IN 4 HOURS(premium only for first 30 minutes, somebody will restream it, maybe): live.nicovideo.jp
VOD(twitch restream, bad quality): twitch.tv
2017 concert: youtube.com
IN 4 HOURS(premium only for first 30 minutes, somebody will restream it, maybe): live.nicovideo.jp
VOD(twitch restream, bad quality): twitch.tv
2017 concert: youtube.com
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't care, Persona 5 was a piece of shit game. Give me The World Ends With You 2 instead, Snoy's can have their garbage game
Can't wait for the console wars to begin
premium member, nuh uh
Very interested to see what P5S is.
Apparently it's a completely different genre.
Can't wait for there to be no Switch annoucement, at all.
imo it's kinda rude to put Joker in Smash and not even have the game on your own platform. surely Nintendo must've worked out a deal.
Think the Kasumi cosplayer/dancer will show up at tonight's concert? She was super flexible but I was mad that the camera fucked up and didn't record her when she did the splits on the ground.
The way she was deliberately gazing into the sky made her look disabled
Hopefully Yumi is rested up for today
>Apparently it's a completely different genre.
Source on that? Would be cool but what other genre can they even do?
You won't find out what it is today. It'll be like P5R a month ago. An announcement that an announcement is gonna happen in another month.
In that case wouldn't it had made more sense to show Persona 5 royal at the end of the event?
Yeah, but Atlus doesn't make sense.
This doesn't has anything to do with fatlus
There's always Q3 in a few years once Atlus figures out how to do EO on the Switch.
>one screen
Haha, good luck.
Didn't stop them last time.
What time is it at friends?
1h for premium
Thanks user :3 You're a cool dude
Premium access is already open and it's counting down with another 23 minutes until it starts.
Does anyone have the Periscope stream?
I think this is the one.
I watched this one last night.
>a million Persona threads right now
I just want a comfy thread for the stream but faggots keep making threads all over the place.
yesterdays concert threads were comfy ;_;
No stream mirror? I want my music desu
It already did years ago.
t. veteran
Seems to be streaming it again, I watched it on Nico, so don't know how it went yesterday.
Same Twitch stream as in the OP
missed our "waiting for nothing announcement" threads.
Any Yea Forumsro planing to stream it? I kind of hate NicoNico
Lmao she old.
Left a dislike
Same guy as yesterday is restreaming. It's starting soon. I'd switch over to Nico or Periscope after the first half hour though cause the restream quality is ass. Maybe just keep the link handy because Nico likes to boot normie members and gaijins every now and then.
Is there a remix album yet for P5? Like the reincarnation albums the did for P3 and P4
Thanks lads, enjoy the stream
What about the twitter steam, is that passable?
>Already fucked up
How will Lynfags ever recover?
Lyn sounds a bit tired
You leave Lyn the fuck alone. She smashed some sick notes yesterday. She's just not used to performing yet!
Three more hours switchbros
She grimaced, grabbed the side of her ear, and adjusted her in-ear monitor. Looked like it just accidentally blasted at full volume and she was startled or something.
Is it gonna be the same as yesterdays conference? Aside from whatever P5S is. Getting deja vu so far.
This, she immediately grabbed her in-ear monitor. Something happened that made her fuck up.
I hope if it actually is a switch port that it will be the P5R version and not just the standard P5, but anything is better than nothing
the chad himself
It's a 2 day concert, so presumably the same routine as yesterday with a different audience.
The announcement will about 3 hours from now if that's all you're after.
That's yesterday's show. Here's today's show: live.nicovideo.jp
So is it just gonna be the same songs as yesterday?
Persona 5 Super Mario Edition
Playing smash in tepid anticipation.
yes, only with a different announcement at the end
I forgot how bad the remix version of Burn my Dread Last Battle is.
From best to worst song.
damn looks like it's just an encore
ill just come back in 3 hours i guess
The way these kind of shows usually work is that 90% of the setlist is the same, all the super popular tracks, and then a handful of pieces that are more obscure and not absolute mainstays are changed for day 2.
