Why is there such double-standards when it comes to sexualized characters in video games?

Why is there such double-standards when it comes to sexualized characters in video games?

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How miserable of a life must you have to still be mad about this?

And that's a good thing!

Good argument

Because masculine beauty is superior.

Have sex.

Maybe that's OPs point?
If you're getting upset over the sexualization of the female characters and not the males, you just sound like a whiny hypocrite.

seething and incelpilled

kys tranny also have sex

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>showing skin is not realis-

MK11 shills moving goalposts again, not realizing that the new outfits they made probably will restrict the fighters more than help them.

Also, realism was never a MK thing. Admit that they were afraid of getting flak from outrage journalists and let their team get infiltrated by ideologues.

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If somebody's making a blatantly hypocritical statement, you're not "miserable" for calling them out on it, especially if said statement reflects the mindset that went into making a multi-million dollar product.

I want to gag on Kano's thick, uncut cock!

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You should always call out bullshit whenever it appears. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain, unless of course you are said bullshitter, shill.

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>Admit that they were afraid of getting flak from outrage journalists and let their team get infiltrated by ideologues.
That's even worse, though. Bowing your heads to the outrage journalists and submitting to their stringent sensibilities is even more pathetic than actually believing in said sensibilities yourself.

>All the seething replies

Can you imagine how much more miserable these faggots are gonna be if this game sells well? Good god almighty, their autistic screeching will know no bounds.

Fuck off femcel.

>If this game sells well?
You say that like this game hasn't already released.

The worst thing about all this is that a 30 year old franchise. One or the biggest series in the world, is actually ashamed of its past. And is removing it from everything going forward. To placate a small vocal group of regressive minded people.

That's shameful.

Yeah, we don't know the sales numbers, though.
If they end up being really good, we're gonna get the Yea Forums equivalent of "THE THEATERS WERE EMPTY"

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Because in case you haven't noticed by now, it has never been about equality, equity, or any of the other bullshit they claim their crusade against TnA is about.

It's all about destroying what they percieve as "the enemy's" safe space until there's nothing left. They don't want to actually play your games after they've changed them, the sales reflect that. They just want to make them unpalatable to the people they hate. It's purely spite-motivated.

What they are doing to gaming, movies, television and every other form of media is basically the cultural equivalent to a toddler kicking down a sand castle at the beach because he doesn't like the kid who made it.

There's no point in trying to appease them because they aren't looking to be appeased. They want to tear down everything you enjoy and they take great enjoyment in doing so.

Yeah, back during old MK times, main outrage peddlers were Christian puritans mad at violence, occult themes and sexuality in games.
Mortal Kombat had all three and the devs reveled in attacks from the journalists. Now they cower in fear, pathetic.

Damn, these dudes sound based af. I hope they succeed at taking everything from you. Your despair is so fun to read.

>violence good
>sex bad
murica fuck yeah

dumb frogposter

Have sex.

I'm sorry so many of you can't whack your smelly penises to scantily-clad trannies

hmm good question

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Yikes, imagine fat tranny faggot sitting in front of computer writing this.

I'll also be happy when you join the 40%.

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learning from a mistake? ohohohohohohoh that's adorable

Because the argument was never about sexualization, but about making it less fun for men. If a guy is half naked it's "male power fantasy", if a female is half naked it's "sexualization". Have you ever seen any of the SJWs actually saying how a female character can be awesome even if she wears almost nothing? They don't play fucking video games and know nothing about the characters except for what they can see in the character design.

Do you see most retards in this thread are calling themselves incels and shit? That’s why the took off sexy females
People nowadays are so immature and pathetic (they never leave their homes, they spend all day talking shit on the internet) that the studio didn’t want trouble with them
Just you see how many times they are going to say incel, virgin and have sex in this thread even though they are lonely people that aren’t married

>change things to appeal to the people whining about sexism and other non-issues
>they werent going to buy your game ever in the first place
>lose your core fans because you call them nazis

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Resetera wins again, bay bay

>popular franchise sells millions
wow you're like really really really really really really smart. must have been a big Hannah Montana fan!

