialy more for exclusivity deals. That being an end to their current strategy has been obvious since day 1 to the 8 sentient humans paying attention to this bullshit.

Ignore him. Steam doesn't give a shit because they don't need to, and Tim knows it and it pisses him off. He wants to force steam to play in the mud with him rather than relax and wait for Tim to pack up and go home.

But signing up for a Youtube channel, a twitch account, a twitter account and facebook all for free to put my game out there is work! Valve should do that for me at no cost!

>while mk11 sold 3 times as less
lmao NRS needs to get their shit together and be an Epicchad

like 1488?

Didn't someone do the numbers and figure out this was because their last game sold like shit.

I use Steam but this relentless defense of it is cringeworthy

I'm happy for them, I also hope the bubble will not burst and the truth revealed that they are counting the money they gave to them into it

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>Jannies still haven't btfo'd vpn autismo lord spamming the same shit for months
Oi jannies you fucking wankers how 'bout doing yer job?

I hope you chinks realise your economy is based on the mother of all bubbles and when state capitalism and protectionism inevitably return to the west it will make the great depression look like a small bother.

>Pretending to be the good guys

If Epic is doing so well why are its defenders and Tim Sweeney himself constantly screeching autistically about Steam while Valve hasn't said a word? Really activates the almonds.

>your economy is based on the mother of all bubbles
China rely on bitcoins?

Their dumb shareholders and board members are currently willing to forgo fat profits in their pockets in the hopes that they can usurp the market and then get much fatter profits in the future.
It's not gonna happen though. Realistically, I say 1-2 years of current shit before they throw in the towel. 3 at absolute stretch central to the max. No chance they keep operating at a loss or at cost after that, and no way chang keeps paying them when they can't show results for the investment

>hehehe tim sweeney is the actual loser despite making money off of UE4 and Fortnite

I love the increasingly nervous Valve fanboys

Attached: cringe valve fans.png (1608x1029, 148K)

Imagine sucking valves cock this hard
Tick tock steam niggers your precious store is going to die soon by literally our /guy/ tim

No retard, it is common knowledge that asset flips are primarily sold to dumb normies who don't know what they're buying, and yes it does mean shit to the consumers when anime shovelware starts showing up on the front page.
I used to browse the Steam store regularly, because it used to consistently feature quality games, now I avoid it and immediately click over to my library on start up, because it is a clusterfuck of absolute garbage.
Actively wasting marketing space on shovel ware and asset flips actively reduces consumer confidence and trust in your platform. It's actually quite the opposite of what you said, the only consumers who don't give two fucks are the absolute brainlets that buy them, like yourself.

2,5x of what? 10 copies? 10k? 100k? 10 billions of copies?


I am not saying it is not an act of "let him be he is powerless anyway", just that your explanation of the situation is lacking.

>>while Valve hasn't said a word


>Valve Says It's 'Unfair' That Metro Exodus Is Exclusive To Epic Store


Attached: heston laughing.jpg (251x240, 5K)

Switch is the current exception, tho, it's Modern Valve. Don't pretend DS, 3DS or Wii didn't have a flood of shovelware that sold like shit.
Switch works thanks to the portable gimmick, specially in those games where graphic quality isn't the main appeal.

imagine being this much of a fucking retard

Well it almost sold as well as a Neptunia game.


If you're an unbiased independent agent in this free market, you'd welcome stuff like this with open hands, but if you're a corporate loyalist drone you'd desperately try to argue against it even if this goes against your personal interest

So keep up the seething mental gymnastics, steamdrones, you're only forcing the neutral rest of us to jump on Epic's side thanks to your deluded corporatist dicksucking that's trying to damage the free market and upkeep monopolies

>the average game
The average game on steam is shit, they're lucky they even get a platform to sell their garbage. A platform that based Gabe provides because he isn't a fucking elitist muh exclusive piece of shit.

Yeah, valve being near-absent is cool now!

>and yes it does mean shit to the consumers when anime shovelware starts showing up on the front page.
I've had this exact argument with you before. You gave up, because you're a dumb faggot and wrong. I like anime shovelware, I buy it, I play it, I enjoy it. Devs make money from me, steam makes money from me. There is approximately zero chance they will listen to your dumb nigger whining that people are able to purchase and play things you aren't interested in. They gave you filters, they gave you options, they gave you an algorithm that learns what you like and dislike if you bother to use it. They will not give you anymore. Accept your fucking fate and suck a dick you dense cunt, your whining is tiresome and stale

>>Don't pretend DS, 3DS or Wii didn't have a flood of shovelware that sold like shit.
Switch works thanks to the portable gimmick,
>Not portable

Valve drones love shitting the bed in arguments, and here's another convincing reason to skip the Steam store and be Epic Store/Switch exclusive


>The Switch though has seen a number of ports sell better than anticipated. Despite already being out for over three years, the Switch version of Shovel Knight sold better than any of the other versions at launch according to its developer, Yacht Club Games. Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap, Forma.8, and other games have seen similar success. SMG Studios noted in September that Death Squared sold more on the Switch in the first three days than all other platforms it released on combined, while the same thing happened to the Zelda-like exploration game Oceanhorn. And then there was SteamWorld Dig 2, Immage & Form’s action platformer that sold 10 times more on Switch than on Steam.

