How much harder do the bosses get after this absolute cunt?

How much harder do the bosses get after this absolute cunt?

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ook ook are you ready to go ape

much, much harder. this boss is the real learning curve, it serves to teach you how you need to deflect and counter. it only gets tougher from there.

It depends where you strengths are at and how you beat him but generally speaking the hardest fights are towards the end. There multiple MINIBOSSES that are tougher than him.

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So it’s taking me 5 plus hours to beat this guy. I understand how to beat him, I guess I just can’t get the rhythm down. Am I just waste my time with this game ?

There’s nothing behind those eyes.

try looking up a guide. i beat some bosses on my first try after that.

>Am I just wasting my time with the game?
Are you enjoying it? That's literally what defines whether you're wasting time with it or not. You clearly enjoyed it enough to power through Genichiro even when you were having trouble so it probably means you enjoy it.

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>tfw still stuck on Butterfly
Does her danger dive kick require I jump or dash?
At least I am beating phase one with ease and by breaking posture not health.

just jump backwards? it's simple to dodge

I haven’t beaten Genichiro yet, I’m just now getting to his third phase and surviving long enough to understand the lightning attacks after probably 50 or 60 tries. I’m enjoying the game a lot. I’m going to try him again tomorrow. I beat the horse rider and bull in my first few tries. Lady Butterfly was my first boss she also took me hours to beat. This is my first From game that I’m playing at length. Wish me luck lads.

Then she grabs me mid air. Her leg grapple attack inconsistently hits and misses me.

also, this boss is really easy if you just learn how to deflect and use mikiri counter properly. for his third phase, just stay up close to him and his lightning attacks usually won't get you.

When she jumps on you? Dash or sprint. I basically murder her first phase EZ by dodge and R1 stunlock and then second phase sprong around until her projectiles and apparitions clear and repeat the same thing.

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Is this a meme? It took me three attempts to beat this guy, besides his lightning, nothing he does throws you for a loop. I was genuinely surprised, I dont think I got past a boss faster than that fight. Owl on the other hand i just beat like an hour ago and that took three fucking days for me to beat. Granted, with Owl i realised I needed more roll tactics and when i did it was easier.

You can throws shuriken on her.

Those glowing targeting projectiles are a bitch. They are easy to dodge but constantly getting in my way when trying to do other shit.

No boss is hard in this game. The game is easy and you suck dick if you are struggling. Even the retard dsp beat it easily

This fight took me the second or third longest to beat, so I wouldn't worry. The last two are pretty rough though.

Genichiro's basically the tutorial fight. It should be the fight where at least most of the mechanics click into place for you, and everything else is pretty similar


Just strafe to his left, like a Dark Souls boss

He is optional. Just use fire shield though

Try to get through first phase with respectable amount of heals left and then spam shadow rush in second phase, you can get through 2nd phase easily like this (you don't want to waste spirit emblems if you're left with barely any heals after first phase). 3rd phase is the easiest by far, its all about how well you can do in the first phase.

pretty easy to avoid just run around the room clock wise when she summons the spirits then hide behind the pillar when she snaps her fingers for them to disappear, when she jumps up shuriken her down, when she does the dive kick either jump backwards or dodge and hit her.

The fight is so much more complicate than that

Im not actually doing that badly against him, its just the one attack where he shoots fureballs for a longass time that always eventually gets me. I dont even actually mind losing because im finding this fight so fun. After the general trend of From moving away from big beast bosses and towards humanoid knight duels, it feels awesome to go back to old school fights like him and Ape.

Good luck man! And glad you enjoy the game.

like an idiot I'm trying to do Demon of Hatred NG+ toolless charmless w/ bell and the shitty fucking hitboxes are absolutely fucking with my mind jesus christ I hate this

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You need to more aggressive on his ass. If left alone Genichiro is danger but if you aggressive his response become predictable.

I'm stuck on ssi on ng+ charmless, with bell. 8 hours already. first tries were hundreds of times better.

i don't think i can beat the sword saint. i haven't even made it to his second phase and it's been a whole day. i'm considering giving up since it's not like there's anything after the fight that's worth it.

I'm just loving being stuck on corrupted monk illusion. I also love how she's able to magically slice through my blocks and also not take any damage from my slashes at random times. So fun. Such a fair fight.

It's a fun fight
Don't give up

You can make it eventually man, I believe in you!

It won't hit you if you manage to run clsoe to his front. If you're too far, use mist raven.
Nevermind, maybe try running back?

they only get easier after him.