That way the people who are visiting the second concert don't feel fucked over for not getting their favorites, and the superfans/whales that got tickets for both days still have something new to look forward to.
Yeah I figured it would be something like that.
Might just go watch Korea Time for a while instead as I listened to it yesterday.
Will we get this masterpiece again?
I hope they never say that.
Surprised the bot hasn't posted in this thread yet.
God fucking bless the Japs and their Engrish comprehension
>fuck a mirage
LJ knows what's up.
In 7min free users can watch it
I hope Yumi is feeling better!
he's getting banned for it
tendies got really asshurt from that
Female dancers are disgusting. Their thighs look like they stole them from hambeasts.
So it's the same playlist as yesterday?
Don't think so, but they did remix Keeper of Lust and Sunset Bridge to promote some headphones.
Imagine being this fucking gay
yee haw
we... heard this yesterday already?
So what's with the 1more logo?
one more time... this time on switch!
It's just the extra turn. They've got an extra announcement. Given how P5S is tied into the concert though it's probably just an album.
Because it's 1 More after yesterday's P5R reveal.
1more piece of info
They're already making another one for a platform that's not 3DS, so yeah, a single screen EO is on its way.
Drinking game.
Drink everytime somebody in the thread complains about there being music at a concert.
1 more announcement of an announcement before they reveal anything.
You literally won't last till the announcement if you do that.
Are you trying to kill us via alcohol poisoning?
Anyone know what the PS4 Pro enhancements for P5R are? They're on the P5R page but I can't translate them.
If it's insignificant I might end up getting a used PS4 just for P5R
Well yeah, that's the idea.
It's just fun shit that they can do because it's a PS3 game.
Native 4k, locked 60 fps, some HDR color stuff.
>New method for summoning your Persona for P6
it looks slightly better
is this the exact same playlist as yesterday? if so, imagine getting tickets for both shows, how absolutely pissed off I'd be
>If it's insignificant I might end up getting a used PS4 just for P5R
The PS Pro is honestly not that great. I got it at launch and the shit can't even run the PS4's home menu without severe lag. The only games I remember that it had any real benefit in was Just Cause 3 (which ran like horse shit on the base PS4) and GTAV.
Is any of this confirmed and stated or speculation? I'd love 60fps.
4K. Don't think it mentioned anything about framerate.
It's always odd to see Japan due influences of others cultures (There seems to be a heavy TexMex feel) because they just do themed dancing, cloths, and musical sounds
It's not like the western bullshit where they either make a parody of it, or go so authentic that's it's cringy and shit.
They've already played 2 songs that weren't at the previous performance.
what did they mean by this
>They're on the P5R page
All it mentions is higher resolution, no technical details. The rest is a generic "the game will look prettier than ever" message.
most japanese concerts do that
anison at least
i'm not sure about the other ones
in any case they know what was gonna happen
ugh, I had 100+ hours in P5, I don't wanna do it all again but I also want to experience the new content. I gotta make it a habit of buying games 2+ years after their initial release. gold versions, goty version, enhanced version etc. are all out by that time
so its confirmed P5S is Persona 5 Sony
i want to fuck the cute girl with the short skirt
Will base PS4 version look much worse than Pro?
how many more minutes until announcement? guess
So her Persona is almost certainly gonna be western themed. What female western outlaw/rebel do you think it could be?
It's an updated version of the network function from the base game. Instead of just a precentage pop up of what others did, you can probably directly contact others, see percentages, make leave predetermined messages (ala Dark Souls)
The concert is 3 hours long. You make a guess
isn't the normal version 1080p and pro 4k?
it just started,have fun waiting for 3 more hours
its impossible for it too look that much worse
definitely not worth buying a soon to be dead console for
Probably not. I'd say the only difference will be resolution. Pro has 4K support, base PS4 will still be 1080.
Chances are the only difference is going to be resolution
Calamity Jane....it seems pretty obvious.
