We always gets announcements. Anyway should be up in 30~ mins. I am curious on which games are selling.
Nintendo Investors Meeting Q1
Other urls found in this thread:
Are they going to announce switch numbers until now too?
They always do. It's software + hardware.
I forgot who tweets things though.
On that related note we'll probably get info on that Mario Kart Tour.
40 millions switch sold
We usually get announcements related to mobile releases more than anything.
I'm guessing that Let's Go was the best seller of this fiscal year.
Oh yeah, what's the difference between this upcoming meeting and the one on the next day?
Isn’t this how Pac Man was announced for Smash 4.
No, Pac Man was announced at E3 behind closed doors.
No that's closed door press.
He was announced at a press-only interview session with Sakurai at E3 2014
I'm more interested how much Mario Kart Wii did they sell since the last time.
Shit won't die
What are you predictions? I'm thinking
#1 MK8 Deluxe = 18 million
#2 Odyssey = 16 million
#3 Smash = 15 million
Switch: 35 million
Smash I think should be at 20s right now
Investors Q&A maybe on day 2?
Switch: 38.7 million
Closed beta next month
Not if MK8Deluxe is #1 seller.
Apparently it's lifetime sales are getting close to PS4's, if they released on the same day. I'd use those numbers.
Ah right the QAs.
>waiting for the "why is this video game company only talking about video games" meeting
>investors will be disappointed in Nintendo for not getting P5 on the Switch despite no one at the company ever giving any word on that
>such is Nintendo life
Are you new? We always had IR meeting threads.
P5 is probably going to sell more on the Switch than the PS4, I'm not memeing
Ah I see the shitposters have also taken their seats. Would be a fun thread.
>Korg and Miek live with him and they play Fortnite (for real)
jesus christ, marvel movies are such garbage
Ha, guess what I just did to you and I'll just imply it so I'll never actually be accused for it.
Who cares, stop posting this rubbish.
Any minute now.
So top three are MK8DX, Odyssey, and Smash
Switch has Hardware:34.74million units
Software:187.52million units
>Pokemon the exact same as it was around Christmas
also aren't their sales combined?
Post previous report
>still pushing 3DS
Fucking why? They Nintendo is wasting resources with this.
Always good to see splatoon as high up as it is. Glad it became so popular, seeing how so many thought the series would be a flop from the start
Man, when most Switch Exclusives are selling better then even God Of War you know nintendo is on top.
Because they always either give away release dates by the month or talk about upcoming shit that gets "officially" announced in a day or so.
PSN makes more for sony than all combined software sales for nintendo
but they're not? no more new games from it, they just posted it (and Wii U's) sales
>Ult already sold more than Brawl
Holy fuck, that's a lot of games. Maybe now they can afford to give us some fucking SNES and gameboy games.
Wheres my fucking animal crossing
Seems the Wii U had a good attach rate. I guess it did have games after all.
Ultimate is now the best selling Smash game right?
So, what are the investors gonna ask tomorrow?
Are we going to get more fun investor questions? Those are always a gas.
tomorrow it seems
>u deluxe at 3.3 million already
I don't remember which meeting it was, but one of those fuckers seriously asked why they're only talking about video games.
I'll never forget that.
>giving more when giving less works
I'm thinking not.
What happened?
>that net income
>those port sales numbers
Leave some for everyone else, Nintendo
"I think the company should get into the ride sharing business"
Was that ever explained? Did they just not know who they were investing in?
Name 5 previous announcements we got
anyone have the pics from the last quarter to compare?
Sales for this quarter specifically. RIP ARMS, Kirby, DK and Xeno, who we will never see again.
>have to use the same email for Google Play and Nintendo
God damnit. Fuck you too Ninrendo. I'm not switching my email just for a watered down mobile version.
"We would like to invest into Mario Royale with Fornite-esque dances."
Investors are stupid and they don't care and are not interested in the companies they invest with.
please god give me a wii sports resort successor
Why the fuck the nsmb deluxe sell so much
I have 300 bucks on Nintendo stocks, so far they're doing great.
>also aren't their sales combined?
Yes, which makes it even sadder
isn't the last game coming out for it persona Q2?
>Mario Kart 8 is at 16 millions
Holy fucking shit.
What are the projected hardware sales for the next fiscal year?
>Miyamoto-sama, where is Nintendo's virtual YouTuber? It's the current trend
some of the people riding the bowsette train remembered that it spawned from a real video game
Some investors do invest extremely broadly and often blind. Guy was probably used to more trend-oriented meetings with vague future talk, rather than the concise meetings Nintendo holds.
>Switch sold 3x as many units as Wii U already
kek, it really did flop
Pretty solid attach rate at least.
So Switch will outsell the Xbone BEFORE its first price cut or revision model?
So did they reach the 20 million mark or no?
>MK8D could eventually surpass MKWii's LTD
>SMO and Ultimate will eventually break over 20mil
My favorite was the Q2 one last year where one of them said something along the lines of "I understand that this E3 event in America has you sharing upcoming games and such with the public and media. When are you going to do that for us? We would like to see the new games, too." Maximum wholesome.
