Did you have the consoles you wanted growing up?

Did you have the consoles you wanted growing up?

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Cuckfags literally making erotic fanifction out of random reddit posts.

I remember crying alone to myself because the morning of my birthday because I knew I wouldn't be getting a gamecube. So no, I didn't. I got one eventually, didn't even have to ask my bull.

I didn't even want any, nor ask, but still had every major consoles starting with the atari.

I did ask for a PC though, but back then a PC was a pretty huge deal, so I got consoles instead.

you went a little overkill with the edit

Cried at my mother to buy me a PS1 for Christmas. What I really wanted was a PS2 though, but my prepubescent ass didn't even know it existed at the time

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I grew up very poor and didnt have too many video games.

As soon as I moved out at 19 I spent all of my expendable income and now have 500 physical video games.

I havent played a video game in 3 months.

>connects N64 to HD tv without a line doubler or scaler
>probably using fucking composite cables
>is stretched to 16:9
>this is supposed to be a present

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I had a N64/GBC and my brothers had a PS1/SNES/Dreamcast so yeah, it was pretty good. Do wish I had played a bit of Genesis at the time.

A bull?

Delete this thread.

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>want to get a ps2
>get a job
>finally get one and it's the shit 90001

Yeah whats he talkin about?

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as they have been doing since inception

I had some of the consoles I wanted, but so many of them had games I wanted to play so it was impossible to have them all

wait til he sees how shit the framerate gets with multiplayer

Underage go.

>give him a bunch of old, beat up, corroded cartridges with dead internal save batteries
>can't be bothered to spring for an Everdrive
>this is supposed to be a present

I hate these fucking memes, because they're probably true and I can't tell if they're fake. I hate cuckolds so much, they should be locked into 55 gallon drums and boiled alive.

A bull is a guy you pay to fuck your wife for you. /pol/ and Yea Forums learned that cuckolding fetish was a thing and it became their favorite insult to say someone was a cuckold and therefore needed elaborate setups where they are emasculated to cum. Unfortunately it's over played and now anything makes you a cuck, even if you're not married. Thus Yea Forums has ruined a perfectly useful word.

A cuckold is the husband of an unfaithful wife. It doesnt mean they know about out or like it.

I feel the same except towards weebs and pedos.

fuck off back to facebook normalfag

>google seitan steak thinking it'd maybe be another fun recipe to try out
>Veganshit wheat gluten & lentils pressed into patties LARPing as steaks
this is what I deserve for trying to learn from bait images

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Legit I've seen these retards are now starting to claim a woman touching themselves during sex is her cucking you.

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Yes when I got first or second in my grade my dad would buy me stuff. If I then get shit grades they would confisticate it. But I always had my laptop to play those games on miniclip or launcharcade

>Spoonfeeding underage newfags
Fuck off back to twatter onions cuck and take your retarded wife's kids with you

>Did you have the consoles you wanted growing up?
Well, I wanted ALL consoles when I was kid but could only get one each gen, so obviously not.

Fuck how did I not realize this before? I'll slap my girlfriend next time she touches herself while I fuck her.

based my life in gaming.

How do I stop being beta and wanting some like pic related

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No, I was always a gen behind
Looking back though, I'm kinda thankful for it

I had a toaster laptop that has to be shared with the whole family for games until I was 12 and my parents started to get their own laptops. Surprised it even lasted as long as it did, considering that it lags when running a PSP emulator and certain flash games

No, I received a Game Boy Pocket when the Color was out
Received a GBA Micro when the DS and PSP were out
Received a Xbox when the 360 came out

I've always been a generation behind

I got a SNES growing up even though my parents struggled a bit. Love you mom an If you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight

Just plug the PC and load roms, simple
Enjoy HD, texture pack, Goldeneye on mouse/KB, 60FPs hack, native HD resolution, native Widescreen, custom controls and else

Used to own a PS1 when i was like 10, then i grew up switched to the more mature PC gaming platform.

>imagine being a ninten_cuck in the year 2019

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It starts with respecting yourself. So you need to have something you can respect yourself for. What are you good at?

yea had a PS1 and a PS2 but got both pretty late in their lifespan, the next gen consoles were basically around the corner by then
later got myself a ps3 and I'm still waiting for a reason to buy ps4 although that might be this summer because of CTR

why don't you blow it out your ass soya boya

>my wife's children

always the fucking whites. always.

Yes, my mom and dad were well off but not loaded, but my auntie married into wealth and would help pay for most of the consoles me and my sister had because we were her only niece and nephew.
Together we had:
SNES, Nintendo 64, Nintendo Gamecube, PS2, Wii, and a Xbox 360 before I moved out
And handhelds:
Gameboy color we both had but after that she got a Ds, Ds lite, and I got the PSP.

Yeah because everyone has to know what terms cucks use in their fetishes, you brain deprived faggots.

Yeah, my parents (well my mother) would go out of her way to get us everything even before I was born, although my father would usually do something to stop that.

>Mum wants to buy my two older brothers a console circa 1994 for Christmas
>Asks the people at the counter what the best console is
>They legit start to argue to on another to convince her to get either a MD/SNES
>She just gets both
>Christmas rolls around and dad takes the SNES to give to his cousins because he didn't get them a gift before they left and "they already have one, they dont need two"
>Christmas 97
>Mum buys Saturn and sets it out for Christmas
>Dad does the fucking same and says "They already have one"
>After this she literally starts hiding the consoles up until an hour or two before Christmas day starts so he can't do that anymore
>Brothers get a Gameboy in 1997, and then eventually we all get a Pikachu edition GBC in 2001 with Pokémon Gold/Silver
>Get a Dreamcast in 2000 or so, love the shit out of it
>Brothers get an Xbox, and Gamecube in 2002 or so, we all get a GBA for our own
>Skip the PS2 completely, no idea why, although we never really wanted one
>Gen 7, skip the PS3 and PSP but get everything else (360 in 2008, Wii in 2006, DS in 2005) until I eventually buy a PS3 in 2012 and PSP in 2016

I wish I had a better memory of the years I got consoles/handhelds in. Early 2000's are a blur to me.

The last console my mum bought me would've been the Xbox 360, after that I saved up money for my own stuff and got everything in a generation. I grew up pretty poor but my mum found ways to always make sure Christmas was a great time for us, and that we always had consoles we need. She lied to some game store in 2006 that she was a news reporter to get on the waiting list for a Wii just so we'd have it for Christmas, and even made sure we each had 3 Gameboy's so neither of us had to share beyond the games. Thanks for reading my blog

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Honest question, are these pictures made for jerking off to nowadays?
I know they started out as a joke, but they're starting to become eerily similar to those really weird captioned images real cucks enjoy

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