You might say the Fire Emblem series is headed in a more progressive direction.
You might say the Fire Emblem series is headed in a more progressive direction
So that's why the game's artstyle looked marginally worse than the games before it
Even the more reason to pirate it instead.
Jrpgs have always had a large female fanbase. Many jrpgs have fujoshi appeal/art. This isn't new. Just ignorant clickbait shit. Fuck off.
>sjws think having a woman as the main artist and fujo pandering is some thing new.
pandering to fujos doesn't make a game shit.
>game has a girly anime style
>surprised when the people playing it are women
why are americans retarded like this
But it's still the same animu weeaboo-hot garbage trash that fanatical Jap fans would fall over for, despite the fictional setting being European inspired. Nothing has changed.
It wasn’t necessary. Awakening and Fates had plenty of fuckable men in them, if anything Three Houses looks like it will have subpar husbandos.
fe died on the gba
Do these people realize that many of the artists responsible for sexy vidya game women are women?
not only did gba fe have sameface syndrome but copypaste animations. lazy shit.
It's going to be funny as shit when it turns out to have just as much fanservice as the last games.
but fire emblem is a waifu game for years now
no one knew fe was on gba
Someonr should inform them about Rance, I wonder how fast their world view comes down shattering.
That explains just about everything.
Isnt Neptunias artist female too?
Westernfags are too stupid to know other groups exist and think there won't be any fanservice. These same people also think Jap women don't draw any sexy characters. I've seen these retards call Tsunako a man.
Rance isn't even a game.
Someone should tell him about Tsunako just to see how fast his retarded beliefs crumble into dust.
>implying this is some kind of earth shattering revelation
>implying this is even remotely close for a first when it comes to FE
I really wish this series just died after NM
>Rance isnt even game
All of the leads in Nep games are female.
Progressive or not. At least fucking care about doing your art well.
*Lead DEVS
It's truly baffling how they manage to get people to actually buy into the bullshit they spew... It's fucking sad.
I'm so proud of this community! Bravo, gaymers!
Hasn't FE always had a fairly high female playerbase? All those pretty anime boys have to appeal to someone.
Sup /feg/Chad here 3 house is gonna be the best fire emblem ever.
>Everything is a hidden message
Isn't this a sign of paranoid schizophrenia?
Do fujos just have shit taste in men because I'm biscum and none of 3H's boys are remotely cute.
lol no wonder feh is flopping and fgo is the biggest game on the planet
will it have bara?
Twitter fujos like it. But they don't count.
It's worse than we thought
It's part delusion, part jealousy and it's really sad. They have control over the media so they can peddle their bullshit to everyone.
>Nep games are pedoshit made by horny men
>Reality: Compile Heart has a 55:45 split male to female for their employees meaning a lot of women make pantsu games and they're one of the few companies in all vidya to have women in that many lead roles.
The jealousy when you realize the "women don't like sex appeal" line from western studios is just that, jealousy, because they can't even be as gender diverse as Pantsu Quest: The Company.
It's a sad existence, those people.
You see allies everywhere when you are alone.
FE16 could look like wargroove and I'd still play it if the gameplay comes out as good as it looks
No that's for gay men, you might get one but bara is hard gay.
>fgo is the biggest game on the planet
Imagine being this delusional
>it's an otome artist
>more fujobaiting designs
>but since its otome the girls will still be hot but may look more self insert-ish.
It could be way worse
There's like one thicc boy in the trailer, he's shown for like 10 secs but he's much larger than anyone else. Don't remember his name tho.
Based, FE will finally be good again now that waifuscum are away. Homos care more about gameplay and what really makes a game than seeing meaty dicks everywhere as opposed to breeder scum that need disgusting anime tits in their face every second.
I hope this means that they will add more yuri and yaoi options. Or even better sust let both MC romance anyone regardless or gender.
first fuck off /feg/ cuck and second im surprised that colossal faggot tranny didn't kill himself after misleading info
I'm a not a tranny triggered heteroscum, I'm all man. I'd never degrade myself by even dressing as the inferior gender.
>are away. Homos care more about gameplay and what really makes a game than seeing meaty dicks everywhere as
you need to calm down
Ok, failure of a ""male""
>we want the fag audience
The ideal male has sex with other males.
The Ancient Greeks knew this.
>shift in demographic
what shift? they been targeting fujos
Keep telling yourself that, it will keep those suicidal thoughts away :)
I don't have suicidal thoughts because I'm not heteroscum or a tranny.
