Rain World

Hey, it's Yea Forums's favorite game to obsess over and then forget about for months. How have you been?

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Other urls found in this thread:


any word on the huge mod that some people were making?

More Slugcats? It's still in development, but they are working on it.

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Just got the soundtrack on Vinyl. Parts of the cover glow in the dark, so that's pretty cool.

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I only played 3 hours of this before ragequitting. I really really tried to get into it, but it's just too frustrating.

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

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Yeah, same. It's kinda like starting Terraria or Minecraft all over again. Fuck all is ever explained and then the rain wipes you and the game ALSO punishes you by removing karma on your save file because fuck you, no permanent saves in this game.

Im stuck in Five Pebbles, it feels so different to other areas. I just wanna explore cool ruins.

post webms.
This usually causes a rainworld thread to last until 500 posts.
Is there any Mac pirates?

I mean, I tried reading up on this game as much as I can as suggested by some anons last month, but even all the knowledge of advanced tech in the world couldn't prevent the insane bullshit like random lizards waiting for you at the end of pipes in a new screen, or just the sheer tedium of farming for food to get to the next area, and then getting complacent and dying to stupid shit you shouldn't have died to. I still like what the game is trying to do and the atmosphere, but I just can't put up with the monotony.

Karma removal isn't that punishing. Once it gets to the bottom you've got nothing to lose except your time.

to add to this post, if you ever actually need karma it isn't usually isn't that hard to farm

Would have been more successful id they called it Pee World, and no, not in a sexual way

Considering picking this game up, what should I know going into it? I've been really enjoying Hollow Knight recently, is this a similar style or something different?

It's nothing like HK. It's a physics based survival platformer that is all trial & error. I'd suggest pirating first because chances are you're going to hate it.

kind of lame that i missed out on the best music in the game because i accidentally took the wall over unfortunate development

Rain World, now that's a good game available for purchase on the PlayStation® 4, Switch™ and the personal computer through the Windows operating system.

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If I enjoyed Celeste would I like Rain World?


Alright, thanks for the advice my dude.

Don't buy this game on switch. This shit is the most unoptimized 30 fps locked piece of crap ever, that will crash for no reason randomly. Also light is completely fucked up, hard to see stuff normally, shaded citadel is even worse than usual.
Still one of the best games made in the last 10 years, just not on the switch.

Are there any cheats for karma? I really don't care about the grind no matter how thematically connected it is to the overall experience. I can accept dying over and over to progress but having to go back to a nest to grind karma and then risk it all going to the gate again isn't my thing. Yep, certified shitter here.

y-you too

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What did he mean by this?

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He's ourguy

is he related to james primate?

Great game, played through it blind first off, then did a few fun runs. Very enjoyable but not without flaws.
RNG is poor in some locations and motion tied to physics, while extremely impressive in action, can result in actions entered not being the actions performed.
This was extremely plain just before meeting you know who and his wonderful floating playground, exacerbated by a tier V karma gate and a save point exitable only with a string of successful jumps over a death pit.
Are those jumps hard? Absolutely not.
Can you fail them "just because" sometimes? Yes, it's rare but you can, and considering it is the place most players are going to need to grind their karma up it is easy to see how frustrating that can be. Dying to an enemy is something you accept, dying because slugcat simply didn't jump as far as he usually does isn't really acceptable.

FUCK Moon and FUCK Slugcats

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lol m8 ur not even a real person, ur not even alive lol. why don't you go ascend oh wait you can't pfft

>forget about for months
Who could forget RW? I was just waiting until I felt ready to start my Hunter playthrough, which I'm doing rn. Only problem is I suck and keep dying and restarting before I can make it through Sky Islands on the first cycle. The whole Karma Cancer thing has me stressed out and I'm worried I'll put 10 hours in only to realize I don't have enough cycles left to achieve the necessary karma to ascend

I watched Criken and Tomato stream it in co-op mode earlier for a couple hours, Tomato had played a little before, managed to get through drainage I think but Crik was brand new to it.

Holy fuck I was almost screaming at my screen every time Crik would just stand next to a pipe that clearly had a lizard inside it and then complain that there was nothing he could have done. Also fuck me that co-op mod is really clunky and game breaking.

