Persona 5 S

Today is the day

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Other urls found in this thread:

Persona 5 Stadium
you will never see it coming

Inb4 it's just switch, I mean what are the genuine other options that are more likely?
Consider the company and their history, along with using their mentality to come to a legit conclusion close enough to what reality will reflect.

Persona 5 sneed

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pretty sure it’s gonna be switch, didn’t bestbuy post it and remove if?

Good job user


Why do you care about whether or not it gets a port if you already have the game? I liked P5 and I don't mind more people playing it.

Persona 5 Stadium. It's the P5 fighting game. Prepared to be disappointed, Shitches.

It could be Switch, though I doubt, or it could be a completely unrelated spinoff. Either way, I can't wait for the fucking mass suicide from either side of you faggots

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Retailers always leak fake listing you dumb fuck. Jason Schreier says no switch port and the leaker who got Granblue vs, P5R and Joker in smash says a P5 fighting game is coming so this is probably Persona 5 Showdown

Where is the switch version switch Fags?

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Yep, this is what it is, but it'll just be the base game, not Royale, which i'm fine with

Persona 5 Shopping

today is a sad day for snoy fanboys

>Someone actually spend time making this image
Why are nintenbabbies and snoybronies so sensitive?

ok but didn’t arcsys say them selves persona 5 arena is in development not stadium or shodown

>listening to “””insiders”””

Persona 5 Stadium
Persona 5 Showdown
Persona 5 Standoff
Persona 5 Super Slam
Persona 5 Smackdown

Why did people buy a Switch instead of a PS4?

no arcsys said persona 5 fighting game not arena only journalists called it arena for some reason

>The one guy who consistently leaks correct things
tbf there are a lot of good games on it and PS4 exclusives often feel like walking simulators and a lot of the good games on it are on PC
wouldn't even be a surprise desu

>retailers always leak fake listings
name 5 examples

Best buy.

what time

Switch has better games.

Nobody bought anything instead for anything.
We're all idorts here, well, all except for sonyfags at least.

This is your fatal mistake, the word you're looking for is "and", and then the question answers itself.

1.nintendo exclusives
4.anime tiddies (not censored)

Chucks fuck and suck

Probably fucking like 9 AM tomorrow because the retard japs will want an hour long encore again

Keep putting your faith in based boys, I’ll be over here on team logic.

Unless it's a significant amount of new content I really don't care.

Persona 5 Shelter, the peripheral mobile phone game to keep people entertained before the release of Persona 5 The Royal.

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Persona 5 showdown arena pls

There’s literally no reason for Best Buy to post a fake listing.

If you're 10, sure

>Persona 5 Stadia

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What if I want to play mario kart or smash bros with my friends?

>It turns out S is a Switch port
>But it's just the base game and none of the Royal content
The reactions would be a hilarious mess.

It's going to be a spinoff. Most likely multiplat.

They had already added Joker with the grappling hook to smash before this trailer was announced which means that nintendo somehow had access to that information before hand.

Why would they make a fancy countdown website just for a port

Persona 5 Smash
Did you know Joker is in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate? You can purchase him through the Fighters Pass and get the rest of the upcoming DLC characters, or seperately in the Nintendo eshop!

Joker is using hook on the menu screen in base persona 5

So, I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say that if it DOES end up being on Switch, people are gonna roast the fuck out of Nintendofags if it is compromised in any way (graphics, content, etc.). If that's the case, Nintendofags are gonna vehemently defend it being in a worse state, and will try to blow off the roasting as "YOU GUYS ARE JUST SALTY WE GOT A PORT, DOESN'T MATTER THAT IT'S WORSE"

If it's in the same state as Persona 5 The Royal, then I'm super happy for Nintendofags. They got what they wanted, and the overall fanbase for Persona 5 increases. Nothing wrong with that.

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so the real bad guys are snoys?

I agree.
>nintendo will NEVER get Persona 5!
>*gets persona 5*

Nah, it's just a rope, not a grappling hook.

Persona 5 Sexualis

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they would HAVE to know theyd be giving the middle finger to switch owners

This but Persona 5

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Not really. Neither side is the bad guy, they're just two sides in a console war that accomplishes nothing

Imagine being so poor or so big of a fanboy that you buy one console INSTEAD of another, as if you can't own both.

Good chuck and fuck

I could see this happening.

