2019.....and still nobody mains me

2019.....and still nobody mains me...

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Did you get beat by Toon Link and get upset or something

There's only like 3 Took Link players in a sea filled with 700k Young Link players.

It sucks because Wind Waker was the best Zelda game.

>Character comes back after missing
>People claim said character is the best of three
>People jump on the bandwagon

Not really surprising.

Real men play all three

>still a clone

Attached: tfw no skull hammer.gif (395x222, 1.5M)

His nair is BAD and his arrows are SHIT

his shothop is high as fuck and and he's pretty floaty. Shit combination.

Young Link is better, just like how OOT is better than WW

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There's a faggot brony at my local scene scene that mained him, he always complained that his character was shit and was the hardest Link, he got perma banned for being a little shit though, there's your Toon Link main.

I do and always will

I love OoT but that Link embodies every Hero trope that I despise.

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I love OoT but I will never find it not retarded that he wasn't ready to fight Ganon when Links did it previously and weren't adults or fully adults

None of them were as young as him, and it turns out he still wasn't ready even after seven years.

NES Link was drawn just as stubby and had to fight a stronger Ganon, fuck that earring wearing boyband haircut faggot from OoT.

>wanting a hammer move
>when hammers are some of the worst weapon types in the game, with Kirby and Dedede's hammer swings being flat out useless

I still think they should have replaced some of Link's aerials with items/magic from the series like Mega Man's weapons. Keep the upward and downward slash for the AoL reference but some of the other random shit can go.

What the fuck does Toon Link even excel at? It seems like spamming is all he's capable of.

That’s all it takes to beat 90% of smash players.

Big Link is the best of the three in smash ult

It's pretty obvious that Young Link is blatantly the best

He’s not. It’s just banwagoning. A young link will probably never win a single tourney but botw Link is decidedly s tier and with good reasoning. Young links kill moves are iffy. His Arrows and shortened endlag are the only things that make him playable. He can barely kill and has short range

Young Link is better in every way and also cuter.

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>every Hero trope that I despise
such as?

>Zelda 1 Ganon
he just teleports and shoots energy balls, he's not comparable to Ocarina Ganon

Nope. Too fragile. He’s like Mario, takes effort to barely get anything done

Yea bro, kill setups don't exist at all, having the least amount of kill power when you have the most damage output by a mile and best neutral definitely just means he can't kill ever! Link is better in some matchups but overall YL is just better, I'm not bandwaggoning, you're being contrarian.

No I’m speaking as a main of both but nice try. Without spamming arrows in order to kill with a fair/uair, young has a really troublesome time. I never struggle against them save for him having no end lag. He’s okay, about tied with toon, but botw is better. Hits like a truck and the bombs are near worthy of their own meta

>Toon Link could've had shit like the hammer or deku leaf
>Young Link could've had mask gimmicks
>instead they're both still lazy as fuck clones

Dude, Idgaf if you main a character, you're probably an 0-2er anyways, You can be delusional and think he's anywhere near toon, but I'm not just talking out of my ass, top players all agree that YL is the best when optimized, and TL is fucking horrible because of his simplicity, it's ok though you do you bro, top players are probably just in the wrong! Tweek with top placements as him and arguably top 3 player in the world thinks he's the best? Nope, you've got it man, you have clearly proven me wrong! Silly bandwagonner me got the wrong idea, well played!

>Played Mario
>Went from 3 million GSP to 200,000 in just a few matches
>Claw my way back up to 1.8 mil

Thanks, people who play like me. I can deal with that. I can't deal with the crazy-ass Roys and Jokers and, yes, Young Links who are just so dialled in I can't even approach.

How do we buff him to make him as good as young link?

That’s not Chrom.

I main him

At least I did until Robin was added

You are just a band wagoner. I admit that online is riddled with YL players, but he’s not as good as Link. I’m not gonna keep trying to convince you though. Link can actually win in a competitive scene. YL cannot and isn’t ranked in the same tier on any site I’ve checked

God that collar bone

You literally do sound like someone who just heard YL is great and ran with it. He’s okay

Toon Link is mid tier. But if you aren’t playing him as a trapper then you’re playing him wrong. Like, it gives me a migraine to see people who don’t even frame trap with his arrows, or can’t bomb trap, or don’t know ledge setups and air traps.

Good taste.

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I play toon link. I don't like the changes made to regular link, and toon link was my off main back in Brawl.