>have work tomorrow
>don't want to miss the shitposting of P5S reveal
>Working night shift
>will be back home, comfy in bed when it happens
>..it's not a game.. not a robot AI challenging you
Lyn sucks when she's live
*tips 10gallon hat*
HOWDY YOU... uhh rat?
No Persona Switch we riot
Edward Snowden
Howdy dog
fuck off underage portbegger dont ruin our comfy thread and shitpost somewhere else
No way it'll be 60 FPS. Fatlus is too retarded for that.
Won't the PS5 have backward compatibility? Surely they won't release it again just for the PS5
Just let it settle for a while, one day you'll probably want to replay it, just get it then for way cheaper than you'd get it new.
To their credit, Atlus rarely, if ever, go strict HD remakes or anything.
If it gets remade for PS5, it would likely be another enhanced version with even more content and whatnot.
>implying she's live singing and not very badly lip-syncing
Even if they are retarded, it's literally a PS3 game. It should take 0 effort to make it run 1080p 60fps.
Persona 5 Crimson
>new confidant
>new dungeon
>another semester
Calamity Jane is really the only option unless they decide to go Spaghetti Western. Then it could be anyone. I can see them leaning harder on the flamenco aspect though and going with a Spanish/Italian heroine with a spaghetti western twist.
P5SSS? featuring Nero from the Devil May Cry series
it took ff7 20 years to reach a nintendo console so it will probably take just as long for persona 5
>Atlus rarely, if ever, go strict HD remakes or anything.
What are you talking about? They do it all the time.
P5S will rearrange itself to PS5 and it'll be a P5R for PS5 announcement.
I got the impression they feed her lyrics via the earpiece. She's always adjusting it whenever she gets lyrics wrong.
Their enhanced remakes are not strict HD remakes user. They always have added content, that was the poster's point.
Ok user thanks for telling us your a brainlet
2 hours more to suicide watch
You're right, and yet it'll still be 30. There's probably a bunch of game logic tied to framerate or something. Japanese devs have a bad habit of doing that.
>Flamenco version
alright alright alright alright
>concert goes instrumental
>already sounds a thousand times better
Just like yesterday too jesus
I fucking love this remix.
>Implying it's not P5S(uplex)
Isn't PS5 on the PS3 also? It's hardly the most intensive game on the platform.
I'm going with Calamity Jane too but the only indication is her rifle, everything else about her design screams simply dancer and "Joker parallel"
>your a brainlet
The game logic is at least partially tied to framerate. We already know this from emulation.
If it was that easy they'd already have bumped the framerate with the original PS4 port, but they deliberately kept it to 30.
Final bets on what P5S is gonna be boys?
>Persona 5 S
>The "s" stands for "Shin Megami Tensei"
More games need flamenco music.
Christ her voice is fucking dead it's painful to listen to youtube.com
Persona 5 S(witch)
Where you guys watching it?
This so fucking much. It would be CRAZY.
also this
Well we've seen screenshots of her in the casino and they've got a flamenco version of Whims of Fate, so they're probably trying to tell us something.
I'm probably reaching, but yeah.
Well SMT is a spin off of Persona so it makes sense.
good shit
Am i getting dejavu or are they repeating the songs from yesterday?
Damn this is a good remix.
periscope stream
Nibellion posted it on twitter
some are repeat
Don't even bother. It's the same shit as yesterday.
LJ back on the scene
Why can't japs learn to fucking code properly already, jesus christ.
Does Lotus Juice even have a career outside Persona music anymore?
I didn't see it yesterday, it's fine by me
Was hoping they would play Lone Prayer this time but it seems to be the same shit
>deletes twitter for good this time
how much longer for the reveal?
i mean they are also in the same style/performance
2 hours.
2 hours
Yea,but it looks like no one cares about his stuff unless it's persona related
he even tweeted about it
>I can see your bush
What did he mean by this?
I was actually thinking it would be a Spanish character, but I can't think of anyone.
Probably after this song
Persona 5 Shove It Up Your Own Ass game
Persona 5 "S"olid
>Snake has to embark on 1 last mission
>Snakes rebellious nature allows him to unlock his persona....Phantom Gear
Never underestimate Fatlus' incompetence. Full Body runs at 30 FPS and it uses the same engine.
