How do we save horror genre?

Attached: HorrorGenre.png (992x712, 1.32M)

You don't. It's a shitty concept.

Make a really in depth ARG that gets into some real shit

Capcom are making a good effort with RE7 and RE2 remake. Just hope more people follow their example. Solid gameplay along with the scares.

Good story. Good gameplay. Good atmosphere.
Really all you need.

> RE2
> Rule of slut
> horror

You can't, even the games that are considered good horror games aren't actually horror, but action games.

>Good story
Not exactly necessary, but I think some solid world building is
How is RE not horror?

A game isn't horror if you can just kill every enemy.

What? The game is horror if it has horror elements. RE has them in spades from the enemy design to the setting.

Yes it is.

Five Nights at Freddy's and Outlast.
Now these are the real horror games.

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>haha you're a zoomer because of those two games I pulled out my ass!
Never said that jumpscare shit was good, either.

by not copying amnesia for the bajillionth time, it's been like a decade since that game first came out already

Yes you did. You said exactly that.

It was already saved by The Evil Within 2 and Resident Evil 2.

Horror is the most creative genre out there. Prove me wrong. We don't get good horror games now because modern devs are talentless retards that want to make shitty generic movie games

Funny that you'd mention TEW2 and RE2 in the same post, because when compared to each other TEW2's mediocrity becomes clearly apparent

>A game isn't horror if you can just kill every enemy.

By that logic a game isn't horror if all you have to do is run and hide either. If I always know there is an escape route and a way out without having to face it head on there is no tension.

Life is the true horror game then. I just can't hide. I just can't

32 year old Boomer here;
Are they still making those Fatal Frame games? That shit scares the hell out of me

>Rule of Rose
>Fucking cunt of a game rom won't run on any emulator

Last one was on Wii U and I don't think it did too well

Why are Jap devs the only ones capable of making decent horror games?

Give them shit controls that add to the tension when confronted with enemies, like all those games in your pic. Except nobody has the patience for shit controls anymore.

Subversion of expectations, same principle as comedy. If you expect something it's much more difficult to be scared by it. This pic is a good example. Most would find it unsettling due to the juxtaposition of the two. We expect supermarkets to be safe and clean, this one was not. Bonus points for not explaining bullshit, explanations ruin horror.

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I played a bit of it on PCSX2 and it run pretty good.