Healsluts are challenging gaming to make room for queer, kinky self-discovery
And that's a good thing?
yes, we live in fucking clown world
i like erp i'm glad it's getting considered normal
please, God, please exist
please make me your flaming sword of justice, please
Have Yea Forums memes gone too far?
"healslut discord"
Western society is embarrassing.
Thanks for ruining traps you liberal niggers
One day I'm going to shoot one of you
can't wait for Yea Forums to act like they had nothing to do with this and it's all resetera's fault somehow
I keep hearing about healsluts but I've never run into one. What kind of lame ass game houses these degenerates?
I pray for our brothers in the east to continue their holy war against the infidels. Western Degeneracy must come to an end. الله يبارك يومك
I like playing healing and I'm a twink, not a tranny, I have nothing to do with these degenrates
No they really arent
>this would have been an onion article not 5 years ago
I'm a female and do this and hate that only recently have I seen more trans people doing this wtf go away this is my lewd zone stop.
I thought "heal slut" was just someone who did nothing other than heal. Of course sex-obsessed idiots would force this to be something horny.
slow news day huh?
Shut the fuck up sandnigger trash
>healslut meme is turning anons into literal twink faggots
>implying trannies have anything at all to do with traps
2D != 3D
holy fuck healfags on suicide watch
my heals, my choice
deal with it incels
Imagine basing your entire identity, your entire self, over hedonistic sex and gratuitous pleasure. Where a defining moment of your life and your self discovery is having cyber sex on an online game.
I’m channeling my psychic energy to you user
>Spend years mocking healsluts for being cocksucking faggots
>In 2019, they are not only taking pride in it, but they are relevant in the news
Every year that passes, I believe in reality less and less.
Tranny Fantasy 11 claimed another victim, LOL!
Like.. not really? "sexual discovery" has been written about for decades
me too. Want to play games together user I dont erp
>I thought "heal slut" was just someone who did nothing other than heal
That's pocket healer you dumb retard.
Healsuts are pocket healers who make it lewd.
Wait, all my characters are tanks. Does that mean if I join the discord, they'll all have to service me?
show me two (4) examples
Don’t have to imagine when you can see these fucks killing themselves in 5 years
Thanks Kotaku.
have sex
Amin bro. Game dev is a career dead end anyway where I live, I should see it as a sign from Allah SWT that its a den of snakes of degenerates.
Post more squids.
Whelp the meme is dead now, another joke killed by a literal tranny
Then maybe stop propagating Islamic core values? You're helping them more than they ever could on their own
Trannies call you eggs, as in you really are a tranny but not ready to break your shell
anything about furries written 15 years ago
So when did this start being a thing, healslutting.
Tell me a story, Yea Forums. Has it been a thing forever and it just flew under my radar, or it has really only started existing (on FPS games at least) with Overwatch. I assume it's been around for longer on MMOs.
mods nuke this thread
this is not videogames
I just want to heal. I'm good at healing! You can't make me do those other things!
>twitter memes
have sex
Faggots who play games with female characters will be next to come out and take pride in it.
>t. tranny
>That's pocket healer you dumb retard.
>Healsuts are pocket healers who make it lewd.
Like with everything, Yea Forums is unable to discuss anything without adding either something sexual or racist to it, so healslut was probably initially the exact same as pocket healer.
But then 15 year olds saw healslut posts combined with doujin screenshot reaction image posts and here we are.
Weimar Republic
Goddammit, I want to bully Hooni so fucking much.
That's why they kill themselves. They realize they've wasted their best years chasing nonstop pleasure. Their brains are rotted from the constant dopamine rush and when the sex stops becoming fun they have nothing else to turn to besides the noose.
I really feel bad for them. They need to let Christ into their lives.
Oh shit the farms got a shout out, KIWI PRIDE WORLD WIDE MY BIRD NIGGAS
i'm not talking about gender bullshit i'm talking about kinky shit
>only play healer because I'm too stupid and bad reflexes to be useful at any other role
Furries don't count you silly BITCH.
None of that shit is all that innacurate. Like 90% of healsluts are feminine gay men and trannies.
>Be faggot
>injecting your retardness into everything
This has nothing to do with games. This faggot was always a faggot because of his parents and now he tries to blame other things. It's like saying "I eat bread every day and therefore I'm a faggot".
MMOs won't make you a faggot. But they can't cure you either.
I miss old Disc Priests in WoW. I could heal the team while outdamaging some of the DPS, allowing me to belittle them for being trash. If the tank crossed me, I would just let him die and use the highest dps as the new tank. ...and the best part was that none of them could kick me, or the dungeon/raid would be over because healers were in such short supply. Good times.
Double queer. Never go double queer Yea Forums.
Pretty sure the whole meme started on Yea Forums with that copypasta about sucking dicks at a lan party or one of its derivatives but i'm not sure.
>suburban minnesota
damn too close to home and aside from "transgender lesbian" too close to my own story
Later people gets offended when a videogame character is "oversexualized"...
Healsluts went from shamefully hot to fucking disgusting in the space of three Kotaku screenshots.
if you read this dumb clickbait shit, post it on other forums, then start looking for something else to get mad about after the endorphin hit fades, you are the problem.
You can still get 30% group boss damage on fortified week if you just spec into power word solace on retail.
They mention 3 different people and all of them are trans which made me literally kek
>article is more about exploring sexuality and kinks than discovering your true gender
>only person they talked to was a tranny so Yea Forums gets mad
>was probably
So you admit to being an underage motherfucker who wasn't around when the meme started.
We had healsluts here sticking dildoes up their asses on chat, fuck off.
Can any of you explain why exactly this makes you angry?
Why do you care?
Every day I wonder if /d/ got a monkey's paw to work
So if sexy submissive female healers are so appealing to trannies, why are games journalist fighting so hard to get rid of them given their pro tranny stance?
>, fuck off.
Why did you bother to type this part? Stop.
>chatroom full of ugly men in wigs talk dirty to each other
>daily dot thinks this is news
i wish we could just deport everyone in the "media" to some god awful middle eastern country
We live in a society
cute c@
I'm still mad for the shitty ending this manga got.
"discovering their true gender" IS part of their kinks, you absolute retard. get a clue.
>/d/ got a monkey's paw to work
Would explain the trannies
I'm not angry, I'm just judgemental. I think anyone turning the act of healing in a game into some ERP event has some mental deficiencies and has been mind controlled by all of the porn they consume.
No bully. He's for protecting
we're witnessing another fall of rome boys, better strap in honkhonk
Am a tranny who plays way too much Mercy, but I see it as a strictly shameful thing on every level and can't understand why you'd feel the need to publish an article about it. Reminds me of that other article that mentioned turning gay because they were too into futa doujins
>try anal
>douche to clean up
>still get blood and shit everywhere
Why is the idea so hot but in practice it sucks?
>/d/ gets a monkey paw to work by being the first group to figure out that it only grants your wish if you use it to jerk off while making it..
I would read that doujin
>being a whore is supposed to be "empowering" to queers
If you don't like healing people, there's something wrong with your brain.
Hey Yea Forums, you're getting media exposure!
>Reminds me of that other article that mentioned turning gay because they were too into futa doujins
Isn't this the real reason behind 80% of internet trans people
this is incredible stuff for /lgbt/ and /trash/
He's a manlet, and manlets must be bullied.
No, it's really fucking not, you freaks make everything about gender.
damn i should start playing ss13
>tfw you were erping during raids with a slutty druid who was your assigned healer.
I miss you...
It is unfortunately very person-dependent. Some people just have the gastrointestinal motility, anal looseness, and lowered sensitivity to pain which makes them the cream of the pussyboy crop
These ARE His flaming sword of justice.