Who is he?
No way, yesterday it took two more hours.
Who is this? Some resetera leakfag tranny?
No just trust me. It's either after this song or the next one. My uncle is Japan
He recently did a song for Square Enix on episode Ardyn. He does tons of shit outside Persona.
Oh okay, I lost all hope then. What a letdown.
man i fucking love shoji
Get Lyn off
she sounds fucking terrible live
Persona 5 Steam.
no you retarded drop of diarrhea
go fuck yourself
Got his tweet?
Persona 5 the Soundtrack
>predetermined messages
I wanted that feature to return from P4G
It's a turn based RPG what logic even there was to tie to framarate? The Baseball minigame?
Persona 5 Srena.
You sound like shit live too :^)
it was long ago,when pq2 released
i think he said something like "why do i make a lot of money when i'm involved with persona?give my other album some love"
shoo, shoo
This remix sucks dick. Worst song in P3D.
This remix is 2wack4me
>Implying it won't be P5Smash
Persona 5Sneed
The drums sound like a muted attempt at a blast beat.
What the fuck is this remix?
P4 > P5 > P3
Persona 5 Store
mass destruction is such an awful song
Revelations Persona > All
The only way you'll play Atlus games at 60 FPS is if they come to PC. Some other studio will fix Fatlus' mess then. Maybe this E3, maybe next year's, who knows. We went from PC not being acknowledged at all to being an option in official surveys (both JP and USA) and Catherine releasing on PC (Classic, but still it's the first Atlus game on PC in the West). Add to that Sega EU's recent efforts and I'm fairly positive we'll get there eventually. Hopefully sooner than later though.
This would be best outcome
>BTFO switchlets for eternity
>get a great place for persona merch
Persona 5 Sekiro
Dance! Is fucking HYPE AS FUCK
T. Boomers that can't enjoy anything.
>Catherine releasing on PC
Shitty port and not made by Atlus.
LJ is fully fluent in English and has lived in New York.
>just consume shit never criticise!
When is FUCK A MIRAGE again?
It was done by two people, it was an obvious budget port. And obviously it wasn't done by Atlus, they have zero PC experience. If they ported anything to PC it would be an absolute nightmare. 30 FPS lock for sure.
So you admit that you're a boomer?
They are watching it for free
There's no point in even trying to argue that point as it's such a fucking garbled term because of retards like you constantly misusing it.
Same with kino.
So fuck off.
is this a different track selection fro yesterday's?
>Just hate everything until you die goy.
Later. We're not even halfway through the concert yet.
>This thread
I heard they did a flamenco rendition of a song yesterday. Anybody have a link? I live and breathe for that shit.
PeachKato is such a basedboy
I would almost prefer a fighting game to a switch port because I want to beat up Akechi with Adachi
Shihoko >= Lynn > Yumi
Lynn does some mean improv growls, but I still like Shihoko more in the end. Yumi just doesn't sound as good live and can't sing some songs like Memories of You, also Mass Destruction is always terrible live.
T. Boomer that does not understand the word.
Fuck on!
>two seater
consider sudoku
Slightly, a lot of them are the same but quite a few are different.
P5 fSteak
Surely they would have saved Joker's release for that?
Now you're getting it.
MysticDistance. He started the P5 on Switch rumors after Joker was revealed for Smash
Smoke weed.
>Delta Wings
They played it again not long ago. You just missed it.
Tell me why are you so ass blasted at the idea of criticising something?
some "insider" who's the main reason people thought P5R was coming to switch
>tfw Switch owner and would prefer a fighting game.
Reddit and söy
I do.
Hirata can't sing for shit especially when compared to those two.
Like compare the PQ1 battle theme and see which one is better.
I would prefer a fighting game because I'd rather something new over just a port.
>calling card
I'm betting that P5S is a sequel rather than a spin-off or a vanilla Switch port
>MFW idort and will get Royal anyway
The singers sound tired. They don't usually don't do these things two days in a row, right?