Being a straight man must be really difficult when it comes to fanservice. As a homo I get to see half naked men all the time.

>It's another "wishful thinking" episode
When the game sells great, how are you gonna cope? I suggest you go with the "Oh, it was actually redpilled all along" tactic. That one works pretty well.

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/pol/tardetties BTFO

>every female is covered
>every male is shirtless and or pantless
This isn't even that complicated of an issue because of how obvious the double standard is. Unironically have sex.


I could just not play western trash

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have sex

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PAWG (Phat Ass White Guy)

>Overhyped mass-marketed popular franchise sells well
Damn, really got him there.


how the fuck did mortal kombat developers become such prudish puritans while the level of violence hasn't even wavered?

are these people incapable of self reflection and seeing how stupid they've become?



the game just came out

We seriously can't let MK11 sell well. We gotta make sure everyone boycotts it so that we can uphold boner culture. Gamers Rise Up..

See what I mean? This creature has said have sex in all v/ threads for the past 6 months, Warner bros is trying their hardest to evade people like this by not featuring sexuality

>Overhyped mass-marketed popular franchise sells well
You just described Mortal Kombat

>Why is there such double-standards when it comes to sexualized characters in video games?
Ironically, because of gender roles. They want men to lose theirs but women to keep their power. As usual, it's hypocrisy.
Women's gender role is "gatekeeper of sex" in all it's permutations. What do you think is going to happen when you bypass the cow and go straight for the milk? Not a very happy cow, and if you're in India, you will get called a misogynist. But now imagine that everywhere is India and you should always buy the cow to get the milk, hence "have sex" they and their orbiters keep posting around.
But it's too little too late for the bitching because just as the male gender role of protector/provider went the way of the dodo with giving jobs/education to women, so will their gender role disappear and there will be plenty of games/sexbots/etc on the market without any interference from these femcels.

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Look at almost immediate replies. And cringe tier memes being repeated almost in every thread, like "have sex".

I bet there's a discord of these fags and trannies thinking they're trolling le epic style.

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Shinobi Execution

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How exactly are these characters sexualized?

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>Women's gender role is "gatekeeper of sex"
Only in christcuckold sōycieties.

Found the discord trannies

Hi discord trannies

Have you dilated today?

>muh tranny discord
rent free



>/aco/ pretending to be relevant

>big, sweaty, heaving, rippling male muscles aren't sexualization

do you perhaps have brain damage?

I am immune to your faggotry.

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Because that shit worked so well with doa6

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>Only in christcuckold sōycieties.
Well, i'm not advocating for rape being legal, so i guess i'm a cuck? Sluts are worthless though.

I don’t know op

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The old devs left

This board is genuine fucking garbage

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Holy seethe

You decided how you gonna cope yet?

Have sex


Literal bethesda NPC dialogue tree responses. You guys have no idea how hilarious you are.

Have gender


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because men acknowledge the ideal male body because men are rational while women refuse to acknowledge the ideal female body due to petty jealosy


Men don't need clothing and protection win fights. That's what they're saying.

At least they made Kano based in his ending.
Aussies are woke confirmed.

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based afhave sex btw

No such thing as gender

Creature, can you go to the gym and just get a life already???
You are wasting your life here, everytime I enter v/ you are here
I am trying to help you


Was this meant to be as ironic as it came across or was that an accident

being fit isn't by default sexual?

How long until some incel makes a "all FATALITIES on all FEMALES" video, like the "redpilled" retard who made those RDR2 vids?

wow incels are really out in full force tonight

have sex with me, you cowards!

the mods stopped caring a long time ago

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have sex

Being fit makes females horny just as wearing bikinis makes males horny

Do you think we'd have better chances of talking about actual video games on /trash/? I'm fucking game for that.

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You were so right

It is, to a degree, but in this case it isn't fitness, it's for show.

That you don't think men being presented in this way isn't sexualized really makes me wonder what degree of life experience you have, because I can't imagine it's much.

you probably would because faggot mods decided soiboy was so bad they had to filter it but allow these fucking retards to spam incel and have sex all the time

You don't know what you're asking for. Better off with prostitute.


have incel sex

have gender

Because double standards are a way of life for them.