>he's still going

Attached: 1555674314507.jpg (300x300, 19K)

That was a special case where they apologized to the customers because they used Steam as free advertising for a long time then pulled out. That is literally all you have?

How is bribing devs free market again?

>*proves you wrong*

Those liberals died 200 years ago. The only liberty a modern liberal cares for is that of a 7 year old being force fed hormones to grow tits and non-whites migrating to white countries.

Hello Brainlet, it means Epic isn't even a pimple on Steam's ass no matter how much noise they make and press they get.

>it is common knowledge that asset flips are primarily sold to dumb normies who don't know what they're buying
so why don't they earn any money if they can be sold easily? or are you just retarded?
> anime shovelware starts showing up on the front page.
where is it?

can't be bothered to answer rest of your arguments because i'm at work and quite frankly, they're just uneducated, mindless drivel.
>waaah i know better how to do online marketing than valve itself!
this is how retarded you sound. apply yourself.

oh great, the mouthbreathers arrived, bashing everyone with autistic force. Advice actual people to leave this place and let them do their thing, its a lost cause by now

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See: Though I'm sure you'll ignore it, Steam drones tend to ignore evidence if it goes against their based lord and savior Gaben

Oh so you're just a retard. Thanks for letting me know.

whatever 120k/2.5 is
Metro exodus sold 120k copies on its first week on EGS raking in 7.2 million dollars in profits

>If you're an unbiased independent agent in this free market, you'd welcome stuff like this with open hands
>price is the same
>abslutely doesn't benefit me in any way
>store has practically no features
how is this any better for me?


Loving every laugh, Steam drone

Literally who

>he posted his twitter again

What I don't get is why people shill EGS when it has no community platform like Steam? You're in Discord or something coordinating (or being an autist and doing it yourself) and not doing anything on the EGS in terms of community. Why in all logical consensus would you shill something that has no actual community contained in itself, unless you play Fortnite or whatever? Honestly I don't even play video games anymore, but I'm curious to know why someone would shill EGS when it can't even be considered community oriented to begin with. Does your fanboyism come from developers getting 88%? Or does it appear because you have a hard on for Fortnite? What is this 95iq brainlet logic that I am not understanding here? I also have EGS downloaded and have been downloading a free game every two weeks even though I don't play them because it's a free game. I just thought I'd ask why you're so pathetic.

I love how people throw around "Steam exclusive" like it's something that matters
Only reason it was a "Steam exclusive" was because the devs didn't give enough of a shit to put it out on another platform

>"Man, that sucks that Epic did that 2 weeks before release."
Meanwhile Timmy Tencent has been screeching about how much he's been in charge since the store's launch.

Attached: 1525746464127.png (396x646, 261K)

>>store has practically no features

That's literally what Steam was in 2004

They didn't add achievements until 2007

They didn't add user reviews until 2010, and then it was a poor implementation until they added negative user reviews a year later

Attached: Half-Life_2_cover.jpg (264x376, 18K)

This chinese-dick suckin cuck has the nerve to blackmail Lord Gaben.

Okay it seems I was wrong, its just one person who have some crayon jammed into its forehead

That's quite literally what free market is - offering them more value than your competition that has locked them down in a stagnant and disadvantageous system that extensively benefits the top of the pyramid. Because how else are you supposed to offer more value than Steam then, who has the advantage of being the established monopoly?

But that's not even what the thread is about, we're talking about the absolutely harmless statement that if Steam reduces their rates then Epic will stop "bribing" devs, resulting in net benefit for BOTH stores, yet the corporatists ITT oppose this because they're far too invested into Steam with their massive libraries so their only choice is to shill for it

>relentless defense
i don't think it is, defending a store against bullshit claims
"dude 30% holy shit they LITERALLY ripping off devs" etc..
its just hilarious seeing epic bros making the same exact pastas and arguments for 4 months and when they get btfo, as usual, ad hominem kicks in
just sit back and enjoy

>still posting the same tweet you made several threads ago around the same time the thread was up

Attached: 1451955865176.jpg (640x480, 71K)

Which wouldn't happen if we didn't have a useless chink trying to force his way into this industry.

Fuck off sony scum.

>yeah but 15 years ago...
is that really your argument right now?

>was because the devs didn't give enough of a shit to put it out on another platform

There are no other platforms to put a game like Dark Souls on it

>I've had this exact argument with you before. You gave up
>Yea Forums is one person
Oh you poor, dumb, wrong faggot.
>I like anime shovelware, I buy it, I play it, I enjoy it.
Good to know that I was correct in assuming you are a shit eating retard, but go on.
>There is approximately zero chance they will listen to your dumb nigger whining that people are able to purchase and play things you aren't interested in.
Nigger what are you even talking about, if Steam wants to pander to faggot that's fine, people will always do what sells. Doesn't mean it's a good thing or healthy for the platform, case in point, Valve becoming complacent with their monopoly and allowed quality to slip and now Epic has come to eat their lunch.
>They gave you filters, they gave you options, they gave you an algorithm that learns what you like and dislike if you bother to use it. They will not give you anymore.
I never asked for any? I asked for quality control, which is a good idea in general.
>Accept your fucking fate and suck a dick you dense cunt, your whining is tiresome and stale
Look at the big boy trying to grand-stand as he splashes around in his paddling pool full of shit. What a big boy!