>A woman doing the game's art is a progressive move unseen before in the series
>What is Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
>What is Fire Emblem: Geneology of The Holy War
>What is Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
>What is Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword
>What is Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
>What is Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
>What is Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
based and gaypilled
Just as a note, FE is and has always been a series with a larger than normal female install base. It has strong, pretty women who are usually important, and has really pretty, nice men to husbando. If you think women liking FE is new, you're the only new one here.
Fujoshit generally has better writing than self-insert Light Novel shit.
I'm optimistic.
Have fun being the reason heteros teach their children to hate gays.
I don't care what butthurt heteroscum teach their kids, they'll never stop them from being gay.
this is true
We just gonna ignore the fact that Bayonetta was made by a woman and everyone lost their shit over her because she came off as sexist?
Is the publish going to hail this single instance as some sort of revolution when a great number of Japanese artists for video games are women and have been for decades?
>I am personally very here for it
Yep and Nintendo won't be when this game sells considerably less than the 3DS games. I love women in gaming!
I believe there is a fine line between an attractive, well designed character and just braindead waifu autism
The proper route is just to lewd male and female characters.
>I am personally very here for it
are Fe fans the ultimate shit eaters?
I wouldn't be surprised if it is highest selling in the series. Switch sells for some reason.
> use a woman for marketing
uhhh this is fairly creepy and sexist
FE has always had joseibait dumb newfags.
>girl appears in marketing
Or maybe it's just a chick in the ad? It doesn't have to mean anything? Remember the Bob cut waifu we all liked in the switch reveal trailer?
Waifuincels ruined Fire Emblem and ruined Smash, anything that gets weeblards closer to committing sudoku with their walmart katanas is good.
This game is otomebait like usual for FE
Honestly what's even more interesting is the number of female hentai artists.
Is that a question? They been since the beginning of time
>Honestly what's even more interesting is the number of female hentai artists.
women get horny too
more news at 11
I could be very wrong, who knows. It seems like public attention for this game has been overall lacking. It doesn't seem like it's going to sell a lot at this point, at least.
Are people seriously surprised that women are a market or something? What do you think Devil May Cry is?
In games like that women account for like 33~40% of total sales, which is pretty impressive.
It's much easier to make an Animal Crossing though and just sell that, but then not as many guys end up buying it, so you have to find a healthy medium.
No. Feminists are just mentally ill.
Too bad they couldn't hire any one of Japan's many talented female artists instead.
>fire emblem is saved by waifu fags
>turns against them and rekills itself
lmfao desu famalam
>switch game
>bad sales
>appeal to a wider audience
the death kneel for a series. pack it in, boys
>fire emblem uses waifupig LNshitters for their cash
>makes a good game people aged over 15 can enjoy
>have the artist from Echoes
>don't use him because you already contracted a literal who fujo artist
>can't openly regret you're decision as a company
When the superior as always Genealogy of The Holy Thracia Wars 776 comes out, they'll reel in that guy to have the best possible FE experience with fixed maps. In an ideal world.
She's the character designer for the Uta no Prince-sama series. Her style just doesn't translate well to the modelling style.
I'd rather they just nuke the Eugenics.
Shit taste
>Otome artist
I assume they are A-Okay with shotas.
>new market
Do Americans not understand how Japan works?
Because that definitely didn't happen prior. Definitely not with the first 3ds entry.
Someone needs to tell western activists this though because every time they see a big breasted lady, they think it's an affront against female solidarity or whatever.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>good game
looks like persona shit
I'm going to enter into an illicit student-teacher relationship with Edelgard!
>Genealogy of The Holy Thracia Wars 776 comes out,
Your shit game with be the same garbage again with bad gameplay wrapped up and you will eat the shit off the plate like the braindead retard you are
only unattractive women believe this
name 1 thing it has in common with persona
That's good thing then. Persona is good while FE is utter shit
Too bad western games can only get the Braindead autism part right.
>FE has never pandered to fujos before
>FE has never had a female artist before
Wow, that's amazing, but also complete bullshit considering Kita is a grandma and worked on the series (Ike games), the Thracia 776 artist was also a woman and Wada Sachiko directed a title as well as doing work on several others. While fujos were tearing each other's throats over who the best FE4 pairings were and losing their shit over Lewyn/Erin being 'canonized' in Thracia 776.
I know exactly who she is.
Yes you do.
>marginally worse
Lot more than marginally
These people are the same people who bitch about lolicon, then go right around and talk about how sexy and cute young boy characters from MHA are.
When will they just drop the facade, and admit they just want anything appealing to hetero males erased from media? Aren't the SJW constantly shitting on anything Japanese? Fujo shit has been going on for decades, will them discorving the fact that there's a HUGE female audience for gay shit and there's constant pandering to them change their stance on Japan?
