Just a few more hours until we finally can build our empires, rome bros
Just a few more hours until we finally can build our empires, rome bros
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Rome. Home.
Is it out this soon? I wasn't aware of this.
Can Sarmatia form Poland?
And a few more years of DLC before it's any good.
*And a few more years of mods before it's any good.
DLCs are only good to give new tools to moders.
Lol. The game ends before the empire era and before the foundations of modern religions.
Yeah. And you just know that we're gonna have to fork over ~ $20 for a reasonable timeline sometime soon.
>Rome was the first empire ever made
American education...
Can you play as any of the Indian kingdoms?
noun: empire; plural noun: empires
an extensive group of states or countries ruled over by a single monarch, an oligarchy, or a sovereign state."
Oh boy I cannot wait to spend mana on things!
Go ahead, name one Imperator nation whose government type has the word "empire" in it. Protip: you literally can't.
Yeah just walk outside and poo on the street
I think you need to go learn what Empire means kid
You people are arguing over a semantic. Lets get back on track here.
like this guy
>settled tribe
Yes, that just screams "empire".
>one consul
Have you played the original EU: Rome?
One consul is probably for the best, despite how dumb it is.
>>like this guy
It's funny cos I'm shitting on the toilet right now
>50 percent female leaders
Why even bother with a historic setting if history isn't progressive enough?
>/pol/ tards still buttdevastated about germany niggers not being playable
>So they swarm in the threads to complain about arbitrary "mana" like gold and shit
Every time
You are a brainlet desperately trying to defend your fuck up.
Literally a dual consulship after the first big patch. The lead producer tweeted about finally implementing a way to make it a fun and non-intrusive mechanic.
>not allying with all male countries and attacking all female ones
Total War is a whole other series, user.
can't you disable that?
Yeah, I ain't holding my breath on that. They will fuck it up.
what did he mean by this?
Yet the word "empire" is still nowhere to be seen ingame. You can conquer the entire world under the flag of Scandinavian tribesman mudhutters, but it's not going to be mechanically an empire before DLCs.
You can ENABLE this, it's disabled by default
Germanic tribes are playable. They are on OP screenshot.
Just stop
>"I don't like thing!"
>devs are fixing it
This is game is gonna be obvious trash, just like the rest of their games at release.
Also, the romans have been done to death.
They still havent properly finished stellaris.
still no proper diplomacy and espionage and the leaders are still pointless.
they are gimped as fuck, even the IGN review says it
They don't want Germanic tribes, they want a united Germany/Germania that spans the majority of the landmass because muh epic reich xD
>tfw never going to play as a disgusting Roman
Thank gods I'm not an Imperator
Big guy, you're implying its as if I even care that much anyway. I'm still gonna be giving them all my money.
Everything is gimped as fuck. Even Rome. It's the basic release of a paradox game.
t. Carthfag
>but it's not going to be mechanically an empire before DLCs.
Literally what the fuck are you talking about
You conquered land with many radically different culture, it is fucking empire.
What empire mechanics?
Yeah, well, you're a cuck and your game sucks anyway. I win. Not responding to anything in this thread after this post. Suck it, loser.
>rams elephant up arse
Stay salty Ro-bad
not so, AI Rome is literally set to cheat by design
Moreover I consider that Carthage must be destroyed.
Oof, dat Fatality
well shit. Guess I am a faggot then.
What's this game equivalent of 'ugh, what could have been...'?
What a Chad
Who controls the empty space?
I almost prefer it this way with at least the ability to turn it off. What Rome did in real life a many points should have been impossible. The winning of the second punic war for example.
I like the idea of playing in your far off corner and then having to deal with the encroachment of Rome getting closer and bigger.
But ofc turning that off should be an option too.
It doesn't have one. The Roman timeline was the best possible.
A shame our world stopped making sense when it fell.
Ah, a fellow paradoxcuck. I unironically don't mind their DLC policy, because it has kept EU4 fresh for six years. I also like how they do listen to the community but don't immediately bend over for every retarded demand. One of the best devs of the decade.
>Carthage is Ottoman Green
This is how you deal with getting BTFO'd.
>muh real life
I don't think you will love paradox games from now on
To our Russian friends,
Best of luck with your cracking!