They bring downfall to a sinful society by ensuring that your generations do not breed, and that your people are taken more by self-destructive pleasures than by a desire to build or to shepherd.
Justice has collateral damage.
>tons of games to be heal sluts
>almost no games to be buff daddies
I just want someone to lean on me until they feel a little proc...
These people truly deserve the *snap*
Japan's hardly any less degenerate, honestly.
Based and redpilled
someday a real rain will come and wash all the scum off the streets
If that were even remotely true, we'd all be brown qt amazons with 10-inchers by now, none of this clownworld genitial mutilation bullshit
imagine just wanting to play video games
Not vidya. Delete.
What the fuck... can they really just headline "healsluts" like that?
Man, next year's April fool's ERP threads will be awkward as fuck because of this.
>Trannies call you eggs
Sounds like another pissing contest of fags trying to outgay each other.
>ugh, this implies healers are weak
>support characters
Any healslut that plays ff14 hmu
>While the incident caused major tension between Eimi and Teyah, the two eventually patched things up
Probably, but it doesn't really count as trans if you just want to be an anime girl. It's similar to how other anons think fapping to traps makes them "gay" (even though most of that shit is just girls without breasts)
white shariah is coming
Imagine a so called reputable news outlet doing an article on faggots who get off to the idea of tricking people in online games into thinking they're women.
>the healslut shit was trannies all along
What a fucking shocker.
>/d/ used their monkey's paw to make trannies real instead of making bimbofication an actual superpower
I'll buy this shit site off of yamantaka and nuke that board myself.
True, they're nothing like us Gamers. We support challenge, complex thinking, self-improvement, practice, and mastery over our environment. Unless you like sony movies, nintendo easymodes, virtual novels, or autoaiming 20tickrate shooters. Then you're not a true gamer.
There's a big difference between wanting to play as a female avatar and picking a female avatar, name and adopting stereotypical feminine behavior only around others so that they think you're a girl while you try and flirt with them.
That just makes you look like a massive faggot when everyone finds out.
Time to ban ERP servers, they are making people mentally ill
This thread is a beautiful 50/50 split of
>Whoa dude, anyone wanna hit me up? For laughs? Haha!
I don't mind homos. You know if you want to do some sword fencing or do some scissoring yeah sure go for it fine by me.
But I will perpetually question why people in this world tolerate transsexuals.
This shit is an actual mental illness that society is enabling.
I don’t like that. That sounds like a great way to encourage potentially vulnerable people down a a very self-destructive path.
God fucking damn it, at least I can still play hybrid classes and be more like a combat medic than a healer
Faggots just have to ruin everything don't they
the compulsive need to avoid being seen as "anti-trans" or "anti-gay" is what allows articles like this to exist. this shit isn't stupid because it involves transgender people, it's just stupid.
SlutWalk makes headlines every year.
Healslutting LITERALLY started as a sissy fetish on /vg/. Why are you so surprised?
clown world article
>twitterfaggot normalcunts ruining healsluts forever by associating it with white left politics
Fuck you OP. You're more disgusting and worthless than the dogshit I stepped in last week. I wish I could kill you to death.
>monster hunter world
Full on laughing stops tier. Are toot bros heal sluts?
You can play healers and be normal. Just don't try to "ERP" wihle doing it.
where's this from?
Promiscuity is not attractive.
Having a willpower so weak that your sex drive can override it is not attractive.
Being unable to do your goddamn job because you are distracted, especially if it's such a piss-easy job as support, is not attractive.
Now, having a loyal support character who fulfils their duties both in love and on the battlefield. That is very good. But there is a very strong line between that and an overwhelmed sissy hyper-faggot who would defect to the enemy side purely so they could get molested.
I toot not because I'm a slut, but because I don't trust any of you.
I hate gamers
>mfw im a couple cm's taller than hooni but still shorter than the other 2
>ruining healsluts forever
Look at this idiot mad about their anime ERP injection into games being ruined. Your forced meme personality has always been shit.
I want you to know that this is one of my favorite posts on this site. Have my (you), you earned it.
no they're probably talking about idiots who put on wide range 5 and stand in the corner eating mushrooms the whole hunt
Really weird reading this thread and everyone acting like this wasn’t a Yea Forums thing. Like during last years April fools and all the adult men were larping as slutty anime girls “ironically,” these faggots have always been here
I would have thought the left would have hated the term and idea of healsluts, reinforcing negative female yada yada.
White ppl need extinction ASAP I'm glad they have negative birthrate
personal healer >>>>> healslut
God can’t do all the work.
You know what you must do my child.
Slay the umpure.
The further we continue this downward spiral, the sweeter the cultural pendulum swing will be
Yeah that sounds about right
I honestly am happy for gaming creating opportunities like this for any degenerate out there.
BUT WHY THE FUCK is this on the daily dot? journalism is the biggest fucking joke in 2019
... was it not obvious that they're on the same boat as the futa shitters?
OP is a fag, post healsluts.
>/d/ got a monkey paw to work
>Wish for dick girls
>Got em
niggas a meme and made an article about it.
>be a normal dude
>fall into the heal role because when I was younger my group of friends needed a healer
>decide to be credit to team
>back then we were just called bros because we didn't talk and just helped people
>15 years later my role has been taken over by tranny faggots calling themselves healsluts
>the image of bro healers that me and every other healer bro worked on for the past 20~ years has now been fucking deleted by the mentally ill
I'm fucking mad.
I for one love my toot brothers, and would hate for them to be fetishists. I always thought hunter horn was the most chad.
>Eimi, a trans-
Who cares. I'm done.
the duality of man
lmao manlet
Fucking awesome.
Now I have to go changes classes because healer is no longer “The Clutch Bro who saves us” to “UwU need some heals tee hee”
This getting a bit crazy now honestly. And a bit frightening too.
When will culture implode on itself and go back to more traditional and conservative values again?
Healsluts ruin healsluts. Anytime I see a Mercy onetrick with no mic and a name like xXgurlygirlXx I know it's some faggot who wants people to think he's a girl.
>detest full time healing
>like having some minor support healing like 76s healing aura, retribution paladin in wow, or the sandwich/conch in tf2
I don't know this feel. Is it still beta and slutty to occasionally heal?
Aliens are going to see this shit one day
hey hey people
this, paladins and priests used to be the stealth chad class
it is a chad weapon because you're playing the songs for yourself first, other players getting buffed is just a bonus
Sorry, m8. Humanity was just a test run.
God's kickin it with the Gazoopazorps over in the Centaurus A/M83 Group.
Just play human male paladin and all will be well
Reminder that 80% of the people making posts like this masturbate 4 times a day.
Nuke /gif/ while you're at it. Ever since /wsg/ became a thing /gif/ as become the worst of the worst.
Yeah, it's basically gaming darwinism. Your group needed a healslut, they got one, now so does gaming. Kinda enlightening isn't it.
That pic is disgusting. Bye
Does anyone have that one picture of the slutty looking witch girl getting punched by one of these things?
Tell me about it, I enjoy healing ever since the TF2 days since for me it's kinda relaxing and a good way to unwind after a hard match and not having to take the lead on how the fight goes and just offering support for what the rest of your team is doing and would never want to be associated with sexual submission on my part.
But I ALSO enjoy encouraging anons to get off though.
People already know Yea Forums is full of actual autists, faggots, and transposters. This site has always attracted the depressed and social rejects.
I always thought daily dot was a super conservative journo site, I dont believe that anymore
Blame the artist, not me.
>started masterbating only once a month
>actually got a new gf after a 5 year no gf spell
>nutted in her, was like a 2 minute cum, and was back in her in under 5 minutes
Wtf anti masturbation isnt a meme bros......