Fighting game that's exclusive to Switch.
Why are you so mad at me criticizing you for criticizing the concert?
At what time should we expect the Gacha announcement?
Are they going to sing all the same tracks?
>new Phantom Thieves
Nah, it's a spinoff.
Honestly same, already considering getting a PS4 dirt cheap for 5R. So there's no point in playing a vanilla Switch port.
It'd be kind of weird to have an enhanced rerelease and a sequel announced so close together and make a bigger deal out of the rerelease.
Our Moment is the best P3D song
party over here
party over here
>P5R new content seems to have something to do with dreams
Are they going from the Phantom Thieves of Hearts to the Phantom Thieves of Dreams or something?
potty over her
potty over her
>New phantom thieves
Clearly talking about the players. It’s a switch port as they are ‘new’ to the game.
It's sounds terrible live
They're probably just playing yesterday's tape. This shit's exactly the same as yesterday.
It's a new proyect you dumbass, not a port
Or Vita port
Not like they didn't do it before
Look at Catherine
P5S will be just like P3P: a basic port of P5, but with a few exclusive features for Switch, such as a female MC.
My bet is the new dungeon wil have us steal the Phantom Thieves' heart
you sound terrible live idiot
If it's Stadium, I want Kamoshida in as a fighter
Then shouldn't they be referring to them as old phantom thieves?
Why are you criticising the criticism of criticising it?
That's a great impression of how British people speak. Do you have the Arabic version?
Persona 5 Steam
ur a faggot
Persona 5 eStrogen
How could it be a sequel? Didn't they collapse mementos and the metaverse?
Yumi is trying her best
>such as a female MC.
I would buy it then.
Yumi has to retire live concerts. She can't do it anymore.
The fuck you talking about? It's arguable wether Shihoko or Lyn is better, but Yumi is undoubtedly the worst one. She's sounds like she's having trouble breathing when singing.
Reminder it
>inb4 mobile game
Because I can.
When was Catherine 2 announced? Only the rerelease was announced couple of months ago.
Just started did I miss anything?
Persona 5 Song
It's one new song.
Nah, Atlus has shown they hate to do stuff like that with games that were once exclusive to other platforms. I really think the whole reason P5R even exists despite the original coming out just a couple of years ago is because they want PS4 users who may have partially gotten the console just for Persona to have something special that isn't on another platform.
Have you collect all switchfags post for the new collage of the eternal laugh?
It won't be a Switch port guys. I'm telling you this now.
no u r
This, I'm 100% sure of that. Maybe in style of Pokemon GO.
No I meant Catherine PC and the better Catherine version
Who would win, Yea Forums?
Great, now I have to sit through this again since I missed shit like Mist already, thanks for telling me user.
So, the "P5S" announcement in two hours, right?
Persona 2 Chads assemble.
What's the point?
It's all one guy doing it.
That's not really the same thing. Catherine had a port and an updated re-release, what's being suggested here is an updated re-release and a sequel.
Putting on the Ritz
P5R alone seems to be changing things
>Third semester
>Wakaba is seen in Cafe LeBlanc with Futaba
Please tell me they have done this.
I too remember when P5R was an exclusive Switch release.
I own both systems and yeah, it would be laughable and pointless if the Switch gets the vanilla version. What's the fucking point in that case?
Persona 5 Samsung Fold Edition.
It's a mobile remake of the original P5.
Makes more sense than Catherine
tfw no tap dancing gf
Not sure if Atlus are that stupid.
pic related, it's you
>Tap Dancer-chan is back
It's clear that Persona is never leaving Sony systems anymore. PQ is more of an Etrian Odyssey game, so it doesn't count. Likewise, SMT is now a Nintendo franchise. That's just how Atlus works.
>Took 10 years to finally finish Persona 5
>"Fuck we forgot to add some things"
>"Fuck no let the stupid people buy it again!"
