i'm thinking about buying a PS4 plus two or three games but with the money I have I could get a used Wii, a used PS3 and a lot of games. What do you guys think?
I'm thinking about buying a PS4 plus two or three games but with the money I have I could get a used Wii...
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I don't know what you would prefer. Have you thought about buying drugs instead?
nah bro i'm just a casual peasant looking to have some fun. I'm just in doubt because i don't know if the ps4 is worth the price when i could get 2 older consoles
Depends on what kind of games you like :)
If you looking to have wider variety of cheap games to choose from, going older is not a bad idea. If you're wanting to check out more recent shit, go with the ps4.
I'd like anything, really. I just dislike fps and soccer games. My last actual videogame was a ps2 back in 2005 so i'm kinda out of touch
Then you're absolutely okay with a PS3 and Wii. You have nearly a decade to catch up on, and all the games are super cheap
I see. Thanks guys.
The Wii is actually good, right? Those motion controllers seems kinda weird.. Yet again they have donkey kong
Get a WiiCube, as in a Wii with Gamecube controller ports under a latch at the top. Adds a new console to play with, and they're easy to find. If you're just looking to have fun, get bang for your buck with 3 consoles and multiple games.
There's a lot of crap to sift through but a lot of gems as well. The internet won't steer you wrong (usually). Also what said about there being Gamecube backwards compatibility
I didn't know about this one. I'm gonna check it out. Thanks for the suggestion
a used wii = $30 and you just need an external hard drive to play the games
a used ps3 = $100-150 for a model that you can cfw (fat or early slim)
if i was in your position i would go for ps3/wii. so much good shit i'm playing through right now (just started disgaea) you want to play walking simulators and bloodborne? ps4 is right there (also you can play persona 5 on the ps3)
Are PS4s even that much pricier than PS3s at this point?
i went from snes to n64 to gc to wii and hated the wii's motion control. i always preferred gamecube controls and hated all those games that forced the motion control gimmick. but then agian, all the good wii games let you use the game cube controller or retro controller.
that's neat. I have the same concern about those controls but like said there's the Wiicube which is also quite cheap
i found a guy selling a ps3 for $100 near my house with more than 30 games. The new games for ps4 look amazing and i'd definitely buy it if i was more serious about gaming, but idk it's been so long since i had a videogame
in my country it is kinda expensive. I was looking forwards the new service that allows us to stream games from older consoles but it's very expensive
make sure the ps3 is cfw (so you can mod games) unless you got money and are a collectorfag a lot of physical ps3 games are pretty expensive.
ask him to look at the back of his ps3 and tell him what the model number says and refer here haxmyps3.weebly.com
also if you do get one regardless, pic is must play, the trilogies are available on ps3 as well as 2 good ratchet and 1 good sly game
The Wii motion controls are hit or miss but the system had a lot of genuinely good games
Thanks for the suggestion bro. I wasn't considering jailbreaking but it's a nice idea.
I actually played ratchet and clank on ps2, it was my favourite game after shadow of the colossus
90% of the wii's library is absolute ass.
Think of it this way: If you've never heard of a Wii game, it was probably awful.
But Wii has a couple kinos too.
get the ps4 so that you can have games like the last of us remastered and detroit become human also either god of war or spiderman. not sure which of those two i would pick as third game but the point is ps4 exclusives are worth getting the new console.
OP's pick related is a great game but i'm hard pressed to think of other wii games that i liked a lot. Smash bros brawl is the only other really good one I can think of and I guess Mario Party 8 and 9 are pretty fun.
i wanted to play god of war so much but like the others said i could get an entire library of ps3 games for the price of a single ps4. I think i'll settle for the ps3 and the wii
Wii can still be played online, right?
not sure, but i'm guessing yes