How do you excuse the sexualization of minors in video games, Yea Forums? She is only 15

How do you excuse the sexualization of minors in video games, Yea Forums? She is only 15.

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A leotard isn't strange for a 15 year old to wear.

Her mask makes her look super deranged

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>exposed hips are sexual
she could be butt naked and it still wouldnt be sexual in my culture. stop being an autistic horny puritan.

this is embarrassing. Hopefully we'll get a redesign

american media sexualizes real 14 and 15 year olds

Same here, we need her in a micro bikini. Also the twins. The twins must also be in a micro bikini.

how do trannies justify hormones on REAL young kids?

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The people wanting it removed are just doing so to cover up their far worse crimes.

>She is only 15.
I know. What an old hag, right? can't believe they're trying to sexualize grannies like that.

Shut the fuck up with that shit already, damn. You people are getting way too obnoxious with trying to have fun by playing pretend, it's been 3 years or so of this shit and it's getting old

I don't know user, is there actually a problem?

Daily reminder that most of the SJW faggots virtue signalling about shit like this are usually closet rapists and pedophiles trying to compensate socially

actual teen gymnasts show far more skin. it's for freedom of movement.

Attached: actual_gymnasts.jpg (680x383, 62K)

I mean you're sexualizing a minor. Slapping on an adjective like "fictional" doesn't help you in disproving that it isn't harmful.

I mean... It IS fictional. No one's being hurt by it.


there are 65+ countries in the world where age of consent is 15 or younger. 76 countries count 16 year olds as adults. Only 40 countries require someone to be 18 to be considered an adult. Only 3 for 19-20 year olds. The average is 16, but 15 outnumbers the countries that require 18. In japan specifically, federal age of consent is 13 while local laws vary from 14-16. Therefore, this is not a minor being sexualized.

We live in a clown world.

Anime girls aren’t human beings.

So then tell me, why do you care about this when the western world praises or sweeps under the rug ACTUAL crimes against REAL children.
Why is a drawing of a 15 year old anime girl a terrible thing but raping kids, prostituting them and having them perform strip teases in gay bars is acceptable. Explain yourself!


Im suppose to know this shitty weeb character is a minor? Tell me fucking how.

Why burgers so afraid of sexuality? Jesus fuck i can't understand.

God, I want to fuck her so bad. Everything about her is perfect, I hope she's not Akechi 2.0

Japan definitely doesn't care so be offended all you want.

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15 = adult in anime.

Keep telling yourself that pedo, better off a sjw then a pedo tard such as yourself

God forbid a gymnast wears a leotard... Oh wait, you better tell all those olympic gymnasts they can't wear them anymore.

Still waiting on an answer here

Y'all will call this sexualizing a minor and let this get you up and arms but not a fucking 11 year old boy dancing at a gay bar in drag?

Don't forget that some countries stagger out adult legal status too. Like in Australia you can't drink, drive, vote or enlist until 18, but age of consent is 16.

It's not offensive or sexualizing, neck yourself.

>How do you excuse the sexualization of minors in video games
Uhhh... they're not real.
Man that was hard.

That wasnt me, but literally everything you mentioned Is bad and I dont agree with it at all.

Who cares about real kids? We're defending the right of fictional children here.

Then why is it that I never see anyone shitting on those things but ignoring or praising them but the second Japan shows a boob window THEN people care about the sexualization of minors?

>Slapping on an adjective like "fictional" doesn't help you in disproving that it isn't harmful
Yes it does.

What about fictional shooting?

Answer this:
Why do people ree over fake people showing skin but actual kids being coerced into sex changes and morbid sexual lifestyles is fine.

There's no need to excuse it.
It is perfectly fine.

Books, movies, TV-series and even games have done it for centuries.
Real-life people and societies have done it for aeons.
And no, there's practically no difference between a well developed 15yo and 18yo. That's just an artificial spec created by western societies.
Fun fact: even in many western countries, the AOC is ~14.

Last but not least:
It is all fiction.

Teenagers are literally ready to breed.

In all of the clips in the trailer her eyes look like they're bugged out. It's creepy as fuck.

>How do you excuse the sexualization of minors in video games, Yea Forums?


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>this pic of a fictional character is inexcusable!
while pic related on netflix is somehow totally fine

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we are going to be seeing this stupid thread for the next month aren't we...

Regardless of her design, how do you guys feel about Kasumi?

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Are they tucking their crotches? What the fuck?

How do we know she's 15, just because she's first year doesn't make her 15, like how Naoto and Rise were first year but they were 16.

Am I on some kind of watch list now for having seen this image?
I feel like this is the kind of thing that gets you put on a watch list.

So far so good, hope she's not going to be another fucking Marie and we won't really know until Royal is out.


Ah, yes, the usual blatant hypocrisy of the west.

2nd from the top left row is like straight from the addams family

I like her design, but I reserve judgement on her personality until we actually experience it.

Thanks for saying it. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

From what we've seen, she likes like a nice girl

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That would make sense if the top of the suit wasn't a low cut v neck that showed off her tits.

It looks more like a bustier than a leotard.

You don't, you want to ejaculate inside a real girl.

it's from a netflix produced show, so it's clearly deemed acceptable in the clown world we live in.

We really don't know anything about her except that she seems to respect Joker since she still calls him senpai and associates with him despite all the shit that is associated with Joker during the game.

Looks like an interesting addition but we've seen how that usually goes. Maybe it'll be good this time around and I really hope they play with the dichotomy of her liking MC but not the phantom thieves a fair bit. Could make for some fun scenarios.