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that's a contradiction you can't do that

Those are male power fantasies you silly goose.

tbqhf i started using it back at the faggots who try to assert it here
>oh you only feel that way because you're in incel, tee hee have sex
I'm a married man, I have sex as often as I want since my wife isn't a cold bitch and I don't live my life around muh dik

having sex only increases my hunger for sexualised imagery. the fire rises

Mods actually delete low-quality posts on other boards, but here its just a cess-pool were everyone posts garbage.

double is the only standard they have

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>you're not goint to wear a bikini to a fight
>can still crush womens lungs out through their back
Good thing they were wearing that extra clothing - really helped them survive that blood eagle.

I mean I don't, but I guess I should stop reporting them then.

>Red dead 2
>SJW agenda
What? Is it becuase one of the main characters is a woman?

have sex

Go watch the 1 hour video crying about SJWs and report back.

is it not weird how women are valued for chastity and men are mocked for it?

being fit can make someone attractive, but it doesn't always incite a sexual response, especially when I 100% doubt that these men were specifically designed to incite a sexual response

this isn't sexualized, because I don't believe that their fitness exist to cater to those who get turned on by male bodies, nor do I think their their bodies are shown in a sexual manner to incite a sexual response, I do not think that is the developers goal at all.

And please, I don't need to be schooled by some incel who isn't even attracted to the male body, or muscular men like I am. I love muscle dudes but none of these characters specifically make me hot and bothered because they are muscular, they are attractive, but they aren't sexualized, their point is not to be sexy or to be viewed as sexy.

Image related is sexualized male.

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Strong female characters make good R34.

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rule 63 makes good rule 34

have fellatio

>mayan aztec mexican cartel gore fetishists snuff is okay
>titties and high fidelity sexually attractive female models bad

Sure, as long as they got no pee pee.

The "mistake" that propelled their game into the public limelight and was responsible for it's massive success? Sounds like a pretty huge mistake, yeah.

aids tier response.

Because women complain and men don't.

>cant come up with anything

Don't get too caught up in debating this, always remember this is clown world.

this general is 99% complaining what the hell are you on about?

MK has always traded on controversy. It sheilds it from criticism of its shitty gameplay. this time it was a new group of the professionally outraged who provided that vector for publicity.

He said men not manchildren.

i'm not even the person you were replying to but your complete lack of self awareness and seemingly unshakeable belief that your opinion matters and is 100% correct is indeed aids tier. just read your post back all it says is 'i'm right because i say so' that's it. it's completely without substance. there's literally nothing to respond to.

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MK didn't get into the public spotlight with this. MK1 and MK2 were already highly controversial back then.

I honestly dislike those character designs. But this isn't video games. It's a cultural problem, and doesn't belong here.

>Game that lets you execute feminists, feed black people to crocodiles, tie mexicans up and drag them across the border, hang women.
>Wow game is liked and sold well, it's SJW btw hehe!
If that's their idea of SJW, yea go head, make more.

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>Women without a pee pee.
Is that even possible?

I love the fact that I'm a married father with a high end job. It basicly makes me immune to this faggotry as my mere existance destroys your one defence.

To be fair AIDS is fucking hilarious

>this isn't video games
The mental gymnastics you're taking to say that are impossible to comprehend.

>mentally ill muppet spamming this in 20 threads

all women are like this all the time. They don't want you to have fun unless they are there and approve of it.


What really bothers me about all this is that political correctness has become a priority for mortal fucking kombat, a series which has been opposing said political correctness and constantly breaking and setting up new boundaries since its inception

>implying I'm giving (you)s to the mentally ill

How hard does one have to seethe to make this image?

im sure guys would actually complain if the guys were pretty boys instead of beef cakes. Look how mad all of you guys got about the new fire emblem.

because women generally aren't openly sexists. Grow up and learn to behave, keep your dick to yourself.