(Exclusive to Sony phones)
Persona 5 Social
It's a browser game that works like second life, but persona themed
Who is wataba
>Persona is never leaving Sony systems anymore
When did it ever
Black Panther's home planet
Persona 5 Schlop
It's a dog's life.
Of course they're that stupid
Persona 5 Sneed
>human morgana
It's all a dream.
New true final boss.
This instrumental part so far has been the best shit happening on steam.
The point is that Atlus wants to do something special for the original user base of the game who may have bought a console for their game.
Also, they could easily justify it using the Switch cartridge capacity excuse.
I don't get it. If one guy is doing it then why would I be crying over a game I already own?
>Persona Q
>Persona 1
I like this
Persona 5 Shit
Because it's shit
What if it's a Persona 5 pen & paper RPG
It would exceed SL in autism
Persona 1 is on PC
I don't get it
stay dense and mad, my friendo
>Source- my ass
I know it's going to be Persona 5 Switch version.
But I still can't shake the feeling it's going to be different and it's making me laugh that Switchfags will cry later on if it's actually different.
wario version of futaba
Mad about what?
I have the game.
Persona 5 Sex. Because I've read every single doujin on nhentai by now
There's no way they would release a sequel and/or spin-off of a game on the Switch without the base game being playable on that platform. You can't expect people to follow the story from a game they may not even have access to.
A fighting game might be possible but it seems pretty foolish to release a fighting game from a series who people buying on the Switch likely wouldn't even know.
I just feel like it's going to be a vanilla version of P5.
Fuck bros I can't believe Atlus abandoned us twenty years ago. We literally kept their franchise alive, and they spit in our faces.
This tapdancer chick in the red is too fucking cute.
With my current state of mind at this point I might aswell use it, I feel lonely...
Well you do have to have high IQ to read and understand deep psychological analyses, so go back to Call of Duty, retardo.
Fair enough.
Persona 5 Sax dlc
>The point is that Atlus wants to do something special for the original user base of the game who may have bought a console for their game.
No they don't, unless you want to prove that your dad works at atlus or something. P5 was released on PS3 anyway, it's not an exclusive to PS4 and no one had to buy a PS4 to play it.
>Switchfags will cry later on
Eh, they didn't really want it in the first place beyond one or two twitter posters.
Wholesome. Stay happy and content then, senpai.
>He actually thinks this
Persona 1 had a PC port, it actually had many QoL features that weren't included in PSP remaster.
who's the old lady?
Persona 5 Super Live 2
>from a game they may not even have access to.
You underestimate how many switch owners also have PS4s.
I'd like to play it
Persona 5 Switch
it switches the gender of every
>another 5 minutes of gibberish
Fuck this.
Give me a new Strange Journey on Switch and I'll be happy.
>PM'd you the link ;)
I thought this was just memes. What the fuck.
I think it's yumi kawamura, main singer for persona 3 and also some other persona songs
Ryuji's gonna get dicked hard
It's a Switch game of some sort.
DMC's developer confirmed that you need game of sort on a Nintendo system to be considered. Considering that Project X Zone doesn't count, that means PQ2 doesn't count either.
There is absolutely no reason for Nintendo adding Joker to their game without a catch.
Why wouldn't I?
Most Nintendofags here didn't concern themselves with Persona until the Joker reveal because they were wondering why he was chosen.
Persona 5 Song.
Go home people it's just an ost announcement.
persona 5 stadium
? Why would you assume that
These concerts are upsetting dubfags because they won't know who voices Kasumi.
Persona/ Grand Order
I'd join that, although I would prefer 100000+ hour long Persona, so that I could just play every hour of every day and have friends and a gf.
Sure but that doesn't change the fact that taking a game released on one console a couple of years ago and then releasing its sequel and/or spinoff on a different console is a retarded business idea.
It's not and the box art is fucking kino
It's not going to be different, it will be the base game so that Switch players can experience that as well.
>A fighting game might be possible but it seems pretty foolish to release a fighting game from a series who people buying on the Switch likely wouldn't even know.