Attached: 1547741759948.gif (320x344, 3.05M)

>Steam didn't have these features in ancient times that means it's okay not to have them in 2019

Don’t worry, I completely understood your pre-teen-fiction point.

but Epic Store isn't competing with 2004 Steam, they're competing with 2019 Steam

You still read whatever you want, huh?
The Switch gimmick being protability isn't the same as 3DS or DS. In those cases, the games were, most of the time, exclusive games designed specifically for the hardware and could not be ported easily to other platforms, with few exceptions.
With the Switch, tho, this stopped becoming an issue, as it's way easier to now port desktop console and PC games to it, and in many cases (specially indies) they barely have to sacrifice anything graphcis-wise, if any. Hell, even games like MK11,DBFZ or DQ11, which release on PS4/ONE mainly, have ports for switch. These graphic downgrades are tolerable for more people if that means they get to play the vast majority of games both as a desktop console and a protable one.

You suddenly tell the market that 90% of those multi-plat games they play are now aviable in a protable console and somehow that's surprising to you? Let me ask you something. What is the appeal of buying a multiplat game on PS4/ONE? Why would I get it for them when I can buy it for switch and have it protable or PC and get better performance/mod support/whatever?

Attached: shaggy-nanda-kore-wa-59c648e2cfc81.jpg (720x534, 28K)

Oh cool, so that mean Epic has like 6 years to do whatever it wants because it totally exists in a vacuum, right?

>abslutely doesn't benefit me in any way
Store wars make games cheaper
Store wars give you free games

>le reddit asterisks

Attached: 1548777845223.jpg (800x600, 36K)

I'm not sure you did but keep licking Tim Sweeney's sack I'm sure it'll pay off for you.

Despite Steam having had user reviews for years, Origin and uPlay still don't have them

Attached: 7gfa reviews.jpg (1964x958, 152K)

So you enter a market by offering a worse product than the competition under "but we just started!" as an excuse?
Try that in any other industry, see how it works.

Why isn't this retard saying that to sony and Nintendo too?

So, you are saying that Epic is at the level of Origin and Uplay?

GOG is one, but I guess that one doesn't count

>still have no proper features
>but its okay when Epic does it
damn, epic shill sometimes just have bleeding brain

Attached: 18119424_1099918343487186_4142752000154292073_n.jpg (659x960, 83K)

>Store wars make games cheaper
maybe, and thats a big maybe

Fornite and Chinese regime bucks do wonders

>Store wars make games cheaper
why aren't they cheaper then?
>Store wars give you free games
where are the games i want for free?

Not him, but I think you have problems man. Anyone who trying to act epic is the best thing got quality blindfolds on them

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What's stopping fromsoft to put it on GOG?
Besides jewish reasons.


What is he trying to say?

Attached: 1415808163044.jpg (565x800, 108K)

Origin and uPlay can't be judged against Steam or even the EGS. They are like 99% EA/Ubisoft games with the occasional deal for an "outside" game here and there.

Epic Store will literally be better in one year than it took for Steam to be good in six years

Forgot to add, does that mean Origin and uPlay aren't competing with Steam?

Attached: epics road map.jpg (1646x917, 78K)

so we should hold games and services to 2004 standards because hurr durr
yeah call me when epic removes micro transactions from their games because they didnt exist in 2004

How much are you getting paid, Chang?

Attached: 1547103815202.png (661x936, 235K)

It's a Chinese bot he can't hear you.

Scores are always hidden for 1 hour

>Origin and uPlay still don't have them
and look at the state of them.
Uplay is forced DRM that literally nobody would use if it weren't forced by Ubisoft and Origin is sitting in the shadows, used by a fraction of people who are into sports games and battlefield

Cool I'll let you know as soon as I decide to start taking advice from dyslexic retarded faggots who can't read.

Again, how much are you paid, Ching Chong Ping Pong?
Literally the same post posted for months.

Attached: 1536224496681.png (854x935, 225K)

Wow, great points. It's only fair to compare Epic to it's self proclaimed competition as it was 15 years ago, right? After all, Valve got a head start!

>use aimbot
>get banned
>"WTF?! FUCK VALVE!!!!!"
Are you actually retarded, user?

Attached: 1421084897598.jpg (1000x1061, 69K)

How do I go about becoming a paid epic shill?

Lmfao read this chain again and think about who’s got dick farther down their throat. You don’t have to have a horse in the raise to think valve is fumbling on their ass just like they have been for years.