They shouldn't get to ask questions then.
18M. Pretty conservative given this FY ended at just under 17M. Probably don't want to overestimate like their original 20M.
The Switch has officially outsold the N64 and it's less than halfway through it's life
It's going to outsell the NES at this rate
>those sales for those cheap ports
Now imagine if nintendo actually made some new games
Why do people care about this? It's just sales
MK8 Deluxe is a beast
I wonder if Smash will outsell it.
New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe probably already outsold half the top games
They just need to lower the price of the Switch and some of the games now.
BOTW needs an ultimate edition with all the dlc for $40 or something.
Oh fuck. I missed that. Do you remember the reply?
Wow, Mario Party is at 6 million, how impressive. Does that mean we'll finally get some new fucking boards, for fuck's sake!
No. it would have to sell at least 37 million to hit that goal.
Because of Switch exclusive drought between Smash and Yoshi's Crappy World.
I'm more surprised that people are buying Super Mario Retardy
>MK8 Deluxe = 18 million
It's already over that
I'm actually quite glad that Pokemon LGPE is doing relatively poorly for a Pokemon remake. Maybe Gamefreak will put more effort on mainline games now rather than continue with more Let's Go games. All the nostalgia for gen 1 just really isn't there for any generation afterwards.
No way they'll sell less this year with Pokemon and Animal Crossing plus the rumored new models.
>Why do people care about how successful something in the industry is
>Why the fuck the [any 2D Mario platformer] sell so much
I want you to reread your question.
>legopee has no legs
Because for at least 2/3 of the people who own a Switch, it's a new Mario game.
Smash maybe, but Odyssey probably won't.
It also shows that they can't make lightning strike twice with that Go cash-in. You can only do something like that once and only if it's free-to-play.
So Arms is never getting a sequel, is it
Actually, they didn't have any mentions of a new switch model did they? Did they also avoid mentioning the new 3DS back then?
Yoshi is already a million seller in just a few days. Can't be that crappy
Pokemon is big, but surely some % of the pokemon audience already came over for Let's Go, and last year did have Smash. I don't think it's unreasonable to assume it'll sell about the same.
Any news on a stronger switch? I've been holding off on getting one, but I might bite the bullet if one of those drops so I can finally play Travis's game.
What's the point of an optimistic projection anyway?
why are people buying 1-2-Switch, am I missing out on something?
I refuse to believe 1-2-Switxh is still selling. I refuse to believe it sold at all.
It didn't do bad for a new IP. I doubt we've seen the last of it.
they really should make it or splatoon into their own f2p team fortress 2
they're going to be successful regardless of your numbers autism
That's bullshit. They always get news at the same time if not earlier or exclusively for them.
>still selling 1 mil a quarter at $60
Not gonna happen
Which makes me wonder, why the fuck didn't they release it on the switch as a f2p title? just use the same retarded microtransaction system, they would have made way more money but they were greedy.
because despite the plain visuals, its level design is still one of the best. I will gladly take it over say, Rayman Legends.
i bet it'll get a massive boost once all 5 DLCs are out.
This is the first time a mainline Pokemon is on non-portable. Could get a one-time FOMO boost kind of like XY getting a one-time boost for moving to 3D.
>online mode only has 1 board
Nope. They were deliberately cheap because they expected it to bomb.
Almost all investors are like that. At other investor meetings they ask the most retarded questions you can imagine, except those are relevant, because that's just how retarded the modern market is. Some of my favourites (from the German market) are:
Regarding the largest adult shop: "Will you be able to extend your market into younger ages?" - "Yes. [...]"
Lufthansa: "Any plans for flying cabs?" - "Yes. [...]" And then two months later one of the major parties pushed the agenda for flying cabs in the german parliament. No joke.
BASF (Chemicals etc.): "Weed is a meme. Plans to mix it in with consumer-grade medicine?" - "No, but yes."
I could go on and on... It's really fucking retarded.
>looks at Wii U
>looks at GC
>looks at GBA
Why would they "need" to lower the price of something that keeps selling?
What kind of dumpster logic is this?
>I doubt we've seen the last of it.
I'd agree, but we still haven't heard anything about the ARMS comic from Dark Horse that was supposed to come out last year.
For what the Switch is, especially with it's potent eShop, the software sales are still pretty damn low.
It's a dumb concept anyway. Go works because it's mobile. Applying it to a handheld setting while giving it a standard RPG setup clashes.
Not happening any time soon. There are rumors of a DS Lite-esque replacement for the current model to be released somewhat soon but I wouldnt wait for that
The GBA sold like 80 million+.units.
Sadly I don't recall. I was so giddy about the question I kind of forgot everything else.
>he doesn't like milking cows or feeling balls in a box
it still sold over 10m so perspective man
user I....
>18+16+15 = 49 million
>35 million switches
35 million have switches, so do the rest 14 million buy games when they dont have the console? Learn basic math.
