Why do you faggots hate Uncharted 2 so much? It’s genuinely awesome

Why do you faggots hate Uncharted 2 so much? It’s genuinely awesome

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most people here are PC fags who cant even play the game

Honestly the only good Uncharted game desu

This is the only reason for a console exclusive game. Notice that the heavily discussed games in here are the ones that either available on PC or easily emulatable

3 was the best one, because it was a blatant ripoff of Indiana Jones 3

good game,and I liked the last boss and how you have to navigate and use the environment to kill him

>shooter on a gamepad
No way fag

I remember the first playthrough being enjoyable but when I tried to replay a while after that I was bored and annoyed for the most of it, its not a game that lends itself to replaying. Multiplayer was also decent.

This. It was only a "movie game" in a sense that it has great set pieces for its gameplay and it has charming character bantz in between combat. The ledge climbing segments are very movie like and shitty but thats it, and atleast they were interesring and required some proper timing to complete. So thr worst part was still interactive and felt less like an on rail experience.
Seriously, people should play this one and only this one.

Blue Gorillas
The Final Boss
>was ass

I still haven't finished 3. I'm still on the cruise ship.
>fucking never-ending shooting galleries.

I liked Lost Legacy as well

>Online gunfights for up to 10 players
That sounds like a bad translation

Why hate it? It's literally the best one in the franchise followed by Lost Legacy

This is true

Golden Abyss dorks apply elsewhere

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You bitches pretending that U4 isn't good

its an insult to tomb raider without any of the peril and tension

Uncharted 4 turned Drake into the bad guy, which I really disliked


uh what how - he's just a treasure hunter

This is actually my exact list
There's plenty of peril and tension in these games though

yah like when youre magnetized to a cliff and only have to worry about which button to press to get to the next handhold

Uncharted 2 is one of my favorite games of all time, I've lost count of how many times I've beaten it.
Yea Forums hates "movie games" but when it come down to it, Uncharted 2 basically perfected the formula.
>Good balance between cutscenes and actual gameplay
>No real downtime (U3 and 4, and TLL to an extent have too much walking/climbing segments in comparison to combat)
>Best level design in the series
>Best story in the series
>Puzzles are downplayed a bit, but in return the pacing is better
Uncharted 2 is a great game

Attached: uncharted-2-wallpaper.jpg (1920x1080, 395K)

Maybe old Tomb Raider, but NuRaider is FUCKING DISGRACE.

I'm not a fan of Uncharted games but the nuTomb Raider feels like bargain bin Uncharted made by chinese


>betrays wife's trust for no reason
>goes to the black market auction and kills a bunch of guards
>goes to Scotland to kill a bunch of legally hired mercenaries that are excavating legally bought land
>constantly manipulates people for his own gain, for instance tricks a guy into killing himself by setting off a deadly trap so he can escape
>attracts Rafe's guys to a populated Madagascar town full of civilians, and if not for T for teen rating those civilians would no doubt have been killed in crossfires (in Uncharted 2 he accidentally leads the bad guys to that Tibetan village, but in 4 he just couldn't care less about the innocent lives at risk)
>yells at sully like an asshole
Nathan Drake is a major sociopath asshole in 4. Considering so is his brother, and his mom committed suicide, I'd say mental illness definitely runs in the family

>gunplay in this third person shooter is average at best
>story in this cinematic heavy game is cookie cutter
But hey at least the setpieces are nice am I right?

Who the hell is Yea Forums?

not him but I've only played the 2013 reboot, it feels rougher than Uncharted 1. Lack of polish, terrible fucking pacing, poorly written characters, confusing plot, etc.

>the absolute shit taste in the thread
Imagine liking a game that has sections where all you do is hold forward and spam x (climbing). Kill yourselves.

The whole thing feels like they were trying to emulate what's popular/worked without fully understanding it. The whole thing feels like a giant rip off.
TR2013 is the most generic game I've ever played and I hate it. Everything about it feels hackeneyed and lifeless. It's so generic that I can point out from each its individual features which games they were trying to rip off. Even the plot isn't new, I seen that on the sidequest on fucking Just Cause 2. The fact that it got great scores and everyone seems to loved it seems bizzare to me.

Not him but Nathan Drake was always a murdering sociopath. At least 4 didn't revert his relationships back to where they were at the start of the franchise and tried to flesh him out a bit more.

The one notable thing about that game is how sadistic Lara's death animations are. Everything else is uninspired. It's the perfect example of an IGN 8.0, it's all competently made but totally lifeless and without any soul.

