>be me
>local anime club in college is throwing a smash tourney
>friend invites me to play
>go time baby.jpg
>Proceed to sweep everyone with the doc himself
>come out on top first place against high tier chars
>people saying “nerf doctor Mario!”
>mfw I publicly dosed Everyone at my college and got a hug from the president for winning
How was your day user
Be me
Thanks Doc.
thx doc
>hug from the president
Did you fug?
>got a hug from the president for winning
Does Mr. Trump smell? I bet he smells.
How valuable was the hug?
Did you shit yourself?
Tierliest means nothing unless you're top class player.
gj op, i went a local one time and had a swell time getting 5th place.
No but she’s so fucking cute would date and wait til marriage to procreate and have family with
Couldn’t smell anything other then my competitors bo
Extremely valuable made me fall for her
No but I was on edge the entire time
Smash is for children, retards, faggots and niggers
Which are you op?
What are you, a faggot?
>and then everyone clapped
This thread is cancer.
Tony Stark dies at the end.
You should talk to her if she likes you user, nothing better than to fall in love with the anime club girl
Probably a faggot since I wrestled in high school for four years
Nah they were to upset that they got beat by a low tier to care only ones who cheered were my hommies who invited me
Best part is I was losing at first then she said that the prize was an oilmar amiibo and a hug from her and just like that I fucking beat the dood 3 in a row twice with doc and then with random for the third match
>beat everyone in college at smash
>they direct me to some autist that supposedly is the city champion
>he invites me to his house to play Brawl
>bitching nonstop about the controllers, input lag, that he wasn't paying attention
>he asks his brother to join
>both attack me at the same time but always manage to kill one of them first
I love smash, but smash autists are the worst kind of people.
This is Yea Forums no one cares about capeshit
>Smash 4
>Local workplace tourney
>other players are incredably bad
>Show up half drunk
>win with ganondorf because I don't need reaction times with him
>Nearly fall on my face getting up from the chair to collect my prize amiibo
Stay away from sujo kids
Based doc, thank you
>local anime club in college