Did the devs already abandon this game like with the first one?

Did the devs already abandon this game like with the first one?

Attached: ror2.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

did your brain abandon you just like your dick, you stupid fucking shitlick?

Will it kill you to write "Risk of Rain" in the OP, you absolute fucking moron?

it feels like it when I get bugged and die at the third level when i have 1000 health from "one hit"

lol no

Do you have retard disease?

It takes time to implement battle royale you know

It is in early access shitstain. Did you think you will get updates from a two man studio every day?

Last update of the model for the night. What else do I need to change about it?

Attached: 1556173639915.png (796x441, 167K)

Sensitive topic, incels?

what the fuck is that

Looking long and hard at it, the legs feel slightly too short and the arms feel slightly too..thick? Dunno how else to describe it. Seems fine otherwise. Best of luck with your modeling endeavors, user.

That looks awful, you should feel ashamed of yourself.

>doesn't make his own models to mod into a game
fuck off shitter, let the user make the fucking mod holy fuck

is that kill la kill?

its not even textured yet you mong

what the fuck are up with the midget body shape everything about that looks off. jesus christ

>recent patch
>more of those searing pain gold statues
>always one guy that beelines for it and the rest of the team does it, essentially letting that guy take one item from each person
fuck this game is unplayable now

rest of the team doesn't*
fuck, fuck this shit

Yep. Supposed to be, at least.

user, I had a big fucking post about all of that, but I lost it so fuck it.
1) The model is top heavy. You might want to shrink the torso waist-up. I.e. "the shoulders are too wide".
2) The legs look too short but I don't think you can easily fix it and still use the Merc's animations.
3) If you're trying to stay faithful to the game's art style, the eyes should go and stay go. I would also suggest not showing bare skin.
Eyebrows might be better off integrated into helmet's shape as opposed to being just slapped on it.
The hair could use Hakumen's approach "the helmet grows hair because fuck it".
Alternatively, you could have a "cyborg" approach, where the "helmet" is basically just a mask on the face, while the scalp is hairy and exposed.
Stockings would look better styled as armor IMO, suits the game art style better.
Also, the lower part of the legs looks too thin for me.
Feet look too short. A foot should be about forearm's length.

that legit looks horrible, everything about that body is off