The Uncharted trilogy might be simplistic movie shit but at least it has charm and soul.

He has valid reasons to dislike/kill people in 1-3.
In 1 his enemies are pirates and mercenaries that are going to sell off a zombie virus
In 2 his enemies are a private army working for a war criminal that's committed genocides and wants to become invincible
In 3 his enemies are a secret society who I think are evil but the plot doesn't really get their motives across well
In 4 his enemies are a mercenary group hired to do excavation and the main villain doesn't have any evil motivations, he just wants to prove himself to the world

My brain notice a repetitive pattern after playing it for a while making it super predictable and boring. It got a few awesome scripted moment but not enough to get me hooked to play it a second time. Its one of those where you played it once and never again

Except Rafe was manipulative and would go to any extremes to get his way, even murder, and basically hired people to do the difficult shit for him, meaning he wanted to prove himself but didn't bother actually using his own skills to do so

Who else beat the collection on Brutal?
I've never seen such a blatantly untested, broken, and completely unfair difficulty mode in any mainstream game, let alone a modern AAA title before.
It was so much fun.

Still not really that villainous in comparison to Nate's normal foes. I mean you're right, Rafe is crazy himself and kills to get what he wants, but so does Nate.

That's kind of what I like about him, he isn't really morally in the right in most of these games, he's just the protagonist, and essentially just less of an asshole than the guys he goes up against. Like his heart is in the right place when it comes to his friends and loved ones, but he's mostly in a grey area rather than being a full on hero

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Because it's a piece of fucking shit game. The shooting is stale, slow and boring. There is no enemy variety. Platforming can't even be considered gameplay. Puzzles are made for down syndrome kids. But muh graphics and muh set pieces right??

This game represents everything cancerous about the video game industry. Fuck every single normalnigger who enjoyed it.

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You wouldn't hurt this handsome young mercenary, would you Yea Forums?

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Some virgin losers who like trannies
You should know

Am i the only one that remembers the day this game won goty and there were a ton of threads celebrating? It seems like nobody remembers that night.


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That's because everyone here whining are zoomers that just recently started visiting this site, and they're just trying to fit in.
When in reality, Yea Forums actually really liked Uncharted 2.

But it's one of my favorites.

Wasn’t Assassin’s Creed II released around that time too? I vaguely remember that game also being fairly well recieved here.

3 hadd the same problem as 1. Way too many enemies. 2 had the perfect amount of it.


Cuz ur a libtard

Oh and you know what, I think Souls began its small following back then too.

>Uncharted is a casual rip-off of TR
>nuTR is an even more casual rip-off of Uncharted

Best game in the series, miss the online. Uncharted 3 online missed the point about what made 2's multiplayer so fun.

Yes and it's still regarded as the best in the franchise, alongside brotherhood and Black Flag.
Still though, people love to shit on games like U2 on here when it's obvious they haven't played it, just a bunch of queers trying to fit in.
People spamming "movie game" for any game that has cutscenes is quickly becoming a really stale meme.

Attached: uncharted 2 chloe 2.png (1080x1080, 1.43M)

Cope more loser

Nah, I just liked playing as the best girl in the series

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I don't, Uncharted 2 in my opinion is one of the best games of the last 2 Console Generations
> 1. Super Mario Galaxy
> 2. Portal 2
> 3. Super Mario Galaxy 2
> 4. Bioshock
> 5. Portal 2
> 6. Trails in the Sky FC
> 7. Trails in the Sky SC
> 8. Journey (PS4)
> 10. The Last of Us Remastered
> 11. Uncharted 2
> 12. Resident Evil 2 (Remake)
> 13. Red Dead Redemption
> 14. Undertale
> 15. Dark Souls

4 multiplayer was prime and I still play it from time to time.
But 2 will always be the best. Simple and fun.

Attached: Uncharted 2 multiplayer.jpg (800x427, 94K)

Assuming Portal 1 is the Portal ranked #2, this isn't a bad list.

Yeah Uncharted 2 was pretty fucking good. It was probably the last inspired FUN game that Naughty Dog developed. Unpopular opinion but I enjoyed Uncharted 3 multiplayer. Past then, ND really doubled down on trying to be a mini Hollywood studio. TLoU was a good game too but they clearly don’t care about making light hearted gaming experiences anymore.