>Joker is in Smash
>Persona 4 was only released on PlayStation consoles
>Persona 4 Arena was released on PlayStation and Xbox consoles
>BBCT, which has Persona 4 characters, was released on pretty much every major console, including the Switch.
>Persona Q(2)
I dunno about that user.
if you didn't have a ps4 and bought a console for p5 it was probably a ps3 fampai
>Eh, they didn't really want it in the first place beyond one or two twitter posters.
its a mobile game
screencap this post
Just woke up, why is the guy on Twitch replaying yesterday's stream?
Gyaruji will
That would be simply a must-have for every Atlus fan out there
SMT5 news when?
Persona 5 smobile
God please be wrong.
user, that's a shitposting thread.
Unless you think someone legitimately thinks Persona 5 & Knuckles can be a thing.
>DMC's developer confirmed that you need game of sort on a Nintendo system to be considered.
No, he didn't. What he said was akin to some random fuck on the internet saying it. He's not part of the Smash development team.
Sakurai on the other hand, has himself said that Smash has gone beyond just a celebration of Nintendo at this point, but gaming as a whole.
I'd argue that PXZ was a crossover between multiple companies and IPs, whereas PQ2 is only Persona, which may give it more 'legitimacy' as a game on a Nintendo. Still, things should get interesting in an hour's time.
>didn't buy P5 because I knew it would get a Switch port eventually
>if they don't announce it today i'm going to have to buy it for PS3 after waiting for years
it hurst bro
reddit just doesn't allow straight up download links
in any case the download link is literally on the first page of google when you search for "megami ibunroku persona pc"
It's a whole new stream
Skip it, it's mediocre
Holy shit it's like these circles popped up once Joker got announced into smash.
There was literally no one even fathoming the idea of a Persona port, let alone asking for a port of P5 to the Switch until he got revealed a few months ago.
Japanese PC games tend to have insane lovely box art and also comes with nice additions. Falcom is always the best.
The switch didn't even exist when P5 was released.
Persona 5 Suck on DEEZ NUTS
>19 miles away
>active 43 minutes ago
Which means he's now right behind you. RUN.
Persona 5 Shin Megami Tensei V
Se'll be voiced by Chad Narukami
>thats a dude
I know
>1 shitpost means all 600 posts in the thread are shitposts
Wait, is it actually live or just recording of the yesterday's show?
Same here. It sucks.
i don't speak weeb, whats happening right now
Yeah, Psvita is count as mobile
It's live and the same show as yesterday so people only have to buy 1 ticket.
I am wondering this myself
If they make some kind of SMT gacha game I swear to God I'm jumping off a cliff.
Persona Five (Pro) Skater
>he doesn't know
It's too late user
They did.
The rumors came out of the speculation as to why he made it into smash.
Are you living under a rock?
a gacha mobage for SMT already exists
It's different from yesterday's.
>implying that wasn't *RECORD SCRATCH*'s plan to begin with
that already happened pal
> IF
>he dosen't know
Yeah it did.
I'm sorry, user.
major bruh moment
Don't google SMT Dx2 Liberation then.
They already have
Remember to do a flip.
Close but no cigar
>new song about rivals and fighting
>they were talking about fighting
I'm going to buy a PS4 today anons. What should I play on it while I wait for P5R? Already got Detroit coming in the mail for shits and giggles.
I don't like FromSoft games, so no Bloodborne.
Motherfucker, are you happy with all these (You)s now?
Persona 5 SWITCH
Goro is the MC instead of JOKAH
so where are you planning on jumping?
I played the dub of Persona 4 years ago. Why does Kanji sound off?
you mean P5 S(martphone)?
P5: Side M
Gravity Rush 2 and Wipeout Omega Collection.
It's gonna be a mobile game similar to Pokemon GO, except you have to answer psychological questionnaire and you'll get a Persona that fits you. Then you go searching and fighting other demons and Persona users. Atlus thought that GO would be revolutionary game and would bring steady revenue, but when they found that it wouldn't be like that, it was too late to cancel.
Well you're kind of limiting your options there.