It's called lowering the barrier to entry.
Little Timmy wants the Switch but its $250, too much for mommy.
But if it was $199, mommy might consider it.
it was very low compared to the other handhelds. granted they killed it fast but still...
is the switch currently selling a lot? yeah
that's all you need
anything else is irrelevant unless you personally have a stake in the sales numbers of games/consoles
GBA was successful as fuck, though. And even with the GC and WiiU, they made a lot of money.
I have a question. Nintendo says that like ~84% of all games sold on the Switch are first party. If I add up all the sales we can know about I get 103.32 million, which is only 55% of the 187.52 million they report. What's going on?
I almost bought that game when it was on sale? Is it bad or something?
Nigger are you retarded
They should just hand out copies for $3.50. It'll sell billions.
It's pretty dull. Level design is uninspired. People only like it for the graphics.
Unrelated but what the fuck was that third-person shooter that was supposed to come to Switch where their body parts get bigger? Did that ever fucking come out? I don't even remember what it was called, and can't find anything via Google.
Hahaha what the fuck
mate you know you can buy more than one game per console right
It was lower than the GB, but that had like 11 years on the market. The DS might have beaten it, but putting the GBA on the same tier as the Wii U is retarded.
Tax fraud
Don't forget to include Nintendo-owned inhouse studios.
It's been out. That weird-ass game is old news.
it's an indie game and I think it already came out
Are you seriously saying that all we need to know if it's successful and at the same time saying we shouldn't pay attention to the sources telling us whether it's successful or not. Stop relying on regurgitated "journalism" for once in your life and look for own damn self
Holy shit
Morphies Law. It sucks
It came out like last year and it was a fucking wreck. Looked like ass with bad performance. Supposedly the devs were working on an update to fix the mess they released but I wouldn't be surprised if they gave up, haven't heard a peep since then.
oh I wasn't intending to put it on that tier, just saying how compared to its handheld brothers it was the black sheep
of course virtua boy was the real stinker
Huh. Apparently it's coming to Steam now.
The only thing that might be missing are games like Octopath where Nintendo publishes it in certain regions. But we're missing like 50 million in sales, Octopath and the Warriors games aren't going to make up for that.
It's in line with most Nintendo consoles. People have to stop pretending the Nintendo demographic is a bunch of people that will eat anything: The very large majority of Switch owners probably have 3-5 1st party titles on their library and not much else.
Ironman dies though
Captain wields Mjolnier and grows old w Peggy
Thanos dies twice? Yes or Yes
Reminder that everything that doesn't have a physical release isn't counted.
video games.
>buy Octopath Traveler full price recently
>gets announced to PC
>could have pirated it
nice, this is why I hate that 90% of the Switch's library is multiplats, this didn't happen with the Wii.
yes I'm sure every news outlet is going to fabricate and alter the profit results of one of the largest gaming entities on the planet and clearly we must all pay close attention to it and compare numbers from previous years because otherwise Nintendo would be helpless without such Loyal Fans™
Well its not like 3rd parties are giving it much
That's why your cheap ass should always wait at least a year.
Or you could have pirated it on the switch
>The very large majority of Switch owners probably have 3-5 1st party titles on their library and not much else.
That's what I'm talking about though. I'm an idort so I'm not really invested, but Nintendo really needs to finally get worthwhile third-party titles on their systems.
I mean, in this thread right now we realized they didn't reach their projected shit, so we learn to contextualize their actions. Not everything is about "loyalty" or console war faggotry.
>lower sales forecast from 20 million to 17 million
>still don't hit it
should have not had trash online
This picture will never not be relevant
Because the announcement comes a week beforehand
Stop being retarded.
Pokemon LGPE was made as a companion piece for nostalgiafags who play Go. Based on that expectation it did fine, because most Go players are casuals who only play on mobile (so they don't own Switches and probably won't buy them) and have short attention spans so they don't stick with a game for long (Go released almost 3 years ago, LGPE was late to the party).
Lucky for Nintendo, enough retards (read: me) were so starved for a Pokemon game on Switch, that they bought it anyway.
If you aren't interested in Mario Odyssey, Smash, XCB2 or BotW there isn't much else on the Switch for you. No surprise there.
>tfw this would completely prevent me from playing Nintendo games
Fucking jews never lowering their prices
To be fair they just BARELY missed it. it sold like 16.97 compared to their forcasted 17 million
>Nintendo really needs to finally get worthwhile third-party titles on their systems.
What would you suggest? It's not like Sekiro and RE2 will run on it
Unintensive games like Megaman 11 are fine there too.
Who wouldn't be interested in those is the question
It was supposed to make phonefags buy a switch. The backbone of their 20 million prediction was LGPE, and it was also the reason they didn't make it.
Hopefully they learned their lesson.
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is still top fucking dog
>Wii U Wii U Mario port already got 3.3 million despite being recently released
Fucking Nintendo magic works in mysterious ways.
There's a method?