God speed, retard

>will literally be
Stopped reading there. No more of your stupidity, please

Attached: 1440718038014.jpg (630x629, 243K)

>automated refunds

>Long term
>Shopping cart

So in one year EGS will have the most basic features of an actual store?

Attached: 1523907450228.gif (200x200, 1.89M)

Are you chinese?

Attached: 1543990798124.png (1600x3713, 3.35M)

Reminder that video games are under copyrights. Reminder that a copyright is a government granted monopoly.
Reminder that if a distributor get an exclusivity deal for copyright material, it hold the rights for said monopoly.
This video explain it in details with streaming services.

Attached: 72005170_p0.jpg (1422x2000, 1.07M)

>takes less from rich fat publisher
>takes more from customers
>w.. we are the good guys
you have to be retarded to think EGS take less, they take the same if not more, they just rolled it to the customers who worth shit in their eyes

Chine number one! The Communist Party protects!

>But that's not even what the thread is about, we're talking about the absolutely harmless statement that if Steam reduces their rates then Epic will stop "bribing" devs, resulting in net benefit for BOTH stores, yet the corporatists ITT oppose this because they're far too invested into Steam with their massive libraries so their only choice is to shill for it
LMAO, Valve is suppose to the word from the same cat that said he'd stop making games exclusive temporarily, the same shit sack that's now just said he'd stop with the bribes of Steam caves to his demands? the same Tim Sweeney that's now saying the 12% isn't viable to to run his barebones store? The guy who literally fabricates about downloads and purchases unless he can make it insanely vague to where he doesn't look pathetic? Steam is suppose to take the word of that guy?

Attached: 1500227266681.png (800x530, 516K)

Why is Epic's shilling so embarassing?

In reality, the moment that valve reduce cut
Epic will buy more exclusive to compete steam

>(Modern) Liberals love free speech when It comes to lecture you about their ideas and dogmas or agreeing with them. But not when it comes to disagree or calling out people

Okay I'm gonna giving them ideas but here I go.
I accept steam games for payment for my creativity

>wtf dev, put anti hack into your server
>wtf dev, i got banned for using aimbot
>fuck you dev

Attached: 1440148299423.jpg (240x210, 17K)

No. Is that a requirement?

Didn't you hear, I just announced a new store, my roadmap says that in one year I'll have all games in it, everything will cost $5, and every time you buy a game a supermodel will come and suck your dick. It's in my roadmap so it's real. Epic and steam BTFO

>You see, it's true that the car I made is a wagon with a steam engine but this is what Ford Model T was in 1910!
Based retard

Yes, no white scum allowed.

Oh i'm sorry I posted too soon. The same mother fucker who's been making devs work 100 hours while feigning this whole storefront war has been about them and their best interest? Hey buddy, wear this blind fold, and trust me that I'll totally serve you a Hoagie

He is not a shill just mentally ill retard that has been making post\threads like that for years

boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/Epic Already Rejecting/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/epic store/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/game store battle/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/annual survey/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/unironically based/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/earn their 30/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/world war z pricing/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/subject/steam dying platform/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Epic Store strikes again /type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Why Ubisoft moved The Division 2 /type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/For the low price of $160/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/survey Valve/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/ Steam And Epic Are In A Game Store Battle/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/What do you think the smart move is from Valve/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Steam so far has only countered with/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Has Valve made something/type/op/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Is 'Metro Exodus' Bailing On/type/op/

damn got a link to this store?


This threat doesn't make sense. If valve matches epic's revenue share then doesn't that mean epic has nothing left to show for except buying EVEN MORE exclusives? Because god knows if steam does that all the devs are going to crawl back to them begging to suck gaben's stinky phimosis.

>sell 300 copies
>act humble and thankful
>get a job at fucking capcom thanks to your hard work
>guys why don't you buy my indie walking simulator, fuuuuuck gayymaaarsss
god speed to that bloke, he sound like an upstanding guy.

What about third world brown scum?

Because chinkoids are literal brainlets who can't do shit without following the book and without copypasting the same shit over and over again.

I got a shocker for you buddy: it's not fucking 2004 anymore.

The former is not true thus far, games are more expensive due to no store competition, even gmg is barely allowed to give discounts on egs games, so the supposed cheaper prices aren't benefiting me whatsoever, they're costing consumers more than they would otherwise be.
Free games doesn't mean shit when the games are cheap, average or games a vast majority of people already own from other sources, like cheap ass bundles - made possible by steam and it's freely allowed competition from hundreds of online retailers. Handy that eh?

Thank you, honorable citizen. +5 social credit were added to your account, you are now eligible to purchase top tier dog meat.

Is this guy out of his mind? what makes him believe he can tell the competition what to do?

Link to the store is also on the roadmap. Actually it's not a link it will be uploaded directly to your brain. Epic and steam BTFO yet again!