Ace Combat 7. There's even a heist mission near the end, as a warmup for P5!
Gravity Rush 1 and 2, Yakuza games, Nier Automata, Nioh.
Play persona 5 and sell ps4 as fast as possible afterwards.
Bloodborne is the only game on PS4
Wipeout omega collection
At the time, Baker was unavailable so Mercer end up doing Kanji.
Nah, they wouldn't use a concert to announce it. Plus Atlus doesn't develop the smartphone games themselves.
This lady is so elderly. She's like an old person.
not only are they releasing P5 for Switch but they're releasing P3 and P4 as well
screencap this if you don't believe me
buy it right now with no option to refund
universe itself will make it so p5r gets on switch solely to spite you
I think they got a new guy to voice Kanji in the anime and P4G
Odin Sphere
She’s doing great for being 87
>switch has no memories, no truth, and no heart
Persona 5 Scollection 3-5
Gravity Rush games and Miku are what I'm getting if I get a PS4
Half way through they changed Kanji's voice from Troy Baker's to Matt Mercer's for a reason I can't remember, and then Mercer became Kanji's voice actor because Baker never came back after Arena, so Mercer did his voice in Golden, Ultimax, DAN, and I think PQ as well.
her life is exhausted you could say
Yumi's fucking killing it tonight. She was going to flop over dead last night but this is sounding good.
How funny would it be if it was a combination of P1-4 but not P5.
Honestly I doubt it but I'd really love having a P3 FES remake on Switch with the QoL stuff P3P added.
cool if true
I rather have two better games than just p5
Is she also a geriatric?
Persona 5 Xbox One S
>No 1 and 2
>tfw been spoiling persona games to port begging nincels
Absolutely. Yesterday she was off but right now this is much better.
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
Persona 5 Super Autistic Thieves
She's doing her damned best.
I'd actually prefer that. 4 games > 1 game
Gravity rush 1-2
God of war
Until dawn
Rachet and clank
Yakuza 0
And unironically kh 1 to 3
I like to think there's a non-zero chance of it happening because of the alternate color schemes in Joker's stage in Smash.
It's all shitposting
Well whatever persona 5 S is it better be good
Persona 5 Synergy, every Persona game including If... remade with the P5 engine
>Spoiling Games you've never played
Not sure how that works, I guess you just go on the wiki
the fucking crowd is singing it oh no
>not spoiling Avengers like a true chad.
Troy Baker was in Golden too.
Spiderman and God of War are the only other worthwhile ps4 exclusives if you're leaving out BB
I'm not that invested in persona, but the old lady is killing it, holy shit.
Persona 5 the Speeding
>crowd singing it
P5 S to Spit
Day 1ers BTFO
fucking hate how this song always makes tear up
Persona 5 Selection
Selection of the 5 best Persona games on PSVita
Pretty sure anyone who was interested has already been spoiled or has played the game.
Is the current stream actually day 2 or is it a rerun yesterdays? It's 1:1 from what I remember.
Halfway through the anime, they switched to "Discount Troy Baker" aka Matthew Mercer. He's a great VA that almost sounds identical to Troy Baker.
I wonder if Sakurai is in this crowd
Wipeout Omega Collection
user, the white were right
Same setlist. Not a rerun.
Yumi was dying yesterday. For some reason she's fine today.
When's the announcement? At the end?
Same setlist, they're performing it twice.
So Wipeout, Odin Sphere, Nioh, Gravity Rush, Yakuza, R&C and Spiderman then? Thanks anons.
I'm buying one used for $100. Disk tray is apparently a little fucked, but whatever.
Yep 2 hours from now on
yes. same as yesterday
It's mostly the same setlist, some of the songs have been switched out but most of them are the same.
The last 50 seconds, yes
Yes. An hour from now.
P5 Sakurai featuring Sakurai from the Sakurai series
If you don't like Fromsoft games, I'm not sure how much you'll enjoy that one. It's not exactly entirely like Dark Souls but it's pretty derivative.
that's already quite the collection, user
have fun