Nobody. It's a bunch of land inhabited by unorganized "natives" that are too small to be considered a proper tribe in terms of game mechanics.
Rome is an ideal. And ideas will stand the test of time.
t. Big Charlie
>Rome Total War, but you have to play as a woman.
wow. kewl. enjoy being gay af.
They are both comprised of filthy cockroaches so it makes sense.
then you can easily conquer them and exploit their lands, or is it just a dead area because the developers were lazy?
Romans rise up
would you like a free copy of our BitMiner DLC?
Start those conversations and deploy the pointless titles to rule over the hen-pecking!
There's nothing to conquer, really. You can colonize it and build something worth conquering, though, so it's only dead until someone invests in it.
Shit land for shit people. No one wants to conquer that land. You have to keep in mind the time period here.
I'm not sure that you're going to like your fanbase from now on Johann.
well if you can actually use it in the game, and it's not just an artificial barrier, then kudos.
Seleucid Empire ?
Can't wait to conquer Europe again! Never gets old.
It's disabled by default. You have an option to activate the "50% female rulers".
It wouldn't work so much as a barrier if you're the one taking it, but rather it will act as a corridor leading straight into the inner parts of your empire. That is why you need vassals / buffer kingdoms
good. I just see the map and assumed it would be a "dead zone" that nobody could cross. that would be fucking gay.
does this have some sort of DRM on it other than steam?
I'll play a migratory tribe from Tibet and travel the entire world to settle in Rome.
if you pirate it then a big nigger will force his way into you're ass
>wherever you are.
not 20%?
Can you play as the mongols and just roam around pillaging?
>I remember figuring out how to play as the viking in Total War expansion, and just raping my way through the British Isles. Then doing it all over again!
Pick your character bro
You can start as a german tribe and forcemarch your entire population to India if you wanted to
That was just dumb m8.
What would all those states in the middle of fucking nowhere do then?
Velites seems like a nice gal.
every tribe plays exactly the same, zero flavor and religion has no importance
I pick Velites and raise her as a daughter.
be a "neutral territory" i've played a lot of strat games that give artificial barriers in the guise of "historical accuracy"
all i ever did in that expansion was pillage as the vikings because it was fucking hilarious how OP it was.
Velites is my retarded daughter, but Centurion is my waifu.
Really on the fence about buying this. Love the time period. Enjoyed EU4 despite it being casualized and the shitty mana system. (not that EU was ever that complex to begin with).
I need some more informed lads to convince me what to do. Is it better than EU4 at least? If it is I'll probably buy it.
yeah you are gonna have to wait a couple years for that. afaik there's only piracy and sacking cities in the game now
>perfect Europe doesn't exi-
it's like a greatest hits paradox game
I remember spending days in EU3 just watching my colonies develop in America. I quit once I realized that I couldn't ever actually remove Injuns from the continent.
>They would always have at least 1 territory.
>The Americas want to become independent!
lol never
Unironically based.
It's not going to be. It's going to be EUIV as it was at release, before years and years of patching and expansions have brought the game to a more acceptable state. And it's made by Johan, the person responsible for EUIV BEING in that terrible state to begin with. Wait, be patient, keep an eye on user reviews, maybe watch a video or somebody playing it for a little while before committing. You lose nothing on being patient, and gain nothing by rushing in.
I thought exactly the same thing, why couldn't it be a white/ivory colour
>You lose nothing on being patient, and gain nothing by rushing in.
Adding to this, you don't even lose out on DLC since it's dummy easy to acquire the DLC from /gsg/. You're not even missing out on the Day 1 Deluxe Edition.
It's different. A mix of EU4 and CK2 with a tiny bit of Victoria added in. At the moment EU4 has more unique nations by far, whereas Imperator has five-ish different government types that are the focus, so most of the "settled tribes" will play more or less the same. That's quite a bit due to the time period, though. There are a shitload of literally-who tier small tribes in central Europe and making all have a unique gimmick is unrealistic.
Imperator has major potential for future growth and the modding tools are immensely more powerful compared to previous entries. I'm pretty sure they're focusing most of their efforts on Imperator in the future. It's definitely a safe bet for me.
I'm pretty sure that's not how it works, though I haven't played 3 in ages. 4 lets you genocide all you want, though.
