I know it's a meme but please post some games that you genuinely believe to be powerful pieces of art...

I know it's a meme but please post some games that you genuinely believe to be powerful pieces of art. They don't have to be deep or tell a compelling story. I just want to know what games you think are the most beautiful in their design. The most fine tuned and well crafted. Or maybe just something that means a lot to you.

I honestly don't expect to get many responses in this thread but I'll still try anyway. This board is always shitposting so I wanted to take a moment to hear about what games you DO really like.

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Other urls found in this thread:


metal slug 3

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Humiliation Mode changed me.

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Okami, DOOM i&ii, shadowrun (genesis), heroes iii, morrowind, melee, any final fantasy before X,

This will forever be my favorite game.

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Third Strike looks very nice but the balance is garbage

Holy fuck. I remember seeing this game on g4 many years ago. My timmy was stiff every time that episode of cinematech came on

thanks for thread, OP

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>third strike
>unbalance, broken piece of shit in known existance

it hurts....

Only boring tryhard wannabe pro gaymer fags care about balance over fun

sonic 3 and knuckles
kirbys adventure
zombies ate my neighbors
kino at its finest

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>locked at 30 fps
>can die just because of bad rng
Sorry...but no.

If you take chun out of the equation the game is mostly balanced with yun being bullshit but still beatable.

The game also shines in formats such as cooperation cup, where you can't just pick chun and forget.
Character knowledge beats character strength specially with the parry system and cooperation cup is the prime example of this.
From hugo to remi to Q to twelve to necro, everything is being played by the respective masters and it's an absolute delight to watch, it's why it's STILL relevant after all these years, why it's the biggest sf3 event and why it's STILL growing.
Last year final cooperation cup match was won by an alex.
This year, it was a ken vs ryu final match.

It's kinda broken, yes, but completely overblown by people that aren't good enough.
Not any more broken than other games from that time.

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Doesn’t Yun also have hard as fuck execution?

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am I a bitch for automatically RQ'ing online whenever I see a chun?

MS 1 and 2 are better

Agreed, OP. This game is honestly beautiful and has some of the most appealing art design and graphics. Looks 100x better than literally any other Street Fighter game.


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t. Ken user

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SCII still looks good today. The character models, stages and music are beautiful. Playing good looking 6th gen games really illustrates how stagnant video games have become.


>there will never be another triple A fighting game that uses 2D sprites

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Just played it for the first time over Halloween. I enjoyed it a lot but I'm not ready for the Chrysler building and I hear mixed opinions about 2.

Yeah that gen was the sweet spot, it’s all been downhill since the cube and the rest of that gen.

My friend and i sang it as "penis cum penis cum penis, penis cum on my hair". No homo tho

Silent Hill 1-3

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>mfw spending summer 2007 with friends playing Third Strike

Where does the time go?

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epic bro haha lmao rofl

hmmm.... yes

is fightcade the best way to play third strike right now

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Yes, even on cooperation cup people fuck up.
Mind you, the people here are people that have played sf3 for 2 decades.
Most are in their 30s/40s
The players that would go to the arcade and duke it out for hours after school, school became college, college became work.
They've been dedicated to this game and their characters for a shitton of time and they STILL fuck up, these are the best players for their respective characters.

The parry system and the insanely hard links means this game is basically impossible to truly master, there's always something you can vastly improve and each character is so insanely unique, from links to size to small quirks like q invisibility frames, etc.

This is one video I like to link when I talk about this.

Tool assisted vs tool assisted, with the speed and parrying of the game make it look like a dbz fight
This third round in particular is absolutely fucking insane.

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epic troll bro rofl lmao

fucking dumbass retards
fightcade is 3rd world trash
if you're not playing on cab at least play the PS3/360 port on a crt or low lag monitor
even 30th is better than fightcade and that fucking sucks too

>even 30th is better than fightcade

also great post

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hurry delete this post fast so no one else can see it

balance is a part of fun, moron

you literally don't know anything about the game
fightcade doesn't even fucking use a good emulator, the whole thing is trash
you're only shilling it probably because you're some faggot brazillian and it's free

no, the other guy is a bitch for picking chun

oh it's this capcom intern who shits themselves anytime anyone mentions fightcade

have an actually good TAS, paint eaters

Chun isn't quite as ridiculous when you're not playing on an arcade cabinet.

Fightcade and 30th run at a slightly faster speed where it's harder to hitconfirm.

Is this the circlejerk thread?
>powerful pieces of art
Lmao OP fuck off to reddit or kill yourself
Video game are cheap entertainment for manchildren deal with it
Nobody gives a damn about your masturbatory sf3 circlejerking

go ahead and try to prove you know more about 3s than I do
eat shit but considering you play on a terrible emulator I guess you already do

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this really isn't true
you can confirm chun's low forward so fucking late it might as well be a link, and nothing she has is really high execution so she would be better if anything

Not everybody lives nearby an arcade user. Most people are aware the emulation is far from perfect. It's just that everyone or at least everyone relevant in the scene consider it "good enough".

