Why aren't you playing Girls' Frontline?
Why aren't you playing Girls' Frontline?
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I don't play video games.
Isn't that a mobage that plays itself?
I don't have a phone.
the only "playing" part of this game is me playing with my 2cm asian pp
Well my phone's too old for one.
I am.
add me
UID is 510272
fuck gachashit and more especially CHINK gachashit
Use an android emulator.
I am. But the dorms, batteries and the actual content that needs gems is too complex4me.
Every single time I see "Girls' Frontline" I always assume it says "Girls' Fortnite" until I read it again and then realize I'm a retard.
Because I'm playing Azur Lane instead
I just stick to Idolmaster for my gacha phoneshit needs.
Because Arctic Warfare was a boring grind
Dorms and batteries aren’t even that complex, you only need 2 max comfort dorms to get the most you need, since getting more dorms for more comfort barely increases the amount you get.
also for gems it’s literally just get 8 echelons and do whatever else you want
there's an in-game decensor method
you only need echelons for "Actual content"
I started this two weeks ago, and boy, things really get fucking slow and grindy. I'm constantly low on cores, I never get the rare drops I need to dummy link without wasting my cores, I'm perpetually low on ammo. Gems are given out very infrequently, and getting extra slots for Echelons or other shit costs a decent amount of them. It seems everything is geared towards grinding you down to make a purchase. It's not even subtle in that fact.
The only saving grace is that the designs of the guns are cute.
>use an emulator to play inferior games
Nah I'll pass.
Ingame? So I could do this on a iPhone?
Yes, if you’re playing on the EN servers the decensor method is piss easy
I don't know anyone that's purchased resources besides that desperate faggot trying to get Negev during the rate up, or Vector.
because it's gatcha shit
kill yourself phonegamer
Because I will never, ever, play gook shit. If it isn't from Japan, I don't give a shit.
Because the "gameplay" is utter trash
Fuck off to your shitty general, stop shilling this trash every seconds you fucking fatfuck piece of shit
Is that the actual icon they used for the app? Not sure how they would manage to get away with openly advertising their game with a man burying his face in a girl's ass.
it's japanese tho??
Its fucking weeaboo chinkshit wapanese you stupid fuck
t. shitters
Glad the Jap fuck your grandma in the ass to the eye socket, Mao
G41 is best Raifu.
it’s the only gacha game that hasn’t fucked me over luckwise and the rates are pretty generous. also what the fuck is going on with the story. Like it’s a lot darker than I thought they would be allowed to write
>All the girls have great designs
>Goes to chibi-shit during gameplay
Wha tthe fuck with all the low quality shilling of this shit
>facebook screencap
>play girl frontline
this faggot spamming this crap on Yea Forums every few hours, what the fucking is wrong with weeaboo?
have sex
How many times did you post this?
Not supported for Moto G1 apparently.
Your shitty chinkshit mobileshit isn't worth a horse shit you fucking cockroach, go fuck your dog if you have one , fucking homeless fatfuck
first time
I'm playing the best, generous boobs game
>playing chinkshit anime ripoff
>have sex
LMAO, know your place, Mao
Pretty funny that the game has continued to decline in revenue that they have to resort to constant lazy shilling.
>procreate anything when they can't even drawn themselves and need to ripoff Japan
There is something very wrong with you, Mao. You're high or something?
Looks bad, unlike THIS
You're like cockroach, you should stop procreate, filthy chink
>Azur lane has the most F2P friendly gacha!
Can you use AHK script to farm resources? I had that shit running 24/7 back in my KC days.
the smell
She's a gun user so probably carbon fiber and silicone. Maybe some gunpowder.
>try to play honky impact
>crashes every time i launch
>only games i can play are GFL, AZL, and FGO without crashing immediately
>even then they crash every now and again
i just want to play a gacha game that's a little more involved in me actually playing it
Maybe get a phone that isn't from the 20th century?
i only get handmedown smartphones, ive never paid for a smart phone in my life
What happens when your rifle orgasms?
Stop user, i can only get so erect before my dick falls off
Because they lose to Azur Lane's aggressive marketing and MICA making a big mistake dropping Yostar contract to publish the game in Japan because they thought they found another company with "better deal". that's why it took them 2 years for the game to release in Japan. I bet MICA regret dropping Yostar Cooperation seeing how Azur Lane is more successful than Girls Frontline
Dumb Corelet
Holy jesus christ I think I just puked a little.
Yeah if you cover up the head it isn't so bad but the proportions are off. Her head being half the size of one of her breasts is off-putting.
You can cover up whatever you damn like, obesity is not attractive.
Because I don't know what these "games" even are, all i see is anime girls showing off their feet.
Losing 90% of their revenue in less than 6 months is not guchi. Honestly the fact it was earning over a billion yen a month at one point is crazy. I didn't think it was that big.
The actual icon is Kar98k
I don't think you've ever seen an obese woman before if that's your idea of obese.