It's best that you don't know anything.
If after 4 hours, you're about to quit, then read about karma gates and nothing else.
Don't expect immediate satisfaction from playing it or endless fun because it's not that game, it's a really slow burner that's unforgettable when it finally pays off.

And you're pretty retarded for buying a product designed to scam you
>But it's shiny!

>spend millennia trying to figure out what you are missing to ascend
>when it takes any mildly intelligent being a month or so


Based, I got it as well.
The cover is fucking beautiful.

>implying void spunk is true ascension

Trust not the worm

Pretty sure the idea was to find an alternative to void fluid, an alternative to the risk of being trapped forever as an half living/half-dead entity.

No, no, all the iterators were there to figure out how to ascend, then they did, and now Pebbles is desperately looking to ascend himself long after all of his creators ascended.

>tfw you get visited by the third iterator's overseer


I'm grabbing all the pearls. It's no always easy.

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consume float jellies

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>Wounded lizard
>Mushroom buffed

Are we meant to think that killing a lizard is impressive?

How unfortunate.

Sliver of Straw didn't find a way to ascend. They found a way to die.
Their programming doesn't allow them to take any action or through inaction allow themselves to be harmed. The other iterators just think Sliver found ascension because they are quite literally made to think about it constantly, when the triple affirmative makes far more sense in the case of suicide.

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I had a crack at this game, but the skill floor is way too high for me.

It's more about perseverance than skill, it's okay to die. That's even the theme of the game.
Even in real life it's okay to die.

>it's okay to die
Not when it takes a whole afternoon to make a tiny amount of progress. My time is more valuable than that.

>My time is more valuable than that.
haha fag
but seriously I made a post just as whiney as yours when I was first getting started and I'm glad I stuck it through. If it clicks you'll stop caring about losing progress and start seeing deaths as learning opportunities. If you don't live for the thrill of near escapes and lizard dodging only to die anyway then you're playing this game for the wrong reason.

I did that dozens of times and progressed, it gets tiring after a certain point. I just want to explore and see the whole map, but if I die once it's start all over again and get lost in the map trying to figure out where last I was exploring.

>my time is valuable
Man you have an ego.

>If you don't live for the thrill of near escapes
I think that's what hooked me.
tfw you can see the exact moment I realized the predator theme was playing

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That seems very frustrating indeed.
For me the game clicked when i was progressing through the garbage waste. 10outta10bestgame, bessgame.
When i reach 0 karma it's my favorite time because i can just goof off consequence free so maybe try losing your karma that way you can merrily explore the maps. There are also mods which can help.

>it gets tiring after a certain point.
can't argue with you there, but in a way it only makes finding that next shelter and discovering a new place to explore all the more rewarding. Some areas have pretty distinct landmarks while others are more mazelike (fuck you Shoreline). If you're really tired of wandering the same region for hours you can always look up a map, but that kind of detracts from the experience.

Also, if you really really just want to explore without any pressure there's a handful of mods to reduce difficulty and enemy aggressiveness.

Stick it out, slugcat. I believe in you.

>bring all them neurons to Moon
>don't even get a bit of flavor text
This is unacceptable. 0/10, shit game.

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Any tips? Because I feel so primitive just trowing stones to everything.

Just run away from danger. What's your issue?

What part about the game do people generally find difficult? You get your hand held straight from the beginning, taught how to find shelter, what to eat and where to go. Any enemies you face you can just skidaddle around or decide to come back next cycle, assuming as survivor playthrough.

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>For me the game clicked when i was progressing through the garbage waste.
You too? There's just something about that entrance. Encountering water for the first time, the change in color pallet, the peaceful sounds of running water and the soft humming of the trash worms...

Absolute Kino.

Same. Once I got to pebbles and found out that I would have to back track to other areas I had already stumbled through to increase karma before the end game I dropped it I like the game, the environments and other animals make the gameplay exciting and dynamic, but it eventually trying over and over to have rng line up for certain areas got too grueling. Also all new players should wiki movement. There are some neat tricks and it's a shame the game never explains them.

Played it, ate moons neurons by accident, resetted, not ate moons neurons this time, but i stopped play, but lloking to get back into it when im done withe the games im currently playing

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All it takes to ascend is the ability to die for good, hence the void fluid. "Ascension" is just perma death.