Fucking liar

So far he's the hardest boss I've fought. I took a break once I got to the Fountainhead Palace, so take it with a grain of salt.

That being said, the corrupted monk ghost made me angrier than Genichiro

Fuck I can't even imagine how awful that's going to be for me. Good luck dude
That guy's not me, I don't have trouble with the fireball spam. I really hate the other fireball toss that's meant to stop you from approaching him after the sweep though, it's cheap as hell and he can even fucking cancel his sweep backswing animation to do the fireballs if you're close enough.

Remember to expect counterattacks while you're attacking. Be ready to deflect after 1 or two attacks. Whenever Genichiro backs off be ready to block because he'll shoot arrows. Mikiri after big jump in phase 1, sweep 90% of the time phase 2. In phase 3, starts with a mikiri and when he crouches for a second get ready to deflect lightning. Jump into it and mash R1.

Why the fuck can't I revive twice when all three of those pink circles are full? I always only get one chance to come back. I don't get it.

Bosses get harder, but you get better too. It's a perfect balance.

One per Deathblow

This may have been changed in the patch, but:
When you start the fight, if you run to the left by the cliff edge and stay all the way to the left, then run along that ridge and to the corner of the arena, the Demon of Hatred will get stuck on the geometry. Then you can go to the tower closest to the corner and do a running double jump on its corner to grapple up to its roof. After that there is a very difficult jump you can do to grab the roof edge of the gate wall. It's hard but you have infinite time to do it. Then if you walk above where demon of hatred is, he plunges to his death and you win

>fun fight
>spam attacks on Genichiro to win
>spam attacks on first phase Isshin to win
>so I should spam attacks on the second phase right?
Fun boss my ass

Thank you.
I'm just got really shit somehow, I basically perfected parry on my first playthrough. First few charmless ssi runs were going really well, but after 3 deaths I began getting hit by every single attack almost. I couldn't sleep today because of how much I hate myself for being so shit. I just don't understand what changed. Owls were cakewalks, ape phase 2 fucked me a little like always. I just fucking hate myself.

There's a cooldown on revives, no matter if it's your first or your third. The black bar indicates your revive is on cooldown. It generally will not be available again during a boss fight, unless you use hidden tooth/bite down.

It's not the game's fault you don't know how to play videogames

from seriously upped the ante in terms of player skill vs. actual result in this game. I've seen so many people struggling hard with certain bosses while others just walk through them easily which is really funny given we're all working with the exact same toolset. You might be getting into your own head at this point, might be good to take a break

no really. once you get more health you can afford to make a ridiculous amount of stupid mistakes. and many of the later bosses will give you plenty of time to heal.

>Been a whole day
You need to put it down and come back later. You get caught up in repetition when you try something over and over like that. When you take a break you let your brain sort through all the junk info and come back fresh and ready.
If theres one piece of advice I can give: when he sheathes his sword for Ashina Cross, retreat. If you try to bully him he can cancel into a very difficult-to-react-to bash and Perilous sweep. But if you watch for the sword sparkle and deflect the cross hits, you do huge posture damage.
I really think that's his strongest move. If he bashes at you from his neutral stance he's always gonna do a thrust that you can Mikiri easily. He typically fires four shots from his gun, they're actually not crippling but rather are dangerous because you can fuck yourself when trying to heal. But there is a person-sized rock in the arena, if you navigate behind here you may very well give yourself a great window to recover.

This hasn't been patched, I did it today

Dodging Fireballs is super easy, just be far enough and sprint sideways to his left until they stop. Of course this means you might not have an opportunity to punish him but in my opinion the DoH fight plays poorly with aggression and more like Dark Souls boss where you wait for an opportunity to punish him safely.

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This is probably the easiest boss in the game after gyoubu. I got him into lightning phase on first try and beat him on second. I'd say even the Lone Shadow minibosses are harder than him.

The game allows you to explore other areas before your forced to defeat Genchiro to advance. You can clear the gun fort, clear Ashina Depths + Old Grave, clear Hirata Estate, get to the main hall on Senpou Temple and then return to the fight with 4 full prayer bead necklaces, 7 heals and enough xp to have unlocked shadow rush which Genchiro is unable to block (assuming you've beat all the mini-bosses along the way). He will be much easier.

I have no idea how that one upwards chop she has seems to eat your guard, it's bullshit. Are you using Divine Confetti, I believe she's weak to that.

At least get some new pictures

>try looking up a guide
kill self

To be fair Lone Shadow Swordsman is total bullshit in that little tunnel.