It's still not fun to play against the constant back fierce, especially if you don't pick ken

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I have never seen anyone consistently hitconfirm chun's low forward on fightcade and I've been playing the game for almost 8 years now. It's considerably more difficult than most links.

That's fair enough. Some characters have a very bad time against her.

Yeah, this is a sad reality. They honestly look a lot fucking better than 3D graphics in certain genres.

Chun Li is busted shit
Stop lying to yourself
The end

Great first example user.
Posting one that I truly believe is art.

Disregard every single expansion tho

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Post 30 seconds of you playing literally any video game

no actual 3s player considers fightcade good enough lmao
like I said play the PS3 or 360 ports, or if you really have to 30th is still better than shitcade
regardless any version of online 3s is still trash since the game relies really hard on being able to react and make snappy decisions, you can't do that with even a modicum of lag or rollback

because you're playing on fucking fightcade retard, you think anyone there knows what they're doing?
chun's low forward is one of the easiest single hit confirms in the game, it's literal fact the window for doing it is massive

I like dmc 5 but I’ll always love 3 the most

people far better than you two play on there regularly

don't respond to him

people who are far better ONLINE
I'd like to see anyone from fightcade do well in the real game, most of them couldn't even play on a cabinet because they're some faggot using a keyboard lmao

cool, you're better than everyone, awesome, now fuck off

OP I wish I could say I respect your opinion but SF3 will always be liquid dogshit to me. Fighting games are art to me because of their neutral, and the core fundamental gameplay that defines all the best fighters, something that SF3's parry system completely ignores and tears to shreds. Evo moment 37 is really fun to watch but it made people think that's what fighting games should look like, in reality it's their antithesis. In any better game, Daigo would have lost.

holy shit why do you lie to yourself this bad? i guarantee you you don't play. which fightcade do people play on? 1 or 2?

Normalfags think neutral is boring when in reality it’s the most exciting part of the game

Not OP, but I'm curious, in what way would you say that parries ruin 3s neutral?

literally irrelevant
come to my local arcade sometime and I'd be happy to teach you a thing or two
he's about to link some 15 year old forum post from a marvel player who doesn't understand the game at a deep level, feel free to ignore him

A lot of people I've met are unhappy that fireballs are underwhelming because of it. Most of it seems to come from people who played super turbo a lot, which is understandable to me. They play very differently.

Justin got baited and gave up all his advantage in space, health, etc.
He fucked up and got rightfully punished for it, that is the essence of fighting games.

Third strike DOES have neutral, you just don't know or understand the game enough to see it.
You got too comfortable in sf2 cookie cutter system and any neutral that's faster than that seems alien and dumb to you.

>he thinks his shitty hick local arcade matters
call me when you play in japan

>come to my local arcade sometime and I'd be happy to teach you a thing or two

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go to bed lowtiergarbage

can't even answer my question. and he says his local "arcade." No one says that anymore. You are such a phony you're worse than a 19er.

Jumping itself creates 50/50 situations in Third Strike. I'm sorry but nothing is going to convince me that constitutes anything close to a solid neutral. I don't care if you like the game, I'm sure it's a lot of fun if you play it off the walls like it's meant to be played but it's not the design philosophy I think the majority of fighting games should subscribe to like people commonly say.

I'll definitely concede that air parries were one of the worst inventions ever. Clearly didn't think that one through

Then why would you go on to post the most meme fighting game of all times. Endlessly romantiziced for being pretty much the lowest point in the history of street fighter as far as popularity is concerned, both on a casual and a competitive level. But oooh those epic parries. Those fucking parries which make three thirds of what could have been good game design obsolete, because nothing is safe, nothing is true, blockstrings don't exist, antiairs don't exist, fireballs don't exist, always got to respect the parry, always can scramble out of everything as long as your execution is on point, and the game is a clusterfuck thanks to it. But oooh daigo parrying chun li's super and oooh the pretty sprites. Powerful piece of art my ass, I swear to god the only people who talk like that didn't actually play it when it was around, and no, a couple of casuals on ggpo, or at locals with other goons who haven't played it in a decade either doesn't count.