I don't like moe, lolis and dumbed down shitty rpg gameplay
The worst gacha is ironically japanese (FGO) and both Azur lane and this game are the most friendly when it comes to rolls and microtransactions
I'm already playing Dragalia, Idolm@ster CGSS and Granblue, I can't handle another gachashit game.
>ripoff Japan
Great it's another fucking weeb that think simplistic bug eyed designs are a thing that came from japan and it belongs to them like they have a fucking patent over it.
Oh, right, I forget americans only label these aberrations as obese once they start occupying an entire 3 seater couch. Either way, fat is not attractive unless you're some sort of feminist progressive body positive faggot.
So chink invented moe kawaii simplistic bug eyed designs?
What gacha has the least amount of grind possible? GFL was an okay timewaster but now that my schedule gets more busy again I want something that doesn't require hyperautistic 0-2 dragging all day every day
Not only they ripoff the art they also ripoff anime cliches, stereotypes, plots and whatever anime bullshit. Fucking worthless cockroach
Honestly, Granblue is probably the most generous in terms of being newbie friendly with rates and handouts. The only issue is that as a collector game, there are so many cosmetics that were time and event exclusive that getting into it will just make you sad at all the shit you'll never be able to get.
>ripoff Kancolle management shit
more like grindblue
>most generous in terms of being newbie friendly with rates and handouts.
In that aspect King's Raid is better because no gacha for the cool stuff. Nothing missable either
>Literally play a fucking wapanese chinkcrap
>b-b-b-but weeb
What is wrong with you, weeb?
How come when unrelated japanese companies who are actively competing against each other steal character designs from each other wholesale it's ok but when chinese companies draw """anime styled""" characters it's suddenly a ripoff? Oh that's right, blind weeaboos can only suck off japanese people and think they can do no wrong.
The "game" isn't fun. The girls are cute.
Because the nice character designs aren't enough to make up for the bad writing and mind-numbing """gameplay""".
>The worst gacha is ironically japanese (FGO)
Dabs the fuck on your gfl, AL chinkshit worldwide LMAO
Id say there was a lot of people anxious to play the game since they had to wait a ton of time what with Yostar fucking with Mica by holding onto the 少女戦前 name. It also has a couple of things that sets it apart from others enough to grab some attention.
Though im not surprised the game has dropped as far as it has after those first couple of months, its kind of crap.
You're both homos. Sorry.
They are Japan, nothing wrong with it, chink can fuck off
I mean it's easily the least grindy of the major and more polished gacha. You can always find some really low budget gacha with mediocre art in the app stores but I couldn't recommend any. There's a million of them.
>but when chinese companies draw """anime styled""" characters it's suddenly a ripoff?
They are not only ripoff art style, they are also ripoff Japan game and anime cliches shit, fuck you
You don't have to drag bro. I full supply 0-2 every day, now with 100% more auto XP boosts. If you aren't playing due to being busy then you don't need a mountain of resources for dolls you'll never use.
Besides, some of the most desirable ones are event limited battle drops.
>chinese companies draw """anime styled"""
LMAO look at this wapanese weeaboo, good luck sucking Jap cock lol
>FGO literally massacre gfl even in Korea
idk about other gachashit but saying Granblue is the least grind is misleading when 90% of the time you're doing raids to get that 1% chance of the right weapon that you need for your grid three times a day over the span of a year
This is such a fucking nonsensical idea. Why is it that when a bunch of unrelated japanese companies create the same shit it's a "game and anime cliche" but when people on a different landmass do it it's a ripoff? Were the japanese ripping of italian food cliches when I ate spaghetti the last time I went over?
Id love to see some more recent stats to see how bad gfl has gotten. I bet its piss poor.
Because why play gachashit when I can just cut out the middle man and jack off to hentai?
>but when people on a different landmass do it it's a ripoff
That why we call these stuff weeabhoo shit, stop ripoff Japan, poor chink
But GFL isn't ripping anybody off and passing it as their own. It is a legit textbook example of a weeb game, made by (Chink) weebs for weebs.
Too busy playing Auto-Raid.
>Overall rank 287
I tried but there’s literally no game to play
Upotte and various gun crap, do you know there are few gun girl porn gacha on DMM before?
Average rank but yes.
Uhh I don't think he was talking about the market share. I think he was more on about the whole "fate prettymuch just exists to take hundreds of dollars from weak willed people for jpegs thing..."
>generic anime girl#7632426731 with generic anime stereotype but now they has gun name
Whoah totally original idea you got there
The guy is making the stupid argument that anything that is drawn in "anime style" is ripping off japan so that was in response to what he said.
First you said it's a ripoff and now you're saying it's weeaboo shit, make up your mind you fucking moron. Also is english not your first language? I can barely understand what you're saying.
Garbage rank lol
>"fate prettymuch just exists to take hundreds of dollars from weak willed people for jpegs thing..."
The fuck? is fate forced you to give them money or something you dumbass motherfucker?