Sounds like they were too stupid and impatient to wait for the technological singularity, and thought chopping their dicks off and estrogen would make them a girl. Guess what, it doesn't work like that, you're just dooming yourself to be a broad-shouldered androgynous thing until you commit suicide from the pain of existing. When the singularity comes, I'll be able to grow my own cute girl body, XX chromosones included, and swap my brain into it. If I don't like? I swap right back out.
this manure will yield a bountiful harvest
It's kinda difficult to take anyone's complaints about this seriously when I see anons demonstrating this same kinda behavior in every other thread. I feel like the only heterosexual man on Yea Forums sometimes.
Tank here.
No, Healsluts are incompetent at healing. They don't actually want to do a good job healing and be rewarded for it. They want to do a BAD job and be PUNISHED for it.
So I said "Okay, I'll punish you by ignoring you until you start to play properly" and they cannot fucking handle it. Total mental breakdown. Accusing me of all sorts of shit.
The slutting is the primary goal.
The healing isn't even a goal at all. They could not give one flying fuck about playing support with any competence.
It's just some random bullshit they latched onto as a dogwhistle. Given the choice between being rewarded with sex for doing a good job, and crying their pathetic little hearts out about gatekeeping their sex-addiction behind actually trying to play the fucking game, they will do the latter. Every time.
... Reminds me a little of how women act, now that I think about it. You can't get a woman to do her bloody job without that same kind of whining too. Maybe trannies are women - but that's not a good thing.
>In a sexual context, it's empowering. But when it's used in a gameplay context, it's disparaging.
Updated my journal.
>I'm fucking mad.
>me, a super gay megafaggot for the ages
>hop on tf2
>play medic
>just play the lynchpin of the team, being the backbone of every big push or keeping damage dealing classes in the game, or just generally keeping the whole team tankier than the enemy
>at no point am I thinking about RPing being a gay slut because I'm busy playing the fucking game
I don't play Overwatch but is this just an Overwatch thing? The closest thing I can imagine actually coming across is pocket medics of people who are in a relationship IRL or something.
Mods even if this is vidya related this thread needs to be nuked three times over, I just can't keep bearing witness to this, I don't know how much longer I'll last.
>Yea Forums jokes about feminine penises
>Years later, outsiders start taking it seriously seriously
>Yea Forums jokes about healsluts
>Years later, outsiders start taking it seriously
Did we morph into orks? When did memes start bleeding into reality?
ffxiv with some overwatch mixed in
Nothing good can be allowed to exist without americans twisting and ruining it for their own agendas of insanity.
Unironically its because your actually gay then just playing at the life style. I assume you have healthy sexual releases with other men and don't need to force you sexual identity into unrelated shit.
Glad the stupid healslut shit is done now, funny how you faggots love to be sassy but when trannies come close you go full mental
>call someone a nigger faggot
>get banned
>roleplay BDSM sex
>get in the news
>History repeating itself.
Welcome to being a boomer you zoomer faggot.
lol were u not here for baneposting dude
will shapes destiny, step up kid
Go report all the pixiv "ero" image dump threads instead. Stop being mad about people using words.
Oh yeah, I forgot MMOs exist sorry. I guess that makes sense, even though these people could just cut out the middleman and play literal sluts on Second Life or something.
Probably just a tranny thing then, I imagine normal homos wouldn't get so off on the sissy roleplaying aspect.
Found the tranny faggot who is part of that 40% going to off himself because he can't handle people negatively criticizing his world view and self-identity.
If it has a penis, and it looks like a girl, it's the same goddamn fetish.
>play RO
>be a female priest back in the day
>just hang out outside of PvP buildings charging money for full buffs on people
I guess I should have ERPd sucking dick instead.
I don't understand.
Not that user, but yeah that seems to be the case. I'm gay myself and never act like that online, it's fucking gross. The benefit of playing Quake instead of things like Overwatch is that I never have to see any of this shit.
Bio lesbians would disagree
Its just cognitive bias, if memes controlled reality then white supremacy will be standard in society the next 5 years.
Does anyone find Yea Forums's relationship with gender dysphoria baffling and hilarious?
OwO wats this?
OwO wats this?
OwO wats this?
OwO wats this?
OwO wats this?
Rot in hell you subhuman freak. You don't deserve rights. You should all be rounded up and gunned down like animals.
>Yea Forums jokes about feminine penises
No one was joking, thats just a classic case of 2d delusions
Drop dead white supremacist
the common factor is that only the bad memes we produce catch on.
Is this journalism or smut
>Final Fantasy 11/14
>tranny degenerates
Watch it user, you might summon Chris-chan
Trannies aren't people, they don't deserve to live.
this woman seems to be suffering from male pattern baldness
It's not about healsluts, but it's still funny (and hot).
White supremacy is the standard in society l
Attention whore.
Superior 2D.
Cup the balls.
Attention whore.
Camp ass faggot.
Deranged human that isn't getting any proper help.
Please don't use the juice in your shitposts.
I don't think it wouldve been, all these made up terms were inconceivable 5 years ago.
>enjoy healing in MMOs
>choosing the right spell for the right time
>balancing output with mana consumption
>always aim for minimal overheal, better to leave them at 90% than to overheal
>enjoy the style and experiment with a ton of different healing methods
>the term "healslut" ruins the entire playstyle as there is now some sexual stigma to it
God dammit.
transbians were an even bigger mistake than normal trannies
Or like a high hair line.
whats the onion
You realize most people who meme about traps don't actually care about them, right? Also futanari, dickgirl etc. in hentai are not men who take hormones and cut their dick off. They are just women who use magic to grow a dick and often have both sets of biological genitals or can swap between them.
There's a big difference between that and a faggot who takes drugs and tries to (almost always unconvincingly) fool others into thinking he's a woman so he can fuck them.
I'm surprised no one posted those images.
>Yea Forums jokes about pedophilia and lewding little girls
oh shi-
Hey guys here's a totally unrelated F-List profile.
Did anyone really ever doubt that the faggots spamming cocklust on April fools were just crypto trannies.
user if only you knew.
>someone mentally ill awkwardly discovers futanari
Wow, amazing. A fantastic article.
>had feminine features to start
You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.
>That sounds like a great way to encourage potentially vulnerable people down a a very self-destructive path.
Well d'uh.
Trannies don't reproduce by fucking each-other.
They reproduce by converting other people into trannies.
Why do you think trannies can never have a monogamous relationship? Because they'd DIE OUT!
Trannies constantly need to fuck new people rather than just fucking the same people, because the trannies who were content with the same partners have died out.
Nature selects not just for the trans slut, but for the trans hyperslut, and that addiction to new sex partners is what lets trannies reproduce - by changing the confused and vulnerable into new trannies.
>I don’t like that. That sounds like a great way to encourage potentially vulnerable people down a a very self-destructive path.
Misery loves company. Reminder that there's specific communities dedicated to getting young single guys to go on HRT through blackmail and similar.
My ex had a similar hair line she was natty af.
Sometimes genetics aren't good.
Gayest post I've seen in a long time
If you aren't ending the fight at 0 mana you're wasting mana.
Probably because they’re 2d and trans is 3d.
Healsluts are sissies not trannies, that article doesnt even really talk about healsluts even
I agree. I'd rather use my last percents on sniping with fast heals than have a single percent left when the fight is drawing to an end.
When the healing meters or statistics are revealed I want to fucking win.
Top ten worst posts tbqh.
Most white are self hating liberals, white pride will continue to be shunned and white nations will become overrun by niggers and spics.
Can I carry on being a healer without being associated with this weird wave of people who tie their sexuality to it, please?
>Cuddles ;_;
>Consensual sex
>That whole yes list
This guy isn't trans, he's just a pussy.
I mean you sometimes see articles nowadays defending pedophilia as a sexual preference that doesn't need to be acted upon just like heterosexuality or homosexuality. Very bizarre times we live in.
