So, you're looking for a game with soul

So, you're looking for a game with soul..

Attached: forager.jpg (616x353, 117K)

You look harder...

Ah yes, there were are!

Attached: digg.jpg (300x168, 11K)

its fun, too bad the creator is a redditor

Soul is a giant meme and I've only seen it be true once.
Forager is cute though. Overpriced, too.

Attached: 23F1E569-2974-441B-AD5A-AD7CB2945229.jpg (323x433, 34K)

Thanks, will definitely give it a pirate.

How's the first Steamworld Dig? I never hear people talk about them here but they get a ton of positive press.

>site with a large variety of subjects and interests
>site by autists, for autists

i get that reddit is bad but dont call the creators of it autists...

game is fine but the level of grind at the end of the game is too much

A lot closer to what I think was the original flash game, where it's all one screen but a long way down. The sequel added more zones and a lot of equipment upgrades.

pretty good. played both last year, each in one sitting. 2 definitely improves on the first, but the first is still worth playing.

Can't believe Stonetoss actually made a game

>"idle" game beatable in less 20 hours guaranteed
And that's including idling time. If you just play it straight it beatable in 8 hours, and some anons where theorizing ways to nearly 100% it in 2 hours without to much difficulty.

I'm with you here but gotta need a source on creator of reddit being autistic

>Game that came out after childhood
That's now how "soul" works. It's just another word for nostalgia.


>open world
No thank you.

user not everyone becomes jaded and miserable after hitting their 20, just most people

It has nothing to do with that. There are still good games coming out, but the term "soul" is a meaningless term that means nostalgia, or at most, "good but I dont know how to articulate why". It's like "kino".

Do some Yea Forums posters actually think this place is superior in any way to the website that creates 95% of 4chans memes and content and has literal astronauts, intellectuals and successful entrepreneurs posting on it? As opposed to this unemployed peodphile safe space? Let's be real bros

>that creates 95% of 4chans memes

Attached: reddit.png (610x1331, 217K)

You obviously don't know what the "SOUL" or "kino" descriptors mean.
OPs game is soulless. What gives a game soul is when you can see the work of creative human hands reflected in the game.

Mediocre idle game. 90% of the endgame puts too much emphasis on 1% droprate fishing items, rather than bigger and more useful factory paths.
Easy 100% achievements though. Very amateurish game though, but after reading the little comic about it being a passion project, it gained a lot of its' soul. Still kind of felt cheated out of my money though.

You shouldnt be proud of wojak

And neither should be reddit

go back nigger

Zoomers wouldn't understand soul if it kicked them in the face.

>muh nostalgia goggles

Soul is a brilliant combat against the nostalgia fallacy that zoomers like to needlessly throw out every time somebody likes an older game but all their points get ignored simply because said zoomers don't like too pick up old looking games. Keep seething.

>implying ciepła twarz comes from Yea Forums

Attached: 1419516439178.png (304x397, 117K)

>If you dont agree with this arbitrary term clearly you are a zoomer who thinks all old games are bad
That is some advanced retard logic you got there.

Let me know if you find one

>some anons where theorizing ways to nearly 100% it in 2 hours without to much difficulty.
Can you redirect me to these anons ? I need to join my fellow autists clan.

earlier thread, bases of it is rush red lands, get to the sacrifice alter, trade health for hopefully the terminator trade, Get OP droid and EMP grenades which sell for lods of emone. If that's not there the demon scrolls are the next best bet as they sell decently to and give you access to fire to melt stuff early on.

Finally if your missing certain items for the museum you can trying and use the slot machine to fill them out instead.

Thank you user.

nigger faggot janny

Attached: 1419516439178.png (304x397, 117K)

$20 is way too fucking much for this game. Insanely expensive.

Wojak wasnt created on Yea Forums

Yea Forums used to be better but has gone down the drain in the past 5 years or so
and I know the meme is that the site was always shit but it has legitimately gotten much worse

>it used to be better I swear
you probably don't even remember the shitshow that coined the rule "ironic shitposting is still shitposting"