This is the switch "pro" even though it won't be like PS4 pro or xbone x so don't get your hopes up. Switch deluxe is to switch just like how DSi was to DS or NEW 3ds was to 3ds.
See you later this year when this drops
This is the switch "pro" even though it won't be like PS4 pro or xbone x so don't get your hopes up. Switch deluxe is to switch just like how DSi was to DS or NEW 3ds was to 3ds.
See you later this year when this drops
Other urls found in this thread:
the CEO literally just said that they have no plans to announce any new hardware this year
Reggie said there were no plans to release any new 3ds hardware like two weeks before they announced the 3ds xl.
You can't trust them, nor would they ever say they did have plans for a revision because that would cause people to slow down on buying the current system.
Why are you lying
This is exactly what I used to post on forums when people said they found Ermac back in MK 2. Same mannerism and thought process. You're not hiding your age well.
Denials right before announcing 3ds xl
Denial of more 3ds hardware coming while the 2ds must have been well into development.
Denial of dsi xl two days before they announced the dsi xl.
Sorry, they have a solid history of this shit.
You gotta read between the lines.
There are no plans right now but plans will be drawn up anytime between right now and E3.
Also, why would Nintendo announce an announcement and spoil the surprise?
Iwata even denied more 3ds hardware after the xl
And miyamoto worked to discredit the rumors himself by claiming they weren't working on more 3ds hardware, just a 3ds successor... like 9 days before the 3ds xl was announced.
You're a moron. Do you not understand context and how what you said was entirely different to what is said here? Fucking mark.
You just got like 5 examples of nintendo people doing exactly what that guy said.
Denying they are working on new hardware/having plans for new hardware when they do.
Go back to Yea Forums you little queer.
>Not commenting on speculation
Like I said, you're a mark.
Both these links are a straight denial of working on new 3ds hardware.
This one has them denying more hardware coming in the near future when they knew they would have one out again within a year, and two instances of them saying that rumors of new hardware are only speculation, thus deigning them to be false.
Sorry, you're wrong, nintendo lies to you.
>Switch deluxe is to switch just like how DSi was to DS or NEW 3ds was to 3ds
Meaning no games will take advantage of the upgrade. Brilliant.
And you are reading in to what is essentially a no comment reply, mark
omg you just leaked what everyone else has been leaking for months does your dad work for mr. nintendo himself?
Meaning nintendo will choose a few ports and make them exclusive to the new version and piss people off.
Loads of 3DS games take advantage of the N3DS. Some games have better textures and higher framerates.
>Direct quotes from Iwata and Miyamoto saying they aren't working on new 3ds hardware
>It'S jUsT sAyInG nO cOmMeNt!
I feel sad for how much you have to live in denial of reality.
Actually the way modern games work in terms of processing load we'll probably see improvements in games with dynamic resolution.
Did the investors meeting trigger shitposters or something
I don't think about the marks at all, user
I'd been telling people about this shit for years. People here don't want to believe it because of fanboy bullshit. They do this every time.
Better be cheap or they better offer some kind of upgrade program. Switch hasn't been out nearly long enough in my eyes. Especially if it's only "kinda better"
>Better be cheap or they better offer some kind of upgrade program
They've never done this before and they never will.
It took them less than two years to pump out the GBA Sp.
Less than a year and a half to pump out the ds lite.
Less than a year and a half to pump out the 3ds xl.
This is their business model.
Those were handhelds. If they're gonna market the switch as a home console, they better fucking support it like one
You’ve been thinking about nothing but marks for the last eight minutes straight, rube. You’re going to get rolled for your poke someday kid, you don’t fucking have what it takes.
Switch is a handheld, and the portability of a handheld is the main selling point to differentiate it from competition.
Sorry, if you expect a company that does the same thing every time to do something different, it's your own fault.
Reggie's retired my guy
>Switch Pro is powerful as base Xbox one and it will get 3rd exclusives more than Dsi or N3DS
That's what i want to believe
No you're right. I fully expect them to do it and I fully expect a good amount of people to be pissed about it. It'll just end up like online though. People will slowly accept it. I'll be hacking my switch and pirating games as soon as possible if they do put out a new switch this soon
>Hey company, do you have any plans to announce a new product
>Why yes actually, we were going to announce it on our own terms but since you asked us about it first we are compelled by honor to confirm it prematurely
No fucking shit companies don't announce things in interviews.