At least it's not the middle east or catholic church where they still fuck little boys.
Of course it's final fatansy
Yea Forums is full of little girls though, so it's okay when they do it.
>look out window
>giant anime catgirl is not farting on the planet
Nah, /d/ didn't get the monkey's paw.
/trash/ did.
yeah haha we were just goofin lool :)
we're really living in clown world aren't we
The only thing that freaks me out about all this tranny and LBGT business is how they're steadily introducing the concepts to kids as well at such a young age.
That's too far. Way too far.
And honestly it just takes a handful of that out of line shit before someone in power finally draws a line.
Yes just don't try to put on some "lewd roleplaying" persona while playing.
Futanari are fictional and don't exist. Girl (male) is a tomboy. Dickgirls are just men on enough female hormones that still kept the dick and either have a breastform or grew out breasts. Traps are just androgynous transvestite guys that make an effort to trick people into thinking they're female. Sissies are traps that are faggots. Transgenders are a cult-like community that aggressively pushes people that barely have had the chance to discover their sexuality into making decisions that will influence the rest of their lives, practicing some of the most severe surgical procedures a human body can undergo.
Just a prank bro
>this is the people who heals you in videogames
twink bros where ww@? I'm a twink but hearing trannies call twinks "eggs" is the worst. I'd much rather stay a cute boy, which was the reason I had 3 gf's in hs/college even as socially awkward as I am. I would prefer if they would leave twinks out of their cult like bullshit. Lots of us aren't ugly and delusional enough to become one, and the ones who are will transition eventually anyways which also acts as a great filter.
Nothing feels better than flexing your cute looks on an ugly tranny.
Also hey Hooni bros
>it's one of those world wide fetish threads
>some tranny got their wish instead of something like hucows
It's easy to do. Use a mic and don't act like a faggot with a girly name and no one will call you a healslut.
i like healing. should i transition now or something? i'm not reading that garbage
This is making me more and more glad that I stick to singleplayer.
>FutaxFemalefags are all trannies
>FutaxMalefags are all fags that want a cock up their ass
>MalexFutafags are fags that are slightly less gay than trapfags
>Girl (male) is a tomboy
Hello, reddit.
>I mean you sometimes see articles nowadays defending pedophilia as a sexual preference that doesn't need to be acted upon just like heterosexuality or homosexuality.
Are they wrong? You might not be able to help the fact that some people have that attraction. Of course actual child molestation is completely unacceptable though.
The damage done to my life is irreparable...
Yout assuming the race traitors dont get the rope.
We shall succeed or die trying.
It still looks like a junkie with a wig,
That's an act you stupid racist. E everything is controlled by whites everything.e dry game has white main character every movie all the wealth it's all whites. Yet here you are complaining. You gave nothing g to complain about literally
Why is being a slut "empowering" again?
Shut up, NIGGER.
You can't blame them honestly. Don't you remember how vitriolic kids are about anything outside of what the other kids or adults said was okay? I smashed other kids' glasses because I was told glasses kids were diseased.
Sweet summer child
Goddammit, I still want to bully Hooni (and Parkgee and that blonde boy who is Parkgee's selfinsert) so fucking much.
The post was retarded anyway because girl (male) and trap are the same thing. I have done a mistake, confusing it for male (girl).
Because all women are whores by nature. It takes a man to beat that nature out of them.
If you are proud of it that makes it okay and not degeneracy
Not surprising. SS13 is a circlejerk around some avatarfag's online persona, where badmins enforce roleplaying, where any instance of "roleplaying properly" happens to co-incidentally line up wit either being one of these avatarfags or trying to befriend one of these avatarfags.
Seems like the perfect environment for homosexuals with damaged egos.
Final Fantasy MMOs and Overwatch. If you've never encountered them, congrats, it means you play games engaging enough that people can't jerk off while playing.
I've never encountered a "healslut".
Tell me Yea Forums. What games are left that have healers but aren't plagued by these brain-damaged healsluts?
the fuck is an egg?
Just roll with it user
reminder that Baneposting literally crashed a plane
Meant for
You were told the truth.
The duality of man(female)
To be honest I've never seen a pedophile who was legitimately only attracted to children the same way a heterosexual or homosexual is only attracted to one sex. In all the cases I've seen of evidence gathered they almost always have mostly regular porn and stuff with CP more akin to a fetish than any kind of sexuality.
The egg thing is about lumping in everything like that under one reason "you secretely want to be a tranny", as if no other reason exists or is acceptable to them but that
It's disingenous gaslighting coming from manipulative trannies who make everything about THEM and their delusions-
Jesus christ
thats your answer you inferior white supremacist bitch, have nothing to complain about everything in this world is catering to you and you still complain. you inferior bitch.
But... But I wear glasses now.
tranny term for closet trannies. Ignore everyone who calls you or anyone else that.
Games without healers duh
A buzzword created by trannies to make themselves feel above gay men who are feminine but don't transition. The idea is they are still an egg that hasn't hatched(transitioned).
I've only played healer in 4 games, Dirty Bomb, Overwatch, Payday 2 and Killing Floor. In each of those games you can be a big dick damage dealer while also being medic, which is the best way to play medic. Dirty Bomb definitely had my favorite medics because in pub games you could basically carry with both heals and top frags. At least the weeaboo trannies in Dirty Bomb were Sparks, the sniper medic who could never die and long range rez downed teammates as well as long range snipe enemy dps and snipers. Healsluts in MMOs and Mercy mains in Overwatch are embarrassing and give all healers a bad rap.
Plot twist: it’s a gas chamber (note wooden door)
>Yea Forums spam thing
>thing turn mainstream
>ad infinitum since 2003
wow shocker
Cute boys are the best, keep it up user
You should not reproduce, unless your loss of vision was related to damage caused by chemicals.
Stop telling me what to do, NIGGER.
WoW, but only if you play a pally or disc priest, those are the only two non-slut healing specs
Objectively correct choice. Be young and have fun looking beautiful, then when you grow older and can't pull the twink anymore, bulk up and become more masculine. Keep the dick, keep the fun.
go fuck your dog inferior cracker.
Healsissy cope
ever think you're the clown for having such a closed mind
Creepy, I will believe traps are superior to mentally ill trannies anyway.
oh wow cool another intrusion of sex in what used to be a hobby for socially separate virgins. i love hearing about normies and their tee hee weird and wacky sex hobbies, it's rally fun to be reminded of how inadequate i am. it's too late to go for am ore obscure hobby, im locked into this shit.
>It's similar to how other anons think fapping to traps makes them "gay"
It does. You're lusting for penises. Definition of gay right there.
Trap fetishists get disappointed when they open an ambiguous image and it turns out to be of a character with a pussy (and without a penis).
That is not the reaction of someone who "just likes the feminine features". Being pleasantly surprised or thinking "This is exactly what I expected" is not the reaction of someone who has been tricked or 'trapped'.
People do not willingly walk into a beartrap. They do not get annoyed when they step on a beartrap and it doesn't fire. "Trap" is not the right word.
The right word for something that has a penis, therefore is a man, but which does not look traditionally masculine, and which tries to disguise itself as a woman?
See what did I say The tranny gaslighter can't help make everything about them and their delusions, if you like or fap to traps, futa, dickgirls, etc then you must be a tranny by their logic and they won't accept any other reason because they refuse to accept you can enjoy those things without wanting to become a tranny, just like the Nips do.
I cant keep up with all the sex swapping and who has a dick or vag. This shit is fucked
Trannies don't have penises. Way to destroy your own argument.
The only real answer is Dota 2.
That unenviable cesspool of a community will tear people apart if they don't actually support properly.
