It’s been a decade since MGS4 and I have yet to find an ending with more soul

It’s been a decade since MGS4 and I have yet to find an ending with more soul

Is there a better trope then two brothers of opposing idealogies fighting?

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Yeah... A reluctant son being forced to kill his parent in a flowery field

Welp, time to pack up this thread boys

What game is that?

What ending

san andreas, carl killed moms

A son facing and nephew preventing his father and uncle from fighting each other in a desperate bid to keep his family together.
This, too.

awww sheit


What game? Stop being le ebin and say cause I wanna play it


but the ending of 4 was a joke. a farce. while mgs2 ending presented a dru out of character closing statement, mgs4 had an antithesis of 2's ending: melodramatic anime battle with extra emphasis on the video gamey nature of the sequence

A brainwashed son, armed with an aerosol can and a lighter, finally aware of his brainwashing but sympathetic to the reasons motivating it forced to fight his fallen father who lost his way

Metal Gear Solid 3

Metal gear was always insanely melodramatic. Solid Snakes arc was tied with Liquid, and the ending was great. Stop being a fucking contrarian

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i see you take yourself very seriously haha
heres the thing:
mgs was always goofy like someone just posted. get off your high horse faggot ;)

the only thing that gave me the same feeling as the mgs4 ending was the ending of the berserk movies


Imagine that ending, and then 4 having big boss not be dead but it's okay because he can at least apologize to his son for fucking everything up and then peace walker shitting on that ending by framing big boss and co as a misunderstood Messiah and also a retard wondering WHAT DID SHE MEAN BY THIS, and then ground zeroes setting up for big boss to become a monster, and then mgsv trailer setting up to be a spirit of vengeance and destruction hell bent on destroying everything in name of revenge, and then the actual game of mgsv going right back to "actually big boss is a misunderstood genius, and liquid just has a gay chip on his shoulder, stupid 12 year old" YOU ALREADY HAD THE PERFECT SENDOFF WITH 3 KOJIMA YOU FUCKING MORON

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>gameplay changes into some shit fighting game

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and yet fans and especially konami kept demanding for more metal gear. so he took few big smelly dumps on the series whole legacy and went overbudget on purpose just to piss off konami suits.