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Portal 1 is barely 2 hours long though and most of that length is before you get two portals

That's hilarious considering NuRaider ripped off Uncharted in literally every aspect

It's fantastic except for the final boss.
That was some bullshit they pulled right before the end.
>12 fucking hits

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Same, I actually liked it better than 4.
Could have done without the overly aggressive gorilla though.

The entire part with the ships is some of the hardest stuff in the series.
You should finish it though, the next part is pretty kino.

i blew my entire arsenal on a shootout just to have the camera turn around and produce even more enemies with no ammo pickups. rage quit.
>maybe I'll go back one of these days.

What the fuck is a mong thieves?

UE4 was missing the supernatural element which was the biggest disappointment. Exploding mummy traps isn't supernatural at all. Still an enjoyable game though, I just wish there were more shootouts because this new engine was great for all the dynamic stuff in it and the few times you could use the rope to fight people was neat. LL felt like it had a couple more shootouts by comparison but it still didn't scratch that itch.

Unreal Engine 4 has compulsory exploding mummy traps?

While Rafe does kill people it only ended up happening because of Nate's interference. If Nate didn't do anything and Sam never showed up they'd just keep combing the cathedral/catacombs, have a couple of guys die to the trap out of greed, then they're stuck with no lead whatsoever because the clues and the coin are now in a spike pit. They also don't even know the coin leads anywhere, that only happened because Nate figured it out. Hell, the vast majority of Rafe's discoveries were because Nate led them there via his GPS.

Sorry, whoops, still too early for this. Meant U4.

U2 is probably the tightest paced game I've ever played. It has perfect movement from its highs to its lows. The only bit that drags even a little bit is how long the temple area is after the mountain car chase is. I always forget how long that area is before you even get to Shambhala.

U2 was the first movie game that actually made me feel cool for executing a setpiece perfectly without dying. The bit where you're being chased by a helicopter across rooftops and through buildings is pretty lethal on the higher difficulties and looks amazing when you pull it off. Same goes for the tank chase in the small Nepal town into the mountainside island hopping car chase. I'm still amazed to this day that the game back then didn't make the car hopping a QTE. You just did it and brawled and shot dudes as you went.

The biggest saving grace of golden abyss was that it had gyro aiming where the other ones didn't. It helped a whole ton. Game as a whole is too gimmicky and too much like 1 though.

>That final boss on Crushing.
Whoever decided several minutes of QTEs which are touch-screen based that don't get registered properly because you have to cut at diagonals and you die in one hit was a good idea deserves a slap upside the head.

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>I'm still amazed to this day that the game back then didn't make the car hopping a QTE. You just did it and brawled and shot dudes as you went.
This is the main thing that makes Uncharted a really fun time. They found a way to make what would normally be a QTE set-piece, integrated into the actual gameplay, and it works perfect for the most part.
The first time I did that convoy sequence in 2, it blew my mind.

The convoy level, the tank chase level and the urban level were all amazing. I remember the convoy level totally blew me away in 2009, since I had just picked up a PS3 and U2 was my first game for it

Pretty much, it's a very linear game as well.

Another overrated Sony exclusive that is a "cinematic experience".

1 is the best

You are literally the only person I have ever heard say that, you fucking hipster. How is 1 the best? Uncharted 2 surpassed it in every way

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The only good Naughty Dog game after they transitioned to movie games.

cuz ive only beat 1 :->

Jak & Daxter 1 has unskippable cutscenes and the opening one is like what 10 minutes long

Fuck you and your "artsy" shit, put Nate's theme on the main menu for Uncharted 5 or we're going to have a problem

>Kumishit poster
Opinion discarded

The train level is up there as one of my favorite vidya levels of all time.

Attached: uncharted-2 train level.jpg (1280x720, 471K)

>Nolan North and Troy Baker start a let's play on youtube of them playing Uncharted
>they're both actually pretty boring and not very interesting to listen to

great multiplayer.

Seeing Nolan reminisce and repeat some of the lines is pretty cool though

I absolutely fucking hate how they ruined the lore of the series after 1 and 2 by going full blown grounded realism and stopped introducing monsters to the plot. i.e UC3 had djinn's but they were hallunications, UC:GA had no monsters, just radioactive gold; UC4 and UC:LL had nothing but mercenaries and soldiers.

Yeah. In a couple cases I thought his voice was just coming from the game
I know right? To be frank, I don't really give a shit about historical shit, it means nothing to me in a video game context. Historical shit with evil spirits or some other sort of supernatural curse? That's goddamn cool.