Supports are fucking chads and even the perfect healslut archetype like Crystal Maiden can't appeal to trannies because ASSFAGGOTS are way too autistic even for their like. LoL does have Soraka and Sona though so there's that.
Y'all ever get the feeling like "Oh people actually say and do these things and shit wasn't just for memes"? I remember thinking that when that r9k guy shot up the place. Like "Oh you guys were serious about hating women"
The only online multiplayer game I've really played has been Warframe, and even the literal tranny healer class, Equinox, can do some big dick damage, in both the male and female forms.
>It's similar to how other anons think fapping to traps makes them "gay" (even though most of that shit is just girls without breasts)
And, y'know, penises
If you play multiplayer games you’re a normie. simple as
I'm still gonna
>cute girls being cute
>marketing this scene in particular that has nothing to do with the plot of the game in order to virtue signal and make a political statement
Based pallychad
>(note wooden door)
>tfw playing Moira and murdering more people than the goddamn damage dealers while literally jumping in front of enemy fire to buy low-HP characters an extra second or two to retreat while keeping everybody in top shape.
It may not be the best way to do things, but if everybody else is pussyfooting around and not advancing maybe the shame of being more afraid of fire than the damn lady in a dress will nudge them in the right direction.
The dick makes it better, it’s not a requirement
based and inshallah pilled
Both are gay.
But one is masculine gay
And one is un-masculine gay.
Being un-masculine is a problem because to be un-masculine is to be weak, reliant on others, helpless in the face of danger, and useful only for your holes.
That's why I love Moira mains. I know for a fact she will be pushing with me. Mercy is a good healer, but I hate looking at her unless she has that one skin that is her early days skin where she's not dressed like a slut.
>deriving pleasure from pictures on a screen makes you X
This shit is always retarded. Shut up anita.
It's literally a requirement for it to be a trap
What version/translation of the Quran should I read?
That's because playing support in dota is fucking cancer. Healsluts in other games you can just sit back and click a single button. In dota the playerbase expects you to do all this busywork like an absolute bitch, be poor and underleveled for most of the game, and get potentially fucked by the other team's carries in less than a millisecond. That's too much effort for actual healsluts to handle.
>sissies aren't trannies
cmon son
Your kids will hate you.
This post reeks of incel
based and dīnpilled
you are a degenerate too
Meme magic is scary.
I do it as Mercy too (minus the killing other people part, I suppose). And other characters in other games too. I don't care who I'm playing as, really, if we're playing together I will fucking die for you, user.
not attractive to YOU, maybe. my best relationships were with Serial Monogamists. it takes a lot of dick for a girl to learn what she does and does not like. and an informed partner is the best partner. the confidence isn't bad, either
Fucking this, some people are so fucking simple minded. It's not even about love, it's about being fucked in the ass.
Arabic, but failing that any English version will do, just search for “quran pdf” online
Now hold the fuck up, I never said I had anything against sissy roleplay, but I sure as hell wouldn't drag it into a game where people would either feel generally uncomfortable with that or where it'd be very distracting from otherwise engaging and intense gameplay. It'd be like trying to write amateur fanfiction while also playing literally any game that requires you to concentrate while everyone watches.
>reliant on others, helpless in the face of danger, and useful only for your holes.
So why do women get a free pass?
Nice buzzword. Not an argument though.
I hated my dad too. It's the cycle that must live on.
I'm a tranny and always play tanks because I like to go in hot.
OOC, who is not a gamer? games like Overwatch, Fortnite, and Pokemon boast millions of players. you would be a loser to NOT play video games
I'd rather be his gauntlets of righteousness for beating these people into submission
Okay, cuck.
Based and turkpilled
baneposting not only produced a live action porno
but it also resulted in a plane crash over les bains
with no survivors
and the day previously there was a meetup for a bunch of flight coordinators who all wore the same exact outfit as CIAman
>your kids will hate you for needing to wear glasses
Arachnophobe huh
Haha yeah no traps or healsluts here on good old family-friendly 4channel.
None of those things you listed apart from trannies have anything to do with gender "dysphoria" aka gender identity disorder.
One can be very sure of and fine with their gender and still fap to futa, dickgirls, traps, hyper, monstergirl futa, sissies, sissy hypno, trapshota, cd.
The fact that you can't seperate these fetishes from your identity is your problem.
Because they make men's dick hard and a man with a hard penis will pave the road for a woman's life.
Won't work out for a man trying to do the same thing.
What the fuck is happening to society?
Just turn it into another Nazi meme if it bothers you too much
So what you're telling me is that to get rid of healsluts we need to either get rid of dedicated healers altogether or make the role so annoying to play that no one will actually play it for solely roleplay?
>People already know Yea Forums is full of actual autists, faggots, and transposters. This site has always attracted the depressed and social rejects.
True, but you'd think there'd be more people who are angry at the world and less people who are SO SAD AND LONELY ARGH.
Yes, genetic failures that posses capability to self reflect tend to despise the parents that gave birth to them, since their lives are miserable. Glasses are not attractive. It's tantamount to wearing a sign on your face that says "Take these off me and I become absolutely worthless".
Would it be better to read an English version first, and then study Arabic alongside the original; or learn Arabic first, and then approach it?
Also, is the Yusuf Ali translation on sacred-texts.com a good one?
Godspeed, pal.
You were just talking about gay things and now you're saying it's not going to work. It works just fine for men that make men's dicks hard. There is no reason why women should get a free pass when masculine gay exists.
>tfw the healer character in TF2 is a parody of Mengele
how is this not news? anyone with a stake in online gaming should care how the product is being used. Maybe MMO creators want to throw in some features to entice these players. or, if they don't want pervert players, they can yank features out. Maybe moralists need to know where the degeneracy is. Or maybe sex positive people care about more outlets. maybe people responsible for children need to know what weird shit kids get up to, in online games.
and here my wish for plants that pump seeds into people to spread goes un-granted. Worst timeline
Nothing. Trannies still make up a fraction of a percent but they have just gotten incredibly loud over the last 10-20 years because they're getting free shit from western government and society when they cry.
Honestly I used to play female characters all the time and really liked japanese games. Until I decided to change, I realize a lot of trannies went the same way as I was, I was even getting curious about being with another man, but not anymore, fuck, I got rid of all the gay shit, no more Neptunia crap and I watch Jojo and play Yakuza instead, and no more female characters for me. I also started lifting and got a really cute girlfriend, I don't need to be cute when I can just see her, I just need to get her horny and that's all I want.
look up mousetopia
Great, keep labeling yourself and making it anti-fun for others. Just don't come crying when it's another
>Tank needed
I'm actually so tired of humanity. When will aliens arrive and finally start to provide a much needed alternative to this shit? Men who think they're women, what insanity.
Why is it always final fantasy
I'm not reading this article, but I demand to know why it's suddenly unacceptable for me to want to just fucking play a video game without some weirdo telling me what they do with their genitals. I don't care. I'll never care. I don't want to be a prop in your perverted online misadventure, and I dream of a future in which your internet access is permanently revoked if you can't keep it in your fucking pants when interacting with strangers.
Fuck this awful nightmare realm. I will create time travel and I will return to 1995 when the world was good, and none of you are coming with me.
Rid yourself of your own degeneracy and THEN tend to others Yea Forums!
>I'm not gay I just masturbate to Male on Male porn
There aren't enough gay men for that to work and a man will naturally want his partner to provide equally when there are no children or burdens inherent to him. Most men get off to providing and women get off to having someone who cares enough about her that they want to provide for her. This dynamic gets messed up when you introduce the same sex in a relationship and also one of the reasons why lesbians have the most relationship issues in general.