>Look how mad all of you guys got about the new fire emblem

long time mk fan and i mean
I'm close to doing what we made those NFL boomers do to their memorabilia.
I'm so fucking close to just burning the shit for youtube.
I'm trying so hard to just say to myself just stop supporting the new shit, the old stuff isn't connected. Its pretty fucking hard to do this right now.
I am so done with Mortal Combat
they should take all K's out because its KKK
for now on i will call it mortal combat.
Its no longer the kombat i grew up with...

Kill yourself


whats fire emblem?

>Why is there such double-standards when it comes to sexualized characters in video games?
I actually kind of think that they're just trying to extend the playerbase. And it's look like they're trying to do so by not to getting banned in Islamic State. I mean come on..
- Covered body for women
- Beheadings and shit
90% of people probably imagine middle east just like that.

Mortal Kombat is gay as fuck now.
I'm glad I havent played it since the Snes/Genesis era.


Because trannies invaded videogames companies and they don't want any sign of female near them. Have you noticed how Cassie is cute, has the same personality as her father yet she doesn't even show her shoulders?

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>And please, I don't need to be schooled by some incel who isn't even attracted to the male body, or muscular men like I am. I love muscle dudes but none of these characters specifically make me hot and bothered because they are muscular, they are attractive

So, the other poster's opinion on what constitutes a "sexualised" male body is irrelevant because he is not a gay man or straight woman.
But you, a straight woman or a fag, are perfectly able to judge when a female body is being shown off in a sexualised manner.

Please explain why a half-naked man in a fighting game is not sexual, but a half-naked woman in a fighting game is sexual. You must either concede that both are equally guilty of sexualising their subjects, or that men and women are inherently different and therefore their depictions in media ought to be judged differently.

Women never complained about fanservice, they are the first one to choose the hottest girl. Only trannies and feminists orcs can't see fanservice

You are the only one seething if a fucking videogame character makes you feel this insecure. Trannies life is hell with all those cute women in real life

take it you fags never watch mma or boxing? men fight shirtless, women cover their tits so they don't flop around everywhere

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>Waaaaah, muh trannies are taking away muh boobs in vidya
You lost, sweetie :)

You will never be a woman, your only company will be your pills hahahaha

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>muh trannies
rent free

literally wgaf feminine penis > vagina anyway

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>mma or boxing
What the fuck are you talking about you dipshit? Men aren't fighting women in mma or boxing. We're talking about a video game here not your homoerotic shit.
Holy fuck i feel like i'm taking crazy pills here. How can i be capable of distinguishing a video game from reality but you freaks can't? If women can fight men then they can do it fully clothed, fully naked, it doesn't matter how they're dressed because the premise is ridiculous on it's face you double cretin.
Get it though your thick skull that picrelated is the last thing i want to see when i get back from work to relax with a video game.

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fuck off autist, the point is that men being shirtless in combat is normal and only fatties and losers feel insecure by it

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>he thinks anyone cares about muh comick book movie
have sex

That's wrong, but I'm not going to argue with a kid who needs to catch the bus to school in a few minutes.

>Get it though your thick skull that picrelated is the last thing i want to see when i get back from work to relax with a video game.
>I want to see
>me me me, I I I
fucking lmao

nice hyperbole loser

That's not the problem. The problem is the pushing and forcing of political opinions in a video game that doesn't even need them.

And if you get laid you just let the ho's have this one and move the fuck on because you're not a bitch. How is this so hard to comprehend?

The kind of guy who has to point this out I would argue already has issues. See Above

You know girls drool over this motherfucker, dont even lie, the port says otherwise.

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what i dont get is how wanting to see attractive female characters in your video games somehow means you hate women. if the genders were switched the same wouldnt apply.


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At least he can miss your gay shit in it.

Sure you can push this angle, that those who complain are incels and pathetic, life is so worthless we bother caring. But that's just trying to start shit and completely ignoring even the possibility of an issue. It's not that we must have tits and sexualized designs, but they have always been a part of th package and I think that they were never really attractive, just like the gore it was ridiculous and over the top it added to the atmosphere of ridiculous fantasy fighting. The real problem is the bullshit and hypocrisy proven in that picture. By not adressing such behaviour of the industry we have gotten to this shitty state of affairs.

Thanks for the cringe effortpost, faggot.