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What the hell are the translucent golden slugs trapped in some kind of circles that get freed once you walk through them?


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This game is so damn pretty

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how long is the game? got past the first rune gate or whatever it's called, next area is tough as shit, I can explore a lot of it but always end up drowning in the rain before finding the next shelter.

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>how long is the game?
Couple hours. ~10 hours if you take your time and explore things. Couple dozen hours if you're bad at video games.

It really depends on you, took me about 20 hours but I faffed around and explored a whole bunch when I knew what the endgoal was

>If you blindly follow the yellow thingy suggestions he brings you to shaded citadel from industrial complex
What an asshole.

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a first blind run through of the game could take anywhere from 8 to 30 hours depending on how bad you are and how much time you spend wandering around "dead end" areas. I think my first playthrough took 16 hours and that was with me rushing through the last Act because I was so gripped by the events I witnessed.
>drowning in the rain
You better not be in Drainage, user. The intended route for the beginning of the game is Outskirts -> Industrial -> Garbage. Anywhere else is either the wrong side of a one-way entrance or a dead end until late game.

Vynils are a scam market atm, you're paying extra to look a bit more like a hipster, stupid retard.

>The intended route for the beginning of the game is Outskirts -> Industrial -> Garbage
>went sky islands -> farm array -> subterranean -> drainage first

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I might be in industrial, is that where there are creatures that use spears and weapons?
And that one weird plant that if you hit starts sprouting free food?

To be fair, shaded drops you straight in front of Moon at SHoreline

sounds like industrial alright, although you can find those two things in most areas drainage does not have them

I've been stuck on the scissor chickens in memory crypts for a month now, this shit just isn't possible.
Feels like the entire game is a timed underwater level before this which isn't exactly great.

Sounds about right but just to be sure the first room looks like pic related
I'm very sorry for your lots, user. I spent 2 hours dicking around Chimney Canopy and hating the game before turning back to explore Industrial more and finding Shaded Citadel and wasting another 2 hours wandering the dark before giving up and finally finding Garbage Wastes. How did you even get to Sky Islands as a beginner?

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Whats killing you in memory crypts, the birds or the timer? If you get the shortest day that shit is literally impossible I swear, aside from that I find not hesitating is the best way to beat the timer

>stuck on the scissor chickens
Just keep running. If you even think you hear snipping, dive in a hole. The glowing blue plants are great in a pinch if you get caught between holes. Don't give up, user. You're almost at the best most atmospheric part of the game with a super fun platforming gimmick.

>How did you even get to Sky Islands as a beginner?
After dicking around a bit and failing to get through the Outskirts -> Farm Arrays gate, I saw the yellow overseer pointing me forward and thought I'd explore a bit before moving on with what I thought was the plot. Just climbed up as high as I could get and got through the karma gate (I hadn't realised how karma gates worked yet, so thought it was the direction to go), got entranced by the music and kept going. Started having doubts until I found the echo and then decided to go even further.

>How did you get to sky island as a beginner?
I got to moon then because she doesnt give you shit to go on I started exploring until I went back to the starting area and went from there to farm arrays. Has no idea what people meant by pebbles until I looked it up.

You should climb over the big blocks, make sure to use slide-pounces and hold down as you land, then re-press jump as you're rolling. You can chain them to move over a great deal of land fast, since it's downhill.


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I managed to get to the area they looks like the end of the chicken gauntlet (had like a cave with a orange grub thing in it) once, but about ten second later I died due to rain

yeah that's the room of the area I'm in

That's close enough to the end. You just need to climb up, run a bit, then climb up and you'll be at a hibernation chamber. Keep at it and you'll be through soon, then introduced to the joy of the exterior and Five Pebbles.

Yeah sounds like you need a day with a long rain timer and to hurry the fuck up

More slugcat when?

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This year

is he shitting spears?
Also are these mods or official expansions upcoming?

Educate yourself

Yes. He also eats through his spears.
Not an official expansion so get ready for head canons and potential lore bastardization. It's very ambitious and boasts a fuckton of new content, though: 5 new slugcats with unique playstyles and storylines, new creatures, new regions, challenge mode, and a safari mode with PLAYABLE CREATURES

Shit might as well be Rain World 1.5

Is there a way to reset just the hunter progress?