U4 would've been a lot better had ghost pirates actually been the super-natural element.
And I was expecting a full blown 3-way battle between Nate and his crew, Rafe with Shoreline, and Hector Alcazar's mafia near the end of the game.
Hector being a lie told by Sam was honestly my biggest disappointment with the game, seeing the armored soldiers during the made-up breakout made me think they would be the end game enemy and you'd have to fight Alcazar after he whiped out Rafe.

The train level in Uncharted Lost Legacy is pretty great too. You can swing off parts of the train cars (and the cranes on the trains); you can steal jeeps and drive them, jump from jeep to jeep to truck w/ armed dudes on it to swinging from the train to another jeep back to the train. And you can do shit like throw grenades way ahead on the road to blow up vehicles. Unlimited vehicles keep appearing as you progress up to the front of the train, and you need to steal jeeps to get around certain cars you can't climb on.

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I beat Uncharted 4 recently and it was great. How is Lost Legacy? This is my personal ranking


Although, 4 will probably outrank 3 as I play more multiplayer and survival

Great level, probably the best "moving/convoy level" in the whole series. TLL was a blessing, it scratched that itch for more combat that I was left with after finishing 4. 4 was great, but the pacing was way too slow for an Uncharted game.

Definitely play TLL, it's just as good if not better than 4.

So I guess they just mashed every single variation of this setpiece together since they had the tech.

Looks cool though.

Yeah but it's scripted "awesome." I like Nathan and Sully and all the cast well enough, but I find the gameplay to be some tepid shit.

>Blame a game's problems on people who haven't played it.
Good job, nigga, you played yourself.

It's pretty fucking obvious when the "criticisms" are just people going >movie game

>How is Lost Legacy?
The shortest out of all the games, even GA felt longer than it. Chloe and Nadine have some okay banter but it's not as good as Drake with Sully, it has some pretty good setpieces, they changed up Chloe's appearance so she looks a bit odd compared to U2 and U3, the areas you visit are pretty enjoyable with the one freeroam open world kind of chapter being the best one of the bunch, there's some really good shootout segments, there's tons of nods to the OG games like banter about Nate or Sam, Chloe saying what Sully says (Picture related), etc, and the only thing I can really complain about is how much both Chloe and Nadine shittalk Sam when he's trying to help them and how...tame the whole final couple of chapters are. I mean, in comparison to the other games.

When do we get a Cassie Drake game where Nate and Elena join her on adventures as grandpa Sully radios in from time to time?

Attached: Uncharted_ The Lost Legacy™_20181105120219.jpg (1920x1080, 896K)

Some of the encounters in 4 are god tier though. The drawbridge fight, the jungle fight where you're alone, the pirate mansion fight and even that very first fight in Scotland are all so good. Lost Legacy had more combat encounters and they were all consistently good, but U4 had better highs I think.
Also the music for U4's combat was so good. This played during the drawbridge fight for example, where there's all these explosions going on all around you and you are punching a dude in the face as more guys run around to flank you:

Attached: truck bomber.webm (768x432, 2.99M)

Yeah, those are dumb, Uncharted in general does have gameplay. But I do feel like they scripted them too much, to the point where there's a split between the railroaded shit and the points where it actually works as a cover shooter, which are pretty good. I feel like the multiplayer is great mostly because it isn't bogged down by cinematics and scripted climbing sequences.
The Last of Us is garbage, though.

>Some of the encounters in 4 are god tier though
I can agree on that
>the jungle fight where you're alone
This is one of the best encounters in the whole series and it makes me wish there was more combat where you were alone as Drake without any ai partners, the old games had a lot of those.
The Scotland levels are probably the best paced levels from U4

For me, while it WAS an improvement on the first game (in most ways), it wasn't ENOUGH of an improvement to really impress me. Gameplay-wise it's still pretty mediocre. And the hardest difficulty is poorly tuned, you're heavily encouraged to play like an absolute pussy. The best aspect of the game is the setpieces, like the train.

In terms of story it's schlock. Desperately wants to be like Hollywood but can't stand up to even B-level movies.

I've always thought that if Uncharted were a 90's franchise, it would be a cinematic platformer like Heart of Darkness or Flashback or Oddworld, but with more arcadey combat

Attached: HoD setpieces.webm (720x480, 2.92M)

Played 3 in 3D it was pretty great

>The Scotland levels are probably the best paced levels from U4
The underground puzzles felt like they lasted a bit too long in my opinion. It felt like you were just going from one to another to another, and their reasoning for the puzzles was it was a way to lead people to join Libertalia but holy crap, how complicated was this when the place wasn't falling apart?


a 3d Heart of darkness adventure game would be awesome, shadow play in a 3d environment would be interesting with some good designers behind it


uhh... naughty dog?