If you like sexualized video games so much, why don't you make one?

Why are all their nipples hard? Asking for a friend

It has a negative 2 by AAA rating standards on metacritic at the moment.

Are SJWs seriously this lacking in self-awareness???

Isn't it about time for your kind to commit suicide? Or are you waiting for an infection from your mutilated dick to do the job?

liberals hate heterosexual men

>muh trannies
rent free

How much of a resetra tranny do you have to be to post this?

also rent free

Progress. Soon everyone will be gay and muslim.

It's pretty easy, they don't sexualize male characters to appeal to women, they mostly do it to fulfill men's power fantasies.

All this bare flesh isn't for the ladies, it's for you.

OP just asked a question. You seem a lot more butthurt than them, user.

they're implying women need more protection, since they're weaklings

Only men have earned the right to show skin. Women need to check their privelage.

How many slippery slopes do you let people have until you get a bobsled team?

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That's the exact opposite of the truth...

Religion is a institution that supports marriage... which was devised so that even beta males could have sex in exchange for providing resources.

In evolution which preceded the idea of marriage, their was absolutely no reason for a woman to breed with a beta male, in fact NOT having sex with a beta male was probably preferable to having sex with an alpha to begin with. All it would serve to do is introduce less than ideal genetics into the gene pool risking a 9 month pregnancy in the wild with a man who cannot protect her from being raped, cannot provide for the child and all of that risk of death for no evolutionary benefit.

This is the system all the incels complain about and yet you should be happy that it exists. It's why we're the dominant species on earth, why you have the most advanced biological supercomputer in your head why you're not some 3'0 foot tall sub-human pygmy like our common ancestors looked like. And with all that what do you people choose to do? Whine about not getting laid. It's just beautiful lol. If you have a problem with it you realize thats' how it's supposed to be. You shouldn't get laid and produce a generation of weak men, you should be weeded out for buying into such self-victimizing ideas.

Because appealing to these overly woke idiots seems like an easy win at first until you enter the rabbit hole and realise how deep it goes.

The modernday left is as puritan in its ideologies as the white supremacists in the 80s and 90s, and the irony is completely lost on them.

Being in pussy feels better than being intellectually superior and not being in pussy, my dude. I am not ashamed of that whatsoever.


What is wrong with you people?

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based wesley

>rent free
The going rate is actually 40%

>All this bare flesh isn't for the ladies, it's for you.
Not everyone is a fag like you

How miserable of a life must you have to make a game like this, Boon

Because it's only recently they've been sexualized.
Originally this sort of design was more a male power fantasy. Look at Conan, he-man, early fantasy novels and such. It's all directed at boys/men without much care for the female audience.

basically because of this

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Why did they make us rise up? We just wanted to play vidya.

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>it's fine if they're not prettier than me
basically the female train of thought

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Because this is promoted by disgusting faggots and trannies, that think that everyone must share their world view.

>guy with a shirt off is the same as lingerie bikini fetish armor

lmao, and go have sex

Have sex.

I'm not sexist, I wish everyone was as miserable and unhealthy as me, both men and women.
Even more miserable, if possible.

As that chink from the high school photo said, it is not enough that I should succeed, others should fail.

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Biological reason:
The male body is different and even while topless, it`s just not as arousing as a female body. That`s mainly because of the tits, but also because of the shape of the body itself. The outfits in earlier games used to compliment those arousing shapes, like pressing the tits together to make them bigger. There`s none of that here.

Sociological reason:
Half-naked men look like wrestlers, not like sexworkers. You don`t think "Man, I bet Liu Kang sucks dicks on dirty gas station toilets".
Women in sexy outfits always look like super whores and it often doesn`t fit with their personalities.
That's my biggest problem with games like the FF13 sequels. Lightning is meant to be a super-stoic no-fun-allowed person, yet she likes to be as slutty as possible, for some reason.