Literally the first time EPIC got an exclusivity deal. And after months of being preordered in Steam.
But afaik there was no word by Valve after the other exclusivity deals.


it's not supposed to make sense, it's supposed to play on emotion of idiots and shift the blame to the innocent party. it's a pr equivalent of "i wouldn't have to hit you if you just obeyed me"

This entire argument boils down to "No one should ever be allowed to operate a store." Its literally retarded. You are angry that valve doesn't make AAA games, so you think they shouldn't be able to make money off of Steam.
No one calls Amazon "rent control." No one calls the grocery store "rent control." Its complete stupid.
Steam has had a lot of weird experiments flop. But they are only able to push those experiments because they have the money from Steam. Valve absolutely improved VR and haptic feedback technology, even if their forays weren't commercial successful.

Valve did more for Linux gaming in these past two years than anyone else ever did. I can respect them for that.

How will Epic and Steam ever recover??

Lmao this guy is an utter fucking sociopath

And yet jannies are asleep so no work gets done about banning all vpns he's using.



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come on chang I hate the whiteu debiru too

Probably because of the fortnite bucks and the revenue they get for the games that were made with Unreal (they get a cut even if it's sold on other stores). Their goal now is to force steam to get the same percentage as them and then survive till they'll dominate the market.


lmao you do realize epic is going to have linux support as well right?

how can this guy be so chad?

Attached: iCim4eXE_400x400.jpg (400x400, 15K)

>Valve becoming complacent with their monopoly
They do not have a monopoly, and have not done so since fucking forever, you absolute retard. Learn what words mean. Having to use the store to install =/= monopoly. Not being able to buy the game or a key from any retailer except them, or any other retailers being forced by them to sell only at a set high price, is what would have to be happening to constitute a monopoly. LIKE EPIC, SHOCK HORROR.
And yes, you're the same shill. We're all well aware Yea Forums isn't one person, but it's painfully obvious you're the exact same dumb nigger, you're making the exact same argument in the exact same way with the same wording and same post formatting. With the >waaaah filters and search control and algorithms are too hard, i don't wanna have to do work, PLS STEAM JUST BE MY MOMMY AND GIVE ME ONLY A FEW CHOICES THAT ARE POPULAR
Fuck off retarded shill, go get your chink cheque and coke yourself out of your fucking skull so your arguments and reasoning improve

This is genuinely starting to sound like a goddamn playground-tier scuffle.

I can keep explaining to you why you're wrong and how your arguments do not relate to what the thread is, but I neither have the time nor the will to waste my time like this because I'm loyal to neither store and this means nothing for me. But let me remind you that I'm neutral, and you're losing my support, and I can assure you that you're losing the support of most other neutrals as well who can sniff out your biased corporatism from miles.

One to two more years of threads like this and the majority of this board will become anti-steam, following the exact same imageboard dynamic that made Yea Forums pretty much anti-Trump thanks to the obnoxious and delusional personality cult.

Perhaps they're thinking they'll still get the steam sales a year from now.

Nah if they do that epic will play the victim and underdog (despite having more funds and starting the war).
Steam should just ignore them, announce they will never do exclusive, show that they are cheaper to customers than epic (which is already true they just need to say it out loud) and wait for epic to die.

yeah sure, but the question is when? Why wait for epic to do it in 2038 when you can have it now?

Attached: 1442170230731.gif (500x275, 545K)

Because when Epic does it, it'll truly be epic.

>is going to have
why can't they have it now ?
they can't even have basic features of store, expecting to have support for other OS ?

Attached: 1449024288858.jpg (200x303, 16K)

Isn't is (((strange))) that Epic only talks about Money, Profits and such.

>this entire post

Attached: 1484236266076.gif (360x203, 2.96M)

What games do UPlay and Origin have? Exactly, their own fucking games.
If Sweeny's delusion of grandeur didn't make him try to become the next Steam and only had his own games in the launcher there wouldn't be as many complaints about barebones service.

Tim is setting it up lads.
This is build-up for E3 when all the PC games that you want are on epic.

Wait for it.
Just wait for it.

My store will have all os + you could play games on your microwave. It's all in the roadmap so it's as good as reality.

Attached: 1455671726523.png (276x213, 25K)

That's the beauty of EGS, they don't need any of that to already be better. Everything they might do will just make them even better.

They're gonna retroactively move the games I play to Epic Store only?

>muh open source
>muh freedom
>installs closed source DRM software

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Why are they saying "the average game" and then making the MEDIAN numbers rather than the MEAN? Median is not average. Mean is average. I get that median might be more representative because it resists outliers, but don't say average if you don't mean average.

>But let me remind you that I'm neutral, and you're losing my support, and I can assure you that you're losing the support of most other neutrals as well who can sniff out your biased corporatism from miles.
If you have to announce this, you've been bullshitting from the start.

that's long way of saying "I got nothing." Even if you were "neutral" as you claim. Trusting hearsay is just asinine

so much money laundering, live on-stage. I want to see epic doing this, knowing that they fucked it up big time this time

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>they don't need any of that to already be better.
but they aren't in any way. there's nothing better about epic store.