Fucking this, I swear.
Persona 5 SMART.

>Switch fanboys get Persona 5
>Now ceasless begging for P5R and P4/P3

The P4 P3 begging has already begun.

This had to be the biggest 'fuck you' to Switch owners I've ever seen. Shit was on mobile phones as well.

>"Persona 5 will be 3DS exclusive"
>"Persona 5 will be Wii U exclusive"
>Persona 5 announced for PS3 and later PS4
>"P5R will be Switch exclusive"
>P5R teaser starts with PS logo
>"I-It's VR!"
>Persona 5 The Royal confirmed as an RPG and listed as PS4 only on the main site
>"P5S will be a Switch port"
Oh boy can't wait to see what happens next. I can already predict Switchfags claiming "W-Wait for E3!" when P5S is nothing Switch related

Knowing Atlus it is most likely another spinoff no one asked for.

It couldn't even hold 30 fps on base consoles. Anyone that thought XV would get an actual switch port was delusional.

no fucking kidding. Get your shit together if you can't comfortably enjoy both systems/

based autist

Not really when Persona 5 is literally a PS3 game that the Switch can handle.

Really hope it's the fighting game


>Games like Doom and MK11 can run on Switch
>One of Square's biggest titles couldn't make it
It was just laziness. Any game could make the port if it's cut in the correct places. They didn't want to do the work, and ported an over-simplified mobile version instead

When is the information getting released?

Persona 5 Suplex Hold Ultra Ultimax

>Persona 5 Sonic
>P5 characters in Sonic Racing

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>comparing an open world game to a fighting game and a fps
Don't be retarded.

then why aren't you guys busy playing them instead of begging for the ps4's games?

nintendo : kiddie games and smash
sony: sjw - degeneracy .fag pandering and bloodborne
xbox nothing

consoles... literally one games or less ,why american and euros care about them escapes my mind

didn't sakurai visit atlus not too long ago? they probably just showed him footage of p5r and he thought the grappling hook would be cool to add.

Persona 5 Steam for PC
Persona 5 Sega for the Dreamcast
Persona 5 Super for the Super Famicom (japan only)
Persona 5 Skateboarding (A Tony hawk cross over)
Persona 5 Samsung for the Samsung Galaxy
Persona 5 S for the Xbox One S (doesn't boot on all other models)

You forgot to mention the switch version of those games looked way worse than the ps4/xbox versions and one of them needed to remove features

Imagine Persona 5 but with Persona Q 2's aesthetics. It would be cute.

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The S stands for Stadium.

It's going to be a mobile battle royale game and there's nothing you can do about it.

How big will the meltdown be once it's confirmed to be a switch port?

Not as big as the meltdown when it's confirmed to not be a Switch port.

Adding joker to Smash just to not have him on a Nintendo console is just....strange.

Not as big as the meltdown and shitposting that's gonna occur when it doesn't

Persona Q2 exists.

this user gets it

>switch faggs gets persona 5
>its the standar edition just like pc cucks and catherine

You mean the good version without marie 2.0? Good.

>royale on switch
>will be able to emulate on pc

Don't forget cloud was added to smash4 and his game wasn't on any nintendo console until the switch

Final Fantasy started on nintendo consoles.

Persona 5 Space Jam

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The version without revised pacing, dungeons, new events, new places and cutscenes, nor more personas?

Yeah its troublesome

marie 2.0 was in the original version though.

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Enjoy the incomplete and rushed version goy

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so do we have a time on when the announcement is dropping or

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What was the final fantasy that decided to forgo a Nintendo release and start the long tradition of skipping Nintendo that only recently ended?

>nintendies will NEVER EVER get persona 5. NEVER!
>*nintendies get persona 5*

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Grow the fuck up.

Steam starts at 7:30 AM EST, but if it's like yesterday's stream it's going to be 2 hours of concert with 5 minutes of reveal.

>revised pacing
Oh, you're a mobile poster and your "ruined pacing" got auto corrected to revised pacing? Sad.

The game started developement in 2011 and came out in 2016. Maybe if you're a sloth that would be rushing.

We are. We just want to play Persona too without the blu-ray movie player.

>Switch gets an outdated version while Sony gets the superior version
thing is that it's most likely the case. they just reveal Persona 5 royal why would we wait a day just for an announcement of a port?