And yet they can make a good exclusive game, weird isn't it?
Third parties going back to making budget handheld level games instead of lazily porting games already made for them
Not really. They secured the launch marketing & quality of 1st party titles is what got the Switch that momentum, which they can probably keep up with a 3DS-esque marketing planning if the rumors regarding new Switch models are to be believed, which is what seems to be their plan. 3rd parties are just a little bonus.
>NSMBUDX has sold 3 million
This makes me wonder - none of the ports sold below expectations right?
Monolith is the closest Dev to Nintendo other than Retro and are often asked to come in and help with Nintendo projects. Xeno is their flagship RPG series other than Fire Emblem, they'll be fine.
Out of those I only purchased XBC2, so I'm one of those guys. I'd be interested in Smash if the netplay wasn't so fucking laggy.
played all those and loved them except smash which I dropped due to input lag and shit online. Nothing since 2017 for me
You can't expect that in the first two years, though if we don't start seeing Octopath-like projects announced by the end of the year I'd start to worry.
The system sold terribly, but the actual games and software sold well
people who bought a wii u actually bought the games.
That's like 60% of the sales of the original on Wii U, and W101 sold like what, 500k at most?
I mean, buy these games on sale. It's not really $20, its closer now to $40. Round up and its a really useful rule to live by.
I expect that part of the reason the sales dropped off a cliff is because of the Sword and Shield announcement.
The people dying for a Pokemon Switch game who held off now have something definitive to hold out for.
Oh. Should have expected Nintendo would be that retarded.
>actually thinking casual phonefags would buy a Switch and a $60 game for an expansion for a 2 year old F2P game
My girl is a huge nostalgiafag that still plays and even she would rather get a PS4 for Spyro
A game being "multiplatform", especially when it's not AAA, won't magically disappear from the switch. I have no idea what's up with the mindset here.
>People are STILL trying to push the exclusives are the only thing that matter meme for the Switch
I'm actually talking about exclusives, because otherwise all idorts will just buy it on the superior platform. I would have marketed third-party exclusives from Day 1 for free then invested in a select few that have neat ideas; though the latter seems to finally happen with shit like Deus Ex Machina, but Nintendo is still too focused on their first party titles.
Are you being serious right now? I bet you weren't even alive when people like me had to pay $59.99 for a Nintendo 64 game, and that was in 1998.
And you bitch about prices now like as if it's a full-on injustice? Nigga, quit mooching off of your folks and get a job.
Bacause NSMB games are ALWAYS among the best selling games on their systems. People can bitch and moan all they want but the truth is THEY PRINT MONEY
it is when every multiplat except indie stuff plays like shit
>b-but muh portable
But user, not only is it true for the Switch, but it's been true for every Nintendo console released in the past two decades.
Only a mouth-breathing retard would say or think otherwise.
>Nigga, quit mooching off of your folks and get a job.
They're either dipshits who dont own the system or dont leave their room thus dont take it out of the dock ever. They dont see the appeal of a damn gaming tablet, one with a built in controller and a library of games people actually want to play
>Megaman, SRW, etc. are indie
Money comes from software sales and especially third-party software sales; first-party software is riddled with production and marketing costs. That's why even something like the Xbone is still alive and why the Vita turned into a zombie.
considering shit 2 was, thank fuck
I think Nintendo only cares about the 3rd parties who actually put in effort
Good Third Parties:
>Square Enix; Tons of Dragon Quest games, (timed) Exclusives
>Level 5: Well Known Nintendo fanboys, currently making 2 exclusive JRPGs for it
>Bethesda: Actually attempts Day and date current gen ports
Koei Tecmo: puts tons of day and date stuff, uncensored DOAX3
Bad Third Parties:
>EA: lol FIFA is all you get
>Capcom: overpriced ports made as cheaply as possible, anything that requires effort is streamed
>Atlus: Slow as fucking balls when moving to new systems, years later and sitll no additional info on SMTV, or anything for that matter
To name a few
wow, you really don't know how Nintendo operates then
>Fucking Nintendo magic works in mysterious ways.
Yeah, having constant dry spells tends to do that for sales.
2D Mario always does better than 3D Mario. Expect Mario Maker 2 to sell insanely well.
strong sales = more games and support
plus they usually announce something in these
I was really surprised to see RF5 announced. I'm hoping more developers will finally follow. Just give us comfy low-specc games.
portable consoles have always sacrificed performance for portability
you faggots really can't make up your mind huh, flipflopping between too much indieshit or no games
Depends on when you got it. Early switches are all permanently exploitable. But if you're at the latest firmware it might be harder. But from what I understand if you have a hackable switch it should be good since it's a hardware exploit. Though no online (obviously). /vg/ probably knows more.
I means at least Arms and Mario Tennis aren't too far apart. For a new IP, I'd say it's not too bad. Holding out false hope for Arms 2 before they abandon another good game like Nintendo do. As for kirby, the little pink puffball is never gonna die. Hope the next game is better though. Star allies is pretty decent but we've had better in the series so it feels like a step back
How fucking stupid are you. ALL of Nintendo's best selling systems were portables, in fact it's what's really been keeping them afloat all this time.