>Male Tomoko
if only that one avatar fag would use that shit instead
>trannies are vampires
It makes so much sense
Imagine doing that and one week later reading a VICE article about how the alt-right uses gay ERPing in video games as a cover to discuss about white supremacy.
fuck off squeaker
Mudslimes are just as degenerate as westerns you cretin, they cut off males dicks and then fuck them in the ass, treating them like women, countless sultans having eunuchs they casually fucked and then used as lapdogs to watch other their numerous wives. The difference that they are hiding it and using loopholes of their retarded sacred books to circumvent being "punished" for it instead of being honest about it.
The respect you earn from playing Support is not defended by the terms of service, or by an AFK sniper, or by the concept of masculinity, or by the Q button on your keyboard.
The respect you earn from playing Support is secured by the fact that, should someone try to disrespect you, you will FIGHT BACK. With WEAPONS.
>Fighting back with weapons
I'm sorry user, you cannot secure your respect and so you will lose it.
I don't get it, are you telling me to go fap?
YA is alright. As for your other question, it depends on your intentions as with all deeds.
>playing as a female back in the day because I liked looking at cute girls
>having a fun time just going through the usual motions
>until one day one of my party bros actually gave me a romantic gift
>"hey buddy you know I'm a dude right?"
>"yeah but can't you just act like a girl for me?"
>immediately get him off my friend list
>contemplate actually making a new account that's male
Mistakes were made Yea Forums.
How am I gay when my cock is nowhere near another man? Does playing a shooting game make someone a serial killer? Does watching a horror film make someone a psychopath? Think moron.
I only fap to regular homo porn
That's because degenerates aren't social rejects and are progressive and brave, incels however are. Yea Forums's demographic is whoever gets banned on normie sites.
>be a normal dude
Drown yourself in the sink you fucking faggot.
Nice porn fantasies, westacuck.
He is, either:
a) A healslut
b) Another epin user who bases his entire persona to itnernet culture so touched a nerve.
Let's face it, this site was founded by people with no place irl, some move on/grow up and start to hate this site, some don't, hence this healslut shit community.
that takes me back
>he never played a medic in battlefield
Guy this is only a problem if there are female healers in the game.
This never happened during TF2 prime and never will. It's males being prison gay and identifying their degneracy with them being submissive personalities that wish for female features they will never acquire and thus do so by playing female avatars.
Femininity is rampant with feminists getting too much power and turning men gay.
>It'd be like trying to write amateur fanfiction while also playing literally any game that requires you to concentrate while everyone watches.
That doesn't stop people.
Satire news
They make fake funny headlines
>had a friend involve himself in one of these communities
>now he's certain he's trans
>Imagine basing your entire identity, your entire self, over hedonistic sex and gratuitous pleasure.
I'm a heterosexual male, and my entire life is basically just about going to the gym and making money all so I can fuck more women.
Cope harder, seething sandnigger. You're also inbred two digit IQ subhumans whose hobbies are self detonating and fucking goats.
>someone who saves and distributes cp isn't breaking the law because his cock is nowhere near a child
wew lad retard
Okay sounds like insecurity thouh.
Play a female character if you want who gives a fuck. Trannies will call you eggs, /pol/ will call you gay/tranny, but thats only because normalfags think the only way to play a character in vidya is to self-insert and judge everyone else by that same assumption, that everyone who plays vidya is self-inserting into the character they play.
The other reasons are not even in their awareness, normalfags have a difficulty seperating fantasy from reality afterall.
Healslut was initially a slur for someone who just mainly heals, there are no sexual intends or harmful ones. Of course the tranny community has to twist everything to label themselves again.
I honestly don't understand why so many of you find this trans thing a problem. Does it feel yucky for you or something? Is it all religion?
Don't bother, you could go your whole life only romancing women and they would still say your 2D attraction is significant. They are challenged and can only think in patterns and absolutes. To them there's no practical difference between action and thought.
>this is only a problem if there are female healers in the game
Not true.
It only happens if you make the healer/support role fucking braindead or don't incentivize not playing like a pussy. This is the real answer. If game devs actually bothered to make the role more engaging then all these ERPing faggots would actually have to play seriously instead of symbolically sucking cock.
Cope you. I’m a 100% White convert born and raised in Europe. Also my IQ is higher than yours.
look at all these rertads responding that don't know how monkey paws work
Don't worry, I have a plan!
Meme hard on girls carrying firearms and staying in groups. They'd be able to defend themselves against pedophiles then.
>t. gaslighting tranny
Can a giant meteorite just hit us already?
Having child porn is explicitly against the law whether or not you're attracted to children. It's nowhere near the same thing.
incels see it like a looming religious threat converting their kind
This. The irony of it is lost on normalfags. I don't give a shit about trannies, but your success as a man today is determined by the amount of sexual partners you have and resources you possess to acquire more of the former.
>playing a female character and erping literally made someone trans
Told you.
I wish videogames never went mainstream.
And yet when I rape a kid in roblox suddenly I'm the bad guy
>he unironically thinks having sexual attraction to artistic depictions of the same sex doesn't make one attracted to the same sex
yeah okay retard
>converts to a self contradicting desert death cult with an autist pedophile prophet
>claims to possess intelligence
That is a joke and a half.
I just want to play video games...
As a previous hedonistic man this is only going to hurt your prospects in the future. The longer you splurge money for some casual sex now the harder it will be for you to have enough money saved up for a house/status so that you can actually marry the kind of woman you want to be with as you get old. Eventually as you get older you'll become less attractive to the women who are looking for casual hookups and the majority of women who are looking for a man with status and wealth will be the only women who will be attracted to you. It doesn't mean they can't love you but your status is the equivalent of tits and ass far more than your muscles.
As much as I love the internet I truly have come to believe it needs to be destroyed for the good of human kind. It will actually destroy us if it's not destroyed first.
The concept definitely does make sense. You cant just have a meme about "Healsluts" pop up from nonexistence. Submissive and dominant traits seep into every aspect of our lives, and I think studying that effect is very important. But this article goes in a direction thats far less interesting.
Having a fetish doesn't make you a tranny.
Trannies believe they are girls, sissies roleplay as (a sluty) one. Sadly many so called trannies fail to realize this and end up doing some shit they regret mistaking a sissy fetish for their identity and lifestyle. Tranny culture and shit like the "egg" meme don't help matters either leading people willingly astray because trannies want to feel "validated".
They'd be able to defend their rights, including the right to their own bodies against any attackers if they group up and stay armed.
>But what if the child consents tho and wants to defend her relationship against the police
Don't be silly user, that's not an actual thing that can happen.
Meme girls with guns into reality.
Are tank trannies still sluts?
This used to be a fucking joke but i'm not laughing anymore.
I want a one-way ticket off of clown world thanks.
i always knew there was something wrong with people who CHOSE to be a female in games with customizable protagonists
>he unironically thinks enjoying a gory attack in a video game doesn't make one want to bash someone's skull into mush in real life
So what's next on the table /healslutphobia/?
Are we allowed to make up words yet or too son?
We have compassion believe it or not. We don't want impressionable young men to ruin their lives over nothing.
no but DPS trannies that transition as soon as they get their rank 1 parse are.
Yeah pretty much.
I think that for most it might be a retread of the furry thing. Wanting to fuck a dogman in and of itself is far from the most outrageous thing somebody could fap to, but culturally as a group they make themselves so insufferable that nobody in their right mind would want association with them.
Similarly, "I want to be cute and feminine" is not a new thing in this kind of place, but the way that it often ties in with political leanings in an already highly tribalist place as the US is and the way they very often fall very, VERY short from the "cute girl" part makes one to want distance from them.
I'm sure if there was a magical "turn into a girl" machine that transexuals could go into and come off the other side as 10/10 fully featured female-looking bodies things would be a lot more chill both for them and for a good share of the people who have distaste for them
I am ashamed of my words & deeds
Can we meme about shitting on the street so everyone in public will do it?
