UNIST Thread
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Are we too soon?
Pass is vee
noooooooo i dont wanna get bullied again
Well, you will.
No clue. It takes longer to fill up on some days.
kw: pclobby
wow pc lobby fhad some quick joiners
That takes me back.
PSN lobby really does seem slow tonight. We usually have around 4 by now..
I would be there if I could
Happens every now and then.
Gonna hop on for a couple and then drop out for abit and then come back as I've got a quick errand to run. Looking forward to the fights!
whoops time got away from me. I'll see you next week boys
Sai is moving up in the world
That fucking elbow.
I lucked out that there happened to be a few green players at Japanese hours.
Maybe next time I'll run into yellow players at Japanese players, we'll see hahaha.
I'm gonna use it a lot tonight. I've seen the light.
Blargh, my keyboarding is getting worse by the minute. In any case, the grind was much easier than blue that's for sure.
Lamp just informed me that I have 10k matches in this video game. Why am I still bad at it? Hippie and the rest lied to me
That was the longest lag hiccup I've seen that didn't drop the match by far...
Cause you're """""""special""""""""
What did you think of that Dia? All that elbow and Jc. worked really well for me
It took me 3 months to get out of blue, I never want to experience that again.
why am i so retarded with inputs
What should I do? I was told that I would be good at fighters once I hit 10k matches
Kinda stuck in a Nanase rut. Not sure where to go with her to improve and I'm getting kinda lazy when I play her now.
Fighting games aren't a static thing, you could play 10k matches and still suck. It's not like you automatically become good, it's a process. Surely you can wrap your head around that concept.
You'd think I'd be at least decent at this point, 10k should mean something.
It seems to be working out for you. The problem with how you played neutral before this was the fact that you didn't mix things up. Just combine what you're doing now with what you were doing previously and I think you'll be set.
Was that a parry from you of some sort at the end of round 2 there hippie?
Made a very satisfying sound effect in my opinion.
Let's be fair, these lobbies are at a higher level than your average lobby online. You're not complete garbage, you're just really fucking slow and make questionable decisions in terms of forcing change.
Yeah Seth has a parry in his A follow-up to his blink.
damn, I though that would grd break for sure after seeing that whiffed shield
If watching mecha has taught me anything, it's that hard work and guts > natural talent and intelligence.
It's the scariest when someone has both those traits
How about implementing more FF stuff with double/triple overheads during pressure? It's one of the few things I don't see you do much compared to other nana's but maybe there's a reason?
I think it's too easy to shield. I don't like betting on it unless they're GRD broken or I have a huge life lead.
rip forgot how to cvo and mashed
FF costs GRD and then you eat shit if any of the attacks get shielded, probably isn't worth it most of the time.
Yo the elbow even beats out that stupid ex kuuga
hippie what is optimal play in fighting games? What am I doing wrong? I played a bunch of league today and did really well by looking back on what mistakes i made each game and working to stop doing them, but when i play unist I'm never able to tell when something was "the wrong choice.". Is there anything I should be watching out for that has been glaringly obvious to you?
Whew lad. I messed up by expending my CS to get shoddy meter there.
What a comeback on Sankt's (Icy's) part to nearly take the round back.
That thing has some pretty good priority.
On that note, I'll be back in a few! Hopefully a spot is still open by the time I get back.
Yeah, though Linne is so small that the eblow is difficult to use properly on her.
Also stop calling me Icy, I don't know who that is.
Did the pc lobby explode?
Looks like it.
God dammit, how the hell am I supposed to chase down Seth
Even the game is disappointed in my execution, and punished me by blowing up.
makes sense, I figured there was something. it's pretty hard to say since she's a really straightforward character and you're a stronger player than me by a lot.
It feels weird being asked that but "optimal play" would probably just be high level consistency and awareness. Might be a bit abstract but being a really good player is pretty broad in what you have to know so that's a simple way of putting it, in my opinion.
In your case Sean, your glaring flaw is just not finishing your plate on combos.
The ol run up behind ya and IWEXS. 100% chance to work
I think I still have a good ways to go before I can claim to be that much stronger than most regular players. Honestly, the thing I need to do is get in the habit of doing 3BAD again. I got super lazy with it and eventually stopped because it's a pain to do with a C on my current pad setup.
I was just thinking of how I haven't seen kaizer in a long while.
we've talked about this but I think you're stronger than the Nana at my local who was top 48 at FF by a decent margin. maybe it's just my inability to properly judge the skills of stronger players than me past a point. on a macro perspective, one of the reasons I think I've been doing a bit better in matches against you is that you always seem to put winning the grd cycle above winning neurtal which makes predicting what you'll go for a bit easier. granted you're good at playing that game and it's a strong game plan overall a bit of unpredictability might not hurt.