Press R.

You can unlock Hunter by creating a blank txt file (notepad) called unlockred and placing it in the same directory as your exe file for rainworld (steamapps > common > Rain World)
Now you can have hunter unlocked on all 3 save files.

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Drainage System is best area

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Fuck water and fuck leeches

What are these things? Is it ever explained?

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just void things

Maybe they're lingering remnants of people who ascended, who knows.

But they're slugs, so if anything they're the designed pipe-cleaning ancestors of the slugcat.

That track that plays when you first enter is fucking groovy shame it seemed to cut out really fast

Or maybe they are half-ascended slugcats, like, only the cat part ascended

Around 25 hours on your first blind run, and a couple when speedrunning through again.


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But how does a creature with a massive ego like a cat manage to ascend, while the humble slug stays behind?

Why does the slugcat's nose look so much like a mouth?

because cats do whatever they want

literally nothing alike


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So i ended up in a room with a blue human and a bunch of floating things that i ate because i needed food, now the blue human doesn't move, is it normal or is it a bug?


u wot

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Is it pasta, or do a lot of people murder the only chance at a friend they had?


You're a murderer. Good work user.

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How was i supposed to know? Does doing so locks me out of the ending?

Due to Yea Forumss suggestion i finally played this recently. I passionately hated it for most of my first run. Now I can't stop playing

>How was i supposed to know?
By the panicked flailing and whines gurgled out by her as you ate her brain?

>first time playing
>know i have to go through their troll toll
>give them pearls but it doesn't work
>play the bitch, try many times, get skewered
>ENOUGH with the scavs
>see a scav, headshot him, raid their cache for grenades
>run their shitty blockade like an taliban
>become a slug pincushion
>war with scavs is eternal

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Whatever, i looked at the wiki and it's not critical to completing the game. At least i got food

...wait is that not what you were supposed to do?

It is said that screams are a sign of discomfort or pain

Citadel takes you to where you need to go, so yes

fuck scavs
species war now

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Scavs are fun and cute. They are a slugcat's friend.

what's the alternative?

>now at war with the scavs for 10 cycles
>exploring the whole garbage waste out of desperation
>in the stretch where long legs hang out
>long leg comes at me from the screen transition
>backflip the fuck out of there
>two scavs jigaboo behind me
>throw spears at me but they're flying at the long leg
>grab a spear of my own
>one of them gets fucking grabbed
>now's my chance
>scav saw his chance too i guess
>run together between its tentacles
>tentacle tries to grab the nigger, i spear it
>we make it out of the room
>he's not attacking me
>i drop a pearl, he grabs it and runs away
>maybe friendship is possible after all

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alternative for citadel? Goind through garbage wastes to get to shoreline, but it would take longer

My first run I ended up stuck in the sky islands.
I went outskirt > industrial > chimney > sky islands and had to start over because I couldn't get out and a centipede got into my shalter anyway

>trying to sneak past the toll without paying
You deserved it.

So is this game good? I haven't played Risk of Rain (1) but I've been enjoying RoR2. I like other roguelikes like Enter the Gungeon, Wizard of Legend and Rogue Legacy

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I don't really see the point, shaded citadel was extremely easy and comfy

You're a funny guy user, I like (You), that's why I'm gonna kill you last

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Well user asked for alternatives, and wastes is one

If this is bait it's a decent one.
You're bound to catch some redditors.

the other guy said the game sends you into shaded citadel as if that was a bad thing

>spend some time gathering all the pearls in the waste
>give them to random scavs everytime i see one
>one cycle, come out of the shelter and there are scavs everywhere
>getting in my way in every tunnel, have to shove them out of my path
>realize none of them are attacking me
>realize i'm like their leader now
>they follow me around and kill my enemies
>vulture comes down and for the first time i'm not afraid
>you eat tonight!
>we shred this mofo out of the sky
>my best nigga gets to keep its mask at his waist
>pass the toll toward shoreline, don't turn back
>some young scavs even try to follow me on my journey only to drown to leeches
And that's the story of how i got hooked to rain world.

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Great artwork. The backgrounds are beautiful in this game.