>when all the PC games that you want are on epic.
>all the pc games that you want are on pc with a store in the way that inconveniences you, but doesn't even offer features or incredibly cheap prices to make up for it
sooooo, do you see where this is going buddy? the only thing preventing piracy being in such huge numbers these days is literally that it's cheap as fuck to buy a whole shitload of games, and in the end laziness + small cost wins out over a lot more effort + no cost.
That is a delicate balance, and believe me it's not gonna hold up when things are no longer a very small cost, plus platform barriers in your way for extra inconvenience

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Right now, nothing look better on Epic
Just shitty exclusive thing. That's it

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>mean profits went up
>median profits went down
>mean sales went down
>median sales went down
So more people are just buying the big games and much less of other titles

>Bethesda already crawled back to steam begging for forgiveness

How will any of these greedy fucks ever hope to compete when valve literally just sits on their asses all day speculating about VR shit.

That's not true, the uninstaller of epic is much more satisfying and useful than steams.

Man I haven't pirated anything in years and years, maybe now's the time to start back up

Wait really? Is Doom Eternal going to be on steam?

I only stopped pirating cause of tf2. I have no moral problem countine what i did for 15 years. Steam right now offer me getting old games for 40 cent on sale, I dont care about the rest

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>trusting one corporation over the other
Nah, I'll deal with the one I already know about.


How many people(talking non-fortnite players) would actually use Epic if it wasnt for forced exclusives? None.

yeah they putting everything to steam, even rage2 they said its exclusive and f76 later for some reason

>Liberals love free speech

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Tim Sweeney is American, so does Epic Games.
U$0.5 is deposited into your honky account.

this is literally participation trophy tier, getting rewarded for attempt instead of merit.

absolutely no mention of epic
steam apologizing to their customers and calling the dev/publisher decision unfair then moving on
meanwhile, sweeney, sergey and his team constantly trying to bad mouth steam and guilt tripping people into thinking that 30% cut is somehow a rip off

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Yes. All bethesda titles are going to be on steam. Including Fallout 76.
Rage 2 and Wolfenstein pre-orders are up already.

How many people would actually use Steam if it wasn't for exclusives?


meant for

What the fuck Bethesda I thought you lads had more integrity than that. How long did you fucks run away into your own launcher? Barely any time at all.
I wonder when Ubisoft will buckle.

oh my god, you opened my eyes, thank you.

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How many exclusives did Valve buy in for Steam?

all of them ???

stfu chink
also i got fucking chink shopfront for captcha

>I wonder when Ubisoft will buckle.
But Ubisoft's games are all on Steam.
Except The Division 2.

> Tim Sweeney is American, so does Epic Games.
What does it do?

You're deranged and butthurt.

Why is Valve's complete radio silence always so hilarious?

Most of the time it works against them but during times like these it makes me giggle so hard.

Maybe Bethesda should've spent more time fixing Fallout 76 and their storefront instead of paying Ninja, and Rick & Morty to stream their game for an hour.

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When will the new steam sale coming, anyone know it?

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they can't do shit against chad sweeney
maybe, it's time to make games.

that's... not what he was saying

Tim should partner up with DSP to be their figurehead. Chances are they could bring Valve to their knees within just a few months.

Because it's like seeing a shitposter trying to bait someone to the point where the shitposter is actually getting angry, all while the one he's trying to bait is scratching his head.

there is nothing to worry about it
why wasting time on it when they can improve/fix something shitty first
let Epic play the circus on their own

>another store with the same price
>Chinese spyware

Why would I want this?

It works in their favor because of Swineys autistic squealing.

>maybe, it's time to make games.
i bet you are #2

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>retard doesnt even know he can change his settings to go immediately to his libary on startup.
For fucks sake man do some goddamn research.

>48% shares owned by china
>2 board directors out of 5

exactly this

valve are too busy preparing for steam index and the annual ASSFAGGOTS tournament.

>steam index

game= half life
good to know



Counter Strike was bought
Left4dead was bought
Literally every Valve game except Half Life and Ricochet are based on bought IP
You can bet your ass that all the early publisher deals Valve did in the late 2000s involved exclusivity clauses.

Is there anything sillier than chinkshits trying english?

1989 Massacre Points have been deposited into your account.

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yes pls argue about unncessary store fronts instead of how to make better video games

I don't understand this logic.
Why would Valve start developing games when Epic is bribing devs to keep games exclusive?

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valve index I mean but whatever

valve's head is too up their own ass on vr to hear tim's screeching


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Wow, it's almost as if there's this thing called "competition" (Wasn't Tim talking about such a thing?) and newer games have a bigger mountain to climb because they have to show their worth versus even more existing games.

epic bring me games
steam bring me ?

Should be the summer sale in about 2 months.

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what's up is with the miku doll? i've seen it posted in these threads before

Thanks lad

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>how to make better video games
Who the fuck cares about videogames, are you just trying to start shit?

>Dude, trust me
The statement

What did Gabe do to this guy? Severe butthurt is the only reason I can think of for such a vendetta.

>buy developer and funs the game
>the same as buying distribution rights 2 weeks before release
You're not even trying anymore chinkshill.