Yes I know FEfags have shit taste. What does that have to do with me?
Nah, all it needs is a change in direction for maps but no amount of change is going to make your typing be good. Take some classes.
>Your shit game with be the same garbage again with bad gameplay wrapped up and you will eat the shit off the plate like the braindead retard you are
are we talking about Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia or Modern FE here?
>men characters are designed for fujos
>women characters are designed for otakus
I'm ok with this.
How come no one in this braindead thread knows what fujo means? Its not hard to google.
Imagine UNIRONICALLY wanting more f*tesw*kening shit.
Fixing the shit level design won't help its bad mechanics or braindead AI. Oh wait I forgot FEfags don't care for good gameplay
But user, OLD GOOD NEW BAD which is why Gaiden is the best game in the franchise.
Why don't retards play the Archanea games anyway? Is Gaiden the only difficulty they can beat?
They will just pilpul out of having to acknowledge it just like they do with everything else that contradicts (((the narrative)))
Just like how they keep bringing up Bayonetta being a sexist design when it's been brought up a gorillion times that she was was designed by a woman, or how they continually ignore the fact that a huge portion of the raunchiest, nastiest fetish doujins and art are drawn and written by women, or ignoring that a majority of women gamers actually like sexy female character designs and are actually put off by the amounts of censorship and socjus pandering in gaming
If it doesn't fit their narrative or solely benefit their side of the argument, it's in one ear, out the other as if you never said it. It's the jewish art of pilpul and it's the most intellectually cancerous thing imaginable.
>snoresona is good i swear
litteraly vn tier shit
Just like FE. Funny how you swear FE is good huh?
The Japanese vidya industry always had female character designers.
Fucking Bayonetta's artist is a woman.
>Get otome artist
>the boys look atrocious, the girls are “passable”
Wtf happened with the echoes artist?
Your inability to realize things get updated in remakes and to utilize your main language is still going strong.
Also, u suk dik, faggoccini.
>Many jrpgs have fujoshi appeal/art.
No they don't, they throw a character or two in with it at most, because when you don't put fujobait shit in you lose 0% of your market. When you DO put fujo shit in you lose a solid 1/4 or more of your market, being super generous there it's much more likely to be 1/2 because men inherently just avoid fujoshit but let's pretend that dumb faglords like you and cuckera cunts totally are like 1 in 2 people as opposed to the reality of you being like 1 in fucking tens of thousands lol.
Archanea games are actually good. Of course FEcucks will stay away.
I sure as shit hope not
Just make the game good
Leave the faggotry the door
Stick to mobile games waifupigs.
Lmao kill yourself. Art will be total shit.
Progressing towards the grave hopefully.
Fuck what this franchise has become
No that means instead of wanting horny men as costumers they wanted horny women as well. Nothing progressive about it, otherwise the characters would look intentionally ugly and have even more boring clothes.
It was killed by waifufaggotry.
Now you're getting a taste of your own medicine.
Yeah they really updated the level design in SD didn't they? Oh wait they didn't. Oh and NM too. Oh they didn't. And even Echoes. Oh wait a second.
No, there's zero chance of them fixing anything. SD and Echoes still has problems lifted right from its NES counterpart. Imagine being this much of a dumbfuck
But the waifufaggotry is why I want the franchise driven into the grave.
>fates had fujoshit
>sold gangbusters
Fujos are gross and ugly but so are people who can't accept reality, user.
>Awakening literally had a handsome prince whos elderly handsome male servant paints a fucking nude of him
>sold gangbusters
I think what IS wants to do is acknowledge their female fanbase, not attract one that already exists. It's more like "hey we know you like our games and we want to cater to you a bit more than usual with the character design"
Oh what, you thought these subhumans play video games enough to know anything about them? lol
I want to throw everytime I look to this old hag. Bayonetta doesn't sell because of bayonetta's shit art. Women can draw sexier female then some men like miyazaki maya but in this case it's ugly as fuck and turn off for any self respecting otaku.
I've never heard of someone who only played FE2 and not FE1 or at least 3. Why are you inventing such a villain
There aren't that many, autists like to exaggerate the numbers for some reason.
FE has had several in the past. One even directed Sacred Stones. Why is he acting like this one otome artist is such a progressive move?
It's such a bad fucking tweet. It's like going "So proud of our first female astronaut" and ignoring every other woman who worked in rockets or something.