It might be just me, but the new designs are at least better waifu material than the old ones, who were mostly fap material.

try reading the OP first, the reason for the girls not wearing bikinis is because, and I quote; "You're not going to wear a bikini to a fight. You're not going to be showing so much skin. [...] You're going in to fight for you life, and you're not going to be wearing such scantily clad items."

please seek professional help for your mental deficiency

>Wrestlers don't look like sexworkers

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>The male body is different and even while topless, it`s just not as arousing as a female body
Faggots and roasties disagree

At this rate MK12 won't even be a MK game, it will be a Chou Aniki sequel.

>The male body is different and even while topless, it`s just not as arousing as a female body. That`s mainly because of the tits, but also because of the shape of the body itself.
Only a feminist incel would say this. He doesn't believe it but he's ready to parrot it in hopes to appear mature and get pussy. Little does he know that he failed the shit test and that he was parroting what not even the rape fantasy feminists hold as true.

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Well, technically speaking. You can find anything hot, like furries and fucking bronies.
It`s just that it`s easier for women to look hot because they have more parts that make them hot.

>Half-naked men look like wrestlers, not like sexworkers
oh hell no
when I see gachimuchi shit I sure as shit don't think "oh they must be wrestling"

For me, it's the In n' Out Double Double Cheeseburger with onions and pickles.

Just fucking burn it all down.

Is the game at least fun. I dont even give a shit about character designs. I just want more mortal kombat.

I applaud MK for this decision.

This is equality right here.

We need more muscly men.

You cannot ever put leftists in a "gotcha!" situation where their inconsistencies and hypocrisies are laid bare and they're forced to change their position. The only language they listen to is physical violence.

I didn`t even mention male power fantasies, for an explanation, see: I actually think girls being attracted to muscular bodies start becoming the minority, because all that androgynous shit seems to be the newest hotness.

maybe because you know it's gachi, you fucking retard


If you're fapping to any of those misshapen blobs of flesh, you got more problems than the dudes jerking it to Barbie dolls in bikinis.

It's funny, because Claire is way hotter than Gloria.

Have sex.

so you're saying it's subjective? gee I wonder what that does to your original statement, you absolute state of the 21st century

>"b-b-but it sold well"
>player numbers below a single player game from a new series that came out 2 months ago
oh nononono

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Beran is fucking retarded, but a man showing muscles to a fight is not the same as a woman showing boobs. One thing says: this guy has strenght and conditioning for a fight. The other says: "this woman has boobs I guess". Boobs are not useful in a fight. Muscles are.

Even if it's still retarded to leave your big muscles exposed since most characters have sharp weapons.

So there's a few solutions:
-You go with the logic of "you don't go naked into a knife fight", and give more protection on male fighters (and I believe this is a standard and no "human" characters are barechested in the default outfits).

-More muscles on female fighters. Most of them are too skinny. Come on man. Women can have muscles and actually hit people to death. Fighters like prime Chris Cyborg or Amanda Nunes would murder average men (not average fighters tho), and they fight with their skin exposed without much shame.

-Forget about everything and go with the designs you like. But dressing all the girls like hoes is just cheap. Unless the character has sexuality as a core trait, like Mileena.

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Not even gay but the male form is more aesthetic than female ones. It's about strength, power, and the pursuit of perfection. Noble.

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>more people play civ 6 than civ 5

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That double standard exists in every medium.
But, if developers are apologetic about anything in their games I won't ever buy it.

It shows they are pandering instead of being confident in making the game they really set out to.
That is the biggest turn off for me because a game the creators are not passionate about will never be good.

>implying book covers show beefcake
You haven't been in a library since 1995. If girls want to watch beefcake, they could just look for porn, like every other person.

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>girls being attracted to muscular bodies start becoming the minority, because all that androgynous shit seems to be the newest hotness
Dude what? Are you retarded? When did you hear this? Where? Find me a woman that says "oh yeah that androgynous mass of skinnyfat meat is turning me on!".

We're specifically talking about bodies and lack of clothes here. Not just pretty boy faces. Look at those covers. Half of those men have their face obscured.
Even Kpop fagboys are all contractually obliged to be /fit/ bellow the neck for the ladies. There is nothing androgynous about pic related's body.

Fuck out of here.

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Awful argument
>dude your human body can't produce enough hormones to grow muscles, let's add more
And women can roid too.