I haven't played in a very long time, Conan Exiles lmao was taking up all my free time.
Yo that second round was beautiful if I must say so. I might love the battle but I won that war.
ggs everyone. Not sure if it's my internet or me personally but inputs feel sluggish as fuck tonight. Gonna call it early..
>when CS eats your input
I feel like whenever that happens, your input should be kept in the buffer until you input something else.
Welcome back
You coming to EVO?
that would be nice, I still should have just taken the combo and oki instead of half-assing a reset
the routing would have been fine now that I thought about it
The first step to approaching any situation in uni is to win vorpal. Luckily grd and vorpal are tied to how well you play. Finish your combos, win vorpal
I'm not gonna pretend be humble. I'm stronger than the average discordian by a large margin but like you said, I'm really predictable. My strengths lie in autistically remembering habits and getting a fast read on what people, then capitalizing on it hard with simple, honest play. Which is why people often say that they feel like they "can't do anything" against me. Mixing things up and reacting to things I've never seen before is where I drop the ball hard.
Which is why I think I'm not well suited to playing Nanase even if I like her a lot. I should be playing Vat or something. I mean, I am, but you know what I mean.
That was some relentless pressure on Sean's part.
I think everyone's on the crazy pill in PC tonight, thinking about it. Everyone is going ham with reversals.
I'm personally just trying to be more offensive instead of spending half the match blocking and dashblocking like I usually do.
i have no idea how else to play gordeau
Thank you both for taking my question seriously.
"Stupid reversal option" is my aesthetic
Darn, I gotta break that habit of needlessly CSing for meter, hahaha.
>round start
this game needs simultaneous matches or something for lobbies, this gets real tiring to just watch and forget
>4 purple ranks in PS lobby now
This is gonna be a heck of a night. Though I am thinking about seeing how PC fairs in abit too.
I mean maybe that's just your approach to playing the game. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, though I think it's dumb to criticize your play for not knowing setups/situations/resets before you've seen them.
I'm not the person to ask about how to do it but maybe just take some steps in making your gameplan less apparent. If it's less obvious what you're trying to do it should make sense that the original gameplan will only work better imo
Out of curiosity has anyone here platinumed the game by now or do you guys stick strctly to multiplayer modes?
Yeah, it's really easy
I actually have it on both PC and PS4 it's really easy
So seeing as I cant play this game worth of shit with a regular controller and stick is broken, what new stick do i get? I was leaning towards either the fighting edge or the quanba obsidian
Man that whip hit on my saki...
>song ends right at the end of that match
perfect cinematic timing.
Not even my new tricks can oppose atic.
atic, can you really react to Yuzu's j.2[C] flash?
>it's dumb to criticize your play for not knowing setups/situations/resets before you've seen them.
Eh, it made more sense in my head. I'm probably just rambling because I'm drinking. I tend to either talk shit or sadpost when I do.
You apply your tricks a bit too straighrforwardly
I think both of us was just waiting for the round start 623b
That was a weird hit at the end. I guess the sword arcs back behind you there atic?
It's more like keeping in mind it's an option and being prepared for the possibility makes it easier.
Yeah, weird interaction. Maybe you extended your hurtbox a bit there.
what fighting game has the best story
Melty Blood
GGs PC lobby
You really can't go wrong with either of those. At that price range most of the options are solid honestly the choice might come down to which "box" you'd rather have the parts come in. The FE is cooler looking but the Obsidian comes with Sanwa parts out of the box which a lot of people are pretty adamant about having.
I like Guilty Gear's the most so far but Street Fighter has a surprising amount of lore.
If you're willing to consider my amateur opinion, you're very aggressive when it comes to taking back your turn, sean
Mortal Kombat unironically if you like retarded jankfucks. Remember SHANG TSUNGS SOULNADOOOOOOO
Guilty Gear and Under Night if you like chuuni wankfests. Blazblue is cool if you like loveable protags and timeloop fuckery.
Really? You were allowed to block that mid animation?
Have any of you had any luck with daily drills or something of the sort to get your execution down? I feel like it's come to the point where I can't ignore it and hope I get better just by playing anymore, and absolutely most get it down pat.
>atic starting the round rushing in instead of playing patient
I was hoping I could run in for a raw throw but that threw me for a loop.
I learned how to do Vatista's basic stuff just by practicing for 45 mins a day until I could do it.
I've read of success in people practicing dash blocking against the zoning characters' moves.