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What time is the concert?

aight probably not going to stay up to watch the shitstorm then

i'm sure Yea Forums will still be seething by the time i wake up regardless of what it turns out being

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This board is going to be unusable for a few days after whatever this ends up being.

Oh please, atlus are a bunch of greedy kikes that have been pulling the buy the complete 60 dollar version goy ever since nocturne

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>mfw it turns out to be Persona Xbox One S

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Isn't that a professional smash player or some shit?

portability, I fly a lot and switch is fuckin choice for flying

That's not what happened with Dragon Quest XI S.

reaction videos are a dime a dozen. You don't need to keep editing the star wars guy to get some people.

>superior version
Debatable, it might have more content but it wont fix the problems of the original, will add some useless shit, another shitty twist for le epic one more god rejected xd and add even more problems to the already garbage story
This is golden and FES all over again

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why do you fly a lot?

P5S ucks to be a nintard 'cause it's never coming to switch

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i wouldn't care anyways, i got to play the game without buying a ps4 so it would be all good

Wait is P5R the original Persona 5 + new stuff or just new stuff?

Gee user, its not like atlus have a history of pulling this garbage for maxium kikery

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What does that have to do with my question?

So it's the same as the best versions of p3 and p4

It might still be on the switch, like DBZFighters

Its golden 2.0 featuring even more retarded ideas and finally finishing all the shit we scraped

Enhanced version of the already existing game.
Definitive edition, if you will. Or "Game of the Year" edition.

Why should I kill myself for not being able to “play” a dating sim for fat incels?

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Didn't this guy somehow spin this video into a story about how he met his girlfriend or something? I think I saw people shitposting about this like a week ago.

>liking The answer and Golden

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If there was one reason I had to point as to why I'm slightly more on the no-Switch-port side, it's this.

>not liking The answer and Golden
See, I can do that too


I understand people's unwillingness to buy a PS4 just to play Persona 5. I just hope for Nintendofags' sake that if P5 does end up on the Switch, it's not compromised in any way.

>implying atlus in their infinite wisdom wont dig up p1 and 2 grave, port them to the switch with no announcement, blame the fans for poor sales and for the current state of nu persona and then be able to finally get rid of those 2 games because they dont pander to weebs enought

insecure much?

Yeah because golden and fes are better than the base games also

How can you compromise a VN?

Trannies are hip and cool, and look at how much they kill themselves. You wanna be hip and cool too right?

i have both but would prefer to play P5 on the switch

if p5 is on switch it's going to have some nintendo exclusive stuff for sure. no way they are going to tease a game that came out on ps3 3 years ago like this.

It's a PS3 game, it should be fine.

Persona 5 Small
It's like the reverse of Royal. It removes two confidants, a party member, a few hangout spots, a roaming area, and about two weeks of story time.

why do people want a switch version

you have a pc, just use rpcs3, retards.

>Well Sony took this porn game and told them to take out the 10 year old girl's panty shots so they're worse than Hitler (who was actually a nice guy like I am just misunderstood)

No wonder you idiots gobble up atlus shit every time they do this song and dance

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So it'll be compromised then, that's a shame. No 60fps no buy.

just use your pc.

stop begging for ports.

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>implying hitler was not based

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Persona 5 never ran 60fps.

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>he says while posting smtiva

>60 fps on ps3 or even ps4
Oh you poor creature

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There’s literally no other portable console on the market right now
Vita is dead
3DS is getting a retirement after almost 10 years
What else is there?

He wasn't our guy
He went out like a pussy

So Persona 5 Superior?

Are you implying apocalypse isnt a persoyna game?

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You guys never played it on PC? lmao get rekt console kids.

there's the stadia

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Project harder, I know you can
You better be ready to call Royal shit, then they announce base version for Switch

3ds had a good run
May it have a good retirement

because the ps4 doesn't have any games that interest me (besides persona) and I have a xbone for the few third parties that I play.

We didn't need Haru anyways.

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I can’t take my PS4 power supply and tv in an already stuffed car and drive from Georgia to California while stopping at KOAs to sit on the front porch swing and play Cuphead

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Based illiterate retard

>implying i give a shit about shitsona 5 or the deluxe version featuring marie 2.0 from the persona series
Seethe harder fatlus whale

this, just dump her and give use persona 5 shogi instead

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I’m a flight attendant
I regularly have 5-8 hours of down time

Seeing how P5R is only on PS4 why would I play the shit version of P5 now and ruin the excitement for the definitive version?