Makes me mad, not going to lie. It's also always the same people who act like SFV is super duper terrible. And who bitched about SFIV when it was around, and who now say it was a really great game in retrospect. And who play extra dead fringe anime shit. Here's the truth bomb. The only thing that makes fighting games interesting is the people playing them, so suck it up and play the popular shit WHILE IT'S POPULAR, everything else is cope.

it being so unique is why it's fun
jumping is also definitely not a 50/50, it becomes a mixup but it's far more nuanced than anyone who doesn't play the game says and the person who's jumping is still the one at risk against someone who knows what they're doing
it's one of the most hit confirm and whiff punish heavy games there is, saying it doesn't have good neutral is flat out incorrect and an extremely ignorant thing to say
what's even more embarrassing is people who say shit like that prop up games like sf2 or god forbid sf4 when they're anything but not their own brand of complete horseshit

yes dear

But that's wrong, it just didn't do well in the west while it's still thriving in japan.

Capcom basically killed it themselves, the super expensive board, releasing it as arcade only when arcades were dying hard, THEN DECIDED TO RELEASE IT ON CONSOLE BUT OH SHIT, YOU RELEASED IT ON THE FUCKING DREAMCAST LMAO
Focusing on alpha because it was way cheaper, etc.

The ps2 didn't got a copy of third strike in the west until like 4 years before sf4.

>It's also always the same people who act like SFV is super duper terrible.
Oh nevermind you're just retarded

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Doesn't that first video confirm what I'm saying? I actually had that in mind when I made my post. It's a great video and on some level I appreciate all the layered options in Third Strike but no human player is ever going to be able to account for all that stuff and accurately predict what their opponent will do. There's no right answer so to speak, whereas imo if someone jumps at you, you should feel free to fall back on your character's designated AA and let them know they forfeited the neutral. At the start of the match, before anyone has won the neutral, options should be limited and only open up after someone has won the neutral which creates new situations and/or builds resources for either party. At least in my view. I like seeing that sort of measured progression in a fighting game match

I like Melee and Zelda games probably more than anything else and have kind of retreated to them for as long as I've played video games.

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feel free to explain this picture to me then
I've literally played against a handful of the top jap players, they came to a tournament here and to the arcade itself the day before
the guys I play with regularly here are really fucking good

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favorite zelda game?

The guys you play with regularly probably play on FC too

BlazBlue is still around.
I don't know if it counts as AAA though

>not a single 3rd strike cab in toronto

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you can stop embarrassing yourself now

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That's true, and I think I would count that as AAA. For whatever reason I just can't get into BlazBlue

TWEWY for me. Every single aspect of it, from the urban Tokyo setting to the eclectic soundtrack, the unique and crazy as hell gameplay, and the genuinely feel-good story of a kid who realizes that life isn’t all that bad always has me coming back to it.

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Very tough question. I generally prefer the 3D games to the 2D ones, although my opinion of those has only risen steadily as time goes on. Out of the 3D games I would have to admit to loving Majora's Mask the most, although Ocarina and Twilight Princess are not far off.

now you're just talking about what you think the game SHOULD be, which is really what all these arguments boil down to so they end up meaningless
the fact you have to be on your toes at all times and hyper aware of the other person at any given moment is the whole appeal of 3s, no other game has ever had the balls to implement a universal parry and sf3 said fuck it and decided to make something actually different for once even if it made all the super turbo players butthurt
3s is what it is because of way more than parry of course, but all of it comes together as what I think is the best feeling fighting game out there
nothing comes close to the satisfaction pulling shit off in that game gives

even Kuroda used to play at GGPO lol

Was just playing it a few minutes ago. Forgot how much shit there is to collect in that game. Superb taste, brother.

the guys I play with literally only play on cab and shit on everything else relentlessly lmao
there's a real difference between actual 3s players and everyone else
I accept your concession

All that tells me is that you're too rooted on sf2 mechanics
>but no human player is ever going to be able to account for all that stuff and accurately predict what their opponent will do.
But this is does happen.
You could apply the same thing to a lot of other fighting game mechanics.

SF3 is a faster game, it was designed to be faster, thus, it needs a faster system.
SF3 was made by some of the best fighting players at the time, by third strike, according to capcom devs, they were basically going balls to the wall and just making a game that catered to the highest amounts of skill, a game they wanted to play.
They designed the game so it would have a massive skill disparity, with always room to grow and improve.

The more I read what you post the more it seems like you actually see and even somewhat enjoy the system, but you can't let go of a DIFFERENT game system to truly appreciate this one.
It still has the usual sf2 fighting game models, just sped up or changed, resulting in a fresh, different, but still street fighter game.

I never said different fighting games shouldn't exist or that Third Strike doesn't deserve its niche though, the ST model for neutral in fighting games is just my preference.

Thanks man. TWEWY is one of the few games I’ve ever 100% simply because of how fun it was to collect all of the cool pins and stuff.

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>third strike autist brags about his game knowledge
>is probably still a literal who that hasn’t won anything notable

SotC is a work both beautiful and perfect.

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>The more I read what you post the more it seems like you actually see and even somewhat enjoy the system, but you can't let go of a DIFFERENT game system to truly appreciate this one.
I guess you're right. But speaking of autistic hangups, I'm a character loyalist whose series favorite is missing from Third Strike as well so that probably contributes.