What the fuck is with faggots and pedophilia

Wait you call me a bandwaggoner yet use tiers to defend your point? Also you're just blatantly lying now?
>ZeRo's tier list, YL above Link
>Leffen's tier list, YL above Link
>Armada's tier list, YL above Link
>Averages between tons of top players tier list, YL above Link (pic related)
IDC if you're shit website tier lists say Link is better, if it's source isn't a top player then it's irrelevant.

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I honestly believe Botw Link can accomplish powerful feats with the length and strength of his sword and high IQ remote bomb use, but YL requires much less work and is much more consistent so competitively he will be chosen more often. It's just easier to find the damage and combo into more reliable kills much safer with him.

Is Mega still considered high after 3.0?

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I just said a boy was cute and nothing else.

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He probably went down a bit because of the leaf-shield nerfs, but by no means gutted, they just removed the "unfairness" of leaf shield.

i main him because i love him

I used to play tons of Ike and Shulk but now that they're top tier never pick them and both my current mains are in low tier again. I don't know why I'm like this, but I think it's because I don't want to bother learning the tech that makes characters like Shulk really good so instead of playing them without reaping the benefits of their buffs I just don't play them at all.

Fuck off pedo don't @ me, just kill yourself instead

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Dude you shouldn't think like that, play a character because you want to play them, whether they're busted as fuck or bottom 10, as long as you're not only playing them to have yourself carried, or john when you lose because your character is bad, then it doesn't matter, purposely playing low tiers is just reverse tier-whoring, besides Shulk is dope as fuck in this game.

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young link is more fuckable

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We would still have one if Hyuga could prevent his drunk ass from groping titties.

I know you're right and I try not to reverse tier whore, but I usually pick my character in fighting games before I know anything about them and always end up unlucky. I might also just have more fun trying to make a meh character work when they probably shouldn't so when I win it was me who won and not my character irrefutably.
Also when I play locally I also have more fun when my opponent is having fun fighting me which is an honest to god problem because it effects things I do even in serious matches.

Attached: Im at my most powerful when I reach 69%.webm (720x480, 2.26M)

I mean trying to prove a character's potential is a lot different then playing a low tier just because, it's nice that you take the other player's mentality into account, just remember not to let it make all it's decisions for you.

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I used to play him in 4. I tried playing him online against Young Link. It is impossible. None of his slightly higher range, higher movement speed, and marginally deadlier aerials help at all. Ocarina Boy's Nair is better than all of Toon Link's aerials combined, and the only moves that Toon Link can use to fight it are also on Young Link.

You are correct user. I'm much more in the bad habit of dropping a character when they become top tier than picking up a low one, most of my seriously played characters are solid mid.
I just hate playing and hearing "wow that move is so dumb" or "x is totally broken" when I win and knowing that it's not entirely scrub talk. Makes me feel like Palutena's nair won the game instead of me.

I can understand that, I'm kind the opposite and love when people rq and cry about my character.

I mained you until they brought back Young Link and made you completely moot, love your game, but get the fuck outta here, has-been

If you have a twitter go look up @ScrubQuotesX, assuming you don't already follow them.
I wish there was some kind of chat on Switch so I can get some content like it.

They pop up in my feed from time to time, I live for that shit lol.

Is this webm supposed to be impressive? It just makes lizardfags look like even bigger fags when their pride comes from stomping newfags

No it's supposed to be funny, the filename holds the key to the shitty joke.
It's honestly difficult to get impressive looking clips even in elite because of how bad online is right now and the playstyle it promotes.

>maining ANY Link
>using sword faggots ever
Shiggy Diggy Niggy.
If you don't use Duck Hunt, get out of my sight.

This one I think is marginally impressive. What is really important is I only save 0 to deaths and not just rando "combos".

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Mario is all worth it for the rare 10% offstage dunk 2 seconds into the fight thanks to lag ;^)

Hes literally link but with a smaller hit box

Dedes is not worthless

I actually hate how people think he's bad. I've seen and experienced the horrors of what gordo can do if the DDD wants to plays as lame as humanly possible and I can go more in depth if you don't believe me, I'm not crazy.

as they shouldnt, Young Link is far superior

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Worst Link in the franchise is also worst Link in Ultimate

Main him since Brawl. Was the first Amiibo I got. We are out there we just suck at the game

He's fucking boring, as are the 2 other Links, but at least they can throw aerials carelessly. Toon Link hardly can.