I switched over after gathering storm was released. It has rng but civ is basically a fucking boardgame so I don't give a shit. It's funner than 5 because there's more variables that make me play differently every game but I can consistently win in civ 5 more

That girl is skinny as fuck. I hope she gets fit.


How can one man be so wrong?
Anyway, Haley's better than both so whatever.

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Those covers are there to show what kind of a guy is described in those stories. How trashy or classy the cover isn't really relevant here. Especially for 50 Shades of Grey where the main guy is not only muscular he's also masculine acting, rude and fucks like an animal.

>Christian is tall, lean yet muscular, and broad-shouldered, with dark copper-colored hair and intense, bright gray eyes. He keeps in shape by kickboxing, running, and having sex. As quoted by Anastasia, "He is not merely good looking - he is the epitome of male beauty, breathtaking."
Come on.

>look at those covers
Go to a fucking bookshop, because I know you haven't in a while. While you are there you won't see those kinds of covers anymore because that shit is corny and classless, and easy access to porn made those cover obsolote. So now, female novels, even the horribly written ones, play more with the insinuation (shit like red apples or fetish masks) than the downright showing the beefcake.

The same way you don't see boobie magazines anymore.

Stop living in the 90s. It wasn't that good.

All of the bodies in OP pic are achieveable natty.

We can agree on that.
She is also the only of the child actors/actresses that aren't absolutely horrible. One might think that someone like Luke, who was standing in front of a camera literally his whole life, might grow into something remotely able to be considered an actor.

See The standards and ways of sexualizing bodies of men and women didn't change. Men still like tits and ass, women still like abs and pecks.

meant for

What I'm saying is: those covers aren't a thing anymore. Raunchy beefcake covers doesn't sell books anymore. The same way boob magazines aren't a thing no more.

Even if the books are still horribly written.

You're aware that double standard exists in real life. A guy can jog shirtless or go to the beach without one. Women can't. What you're fanny flustered about here is just a normal thing. Women in skimpy clothing is less socially acceptable than an in shape guy with his shirt off.

Also are you seriously comparing a shirtless guy to a g-string and nipple clamps you fucking baby

Holy shit it's like talking to a fucking wall.


You’re pathetic.

Moving the goalposts

>>dude your human body can't produce enough hormones to grow muscles, let's add more

Yeah, Its called eating, you fucking retard

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Not Shao, Kotal or Baraka tho. Those are downright monsters.

Women could totally wear what Mortal Kombat classic female costumes were to the beach though. They were essentially skimpy bathing suits. Your analogy doesn't really work.

She also seems like a mostly decent person in life, if the chunks of interview are anything to go by.
And her character actually developed in the series. I don't think any other characters actually grew.

This. All you people bitch about are video games and childrens movies. I'm still seeing neckbeards reeing about a star wars movie that came out over a year ago. Its never anything that matters, its always toys and cartoons and superhero movies. Faggots crying about Captain Marvel or whatever the fuck the latest bitch crusade is.

It's not just about about shirtless men. It's about men in MK being muscled Greek gods while women are all flat as boards, broad shouldered, narrow hipped, stocky and ALSO covered up.

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>sexsexsex I can only think about sex and putting pussy on a pedestal
how mature

You're either slow or arguing in bad faith. You are using examples of female novel covers, and when I tell you they aren't a thing no more, you move the goalposts.

Some didn't

>implying fit girls can't be sexy

If women with muscles look like men, men without muscles look like women.

Oh fuck off already. I almost wrote a serious reply.

>And women can roid too.
Anavar is fucking cheat mode. Women have literally everything so easy.


Yeah, but MK11 women aren't fit. They're built like pudgy boys.

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Don’t forget to dilate twice a day

I know, right?

Yeah, it's fucking awful. Even Ronda Rousey irl is in way better shape than his videogame counterpart. How can you fuck up this badly.

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Nice pic

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imagine being this dilated

It's sad that there are people on this earth who would seriously think that way.

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I hate modern society

i bet her handjobs are amazing.

Holy shit I need to get in shape ASAP

This put me in stitches the first time I saw this.

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