Was York and Deadly Premonition a lightning in a bottle moment? Is it possible this kind of kino is ever created again?
Was York and Deadly Premonition a lightning in a bottle moment? Is it possible this kind of kino is ever created again?
It was a boring shit game. Yea Forums only likes Deadly Premonition because the York has autism which makes him relatable to the detritus here.
t. brainlet
Deadly Premonition was apparently the result of extensive publisher interference so I think it was lightening in a bottle and had little to do with swery being any sort of genius. It's not like any of his other games have been great.
I thought the only interference was that there they wanted to have it be a third person shooter instead of a detective game. So they forced them to make the changes.
Wrong. Deadly Premonition is just oozing soul and that's why people love it.
>they wanted to have it be a third person shooter instead of a detective game
No, they wanted it to be a game at all. Swery was just making a film. They literally told him "This is not a game. Make it one or it's cancelled." He put in bare minimum interactivity which was not enough for the publisher who began micromanaging the project after they realized they can't trust him.
They had them put in the combat sections and if you think about it they are pretty seperate from the rest of the game.
I want a sequel, the idea of Shenmue but as a horror game is too brilliant to only do once
D4 will never be continued
York is just Agent Cooper with stubble, there's nothing genius about his character.
>No sequel with Zach investigating on his own.
Still waiting on it one of these years.
Can we emulate the non-shit version (Xbox 360) yet? I'm not playing the PC one just to crash to desktop every half hour
Have you plyed D4 or Macfield? SWERY is a prodigy, man
You can try emulating Red Seeds Profile if you want on PS3 but I'm unsure if it can default to English at all. Would be cool if someone would port over DP's English script to that side if there isn't because PS3 emulation is much farther ahead, and from what I recall RSP is basically as stable as the 360 version.
It took them five years to develop the game which even now is insane. I'm pretty sure they went through multiple iterations with the game and scrapped what didn't work and what they thought did all while having a shoestring budget and big ambition. It wanted to be survival horror, open world, rpg, third person shooter and cinematic all at the same time and barely had any of those components work well. but it was one of a kind and the story is amazing. fitting of Swery to announce a prequel and sequel just for the series to be abandoned like always with his plans
Deadly Premonition was a blatant rip-off of Twin Peaks, although very entertaining game none the less.
Japanese "humour"
I don't think Japanese find deconstructing Tom and Jerry humourous.
Please... how can we make this happen bros? What is Swery even doing now?
"That's one way of thinking about it, but it's totally wrong."