>1st party IPs valve owns
>not allowed for some reason
>make false assumption as fact
So this is delusion

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depends on controller support and price.

Was it autism?

Reminder that chinks try to frame it as "steam vs epic" war when in reality it's "epic vs consumers"
Tim's behavior proves he's part of this shilling and ugly chink tactics. Don't fall for this meme. Fuck epic.


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Isn't the 88-12 split only done on games with UE?
This guy who is seriously asking them to equal their lowest split for everything while they also have other games with the higher split on their favor.
This guy is delusional

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>>Being on Steam means nothing now
Watch this unpaid epicshill.

None of these games are obligated to release exclusively on steam


>steam bring me ?

I saw some shit from some marketing idort that Tim chose that 12% because he knows Valve can't match it without going into the red. He's just taunting them like some evil little jester right now.

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just wait til epic gets all the japanese devs

need I remind you drones how many nips use ue4?

Valve literally shut down WON servers to force Counter Strike players to move to Steam.

>steam bring me ?
More games, without forced exclusivity, without stealing my info and certificates, at much lower rates. Also trading cards which are useless kek

Need I remind you that Japs don't use PC and only port for western audience

>Tekken 7
>Octopath Traveler
>and many more
Can't find them on the EGS user, where are they?

Valve owns CS they can do whatever they want. Epic owns Fortnite and can do whatever they want.



indie 2 $ game
You realise that japanese dev will bring their games to epic.

Valve own and made counter strike. It's their ip. It's not a game they bribed for fake exclusivity. And ofc they have the right to not allowed strangers to put up illegal servers


Sounds like they are out of money for new exclusivity contracts and now pretend they just want a healthy competition.

Cool and how many non-epic servers does epic allow fortnite to have?

reminder how many years he takes for japanese dev to put game on pc?

Why is Sweeny so butthurt constantly?

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When are you going to take the brown pill and realize that both stores are shit?

thank you reddit for you analysis.

You forget to add

>6. False-flagging snoyggers, who are overly bitter about PC gaming getting more popular than their precious cuckstation and want to destroy Valve to fuck up the entire PC ecosystem

They are getting more aggressive because:

PC gaming in Japan is thriving right now.

>Famitsu estimates there are 15 million pc gamers vs 23 million console gamers in Japan. More interesting is it says there was a 50% increase in just one year. That's unbelievable growth if the numbers are accurate.


>Here's another article about a 80% increase in gaming PC sales at one location compared to last year:



Sweeny's been holding this hateboner for steam for a while

"Oh no microsoft is taking control!"


"Silence your critics by deleting user reviews!"

Sweeny fucking livid at ios search

Seriously UE, Fortnite and external investment must be huge to keep this shit afloat, multimillion exclusivity deals, lower cuts and all that shit.
They can't last very long doing this, right?

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Is he upset windows defender detected his spyware or something? What's the story here?

>for you analysis
For *your analysis.
Chink shills should really improve their English if they want to succeed.

Reminder that Fornite literally has its biggest collab yet happening right now with Avengers.

Epic is going to swim in money for these exclusives for years. Steam WILL lose so it's best to be on the right side of history for once Yea Forums.

Valve actually has services to run so it can't do that

Fuck off to Reddit already

>lower cuts
They just charge the costumers more they don't really lose any cuts. They sacrifice games for the fat publishers. The actual devs don't see much profit from it either.

He's a massive cuck and noone gets him seriously AND everyone only approaches him just to get some money from exclusivity deal.
Honestly idk who let him get out of his basement where he coded different versions of UE for entirety of his life because all his spergies only show that he's on Jupiter levels of out of touch what's going on in this world.

Oh no no no.

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Well done chang, your English is improving. Also correct uses of capital letters.

why does the score matter, so you can base your opinion on whether others agree it is the most acceptable instead of coming to your own conclusions about what was said? or so you can hide those pesky comments that don't 100% agree with you and promote wrongthink?

Valve literally bought Counter Strike and the WON network only 3 years before shutting it down and moving it to Steam.
Obviously that makes them the good guys.

You already answer your question.

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>Epic won't accept crappy games
>L4D ripoff
>all those literal who titles


Well, that's true, I forgot about the pricing shit. How can this service be so shitty, doing so much fuckery that it's starting to be hard to keep up.

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>people still calling steam a monopoly when it doesn't have any IP exclusive content other than 10+ year old games
>digital video streaming is dying and piracy is on the rise because new "competitors" for Netflix keep appearing and making new monopolies on certain content

Basically if you have to join more than one service, in this digital age they are all monopolies controlling who can use thier product, instead of licencing out the product and letting the service compete at a service level.

All this is doing is fracturing the market and making it so that it will collapse in several years.

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>mad at Valve for not making games
>just got back into making more games
>Left 4 dead 3 and another single player game coming
>meanwhile defend a company who literally shut down every single game they've made in the last 10 years to prop up one shitty childrens game
>no plans to make any new games due to the income from this one game
>even if Epic makes a new game it'll just be ass and service based to push fortnite's success

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>bought WON network
Yes and?