Because the multiplayer and easy modes make it a pretty family-friendly game.
any info on their mobile stuff? is Pokemon go still making dosh?
Give me Bravely Third right now, Square Enix!
My battery only lasts for 3 hours, a lot of the games dip in resolution so far that my eyes start to hurt after a while and my large manhands cramp after an hour with the shitty joycons, even when attached.
Never ever again. I'd rather watch or read something on my tablet. Fuck the Switch's "mobility".
Not him but yeah, I would honestly prefer to just hear the comic was cancelled instead of this limbo
I'm an idort and only own exclusives for the Switch, because why the fuck would I play something on the Switch when there's a PC/PS4 release?
Slightly more than last year.
>a lot of the games dip in resolution so far that my eyes start to hurt
ohhhh widdwe babby huwt his eyey whyey
This and Project X Zone 3 will justify my beautiful hacked switch. More ecchi and border line hentai stuff too.
Dryspell of good games then?
>new pokemon in november
>almost in may
when the fuck is animal crossing going to be released?
>pay $59.99
Weren't they $39.99 brand new? Then GameCube bumped it up to $49.99
No stopping the Switch train.
you must have freakish manhands, also just right now my SRWT session at full volume with max brightness lasted 5 hours
>playing card, etc
What does that cover? Why isn't it selling in the EU especially compared to the US?
Uhhhh, mods?
Why doesn't this thread have a sticky?
Anything Nintendo news needs a sticky. We run this site, so hurry up.
>buying a console based on assumptions
Only have yourself to blame bud.
That explains a lot. Only missing is the guy saying "Shitch".
>these indies we bitch about already being in other systems are now bad
nah fuck you
>being this mad P5R didn't get a sticky
ya seething
>Investors Q&A
Ah yes, I can't wait for a round of literal (literal) boomers that are absolutely clueless about video games asking the most stupidest shit ever. Always a laugh.
No True Scotsman
>net profit of 194,009,000,000 yen or ~$1.735 billion
Bragging about the PS+ subscription profits again, huh?
September or October
I do have freakish manhands. Look up what "piano hands" look like, those are mine exactly.
I was playing XBC2 and my fully charged battery died after roughly ~3 hours at mid brightness.
Nintendo is fucking shit is why.
Literally the only good game they released was Smash Ultimate last year.
I assume it's licensed things, like mario monopoly and whatnot
I mean since your hands are an anomaly you should get those grip things.
What? What assumptions? I purchased the console for FE:Warriors, XBC2, BotW and Smash. Latter I regret for obvious reasons.
There may be some that got LGPE just for being a pokemon game, but it was pretty clearly catered to the pokemon go crowd.
I doubt more than a small percentage of its buyers are the type to just buy any pokemon game.
Like the other user said, S/SH is the first mainline game playable on a home console, and the start of a new gen at that.
It's basically what fans have been begging nintendo for since the original games.
S/SH is gonna sell more than ten million.
A lot more.
exclusives are the only reason people even buy consoles
not surprised about drop off in xeno sales, they moved on to new shit and there's no pyra in smash
Are you ok user? You seem to have a massive autistic fit.
I think summer would be ideal. There's more to do in the summer season and Animal Crossing is a slow burner when it comes to experiencing the whole game. The more time between AC and Pokemon, the better. I could probably play for months before I feel any sort of burnout for AC and I wouldn't want Pokemon to take me away from it.
...user, that guy was being sarcastic since 2018 is the highest earnings they have had post Wii
>best year since 2010
>a bad thing
Holy shit the last couple of years have looked dire for Nintendo though.
>comparing Ninty to a bloated giant like Sony that has multiple divisions
i literally only have a switch for exclusives
everything else is for PC or PS4 exclusives
THIS is the type of financial games discussion this board needs
no console war bullshit based on some inaccurate vg chartz shit or uk/japan first week bs with marketing screenshots galore. no caring about the sales more than the games like a fucking investor or some shit.
it's discussion about what the sales mean about current trends in the culture and how they are possibly going to affect future nintendo decisions. good shit Yea Forums.
anyways, holy shit i didnt think 2d mario was that big. like i know it's mario, but 3 million in 2-3 months is way beyond what i was expecting
also, it's a shame super mario party is selling so well while being so goddamn barebones. it badly needs more content.
>be me in 2016
>wanted Nintendo to be succesful to have more games
>Nintendo is now succesful
>we don't have more games than before
Fuck them
To be fair, Nintendo would probably also like to be a bloated giant like Sony. Shows in their sudden interest in the mobile market.
Well, Kirby and Xeno are single player games whose DLC campaigns ended and DK is a single player port so their sales capping out isn't surprising (and before you say "but Mario, Zelda and Pokémon though!", listen to yourself).
ARMS however was just a failure of a new franchise.
will mario party reach 10mil before splatoon?
