What are some fps games where the guy holds a shotgun like this?

what are some fps games where the guy holds a shotgun like this?

Attached: farcry3blooddragonshotgun.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

The Postal Dude does it in Paradise Lost.

Far cry 3: blood dragon


I've seen some though I can't remember right now.

Attached: 15558434671020s.jpg (250x250, 9K)

what are some fps games where the guy holds a shotgun like this?

Attached: fear-1_q3dr.jpg (1920x1080, 384K)

Far cry 3 blood dragon

because it looks cool

I miss gibs

This is as bad as the meme of suppressors being so quite you can't hear them right next to you.

explain how its bad /k/ fag

I guess I shouldn't expect a non-/k/ to know what recoil and muzzle control are, let alone the thought of aiming. But I'd think even a child would understand the concepts of leverage.

>muh realism in a game that takes place in vaporwave
kys retard

You know silencer is the patented and legal term right?

When you and the media spread that it's how it works in reality it becomes a problem. child.

user, there are both suppressors and silencers. Stop talking about shit you don't understand.

jesus christ, learn basic grammar

it's more synthwave

Jesus Christ, learn to use proper grammar. You can't even capitalize or end a sentence properly.

says the fag who just started to capitalize and end his sentence properly lol. fake ass pussy

is right, he should be resting his arm on top of the shotgun so the barrel doesn't fly up into his face.

Hello newfriend. You need to be 18 to post here.

im 86 kid

hes a half cyborg ya dipshit.

just because hes a cyborg doesn't mean he cant feel pain

i said HALF cyborg. holy fucking shit are you inbred or something?

I used to think /k/ was cool. In reality they’re actually autistic