Did you know someone that played games like this?

Did you know someone that played games like this?

Attached: pass the controller bro.jpg (640x428, 54K)

>not playing with a plastic bag over your remote

Fucking animals i swear

Literally no one does that

thats why your going to hell

i remember some autist at my local would come in with latex gloves for his stick and when some dude asked if he could see his stick the guy threw a fit and got angry

no but i hate when i would be playin games at someones house using my own system/controllers and some dude always had to go take a shit and clearly never washed his hands (bathroom close enough to hear sink and he was super fast) then comes back and picks up the controller like BRUH????

I put a giant ziplock over my controller


A lot of my friends in the past and my dad does this. I don't fucking understand what is wrong with people like that.

Attached: 1448443862340.png (438x503, 122K)

>he doesn't bag his controllers

Attached: doyouevenbag.jpg (3024x4032, 2.3M)

>that actual thumbnail

Attached: 1428339821754.png (428x546, 188K)

i chew my nails and that is still worse than mine, damn

Subhuman fingers

put it over your hands instead, or your head. Either way would work okay

lmaoing @ this guy

I don't know how the fuck anybody plays games like this. I can't even touch anything when my fingers are covered in potato chip crumbs.

growing up I had a friend named Tommy who would intentionally smear the cheeto / dorito dust on the balls of the joysticks on his ps2 controller. He swore that the grease helped lubricate them and made him a better player.
One time I was over and his dad caught him doing in, ripped the controller out of his hand and turned off the system - screaming that he was damaging the controller. I wasn't allowed over after that for some reason.

Based Dad, would have done the same. Kids are usually fucking disgusting.

Is it autistic to use chop sticks to avoid this specific problem

>here's your controller, bro

Attached: 1556076076309.png (499x401, 364K)

where are your nails, fucker? JESUS

probably behind the couch lol