Fates only had Takumi/Leon as fujobait. And Awakening, Freddy/Chrom. FE is not a series about that, it's otomebait
>No they don't, they throw a character or two in with it at most, because when you don't put fujobait shit in you lose 0% of your market. When you DO put fujo shit in you lose a solid 1/4 or more of your market, being super generous there it's much more likely to be 1/2 because men inherently just avoid fujoshit but let's pretend that dumb faglords like you and cuckera cunts totally are like 1 in 2 people as opposed to the reality of you being like 1 in fucking tens of thousands lol.
I don't think you understand how much fujoshi are willing to fight over scraps. Nip writers are masters at creating a bunch of dudes that appear passably heterosexual to the male audience but still have enough pandering moments to get fujos frothing. Fujo pandering very rarely involves straight up adding gay people to your story, in fact most explicitly BL works are less popular among fujoshi than shipping explicitly heterosexual men in popular series.
What's wrong with that? I like cute and handsome boys. Better than the boring self inserts that beta males come up with.
I'm a little confused about what exactly we're offended at in this thread. Can someone give me a quick redpill?
I can, you're showing me how dumb you can be, shitty-English kun. I mean you pretty Varys, Jaime, Tony Stark and Melissandre bite it over the weekend much said literally for what the remakes pulled out from the originals when they didn't even do that.
You just copied my exact stupid response only worse. Way to go, faggot.
Why do these headlines always, ALWAYS include a sentence that declares how the reader should feel, "and that's a good thing" or how the author feels about it, "I am so here for it." It feels like journalists are desperate losers who need people to validate their opinions with comments and views and oh my GOD they're basically getting paid to shitpost on Yea Forums. That's exactly what they're doing - the OPs are longer, but they're getting paid to do it.
Finally someone who knows what fujo means
oh maybe they have shown that game a grand total of TWO times, back in last E3 and then nothing until February?
Game is still 3 months away from release. It'll get a Direct and a lot of marketing push at E3 too.
I don't give a fuck how men will look like but this artist ruined female designs.
That's not even what the tweet said, it just said that this FE will have an otome game artist as a CHARACTER designer, not an illustrator and correct me if I'm wrong but the many other female character designers in the franchises didn't work on otome games, at least not as much. And then the tweet mentions the woman in the ad for the game.
>While fujos were tearing each other's throats over who the best FE4 pairings were and losing their shit over Lewyn/Erin being 'canonized' in Thracia 776.
kek you don't even know what's a fujoshi
Yeah, the shift in demographic to faggot tumblrites is very clear. That's why I have zero interest in the game.
>And then the tweet mentions the woman in the ad for the game
>females have never been the focus of FE ads before
My apologies for confusing smelly unwashed vagina fangirls with clean and pretty shipping fanatics, though. They're hugely different.
>ANY game with lolibaba dragon cunny
>pandering to tumblrinas
What the fuck are you mongoloids smoking
Yeah I know you are a dumbfuck, late night autistic faggot. But nice job yielding. It's not surprising you love to simply shitpost and deflect, you do it all the time. You will reply with another pointless comment that doesn't address the point since you are unable to do so, so consider this my easy win.
Didn't copy anything. You just have shit taste.
Those are pretty different. Since those shipping fanatics are all normalfags.
Name one (1) FE game without bishies you stupid newfags.
>tfw no more great designs like camilla and tharja
This series is fucking dead to me.
Women make up at least half of loli artists. They self insert as the little girls.
I don't give a shit about artstyle or the story, give me gameplay ISYS, your game is coming out in a month
>seeing someone you know on a twitter screencap on 4chinz
hey oscar
Check the avatar. You really think he's a fan of Fire Emblem and knows the series?
>Game shifts from anime themed fantasy military tactics game to anime dating sim with some token tactics left in
>Noticeable drop in quality
>Women become target audience
What a shocker.
I'm all in for a trap only FE next
>shift in demographics
>to women
Aw shit they're going into the MOBILE MARKET
Are y'all ready for some GACHA GAMES?
hes a tranny?
Ah, but aren't you doing the pointless posting while avoiding what I pointed out beforehand? So what was stated before still sticks with you, you pulled up the incorrect terms and basically said they're one for one with the original gameplay. It's not my fault you're so mad, you just are easy to tick off without anything happening.
Also, 5 bucks you get easily confused by GoTHW/776. I take cash.
Women were always the target audience. Men wouldn't be caught dead playing this. They would play a real trpg
I hope you're just merely pretending to be retarded
they did but the females didnt look and act like california scum
And this still doesn't apply to FE so why bother posting
Does this person not realize that most character designers are female?
Tales is fujoshi focused, many entries the artist is fujo artist. Girls are still cute and hot and aren't sjws. Fuck off.
No u.
It's just fujoshit, retard