Why did the Persona series take off while the other SMT's didn't?

Why did the Persona series take off while the other SMT's didn't?

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If SMT is seinen, then Persona is shonen.
And shonen is popular as fuck.

Because Persona gameplay is boring but at least has other stuff to do while SMT gameplay is boring and has nothing but grinding to do.

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Also, Persona took off when it developed a more stylized aesthetic and dating sim elements.

Braindead weaboos

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Never woulda guessed the badguy is defeated. Wow you really ruined it.

Persona is the one with a dating sim, i.e. the only way to sell to Japs anymore.

Also P5 had actual marketing so people elsewhere noticed.

The same reason haremshit anime flourishes while others struggle.

>cute girls
>friend simulator
>powerful aesthetics
>makes SMT combat simple and easy instead of obtuse and ballbustingly unforgiving

waifus and wish fulfillment
notice how the first persona games lacking these are universally ignored by "hardcore" personafags

Jesus Christ would not allow it.

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Persona 1/2 are unremarkable games and it's not because of the lack of those elements, they have boring gameplay even for their time

Digital Devil Saga was 100x better than Persona. Don't@me

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I've actually played them though, I finished P2 because at least their stories were interesting but I didn't end up finishing P1. A game being old doesn't excuse it of having boring gameplay, there are a lot of good jrpgs which still hold up today.

Felt like I had friends
romancing a girl and hearing "I love you"

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Mass appeal obviously

Because it's actually fun.

Stay mad.

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