Is it possible to reply to this without sounding butthurt?
>They would always have at least 1 territory.
It's been too damn long since I played EU3, but how did that even work?
Imperator is getting Sengoku treatment.
nobody on /pol/ or in these threads mentioned this except you retard, stop looking for a non existent boogeyman
Just watched this episode. I cried unironically
bullshit #3 has 317 reviews most items on amazon don't get that many porn or not
its on gog
dont give /his/ autists attention
Just don't discuss it on our forums! Having opinions there that we didn't give you is not allowed.
It costs money
>non-intrusive mechanics
it sucks already.
What games let me conquer europe as le froge
*respectfully disagree*
Open EU4. Pick France. Hit super-fast-forward and go AFK for the entire game. You'll probably own everything by the end of the game.
Make an alliance with the cockroach and you'll do it in half that time.
10/10 literally laughing out loud
I will build a road to protect Rome.
>Not playing superior Phoenician Descendant Carthage and burning Rome to the ground
The gauls will use your road to sack Rome and rape your women.
If you think that, you've never played Sengoku. Anybody who thinks that Imperator, EUIV or even HoI4 launched in a state similar to Sengoku is out of their minds or ignorant.
>Not playing as picts
>Not building british empire 1500 years earlier
Lying bitch.
Picts are scots user.
You'd wanna be a bit farther south for that.
Now, if they let me, even if it's with a DLC, make a starting leader of my nation. I'mma put him in wales, name him Arthur(or the actual welsh name) and conquer all of the isles.
Is this going to be another March of the Eagles fire and forget?
You actually made me check >:(
It's made by ck2 team, so no
>Picts are scots user.
same shit
And no, scots are vikings and irish rape babies, picts got really fucked during irish migration
Around 5 hours until release, your own fault
Fair enough. I should have said "Picts lived in what is modern day northern scotland."
They were a different people than the celts, or the britons. Related yes, but not the same.
It probably won't go up on the Russian site until tomorrow, right?
>not forming Anglo-Saxon Great Britain
>Being a filthy germanic
I mean, if you want to shit all over yourself in the woods.
The only thing celts deserve is a nuclear holocaust. The Romans did nothing wrong
You mean shit all over the Romans.
is this game easier than ck2? i have 1600 hours on ck2 but i've never tried any other paradox game
can't the player just unite them?
I can't tell if this is serious anymore.
Imagine buying this map painter after stellaris and the gajillion dlcs released for 19.99$
If you can wrap your head around a game like CK2 you'll be fine understanding games like EU and this.
>mana was not always bad
>stating stuff before it happens
conclusion: You are a shill or just ill
Paradox are swedish. Of course it's serious.
Which nation will you lads play FIRST? (after the designated tutorial Rome run of course)
Its like CK2 without detailed characters and mana for everything. Nobody who played CK2 should have any problems with this.
>doing tutorials
Tibetan Greek City State
Carthage or Judea
This time, we salt Rome
Then probably Persia because I like Persia, or Egypt and try to unfuck the Ptolemys
Thinking Avernii or one of the Helvetian tribes.
Fuck people who just want to power wank as Carthage or one of the Diadochi.
Macedon. Every other answer is for faggots.
Fuck you bitch, I know who you are, suck my testicles NIGGER
>This time, we salt Rome
Umm, no sweetie. Try again.
Ah come on man, Persia is cool.
Also, given the dynastic politics the game seems to have, I doubt Egypt will be a power wank. Their royal family is fucked.
Based. Gonna try to recreate Alexander's empire which shouldn't be that much of a challenge. There's probably an achievement for it too so gotta play in ironman.
Real niggas in here will play BYZANTION
Crack when?
გორის ბიჯი დაგმოვერსხა
Baktria for Epic™ Graeco-Buddhism memes
I still don't see it, why does every redditor and his dog love that nation? What does Bactria have that its neighbors didn't?
If you want to go by that retarded logic Rome also did not go by the term Empire
Imperium was a Latin phrase for have the right to conduct the armed forces on behalf of the state within a province
Imperator was the one who wielded that power
There were many people granted the imperator title even before Julius Ceasar
How do they keep releasing a different skin of the same game with thousands of dollars of DLC everytime?
its a multicultural utopia you fricking incel