High quality featured front page steam products

>high quality featured front page steam products


Attached: toplol.png (799x612, 305K)

Yeah, how dare they have MK11 mentioned alongside these based games

Yeah, why is Mortal Kombat there?...

Okay, let's see your high quality video game which is so much more deserving of the New and Trending section of Steam's front page.

Most of the games in the OP are about fucking. The only difference is MK11 focuses more about fucking your wallet than pussy.

you have to manually enable being able to see that stuff


slow week


Umm... no?

Attached: 47 Smile.png (808x853, 729K)

I think you have to opt out not to see it.

i remember having to opt in, having to opt out wouldn't make sense because "think of the children"

>op left the chat

Fuck OP for not understanding how personal preferences work. I'd rather everyone post what their front page looks like.

Attached: steam front page.jpg (636x461, 85K)

If you can see them is because you told steam that you are interested in those type of games, so... I bet you bought them after you took that pic.

>"New and Trending"

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I have the same page.

Attached: wtf is this shit.png (1409x834, 1.11M)

I don't know what any of this shit is or why it would recommend it to me. I'm pretty sure it is just random or changes really fast.

Attached: erger.jpg (983x813, 133K)

That's so weird.

There are categories farther up the page called discovery queue and from developers and publishers you know. Those are specifically aimed at you.

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No you don't, retard. You see it by default unless you filter it.

y'all are the ones making this shit trending

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that's only if the games have actual porn in them, regular weeb trash you have to filter yourself

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I don't think this list so much based on what they think you'll like and more that it just changes based on stuff you have blocked or ignored. It looks like must have a lot blocked since his list is much shorter than normal. I have VNs blocked so I don't see any of those that are on other peoples but I do see space wife's on top even though Steam doesn't think I would like it.

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I see. I've never let steam know that I didn't like a game. Not even sure where that is.

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since when do gamers care about high quality? they buy garbage all the time

I just bought Deep Space Waifu World because I saw it on that list and I liked the music, the gameplay looked like a nice casual shooter, and the concept seemed ridiculous enough to waste $2 on. I'd say I'm part of the problem but I don't think there's a problem. Just filter it.

In the app it has a different color, paid promotion, apparently

why do steam allow these low effort ironic weeb pandering products?

because people like like it
if people like it and buy there's nothing wrong with it, even you personally dislike

You can ignore specific games using the little drop down in the top right of the thumbnail. You can filter whole tags in the preferences somewhere.

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you can just filter them out?

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>deep space waifu is doing better than mk11
oh no no no no

>You can just shovel shit if it end up on your driveway
Why though

Breeding Village is good