>Valve literally bought the WON network
>the WON network
I didn't know. It explains why those Valve servers for the multiplayer games are so good and smooth. Valve is so based after all.

Epic will NEVER reach steam levels. Steam has been around way too long and too many people have hundreds of games on steam to switch to epic.

Can Sweeney Timm just shut the fuck up already and give me UT instead? How the fuck is this so hard?

You left off
>failed indie devs who are salty that releasing their game on Steam didn’t magically make it sell 500k copies

>me UT instead?
You already have it, just have to finish it yourself. :)

>we'll stop holding games hostage if our demands are met
Terrorists get the bullet.

Valve bought the studios not distribution rights. I guess you could still make an argument that valve games should be on other platforms but I don't think any other platform is interested in it.

Nah kid. Go play Fortnite.
t. Tim Sweeney and Chinkoid Squad.

Holy shit but this is a good thing?

>hey valve, notice me!
>I'm right here!
>notice me, I wanna be relevant!
is Sweeney taking cues from Randy?

You can't compare the digital streaming market to this.
I don't have to pay for access to steam or epic. I do however have to pay for access to netflix or cruchyroll.

Tim is gay for Gabe confirmed

not a bad bait fren

And yet when Netfilx was the sole shit on the market, piracy was reduced.
Then when every studio and their mother made their own streaming services, piracy rose up again.


He should try and sing a serenade too.

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Except the processing fee makes the discount nonexistent.

(Citation needed)

That;s why I no longer pay anything to the cable and streaming services.

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And there are a dozen more articles just like it.


>Still getting cucked by luanchers
Why haven't you taken the GOGpill yet?

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Already own about 150 games on it, but they stopped focusing on releasing old games.

Steamtards really are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet.

>i'm gonna lower the price
but they aren't. i still have to pay the same
and some asian countries, you have to pay even more.

I use GoG the most and steam for games not on GoG.

Feels great.

>everyone and their mother tries to promote their streaming platform
>how do you get ahead in a business where basically everything is the same?
>you buy exclusivity deals
turns out people don't want to pay for 10 different services just to have something to watch so they pirate what they want to watch instead

Reminder, do not listen to anything this fuck says. He's being held on a pedastal by different gaming news sites and Tim just because he worked at Valve once and all he's been doing is bad mouthing them since June of last year. Nobody else has had such a problem except him and one other. Meanwhile, Epic continues forcing crunch time, shitty work enviroments, and the same false hierarchy he complained with Valve across the board.

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>they stopped focusing on releasing old games.
They literally just got Diablo, Warcraft, and Warcraft II. They're still releasing old games and they still try to make community wishlist releases happen.

Nice deal

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same here, but I still use GOG and Steam. That's it.

Asset flippers on suicide watch

>Diablo, Warcraft, and Warcraft II.
Already have them as retail copies.


>They're the underdog
this #ResistValveandDrumpff

>consider putting its own games on Steam
what games lol


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That's great. Not everybody does though, and their Diablo release has added support for higher display resolutions than the original release. Point is GOG still tries to get old games rereleased and they try to make them releases worth buying.

Rent free

notice how it's 21-24% off? that means the price is still the same you nigger, they're just having a sale

>this doesn't apply to me so it doesn't apply to anyone
are you a fucking idiot?

>quick I need something desperate to push out the "epic is a chink sweatshop" articles from the front pages

That pic is from march. Not a sale. That's telling you the percent off the retail price nigger

Not my fault in you being a zoomer.

i'm 35
so you're not only an idiot, you're a strawmanning idiot

Gayson does it for free


how will Tim Pedo recover?

I see no reason as to why that would make them stop when it's not in their best interest to let steam gain back devs, unless they're bleeding way too much money constantly money hatting devs.

so it's an overpriced game?

those aren't even exclusives

literally bought out for 12 or 6 months

CDKeys marks all games like that if they are cheaper then retail price. They don't do sales unless it's some daily shit and currently that same game is $66 instead of $100 which is something Epic could never match

well it WOULD make them stop as in they would have nothing to bring to the table anymore, even for the short sighted desperates

Does epic have any true exclusives yet? At the very least I know that satisfactory team said that they're never going to go back to steam.

MK11 premium is $100 at retail.

Tim is conflicted
he knows exclusivity deals are bad but at the same time he won't stop doing em without huge gain for him and his company
what a terrible situation indeed

Fortnite :)

insolvent business model funded by china, that amount can't support the features of steam

literally moneyrich
I already know the tribe.

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>we live in a time where there are so many good games coming out regularly
I hope you're just pretending to be retarded.

Didn't the Hades devs regret the exclusive deal?

>huge gains
Yeah right

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Fortnite which is still hiding behind early access is their exclusive

literally nothing else is theirs

>woe is me, i'm forced to be a massive hypocrite!
u wat

>people called him out
good, it was fucking blatant.
literally every twitch and steam article he posts has about 10 backlinks to previous articles he wrote shitting on twitch or steam
why does he hate twitch and steam so much

Post source lad. I love SuperGiant.