Personally I'd like to spend more time learning more BnBs so I can mix things up.
not gonna act like I haven't been pissed about the same stuff but thinking about it in a vaccuum outside of the game it just seems like wasted focus and I actively try to avoid letting it tilt me when it happens since my play will only be worse for it
ggs pc lobby, thats enough being bullied for one day
Yes you should practice at least like 10 minutes if you can't help it, don't overpractice and go for like 10 hours or some shit because it won't help as much. Sleeping on your muscle memory will let you see huge gains.
Also it kicked me and my friends want to play some shit so I'll just hop off. Great games tonight everyone.
I'm sure you'll get back at them in a few more days of practice broski. Keep your chin up!
Also if PC lobby is still up, think I'll give it a go after one more attempt to claim victory in PS lobby.
You guys just run bnbs and it helps out in non-combo execution as well? I also want to stop misinputs in neutral, misinputs during pressure, and missing offensive cancel timings such as delaying/staggering my strings.
closing the lobby when it gets back to me, heads up
Looks like PSN just doesn't want to cooperate with me today. Guess I'll just lab. Good game hippie
Well I'm in the exact same boat. I lose too many of my rounds to combo drops or failed OS inputs and I get the feeling that it's what's stopping me from getting to the next level.
This month has been busy with other things for one reason or another but I'm going to commit to grinding soon.
The most important thing to take into account is to not be afraid of losing when trying new things out.
Eventually it'll sort itself out.
It's Thursday morning so I have to dip early. You all can continue without me once it gets back to me.
What a strange lag spike at the end there.
Alright ggs
Gah, I was wondering what was going on. Sorry for my bro's anime download occurring yet again.
Also, looks like PC lobby is ending, anyone there wanna continue or shall I stick to PS? Either way is fine by me.
GGs PC dudes.
I could play for a bit more if someone wants to make a room.
Why don't just make lots of 2 person lobbies instead of all of us going into 1 lobby.
I could go on, I sort of want to salvage my drops.
Ohhh so my 2b actually beats ories 3b/c the arc actually just goes over my head. That's really good to know.
Carmine here, I also practice blockstrings/rebeats and cancel windows in training mode. Shame I usually just default into 6BB tho.
Cool, I'll set it up right now. I'll make it the same kw.
GGs PS Lobby! See ya next time! Hopefully I'll have better ironed out some of my bad habits by then.
So early once again. I feel like I'm remembering things wrong but I coulda sworn we usually go till 2 my time.
man you guys have had my number in the PC lobby lately
I honestly don't mind the time between matches sometimes, probably easier on the hands and a minute to think between matches never hurt
GGs everyone
Real dumb 0 iq solution, but it's something I think people should actually do. Personally sometimes I'm good with either waiting while doing something else, or watching the games. Other times, I feel like I just want to grind a bunch of games back to back.
I have early morning commitments, you just have bad memory since this has been going on since late January
I coulda sworn our Thursday dates went on longer.
I don't know how I win these mm's, I feel like you're much better than me.
You can always just ask if anyone is up to a ft whatever.
Anyone up for more matches on PS4?
ggs, good stuff tonight
Atic's days are numbered
What the fuck, the gem hit where Vat attacked the wrong way for the combo and whiffed cause of it.
Sometimes the game makes strange calls.
I've been really free for most of March so that's probably why
Nice anti-air!
That was a nice quick reaction telling Vat this is a no fly zone.
Welp, my loud as fuck family woke me up this morning so I'll jump into the PC lobby. Only a green, but christ I need the practice.
Sounds like a plan. Hope you pick up a thing or two from playing in this one.
Rusty sure did put in work today.
Which dl-region is my best bet? Having no joy trying to join the lobby
I rolled them dice and bet atic going for the assault j.a.
Sadly I thought I would still be +101 from 22C but I did it too late.
Ouch. Looks like I'm all outta juice. Nice CS punishes on my AA j.Cs there lolb!
What an ending.
And here I thought I did the cool thing.
And a crazy match there too. Didn't see that one coming.
Man watching you guys play is scary.
How did Orie DP beat Nanase? Looking at the frame data, it should've lost if it was buffered during the Nanase flash. Orie's DP would've had to delay a few frames of Nanase's start up to beat it out.
I can't remember the details but I canceled Thanatos into a reversal in reaction to something, which usually beats people trying to reversal through Thanatos.
>projectile disappears if I get hit
Is that what I just witnessed or did I just miss the contact?
If so, then boo! Haha. gg otherwise.