>Yea Forums
No, what you really want is just find someone that's worse off than you and point finger at them and laugh.
>No, Healsluts are incompetent at healing. They don't actually want to do a good job healing and be rewarded for it. They want to do a BAD job and be PUNISHED for it.
it used to be the other way around, when it was mostly a gay thing. now all the trannies and girls playing mercy have co-opted it and made it into something it never was. it used to be a fun erp thing to do alongside playing the game but now i can't do it anymore because these people have ruined it. like they ruin everything else they touch.
kek, i rather keep my mind closed then
Only if you define “success” as being lauded by normalfags, you failed normie.
>someone who masturbates to bara isn't gay
lmao okay retard
All trannies are horny and sexually vulgar because the hormones fucks up the sex-drive with them not being able to perform properly due to the dick not getting hard properly anymore.
It's a nightmare and that's why they always prey and crave sexual attention be it through words or physical.
Wow some people took a literal joke turned it into a fetish, and now a mainstreaming lifestyle? We stray further from God's light every day.
>Having a fetish doesn't make you a tranny.
>Trannies believe they are girls
Actually, the large majority of modern trannies are very much only doing it because it's their fetish.
The second largest group of them are doing it to get a free "oppressed minority" club membership card so they can shield themselves from criticism or just have something complain about all the time.
The third largest group is just people who want attention, and are willing to do absolutely anything for it.
And the final tiny minority of people who call themselves trans nowadays genuinely wish they were the other sex and just want to live as them.
That's happening in India right now already.
I'm agnostic. The reason why I find transexuals a bit disgusting is because of the nature of them trying to conceal their biology because of their sexuality. If they were open from the very beginning that they are trans I wouldn't care but many of them go to every length possible to deceive others into thinking they are biologically the opposite sex because they know they wouldn't be accepted as that sex if they didn't.
Again I don't have any problem with someone who wants to be trans as long as they are willing to acknowledge that most heterosexuals do not want to be in a relationship with trans people and so they should be upfront about their identity if they are pursuing a relationship.
The first step to fixing society is educating people on how much damage porn does to your brain.
God bless you on your righteous journey user.
Nothing wrong with high functioning autism or liking little girls. Seethe.
>7% unemployment
Excuse me, in what fucking year did this shit go below 11%
Correct. People can indulge in fantasy without projecting said fantasy in real life.
>failed normalfag
Never said I aspired to those things.
>Only if you define “success” as being lauded by normalfags
Normalfags are the majority, their definitions are the standing definitions.
I was thinking about resubbing to ffxiv but it is clearly not the right game for me.
Reminder that trannies are mentally ill and normalizing it does them more harm than good in the long run
You lack the origin
It was always a lifestyle, then it turned into a meme, now its a MAINSTREAM lifestyle.
Learn to learn.
Being a cute girl is nice.
But being a man is better, you can be cool, strong, mysterious, eat a lot, play awesome games for men and fuck really hot women, would you trade that just to wear a faggy dress?
>make cute girl waifu in MMO
>dread the possibility of that happening and being mistaken for one
So thats why I play solo only, and ignore everyone else desu, just me and my qt waifu. No way I can play as anyone other than Vella in Vindictus for example
Also it seems like the reason for playing as the girl character (because you are a healthy normal male and like looking at girls) in vidya has been all but forgotten lately. Fucking self-insert fags are to blame.
>double queer
We’re reaching levels once thought impossible.
Nobody here calls themselves gamers.
Begging a higher power, how cute
whenever they stopped counting people who were out of work for a certain amount of time
Not an argument cuck
I love me a good trap as much ad the next guy but these disgusting fatsos with male pattern baldness need to fucking go.
unemployment stats are notoriously absolute shit because they fuck around with the metric of how they are measured. for example if you are jobless, you may not qualify as 'unemployed' because you are not seeking benefits or seeking work, etc.
San Francisco
>I am insecure: the post
Ninja Gaiden
Your women are still going to advocate for more refugees, welfare, and government control, and you dumbasses are going to keep respecting them and their rights to do that.
White supremacy my ass. Can't even maintain your own kitchen.
There was never an argument, you're just a seething clown.
>someone did a thing in a game
>this is somehow challenging gaming
Literally fucking what?
If you can already do that thing in a game then how is that a fucking challenge to anything?
If this headline was even remotely honest it would say
>Online games allow people to ERP
But that's not exactly news and wouldn't get clicks.
HRT has been an effective treatment for gender dysphoria as far as I know, and people here seems against that despite suicide rates being a meme and all.
It's just a mental illness. It's like making fun of and being angry at depressed people, isn't it?
I thought people were pretty open about being trans. If not, I could see why considering what people think of them and the hate crimes they're the targets of.
There are healers in Ninja Gaiden? Isn't it a singleplayer action game?
>If you are proud of it that makes it okay and not degeneracy
Okay! I'm proud of being a GAMER!
The plague of low standards is cured by people, as a group, getting some standards. Yes.
There used to be a time I used to get upset when people called gaming a joke, I thought they didn't know what they were talking about - just ignorant.
I was wrong.
Yeah I just don't get that, transitioning over a fetish makes no logical sense to me since you would have to be basically living your fetish 24/7 and it would never match up to your fantasy anyways cause of the limits of biology and reality so they just set themselves up for disappointment.
I'm fine indulging my sissy/autogynephilia fetish in every other way but that, it should never turn into an identity or a lifestyle thats just retarded.
what a coincidence.. next you'll tell me they both live near Commiefornia
Because estrogen is fucking evil and has no place in a males body and women trying to live as men is retarded too since they never get prepared for it and fall into immediate depression.
People just need to jerk off instead of using their sexual frustration to chop their balls off or get frankenstein penis transplants.
>People can indulge in fantasy without projecting said fantasy in real life.
You won't believe how few people even on Yea Forums are capable of comprehending this though.
Sexual frustration isnt easily solved by jerking off. Just look at /r9k/ to see the effects of prolonged emotional and sexual frustration
While we're here someone explain deadnaming to me and why is it a bad thing. Shouldn't you at least have the slightest bit of respect for the name your parents gave you?
>someone who saves and distributes cp isn't breaking the law because his cock is nowhere near a child
So I'm not actually a pedophile?
Noo! Now I'll lose all my respect with my friends at Yea Forums!
And what would I need to be insecure about? Just cause you spout a buzzword doesnt mean it makes any sense
Haven't even been on this site for 5 fucking seconds and already there's a thread like this never change guys
>People just need to jerk off
No. Porn is whats screwing up their brains.
We literally are orks. Everything we meme is destined to become reality. This is perhaps most clearly seen in /o/ "modern design" photoshop/MS paint threads, where every single abomination that is made is revealed as a concept car within a year. It's insane.
Those two sentences dont really correlate but honestly its going to depend on the person. Most people arent that bitter.
I changed my name and Im not even a tranny, I just didnt like that I had a german name despite having literally no german heritage
Womens' holes are productive.
>HRT has been an effective treatment for gender dysphoria as far as I know
They're here boys. Someone post the regret images, I don't have them saved
>What the fuck is happening to society?
GAMERS refused to RISE UP
>Finally, a car that can perfectly represent my absolute lack of a chin!
Axel, actually
>Because estrogen is fucking evil and has no place in a males body
estrogen plays an important role in regulating fat distribution in the male body and, although rare, it is possible for men to suffer from estrogen deficiency. i know you're trying to make a point here but don't be a retard about it.
>Yea Forums's demographic is whoever gets banned on normie sites.
You're right, but aren't people angry about normalfag sites and their bullshit? You'd think anger or hatred would be the default reaction to someone being attacked when they weren't doing anything wrong.