>The absolute fucking state of Let's Go
did the wii u really fuck things up or what happened in 2011?
>sell almost as many hardware units in 2 years as Microsoft sold in 5½
>haven't even needed to enact a price drop yet
>Animal Crossing
>Switch Mini all but guaranteed
Switch is going to overtake Xbone's LTD this year, isn't it?
it's too late to be summer
they're probably gonna show the release date at E3
10 million sales is pretty fucking good for what is an obvious quick cashgrab.
You're a fucking moron. This only shows the top 10. We haven't heard an update since October last year, all we know is that it's somewhere between 1.53 million and 2.3 million.
>He still thinks AC's coming this year
I mean, their game count is pretty much the same.
This except Xenoblade X. Are they only porting games that originally sold a million or something?
Imagine being this wrong
The 3DS happened (failure at launch which they managed to turn around) followed by the Wii U.
investors meeting states the date to be this year.
now Bayonetta 3
>Mario Tennis Aces
>Camelot doing everything in their power to redeem themselves after the Wii U title
>2.5 mil
>Super Mario Party
>"lmoa have a few mini-sizes boards cause we don't expect this shit to sell, oh and no car since you guys don't like them i guess"
>6 mil
This is bullshit
>Yea Forums is one person
>he thinks Nintendo is going to miss a Christmas without a major title
It did have crazy marketing though. Especially in Japan. They probably didn't realize their projected sales.
>Nintendo is fucking shit
LMAO the seethe is real
Xenoblade X ain't happening, Monolith said the Switch can't run it.
the party game crowd that bought the Wii were unwilling to buy the WiiU and 3DS just for the sake of a slight graphical upgrade and another reskin of Mario Kart.
>Not a major title
don't tell me you miss the car
more Yea Forums has alzheimers
>>Atlus: Slow as fucking balls when moving to new systems, years later and sitll no additional info on SMTV, or anything for that matter
It takes at least 3 years to make a good console game from scratch, buddy. And lets not forget all the games they released for the 3DS that sold well.
Of course not, it's supposed to be the silver lining of the exaggerated statement
>Monolith said the Switch can't run it.
Unless there's another interview besides the three I know about, that's bullshit
"Re-creating it would be really difficult" is not the same as "it wouldn't run",
They deserved it after that Wii U shitshow. The 3DS one wasn't exactly good either.
I guarantee you that being burned on previous titles is why it sold so badly.
Arms literally sold more than xeno last time i checked. By your logic xeno is a failure
That's just Xfag, don't mind him he's utterly obsessed.
>Camelot doing everything in their power to redeem themselves after the Wii U title
>drip-feeds characters
>they added a fucking intro cutscene using lazily recycled voice clips months later
>game missing basic shit like a restart option and having almost no court variety
Carts varied in prices. Disc based games are when they got standardized to $50 for GC/Wii and $60 for PS2/Xbox.
Seconding this.
>outsold the n64
>No more Arms news anymore in the financial reports for the past few months, not even a peep from the graphic novel
Fuck man, I'm still in denial but the franchise is dead isn't it
Not him, but Xeno was and arguably still is pretty niche. I never would have expected it to break a million at all, let alone get close to two million.
That being said, I also don't think ARMS was a failure. It wasn't a success on the same level as Splatoon was, but for a brand new IP it still did very well.
There are jpg artefacts, but it's because I was lazy when I made it.
Gee if only something like a fucking DLC Kingdom was on the table.
ps4 has better software sales
switch just has all the sales concentrated on the few first party nintendo games
The list is a top ten. If a game isn't on the list it just means it's currently sold less than 2.64 million. For all we know any of the games not on the list could be right behind that number, but we'll never know for sure.
>Breath of the Wild still selling that strong 2 years after launch
I'm glad to see Zelda finally break through to that upper sales tier to be right up there with Mario and Pokémon.
Well deserved, BotW is bloody great.
And arms isn't niche? Fighting games that arent SF or MK are already niche nevermind a fighting game thats so wildly different from everything else in the genre Get outta here man. Don't move the goal posts.
>tfw mario kart, bros and party are all shit
rally fucking hope the next ones are good and that nintendo doesn't realise they can get away with garbage
>taking new super mazza #17 over rayman legends
what a pleb opinion
They can slap shit in a box and call it Mario Kart and it will never leave the sales chart for half a decade.
Base retard
Any noteworthy announcements so far?
Could you seethe a little bit less?
I enjoy substantial games over "WOW THIS SHIT HAS NICE SPRITE TWEENING"
Dead on arrival they said
Don't listen to that pleb. Rayman legends is great.
It has a demo with 3 levels so you can see for yourself
>calls others plebs
>enjoys Rayman Legends
Are you retarded Sony makes all sorts of thing not only gaming stuff.
LGBT in not going to pass ORAS and SS in going to break records.
Fuck goshitters and fuck phoneniggers
>xeno is a niche series again
hell yea boys.
>no new switch model coming
Maybe one day switch owners will get games higher than 540p
no sticker?
