Guys, I think I'm in love with Kronika.
Guys, I think I'm in love with Kronika
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Why all females in new gen games looks so fucking disgusting?
does Raiden fucks up something this time as well?
elder god? more like blunder god
Waiting for a skin that gives her hair.
He actually did something right, and gave all his God powers to Liu Kang, who saved the day.
*Russian techno music starts playing*
>still no good pictures of her feet
What was she trying to do?
Did she want Armageddon to be canon? Why did she keep repeating the conflict to the point where Raiden and Liu Kang would always fight no matter how far along they were? Why did Raiden notice anything this time around?
Besides all that, were the writers completely retarded? The MK alternate universe seems like it was okay (not Armageddon at least) with its current situation. Sonya killing young Kano or not, seemed like older Kano was ready to kill Johnny if she went to pull the trigger.
Also: Tranny women. All tranny women.
This. She's got a nice pair from what little is shown.
Kek. She looks like a big baby desu. I guess that was the intention so she would come off as more antagonistically annoying.
Older Kano completely forgot the whole "you take the same damage" thing. So he probably assumed she was trying to scare him.
Honestly it's because it's dumbed down for slow audience members. She should have drawn and fired way faster.
Shes so sexy and I don't know why.
Wow it's that seventh element russia dude
I even bought the game and this is a straight shill thread. Jesus christ.
looks like she needs some chapstick
can't wait for the model rip
>elder God
So fucking ugly
Way cuter than PeanutButterface
You shills are gay. She wouldn't even look cute with hair
kronika was made for footjobs
She's such a smug piece of shit.
>What was she trying to do?
bring Shinnok back to life so Cetrion and him could orchestrate an endless war between the realms to feed off of dead souls I think, but in every time she created, there was a Raiden to stop Shinnok
she reminds me Tilda Swanson, she's unconventionally attractive, it also helps she's really tall and has the long long legs
i'm hating nu-kombat character designs, they need to get back to the basics
also why does young Sonya Blade have a hag's voice? she's supposed to be her prime self
He committed the equivalent of godly suicide, so I guess he finally did something right
MKucks want to put their mutilated micopenis in this
They're both Ronda Rousey I think. So overall terrible for both incarnations.
Anita Sarkeesian
>back to the basics
Remember that part in MK9 where Sindel shows up and kills half the cast? That was fun
Because they thought having a UFC fighter with the personality of a cardboard box would be a GREAT candidate for voice acting.
Fuck ermac, rain, noob, smoke, and tremor. The only ninjas that are actually relevant are scorpion, sub zero and reptile.
Fucking stupid ass concept. Making a telekinetic ninja who can float is just fucking retarded.
Garbage fan fiction with shit boring powers.
Garbage powers and is a literal joke character.
Dumb fucking powers. Lmao throwing puffs of smoke at you? How fucking stupid.
Edgy stupid shit character.
these two don't look even remotely similar
Isn't tremor an all new character to MKX?
I take it the endless war benefits her in some way?
>Edgy stupid shit character.
He's MK's Cell:
Yes, he's fan fiction.
he's from MK: Special Forces
Smug blood girl!
Sheeva is the Shrek of MK11, silly.
That's not how it works
>post dem rainbow niggas
>Tfw no time god gf to reverse time and make you cum over and over
>no white ninja
what did (((Tobias Boon))) mean by this?
How do you manage to see Shrek in everything?
Stupid mailbox head
Chandra Brambra Chandra Chandra Bendram
I'm glad that autistic children with fetal alcohol syndrome are getting representation
>facial capture technology is shit right now but western studios insist on using it
>western audience demands realism over artstyle, but instead it comes off as 2000s era movie cgi
>NRS has a problem with manface
>SJW influence on devs that demands that female characters should adhere to "realistic standards" of what people look like
Why can't Western Devs make an attractive female character? The closest we got was CDPR.
>the only pretty female model in the entire game and they don't give her hair
Because nobody looks good when you zoom in that closely on their face
>but western studios insist on using it
So you're completely ignoring all the Japanese studios using it?
She's the coolest of the new characters in the game.
Hopefully she'll be playable in the inevitable Mortal Kombat 11 Komplete Edition.
she actually is kinda cute, I just need to see her with hair
Thats the shit
I'm a Cetrion guy myself
For the coolest new character design in this game, he sure was pointless. You fought him what, twice in story mode? If that?
Shills are desperate
Raiden is probably done with everyone's shit. He's just all like, "Hey, we are all going to die in Armageddon, I'm actually doing something." In which everyone replies, "Eh, fuck you, your the cause of everything."