>7 heals
After you activate the Genichiro fight Emma leaves the dilapidated temple until you beat Genichiro so you have to give her your seeds before the fight.

Lying is never okay

>Just beat Sword Saint
that fight is absolute perfection. What does Kuro's charm do?

Yes user, you should not be lying that you know how to play the game when you clearly demonstrated you do not. I'm glad you learned that lesson all on your own. Gold star

that doesnt happen
you need to practice

And depending on your path you could face him pretty early making him maybe the hardest fight yet for some folks.

Shadow Rush, plus you can hop out the cave whenever you need to heal. The fight won't restart as long as you stay right by the entrance.....Plus you get to cheese him with a free deathblow in the very beginning as long as you don't talk to him. He's not that hard man trust me.
Maybe I just never activated him them. Regardless, you still get the prayer beads and xp.

having it on is basically normal/easy depending on how good you are. when you give it away you will take damage even when blocking. only perfect parry will prevent damage.

Idk why every time i instinctively try to time side dodges and zigzag the fireballs before i can stop myself. I have no idea why the fuck i keep doing it, but it feels like muscle memory from some other boss in some other game.

Why is Isshin suddenly able to gain superamor, thus negating the entire "Hesitation is defeat" gimmick that the fight has?

My God I beat him my second try, I guess everyone has their kryptonite. For me it was O Rin of the water, I must have died like 15 times before pulling out a clutch win with no healing items left.

In addition, I actually counted and you can defeat 17 minibosses before you are forced to beat either Genchiro or Lady Butterfly to advance.

Maybe you should actually learn how to play the game

You didn't "beat" anything. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.

I have a question but didn't want to make a thread for it.
Just got the game on pc but I can't get my ps4 controller to register. How does the game play on KB+M?

it may take you five hours to beat him now, but then the next boss will be harder yet it will only take you 3. You are learning through your failures

Try getting around her and Attack her back, do not get into a posture break war and tank her hits it just won't work.

yes it does


Genichiro and Isshin first phase were both easy for me. Isshin's second phase is just obnoxious compared to the first two phases

Use the Phoenix umbrella against the fireballs

His second phase is ez, though. The only difficult thing to deal with is his big spin. Everything else is super predictable and/or easy to counter. You can even use the rocks if you need to heal

The third phase is easy, just reverse the lightning, it does tons of damage and stun to him.

You will be getting better at the game progressively. Some of the later bosses might be harder than Genchiro, but you won't necessarily spend as much time on them since you got better.

It's all about pattern recognition and knowing when to punish.

You can try playing it in big picture mode. I think it might help with the controller recognition.

While I haven't tried it myself, I can see Sekiro working pretty well with kb+m. Right click for block, left click for slash is all you need.

>Everything else is super predictable and/or easy to counter
That's kind of the problem. I was expecting to the fight to become even MORE fast-paced after the first phase, but Isshin becomes so much of a lumbering oaf that I keep mistiming my deflects, thinking that he'll be super fast with them.

I found senpou temple before finding out you can go up into the castle. I finished that and wondered what the fuck was the point of that area (no boss, no key item or anything). Then I beat the Lone Shadow in the reservoir, which took me good few tries. I got cock blocked by Snake Eyes Shirahagi and that's when I'm probably not supposed to be there yet. Snake Eyes Shirahagi was probably the boss I died the most in the game.

this whole second phase being hard is a fucking meme, Jesus Christ just learn to parry, that's the whole point of the damn game, parrying, and if you took a minute and rubbed your 2 braincells together to actually learn to parry the entire game would be trivialised, but nooooo, the boss is bullshit and you're an entitled little prick, go play another game and stop complaining, faggot.

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You'll essentially be the boss for him in his third fight at the end, but then you're gonna need to fight probably the hardest boss in the whole game.


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flame umbrella completely trivializes this

Genichiro is designed to be an easy pushover boss so they get harder for sure.

hence the point of doing it toolless hard mode

I wouldn't recommend getting used to it. it will fuck you up in charmless w/ bell.

I only used it when he would do that big jump straiight up so I could attack sooner. Was there another attack the umbrella really helps with? Just about everything else seemed better just to dodge behind him.

the fireballs and the jump slam, if you also got projected force you can hit him hard right after that
also if he does the combo with his flame hand sometimes it's useful to just umbrella instead of trying to get behind him

I think i got to Genichiro too late because he really didn't seem that hard, by that time i had to deal with the snake eyes cunts and all that shit in the depths and mt kongo.

Based and red pilled

the game's intended path has you beating Genichiro before getting any of the incense ingredients. So yeah you did everything possible before fighting him