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ST is one of the most degenerate games out there, I never understood people who consider it some gold standard for "honest" street fighter
at least it's more fun than fucking sf4, good god if anything deserves the fellating the least it's that mess

Just get the 4rd strike romhack nigger, it does so much in the way of balance and rebalance

>implying there's anything notable for a 20 year old game in the first place

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Damn shame where this series went after the original.

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If you don't like ST, you don't like SF4, and by default I assume you hate SFV, doesn't that make Third Strike the only game in the series you truly do like? Alpha games notwithstanding, I never did play much of them to have any opinions one way or the other

ken is sick you faggot secondary

>50k+ people watching every year isnt notable for a 20 year old game

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ken is boring to play and watch

if he was low tier you'd be licking your lips. shut the fuck up he's fun as fuck to play

enlighten me on the "depth" that is playing ken

I don't not like ST, I think it can be fun, but I wouldn't play it on a regular basis and the broken shit in that game is way more frustrating and unfun to deal with
the game itself is also obviously way more dated both mechanically and aesthetically and it's too primitive in a lot of aspects to really make it engaging
3s is really the only game I care about enough to try to improve at and have fun playing on a regular basis, I haven't played the alpha games either but I don't really see a reason to play those when I already have enough fun and frustration with 3s
at least with ST it's on a base level simple enough for me to jump in and play irregularly without knowing a lot

Because ST is nothing but pure fundamentals. You git gud or die trying.

yeah, time to list off all the players who win coop once a year and write everyone else off as a nobody

I wish I could play ST without having to resort to inconsistent Fightcade netplay against people with years of experience on me. I love the game itself but there are no locals near me

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the amount of things in this game that were actually intended by sakurai is staggering. it's, in my opinion, the single greatest movement system in any game. Never have I played a game that makes you feel so free with it's movement. Truly the feeling of pure rushing water has been captured through this little game and hasnt been achieved since. It's beautiful. A true art. Ive taken to using lynx as it's the strongest brand

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>he's about to link some 15 year old forum post from a marvel player who doesn't understand the game at a deep level, feel free to ignore him
Isn't he the same guy that beat the shit out of LTG in a set?

>Truly the feeling of pure rushing water has been captured through this little game and hasnt been achieved since
Did you literally just admit that you've not experienced a shower since you started playing Melee?

Yes. Viscant is a dumbass when it comes to 3s, just watch Bafaels shit on him and 3s in general, Bafael is based as fuck

Sadly, yes. There are strong players that frequent FC and FC2, but you will have to get use to certain timing differences and slowing down your qcf's because things will often drop if you're playing offline. You can schedule matches on ps3/360/ps4/bone, but it will be difficult. OE has some unlisted differences like yun's shoulder doing some weird scales and other BS like that.

Anyone describing anything that isn't an impact or force should receive a powerful kick in the nuts.

You gotta go play it on as many platforms as possible.

I hate how much effort they put into animating that, but they left the head stiff, changing only with a single blink frame.

>ST is nothing but pure fundamentals

>Yea Forums talks about fighting games again

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Hello fellow Meleefag, who do you main? I play Sheik and Zelda

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Who are you trying to impress? Just stop being a bitch and let people play the way they want. If they want to be online warriors, let them. If they want to stob being scrubs, they will find their own means out of the life if a scrub. You can't be some 3s elitist. You're almost as bad as a meleefag.

Falco, sad he's shit in ultimate though.

I also main showers, everyday is personal care+hygiene day.

It just goes to show that people really need those gimmicks a character has or some in-game BS like vsav where player 2 is always on the advantage of a cross up.

when retards who don't play the game at all or only play online try to give their stupid opinion on the game or recommend a terrible emulator as the best way to play the game I'm going to rightfully tell them to shut the fuck up because they don't know shit
sorry it upsets you that some people have standards

Samus, mein freund. Her level of flow plus her surprise factor with tricky bombplay and sneaking in missiles is unmatched.
When you launch and opponent into the air and go for the aerial finisher and it feels like time slows down. it's truly intimate.

>what if we made a shitload of moves safe?
>what if we made it that you could cancel the end frames of an attack/hit/block animation?
>what if the game actually turned out to be fun?

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Dude Chun's Low forward has so much window to hitconfirm it's real easy, you can start buffering that shit every time even for online play. Hell I can even land Low Strong xx SA2 with Elena all the time and that's way more difficult than Chun's Low Forward xx SA2 and i'm fucking geriatric by Yea Forums's standards.

Gotta become a master of the first-hit-tech-hits in vampire savior.

TECH HIT *laugh*
TECH HIT *laugh*
TECH HIT *laugh*
TECH HIT *laugh*
TECH HIT *laugh*