I don't get this outrage, these fags are upset about thighs being shown, but they literally draw gay porn of joker as an effeminate twink.

One who has clearly usurped Ann as the designated chow hound of the group. Jesus Christ.

it's on netflix right now my dude. you're likely already potentially seconds away from it being streamed into your home, it's totally fine and legal!

Attached: netflix rn.jpg (1280x720, 306K)

Gymnastics have had leotards for optimal movements forever through

Mfw she's just rise but more tame.
Yes please!

Inb4 voiced by Ashley Burch

She's a growing girl, don't worry about it.

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low cut, youre out of your mind, disingenuous or a liar. probably all three depending on the subject at hand.

cause when you 15 year old you ready to getting fucked, wtf you talking about you pussy ass cracker ass faggot stfu boy

I'm sorry Ryuji, I couldn't hear you. You say you're with the Phantom Thieves?

>massive sexual tension between Joker and the Wardens after their boss fight
>can't even spend time with them outside the Velvet Room
>meanwhile P3 and P4 let you date and/or fuck their Attendant and P3P lets FemC rape Ken, an actual elementary schooler
Why did Atlus become fucking cowards?

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Why are westerners so puritan nowadays when they literally created leotards?

>Edit covers more skin
>People jerk off to it anyways
Why do people have such a baseline understanding of what makes a design sexy? Do they think a bikini is intrinsically more "sexy" than a one-piece? Are they literal children who think what's underneath the clothing doesn't exist? Just because you can't see it it isn't there? The other female phantom thieves don't even show that much skin at all.
How much skin is shown is completely irrelevant and you can't imply people would jerk off to to her if this was the official design. This is why censorship is a waste of time. People will jerk off to girls wearing practically anything with practically any cup size.

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Guess what's fixed?

Have Leftists gone so far on the the spectrum that they've looped around and become the Taliban?

you can't imply people wouldn't*

So let me get this straight.

I, as a heterosexual adult white male, am considered some kind of pedophile involuntarily celibate weirdo pervert, regardless of what my sexual experience and preferences actually are, for liking big rocking sets of tits in my video games on fictional females who are clearly based on adults and am constantly told to "Have sex" by faggots on the internet every time I voice my enjoyment of this.

But it's perfectly acceptable for parents in this same demographic of people that hate my video game and anime tiddies to parade their preteen sons around on camera in make up and slutty girls clothing (Why do those clothing options exist for girls that age, for that matter?) and slap that shit up on a streaming service where any weird fuck can watch it and masturbate as many times as he wants from the comfort of his own home.

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

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>the game

>Can see real little boys and girls sometimes boys in drag prancing around in skimpy clothing
>Fictional women transforming into a leotard using magic is causing uproars

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She's like a mini-Makoto.

I saw the picture of Joker with them in Disneyland, I'm still not getting my hopes up. There's still no way they're letting us fuck Lavenza.

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I'll never understand this word. How do you turn something unsexy into something sexy just by taking an outer layer off.

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are you the same guy who said clown world like 3 times this thread?

People are cavemen that think more skin = more sexy.

one other guy said it and he bothered to capitalize shit. my one other post was this

it's totally fine, a based transexual is shepherding those kids. no pedo's are gonna jerk off to that. The real concern here is that drawing that clearly resembles an attractive, twenty something woman. shitlords are clearly going to abuse her and get themselves off to her and that's not okay. they should be thinking about girl dick and boi pussy instead.

I probably wouldn't have if I wasn't feeling so agitated about personal matters. I mean how can people continue to stand this shit? I know reposting is board culture but this kind of repost has been going on for ages for fuck sake, it's actually starting to get hard to determine if all of this is just ironic shitposting or people actually have incredibly retarded concerns over sex appeal with animated characters.

Sony will censor her. I actual hope it happensfor the butthurt it'd create.

it's a normal enough thing to say but it's also in the healslut thread a bunch. it's going to become some kind of meme phrase where threads are just gonna start with it along with some wacky article or twitter screenshot

You have to understand user, they can't even be sexy in the slightest. Like how a cute girl can wear a sweater and her tits look like soft pillows to rest your head on. They can't look like that. Or a girl in a floral dress that flows in the breeze with a sun hat. They can't look like that. They're all fat and ugly so its literally impossible to look hot or cute.
They don't understand sex appeal because they have none, but unlike the neckbeards and weebs, they ignore all sources of what sex appeal is because they're seriously jealous of these cute girls.

Easily, Puritanical beliefs must be culled completely. Regressives should be declared mentally handicapped.

goddamn how hungry is she

>based transexual
this combination of words is illegal, even if used ironically

in both ways

That's just the artstyle of the game. Take a look at Ann's fucking head.

Attached: AnnDetermined1.webp.gif (540x268, 2.43M)

she calls Joker senpai, so I guess she becomes his fangirl eventually

You know there are Subredits and Discords with the purpose to ruin Yea Forums right?

>cant romance

Why don't they just make a sequel instead of selling the same game twice? I already paid for the first one. Could it be that jap devs are just as soulless as western devs?

IRL high school cheerleaders and gymnasts wear more revealing clothing than this.

They've done it with literally every game in the series since P3.

What possesses people to pretend to be retarded online just to make strangers upset?

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>draw sexy female
>"why r u attracted?"

its perfectly normal in japan for you to sexually assault girls of any age

>Same age as Joker
>Only 15

I mean it's Japan, they have serialized manga where minors have sex/shown nude.