Here you go now go away.
One of the best switch games, and I can't wait for it's sequel, sorry but not everyone lacks fun friends.
You sure are mad
Comparison to the last report
I honestly think Ultra Smash was a beta for Aces
Maybe. And maybe one day Steam might actually start making games.
any comparison with past pokemon games hold after the first 3 months?
The switch isn't like the PS4, they are actual games to buy and play, so usually we buy more than one for our system.
Fucking hell. I have 36 Switch games and only 1 from that list lol
how does a store make video games
>705M YEN/$6.3 BILLION
>705 millions of yen
>6300 millions of dollars
Did the dollar tank massively or something?
Almost half Switch owners own MK8D
Smash will most likely outsell Odyssey
Also, Odyssey and Ultimate have officially outsold Galaxy and Brawl respectively
>half of the top 10 games feature Mario on the cover
I wish Nintendo would stop putting all their eggs on their big IPs basket all the time.
Wasn't Splatoon supposed to be a Mario spinoff too in its early drafts?
No, the Splatoon team was floating retarded ideas so Miyamoto went
>If you niggas don't get your shit together I'm putting Mario on this shit
>That Pokémon stagnation
Fucking based
devs had trouble creating a fitting character and miyamoto offered mario if they could not come up with a good character of their own.
they turned it down and created inklings instead
between all the mario / zelda and pokemon
splatoon slowly making it's way to 9 and eventually 10 million.
Hes a snoytard, can't do maths.
>Soitch sells less than 17m in year of Smash and Pokemon
Nintendo is dead, bury it.
What's their operating income in USD?
Wanna bet a grand, snoytard?
2.23 billion dollars.
20 bucks
They clearly had way too much faith in Let's Go and expected them to carry Switch sales along with Smash, but it was clear from the beginning that that wouldn't happen. Let's Go's target audience is used to a F2P mobile game, most of them obviously weren't going to bother shelling out over $300 for the games and a new system to play them on. Smash is popular, but it was never going to be able to pick up the slack there.
Ok. Good but not so much growth compared to last FY.
That's a 40% increase you moron.
Why is Nintendo so out of touch? Everyone knew LG looked like shit and wasn't going to be the PokeGO hit they wanted it to be.
Why are people in this thread acting like LGPE flopped when it's still the best-selling remake launch-aligned and it costs 50% more than previous games? Are you people aware that the current overall best-selling remake, ORAS, hadn't even broken 10 millions on its second quarter on the market? Retards.
IT was at 10 Million Last year aswell, user. BotW gained 2 million and Odyssey like 3 million. Meanwhile, Let's go stagnated like a FIFA game.
This is what happens when you market towards normalfags
What are you looking forward to, Yea Forums?
>lgpe has no legs while smash keeps on selling
It's incredibly petty but it makes me genuinely happy. Other gens exist gamefreak
Here's your million sellers, bro
Refer to Odyssey sold 680k copies last quarter, BotW sold 1.09 million, LGPE sold 630k. I'm more impressed by Zelda than anything else, it is now at over 14 millions when you add the Wii U version sales which is insane for the franchise.
>Astral Chain
>Pokémon (only if battle mechanincs and stats are not like LGBT)
>Sold extremely poorly for a Pokémon game in Japan, only barely broke 1.5m units after almost half a year on the market
>Massively frontloaded sales worldwide, no legs whatsoever
>Didn't stimulate a large number of Switch console sales despite it obviously being intended to do so
It's pretty clear that it wasn't as successful as they expected it to be.
They forgot to include Xenoblade 2 which is also a million seller, but aside from that, I think that's it. Not sure if Fire Emblem Warriors broke 1 million, but I think that's technically not considered first-party and wouldn't be included, just like Mario + Rabbids which is over one million (over two IIRC).
>yoshi's crafted world is a million seller somehow
what the fuck
It's only million sellers from this year. Xenoblade was at 1.3 million at the start, and it didn't reach 2.3 million.
Portable mode is for grindy games like Labyrinth of Refrain, for example
no point in calling people names. Don't kid yourself. Gamefreak was expecting their crappy remake to sell more
Ah, alright, didn't notice but it makes sense considering 1-2 Switch isn't on there either.
For a spin-off title, that’s still incredibly impressive.
But some people are willfully ignoring the reality of the situation, which is that LGPE was a massive success either way. I don't particularly like that myself, but pretending otherwise is silly.
It's not a spin-off.
Here we go again.
Thats it? The Playstation 4 did way better
this. They call it a main game so it gets judged by main game standards.Quite the accomplishment to make worst games than the GBA remakes from 2004
>BotW becomes a mega-hit
>Nintendo spends more money than ever on the sequel and the eventual Switch 2 3D Zelda
That’s an extremely impressive number for Mario Party.
Its only accomplishment was not being worse than the originals, and only because LGPE doesn't include the bugs, terrible lack of balance and shitty inventory and team management of Gen 1.
I'm guessing the Torna standalone didn't sell 1m
What’s the asterisk next to Octopath for?