No, it has multiplayer. In Razor's Edge Momiji is the only character that can heal other players, she also heals on resurrection allowing the other player to die significantly more times before they run out of total health and the mission fails. Since she can fight as well as any other character it makes her very powerful.
It's not the word that make me mad, it's the state of what vidya has become this shit didn't exist till the last decade before it was just a fun thing people enjoyed.
What the hell are you talking about, I'm just getting tired of the clown world we live in. The fact that these are actual articles written by PAID journalists both concerns me and frustrates me. You should probably kill yourself for bad reading comprehension
Fucking thank you, right now I have a good twink/trap look going and have had multiple gfs even with looking small and feminine. Once my looks fade i'll hopefully have a slowed down metabolism and bulk up and grow a long beard. It's the easiest plan to ride out and all of the weeb girls love pretty boys too. These people who fuck up their bodies young are gonna die earlier and look less attractive when as they age.
Huh. I learned another new thing today. Thank you user.
> When will aliens arrive and finally start to provide a much needed alternative to this shit?
When you build a spaceship
And you take it to the stars
And you build yourself an empire
And then you return, bringing Vengeance.
Don't wait for a miracle.
oh no that doesn't count because reasons
Agreed. I've fully decided that if my sissy shit becomes anything more than something I do in the bedroom I'll just off myself and spare my family the shame. imo it just feels like it would take an unbelievable amount of narcissism and selfishness to force other people to go along with your fetish and indulge in a fantasy for your sake by referring to you as a different identity when in reality it's just a sex thing.
Disease is not treated with hugs and kisses. Disease is treated with bleach and a scalpel.
>estrogen plays an important role in regulating fat distribution in the male body
Yeah if you are fat, if you are a healthy male that's neither obese, overweight an alcoholic or someone that eats suppliers that cause estrogen influx you will never have the amount of estrogen in your body the same way it is implied with transitioning and my post.
Estrogen in men doesn't "JUST HAPPEN" and the liver does it's damn best to break it down even so it's not present in the male body.
Interesting about the depression part. I have a friend who thinks he's transgender, and when he went on an antidepressant, all of those feelings went away. Somehow still thinks he's a girl though. i don't know how doctors can still be treating him for gender dysphoria when treating a co-morbid disorder fixed the problem. It makes no sense. That should clearly indicate there's something else going on. I don't disbelieve that transgender people actually exist, but I think the real cases are an exceptionally tiny portion of the people claiming it. For everyone else, they are just very, very delusional.
The only thing I learnt from this thread is that theres a secret war amongst trannies vs twinks, traps and sissies
>I'm sure if there was a magical "turn into a girl" machine that transexuals could go into and come off the other side as 10/10 fully featured female-looking bodies things would be a lot more chill both for them and for a good share of the people who have distaste for them
False. The low self esteem, low social value, and inability to be happy with themselves, will not be fixed by getting a new body.
Most "normie" sites have devolved into incredibly isolated communities with soundproof walls that ban anyone that challenges their world view.
Yea Forums is one of the last communities that contains mostly unfiltered opinions and ideologies. The ones that win are simply the ones that are most popular but that doesn't stop people with dissenting opinions from talking. This place used to actually be pretty liberal anti-bush and everyone made fun of Fox News in the mid to late 2000s.
>play guild wars
>monks were the badass trashtalking dudes addict to PvP
>most of the guild leaders were monk mains
>guild vs guild were basically the monk leaders ordering their guild members around
>fastforward 15 years, le healslut faec
I'm glad I got to live those times when healers were basically the top of the food chain and tanks were just mindless brutes too busy getting smacked by monsters to act smug about being the "alpha" of the party
No one likes trannies. Even the lgbt communtiy simply tolerates them.
no, you fucking idiot. all men have estrogen in their bodies. too much estrogen is bad, yes, but men do need a small amount of estrogen in their bodies to maintain normal bodily function. it's not an evil drug, it's a fucking hormone. it's neutral. too much is bad. too little is also bad.
Yea Forums is contrarian and tries to be counter-culture. Whatever is the prevailing sentiment in society, the dregs of Yea Forums go the opposite way.
I'm just gonna sit in the corner and pretend that video games weren't the final thing that pushed me to realize I was a straight sub
Not anything degenerate, but a straight sub.
My intent is to learn. I want to read the Quran and judge it for myself instead of playing a worldwide telephone game where multiple parties have interests at stake. And Arabic is both phonetically and visually a beautiful language.
I'll not pretend to have any deep knowledge on how psychology works, but I assumed being magically given the perfect body they believe they should have been born with, no strings attached, would be a fix for the self esteem and self-happiness issues.
Hol up.
You're a sissy whose sex drive is something UNDER YOUR CONTROL? As in, you can STOP doing sissy shit if you'd rather be killing a boss mob or trying to capture the enemy's control point?
As in, literally, your conscious mind's ability to make decisions is STRONGER than your sex drive, and so your sex drive can't hijack your entire personality on a moment's notice?
Why aren't there more of you? Why are there so many faggots whose entire personalities are nothing but life support for their fetishes?
I never said they don't have it. I said they don't have the amount that is implied when it comes to transitioning and my post.
Also if I judge your reaction you are probably a tranny and your estrogen is making you really upset about my sophisticated posts.
This is what happens when you play as female characters in games.
Yeah, there's plenty of people who are angry. Look at this thread or any of the Tw*tter screencap threads. Go back 2 Leddit(implying where trash like you belong) is often the first insult out the door.
This is your average healer main. Lispy faggot autists that deserve to be range banned from life
>having fantasies of sex with members of the same sex doesn't make you attracted to that sex
Stay delusional my dude
That’s a noble intent user, go for it.
God needs to stop chillin' in the clouds and needs to start beaming these transmogging people with lightning.
>keep spouting your stupid memes and jokes outside the treehouse
>wonder why retards pick them up and run with them
>I never said they don't have it. I said they don't have the amount that is implied when it comes to transitioning and my post.
>estrogen is fucking evil and has no place in a males body
brainlet brazilmonkey commit suicide immediately
How do you get into multiplayer games?
It's easy to make your entire personality your fetish when you've got literally nothing going on upstairs and you're a boring stick in the mud run of the mill faggot college freshmen. I'm not that, I have a personality and a job outside of being a professional cocksleeve.
user, it's okay. I'll sit with you, you've got it better than me, I'm in the fucking position of loving cocks but having no desire to touch them at all.
Isn't it actually good that this trans shit is taking place?
I mean, we all know it's a mental disease and the more people have it the less they will reproduce.
Isn't that a plus? We just have to wait and ignore them until they die out by themselves. Might save the next generation.
I am not saying
>support them
but what if we just wait and see what happens.
Also. How do I CREATE more of you? I've been trying to solve the sissy problem with suicide encouragement.
If I could change them into people who have some goddamn self-control and who can face their problems rather than getting addicted to their problems, then less people would need to die!
>You need to already have life aspirations that you're working towards
... Back to suicide encouragement it is.
If you only knew how much lesbians hate trannies. Not even gays hate them this much.
If we keep tolerating it we'll eventually be paying for their medication and sex change operations with our taxes.
Trannies think the latter are all eggs and repressors, the latter think trannies are fucking nuts and selfish egotistical cunts.
I'd rather be called a sissy than a tranny.
You guys play games with some weird ass people...
fuck you meandraco my dick will never be pleased by humans ever again after your writing about monsters
>be friends with crazy hormone abusing retard
>be friends with the gay twink guy that really cant stop talking about cocks
Pick your poison.
How come Shimakaze became a tranny thing?
Her skimpy underwear would make the crossplay obvious.
I'd think they'd go for someone in a long and broad dress (to hide the bulge), and someone who's shoulders are already kind of broad.
Or is that not how it works?