Oh, I see why. For whatever reason, Nanase has strike attribute, and Orie doesn't. The strike attribute invul made Orie win.
This is actually some Orie privilege, about everyone else has strike attribute on their DP except Orie. Only other outliers are Elt, which has 27 frames of full invince!! and Phonon is projectile and has full invince frames for double digits.
>Actually remember to AA OS
>Get standing throw twice
I should have just dp'd
I've spent half a year messing up my AA OS and getting all manner of crouch tech, stand tech, 2B, and 2A instead. I don't know why I'm so bad at it myself.
Outplayed! Haha. That was just the warm up match though right there (at least I hope it was)!
So far the main things I'm noticing is that I need to actually acquire some offensive game beyond throwing out normals and just playing against characters enough to know when it's safe to strike back after a blockstring.
Well, two hours after rage quitting, I'm back because I can't sleep. I think I just had too much caffeine today.
Woo, looks like no perfect for you this time.
Learning good spacing for your moves will go a long way towards playing a better offense for sure so you can know what can confirm into a basic BnB at what point in the stage.
Have ya given mission mode a try to learn some basic combos for Eltnum? After giving it a shot myself, some of it can admittedly be pretty tricky to think about like backwards DP inputs when facing forward and the straight up jump cancel the like.
Nice. Welcome back to the fold. Maybe you'll have better luck after the break.
GGs again PC bros. It's late as hell and the lobby is filling up so I'm gonna head to bed. Good hustle everyone. Seeing a lot improvement.
Damn, that was hilarious though. ggs everyone
GGs m8. Thanks for showing up! Fun matches as always.
Jesus Christ, even these wins are filled with awful spaghetti.
Yeah I've given a few of them a go, I can execute them pretty consistently, the issue is that I tend to forget what I've learned in a real fight and panic.
Only fighter I ever got decent in was 3S, though so a part of this is general growing pains. Played my share of Melty, but it was always at a casual level with mates. Trying to dedicate more time to getting proficient at fighters lately and joining these lobbies whenever I can will help.
I see where you're coming from. Sounds like growing pains for sure if you're already familiar with fundamentals.
Well I got disconnected so I'll call it a night here as well.
ggs everyone
Bummer. Thanks for showing me some more Chaos! GGs!
The two Chaos I've seen in the PC lobby are much more legit since I only know 1.5 basic combos and 1 basic blockstring.
I believe I've seen Al Kharid or something rather and the other player and they are indeed the real deal. Hope I come across them again soon!
A gay stuntman is who you're thinking of I believe
Ah yeah, it's probably him. Only encountered him once I believe in these lobbies. Looks like I may have to show up more often.
I have a pretty frequent attendance, and it's pretty rare seeing him and a few others, I actually haven't seen him in a week or two or three.
Darn. Chaos is one of those hard to come by characters (at least he is for me) and it's a pretty interesting match to play against.
ggs. Going to head out for real now. It's 5am where I am at this point.
GGs! Nice work breaking that loss streak m8. Just needed abit of warming up!
Nice on that round 3 lolb. Covered all of my approaches really well there. I got shut down good.
Gonna call it at 2:30 AM PST for the PC lobby broskis. Thanks for sticking with me up til now!
No problem, it's been fun. Gonna make sure to show up more often, it'll help my sleep cycle too.
It would definitely be ideal to come at the regular time so you can get more MU experience. Looking forward to seeing ya improve!
Feels bad, how do I pressure with Hyde and do everything...
Watch hippie and Bluesrhap play via the vods for PS Lobby!
For reference: youtube.com
That is if you're lolb and want to learn some better pressure game with him.
If you're Bandi and want to learn some better openings it's also worth watching a couple of their fights.
GGs lads! Thanks for sticking it out with me for so long into the night/day/whereever you hail from.
Hope to see ya again soon!
I feel like I messed myself up learning Yuzu first and only her. I went through Hyde stuff, and did some baby combos, and I see Hydes somewhat frequently... but then I start playing him and everything just turns to mush and fades away.
More like UNINSTALL.
Thanks, appreciate that you and the others in the lobby didn't mind fighting my broke ass. I'll be doing what I can to improve from here on.
Cheers for that, it'll definitely be useful.
GGs fellas, these lobbies are early morning for me so I'll try to make a habit of showing up often.
That's because he's the hardest character and yuzu is the easiest.
Sounds appropriate. Every Yuzuriha I've come across so far basically specializes in her and maybe Hilda since she equally has some interesting things to work around compared to the rest of the cast.
Best of luck breaking that mold.
Glad to be of service. As stated earlier, looking forward to the coming weeks of improvement!