It's easy to suck money out of the general audiencie who only play fifa and call of duty, and have to pay 60$ to play those games online, the normies don't really care about the system's worthwhile exclusives
3DS comparison
I don't think anybody was ever expecting it to.
If Pokemon XY brought the 3DS up to 15M iirc, the SS release should beef the Switch to over 50M if it hasn't already by then. Also about time the 3DS is losing momentum, but I'm concerned about whether new games on the Switch will look like 3DS ports.
>they didn't buy her game
I think some of Octopath's sales are still unreported or something like that. It sold more than what's listed there.
Probably for showcasing a Nintendo distribution, but not a development.
I got it as DLC for the main game. Good purchase.
The sales they had as publisher as opposed to any SE sold
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe will outsell 7 soon
The next milestone will be MKDS
Because it's true
If you want multiplat games just buy a pc like a real man faggot
You can emulate Nintendo exclusives on PC aswell.
Technically it already has. combine wii u 8 and it's at least 25 million overall now
When is Sony's FY report?
Makes sense as MK8 is the best in the series
Not when you own a PS4
Those sales lack the Japanese ones.
>Mk7 still selling like crazy
And people wonder why Nintendo almost never bothers to cut the price of their games
ARMS sold almost 3 million copies as a new IP you fucking idiot
So did they announce anything?
You're right this RPG in a series with seven entries is super niche, while they had huge expectations for this new IP, a Virtual On-inspired motion-controlled arena fighting game released on a brand new console
Were there any Nintendo franchises on 3DS which had been handheld-exclusive, or handheld-exclusive for a long time? Obviously Pokémon, and you can see by yourself how the games look now that they've made the jump to a system with the power of an HD home console, as for other games, most of them already had console counterparts or something akin to that. I'm thinking Animal Crossing, which was technically in HD on Wii U with that crappy spinoff, Fire Emblem, which had been on Wii although it was a long time ago (and I guess Three Houses doesn't look that good), games like Yoshi and Kirby were always both on home consoles and handhelds so they look good, I guess Luigi's Mansion 3 counts since 2 was on a handheld and 1 was all the way back on Gamecube, but I think it looks pretty good.
Yes a new VR game where you hold luigis hand
Maeio&Luigi. Do you think they will go full 3D models or still use sprites?.
Aldo I guess the eshop titles that debuted in 3DS like pushmo and Dillon
>Both Labo and Yoshi sold over a million
How come Yea Forums is always wrong?
Because Yea Forums was right once with TOR, and now they want so badly to be right again.
Labo is a flop.
>New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe: 3.31m
based, seething artstyle cucks
>More than a million cardboards sold for 60 bucks is a flop
Nintendo literally said it fulfilled expectations, and sold over a million.
People love pretending things are flops, but anybody who still think that has a few chromosomes too many.
Realistically speaking, they should go full 3D or the amount of work to keep a good 2D sprite look at HD resolution would be huge. I'm already annoyed that they wasted years creating remakes on 3DS nobody cared about, so I hope they've been cooking up something good.
The frogs seem to like it
They had Bill Nye, Fallon and Ariane Grande promoting it. They expected a mainstream hit.
>Ariane Grande promoting it
No wonder it bombed.
>It needs to sell a billion units to break even!
Do you know how few units mainstream toys actually sell?
breaking even is not a success
>SSBU outsold Brawl in less than 4 months
The Switch is fucking insane.
>ps4 has better software sales
Uh, no.
For most it's just a Netflix and Fifa/GTA station, if at all.
Because it was in another time you fucking retards.
I just woke up and I had a dream that I caved and bought pokemon LGPE.
Even in the dream, I had regretted my decision and I hadn’t turned the game on. So glad I’m not that stupid IRL.
haha o wow.
What Global Smash Power are people getting for high scores in Ultimate's Classic mode these days? You can get a good estimate of player numbers from that, as it compares all Smash player's scores, not just those who have Switch Online.
There's no new model. It was never rumors, it was an "expert" making a "prediction". If they had any hardware on the work for even late 2020, chipset, batteries and screen companies would have noticeable change of activity at the moment. And there's nothing.
Wow dreaming about a kids game, your girlfriends bull must be proud of you.
shareholder manipulation. But nintendo doesn't really need to play with their share values, they have cash at the moment, so no reason to do it.
That said, not predicting 20M when your year is going ot have mario maker2, pokemon and animal crossing is really weird. Animal crossing sold 4 millions in Japan alone for christ sake.
What are the best selling games on PS4?
Will those games be more casual than bing bing wahoo and bing bing karter?
Are you going to list the PS4 best sellers or not?
It's GTA5, right?
I don't know what they are. But are they really going to be more casual than bing bing wahoo and bing bing kart?
then why did you make this claim?
and yes, FIFA and GTA are more casual than Mario, sorry to burst your bubble.
>make a cheap ass indie tier rpg
>sell one fucking million
How the fuck is 1-2 Switch selling that well?