Weeaboo shit mean crap like Katawa shoujo and wapanese shit like this gacha chinkshit you stupid weeb
>anything that is drawn in "anime style" is ripping off japan
Its true, don't forget your typical tsundere,kuudere, yandere kawaii uggu bullshit you're ripping off from Japan too
>anything that is drawn in "anime style" is ripping off japan
Them why not drawn it in comic style then? why anime style?
Nah I ain't touched it, looks pretty generic.
I'm talking about the countless idiots who somehow get an idea that spending $300 on a jpeg is worth it, thats why fate exists.
>being proud of a gacha having whales who spend thousands for rolls with shitty battle animations
>lucklets thinking they need $300 to get a collection of .pngs and .mp4s
I guess that's why they're called lucklets.
>thats why fate exists
So the same with those idiots paying for house, costume and whatever shit in this chink gacha crap then? The fuck is wrong with you?
It's true that it's a weeb fucking game. The real shameless ripoff is Azur Lane.
So you don't like it not because of it's quality but because of where it's made? Alright tell me then, if you weren't told it's from china what distinguishing features can you point out that gives away the fact that it was made in china?
Refer to . Also what the hell is a "comic style"? Comics drawn by americans (which have changed vastly in style since it begun a long time ago)? There's multiple different western countries that draw comics, which one are you referring to? Or are they all ripping off america because americans took to drawing them first?
>being proud of a gacha
Yeah that generic shit is anally massacre your beloved chinkshit wordwide LMAO
Ironic considering the original anime designs were ripped off of Betty Boop from the west. Also there's plenty of influence between eastern and western styles especially over the last 20 years. It's not like Japanese animators don't watch major animation from the west. Old Disney films are still, by far, the most well animated 2D projects ever made with more frames of animation in a single segment than several episodes of modern anime.
What quality you are talking about? seriously
>if you weren't told it's from china what distinguishing features can you point out that gives away the fact that it was made in china
Try to use a little bit of your brain, dumb weeb
>Also what the hell is a "comic style
Just take example of this image board, ever wonder why there are /h/ and /aco/, Yea Forums and Yea Forums?
Never played this either, still looks more interesting as a concept than just taking random historical and fantasy figures and making them into throwaway idols.
Yep exactly those people, but from what Ive seen this game doesn't require whaling to get the characters you want.
Tbh I don't know why Im even conversing with people who spend money on jpegs, see you guys around.
And they are already evolved beyond that, meanwhile the chink just straight ripoff everything even cliches, stereotypes, plot whatever
anyone playing revue starlight?
>mobile trash
people enjoy these openly manipulative games disgust me beyond all measure
>Tbh I don't know why Im even conversing with people who spend money on jpegs
The fuck is this faggot talking about? is Japan raping his mother and forced him to pay for her jpg or something?
You are trying to make a point yet you're asking me to justify it for you now? The differences are so obvious yet you can't make them, really makes me think.
Because weeaboos like who think everything is inferior to japan exist I guess.
>who think everything is inferior to japan exist I guess.
China is inferior to Japan, its true. What's wrong with it?
What differences and quality you are talking about? tell me which chink game beat the shit out of Japan video games?
>playing weeabooshit mobile gacha
Wut? also chinkshit is inferior to japan, deal with it
Just because a game sells doesnt mean its good.
gambling isnt good
you are addicted if you play FGO and spend money on it
Begone, shill.
Yes, it is ok.
>Redoing the special gacha 20 times until I got 4-star Ichie
She cute.
Nothing good about these mobileshit, be it fgo or your chinkshit. Stop being delusional thinking you are some kind of high class gachashit player, you stupid motherfucker
Holy shit we're going in circles at this point with you ignoring every point I make and shifting the goalpost. It's obvious that you're both samefagging and choking so hard on your own retardation that you're incapable of seeing my point so there's no point wasting my time engaging in conversation with you any further.
>you are addicted if you play FGO
What the fuck? how the fuck play fgo make me an addicted?
You do know /vg/ exists where there is a perma general for the game and thats where the "spy" stays there
China is inferior to Japan, what wrong with it?
>making gfl thread every hour
>they are all facebook screencap or play gfl, why you are not play gfl
Why are you even here you shitposter?
>intentionally leaving out the words "and spend money on it" to make me look retarded
Stop drawing anime style and ripoff Japan then we will talk, stupid weeb
Why do you think everyone play fgo must spend money on it?
>shitposting in MY board?
>must be viral marketing
SEAniggers exist and they have a dislike on gfg
>then we will talk
About fucking what?
Nah, the vg thread also hates the MDR shitposter because he's a filthy SEAnigger.
Judging by the massive fucking sales and every FGO poster in that fucking general talking about spending money on the game
I'm not retarded?
>believing 4channel posters
>Judging by the massive fucking sales
Because fateshit is much more popular than your chinkshit so naturally a lot of people play it and some spending their money on it?
what's the cheapest phone that can play gacha shit without hiccup
I still don't know how the hell FGO forced you to spend your money at all?
These fucking ads are everywhere on my phone and fuck me they get weirder and weirder each time. I don't even know why I see them, I don't play gacha or waifu games on my phone.
>I'm pregnant
I find this offending
Just get a tablet.