U2 Chloe is best girl

Attached: U2 Chloe.jpg (997x741, 168K)

it's a terrible moviegame with bad gameplay

it's on ps now



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>Populr consal gam mean bad!
In all seriousness, PC players do not know the quality of this gem!

Isn’t that basically Mario bros except you press b

Haven't you figured out by now that Nintendo gets a pass on everything?

I thought 1 was better. Especially the ending where it turns into a horror shooter instead.

I love the tense violin music that plays when the enemies are searching for you

Who is the best final boss in the series, Rafe or Lazarevic?

Attached: Rafe.webm (768x432, 2.96M)

Lazarevic simply because he calls Nate out on his hypocrisy and have that "DRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE" shout that makes it so satisfying to damage him more. Rafe was just a whiny, spoiled child but he did have a cooler looking fight.

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Lazarevic was based

Attached: u2 last boss.jpg (1280x720, 111K)

The gameplay loop is usually combat -> climbing -> puzzle -> repeat, with some combat encounters being setpieces (like chases / escape sequences) and others being sandboxes w/ stealth options. A lot of people complained about Scotland probably because the combat and the puzzles were split into two parts. First you had 4 combat encounters in a row separated by climbing and small puzzles, then you had multiple bigger puzzles underground separated by climbing again. And then you had a final long escape sequence after this webm. I agree the puzzle part could be shorter, I'd prefer more combat. But Scotland was still a pretty great little mini segment

Attached: U4 scotland.webm (640x360, 3M)

Exactly, he has no merits of his own in this field and even straight up shits on Nadine's trust which causes her to leave them all for dead in the end

the best uncharted game

dat chloe

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Chloe has so little porn/lewd art of her in general and it's criminal

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>implying both games aren't shit

It's fucking terrible. You hold the stick up to run or auto-climb while the world explodes around you, or you engage in shitty cover-based shooting. If you veer of the predetermined path just a little bit, you immediately hit a fail state or a weird glitch. The game completely plays by itself. It all came crashing down on me in one of the later levels when you're balancing on a narrow pole over a chasm but it's actually impossible to fall even though Drake animates as if he's about to fall any second. The story is some D-level straight to DVD-tier Indiana Jones rip-off and it's paced poorly in the last two acts because it drags like a motherfucker.

I went on to play Uncharted 3 later just to see if they have improved and dropped it after 2 hours.

I wanted to skip TLoU completely but finally gave in after years and ended up loving it. Uncharted fucking sucks and people who like it should be shot.

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>No real downtime
>constant unfailable platforming and climbing sections

yeah I fucking love holding forward so I can continue watching whats essentially a cutscene

>and the point goes strait over your head

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you must love BotW then

>but different game!

>tacked on stealth mechanics that are meaningless everywhere except the opening section due to...
>awful enemy AI with no reaction time
>enemies spawn out of thin air in every fight
>imbalanced weapons, some are just instant one-shots against most enemies for no reason
>"oh wow mythical creatures protecting the secr-" "NO THEY AREN'T MYTHICAL CREATURES IT'S JUST OLD MAN JENKINS IN A MASK" "then why is old man jenkins an eight foot tall glowing blue hulk" "idk mythical creature man innit"
>game is so on rails it will literally kill you multiple times if you turn left instead of right
>melee combat almost always useless because enemies are happy to gun down their friends if you are near them
>climbing again for fucks sake climbing isn't gameplay the train bit is cool but everything else is fucking awful
>boring bosses
>"WAIT A MINUTE...THAT JOURNAL" for every puzzle
>no replay value, just harder difficulties and finding meaningless potsherds and ancient dildos
>every difficulty level leaves you spending
at least 50% of combat time sitting behind boxes waiting for bullets to pop back out of your lungs

The game is great fun when it's in a cinematic section but the rest of the game is a boring slog because the gunplay is unsatisfying with awful encounter design, progression is on-rails despite interesting environments puzzles are arduous and boring and >climbing
Excellent set-pieces, brilliant music, lovable characters, bad game overall. You lot just only remember the good parts

Unpopular opinion at best fuck 1 and that shitty island

you said you love games where you just hold forward to climb so I recommended another. why so angry?

what you faggots don't understand is that when people talk about movie games, they aren't talking about how many hours of cut scenes the game has. it's about how much agency the player has during the gameplay, i.e. how similar the playthroughs of different people are going to be.

>If you veer of the predetermined path just a little bit, you immediately hit a fail state or a weird glitch
That's RDR2.

This thread is not about RDR2.


Not every game is designed with multiple different playstyles in mind, dumbass

it's okay. definitely the best in the series. it's still a decent game, but it's also mediocre.

You can play it on youtube

And I'm gonna bash those games and people who play them until the day I die.

Even ND adjusted with Uncharted 4 and TLoU. The first three Uncharted games are extraordinarily limited and the epitome of "press x to awesome".

Okay, I can't stop you from sperging out over games that don't appeal to you

nice meme

I played the dark souls trilogy on youtube and it was great

Finished Uncharted 2 on Brutal last week, working on U3. It was plenty of fun, outside of certain checkpoints that had you killed if you weren't mashing to circle button to roll once you reopened (like once the train tunnel ends).

I wonder just how hard the boat graveyard in U3 is gonna be. I'm not looking forward to it.

This. Makes no real difference anyway

>The shooting is stale, slow and boring
That's a lie, considering how dynamic it is, being able to shoot while running, and while climbing ledges. There's also the melee combat. Compare all the options it has with, say, RE4.

>There is no enemy variety.
Enemies with shields, the monsters at the end, snipers, turrets, bulletsponges. That's a bigger amount of variety than, say, Max Payne.

>Platforming can't even be considered gameplay.
It is when it allows you to do stealthy takedowns.

>Puzzles are made for down syndrome kids.
As opposed to what? Puzzles are generally shit, an afterthought, in games where puzzles aren't the focus. The puzzles here are on the same tier of Resident Evil ones. For shit puzzles i would think in the likes of Grim Fandango, where they are stupidly obtuse.

For the record, i love the game i mentioned, but i use them to point you Yea Forumsirgins unfair bias against Uncharted

Based and interactivemoviepilled

>it's about how much agency the player has during the gameplay, i.e. how similar the playthroughs of different people are going to be

Then Uncharted is not a movie, the combat is good and varied, there are a lot of sections where you can go either full Rambo or play smart.

>the combat is good and varied

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So this is the power of Yea Forums's argumentation powers, whoa.

>or play smart
yeah cause full rambo gets you killed, play smart is just "play the only way the game intended for you to play"

>getting butthurt over a 10 years old bait
Never change Yea Forums

Reactions faces and meme arrows, i expected nothing else.

>i was just pretending to be retarded

>n-no u

You can play full rambo and play smart at the same time. Sometimes that's the most effective solution.

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>i have to play in hard or otherwise i'm not a gamer rising up

Might as well say "upvote" and save time.

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>shoot while running,
>Enemies with shields, the monsters at the end, snipers, turrets, bulletsponges
>The puzzles here are on the same tier of Resident Evil ones

Attached: cock roach reaction face.jpg (221x208, 48K)

>play a game that plays itself half the time on difficulties that make it play itself all the time

user have you heard about these things called movies?

>posts a different game

Yeah, i heard they aren't interactive. I pass.

>plays itself

Don't be hyperbolic. In easier difficulties you can use different strategies because you aren't forced to stay under cover for hours like in brutal. You don't have to play on easy neither. I finished it in crushing and it was enjoyable.

At least tell me what the meme arrows and the smug anime girl are trying to convey. You aren't giving me enough to work with my butthurt.

First time I even hear anyone say they hated Uncharted 2

Because we don't discuss it here because the only thing to discuss if it's a movie game or not.

Protip: it's not.

Join my dips n chips Halo party bro

By that logic, super Mario bros is a movie game you dumb cunt.

uncharted 2 was the last good uncharted game, it was actually innovative for its time.

people dont hate that game, they hate that sony has copy pasted it 20 times as their new game standard and also its an sjw series now for some reaason.

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Would you call Mass Effect a movie game? It is cinematic

>it was actually innovative for its time.
>gears of war but with a jump
>super scripted setpieces everywhere

Attached: manga huh face.png (506x336, 61K)

No because the gears of war parts are separated from the cut-scene parts and the game doesn't play itself as often

Gears of War? I'm talking Mass Effect

It's about as good as the other uncharted games. One of those games you play once and then be done with it. Awesome visuals and decent gameplay, absolutely no reason to replay because there's no replayability in it. The multiplayer was fun though.

based retard