>going unironically to california

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Persona 5 Steam

Hes a big guy

>same exact game with one new marie-like character

it's the same game.

Wow of course! It makes perfect fucking sense that a Japanese concert would advertise a port to non existing pc users in Japan for their Japanese audience! Holy fuck user you are a GENIUS!

It's the fucking next persona 4 arena you dumbass autists, you're not getting it on your overrated tablet no matter how much you beg

No Haru?
Definitive version indeed

>port of the basic bitch vanilla version instead of Royal
The S stands for scam, not Switch. Fuck Fatlus and fuck Nintendo.

Persona 5 Slicker

>same exact game
They showed
>new confidants (that will come with new personas)
>revamp of the palaces with new puzzles / traversal options that aren't in the base game
>a new party member
>morganas? human form
>new events
>new locations
>new soundtrack
>some massive changes in the story if that was really futabas mom
>joker wearing new clothes
>third semester playable

It seems to me that they changed a lot.

And yet you're in a persona thread getting butthurt over persona
You cared enough to reply you cared enough to start insulting people

it's 95% the same game with some additions.

it's basically persona 5, bonus activities edition.

Fatlus greed knows no bounds, the only reason the dont have a pc port of their modern game is because they are just like gamefreak, too incompetent to do shit withough other companys help


Persona 5 Sae
It's just a Sae dating sim
Available on PS4, Xbone, and PC

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Who said i dont care about persona dumbass?
I just dont give a shit about shitsona 5

Isn't this game - Pocket Edition - on PS4, too?

>I'm fine with getting cucked out of the definitive version
The absolute state of you.

You really showed us how you don't care.
See you later today with P5S announcement

The fact Netflix still drops the resolution from 4K-1080p to 720p-480p during High time I am not confident about Stadia at all considering it still struggled under literally the best conditions

Nintendo is constantly giving fuck you's to third parties so the feeling is mutual

>3 versions of that game in Japan

And what do you base that percentage on? I assume you haven't played P5 if you think that a massive change in the story like futabas mother being alive will only affect the overall story 5%, much less morgana actually getting a human form.

You say you don't care but you're getting butthurt over persona 5 when you're in a persona 5 thread

it's going to be in development for a long time, 1 year till release is even more here (we got p5 like 6 months after japan)

just play persona 5.

Persona 5 Soundtrack

Tomorrow's P5S announcement is a switch port of vanilla P5 with an added female protag option (as seen in the smash datamining ''jane'') It launches 2019 for both JP and the west. screenshot this

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And still you are in this thread. You are pathetic.

>the third version only came with the 80 dollars version of raidou 2

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Think I wanted to come here? I’ve been here for less than a day and I already hate it.
The cheapest gas is at Nigger Gas stations and even the Nigger gas stations are too expensive
Its fucking 8$ for a pack of smokes
I don’t even smoke and I think that’s a rip off

That user was talking how switch didn't get the actual FFXV game instead just a mobile version have of the game. Not that it matters, FFXV suck

I hope you guys will play Q2 while waiting for this.

4 you

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No thanks, I'll wait for the superior version that's only on PS4 instead of souring my playthrough. Thank you very much.

I liked Pocket edition better though.
If Noctis ever gets into Smash I want his chibi form

>Not that it matters, FFXV suck
I'm just glad it's finally over we can move on with--yeah, I still prefer WoFF over some latest mainline FF games.

Just avoid hospitals, most people and hobos, trump references and dont fuck anyone there and you should be fine

Persona 5 The Royal and Persona 5 The Servant.
Pokemon milking style.

They already had a gaming PC and a Bluray player.

I wanted SMTV instead of Persona 5

Are you in southern or northern california
if northern leave quickly

I think most Sony fans don't understand that only a small minority are Switch-only owners. Most of them have at least 2 consoles or a PC.

I think most Nintendo fans don't understand that only a small minority are Playstation-only owners. Most of them have at least 2 consoles or a PC.

Chibi characters are EVIL!

I highly doubt that with the amount of wojak posting and console-warring sonyfags always seem to initiate.

I agree.
Hell I was in Las Vegas last night and felt like a hyper virgin when I was turning down prostitutes
In my defense they looked awful like
“I’d rather shoot my dick off” bad

So yeah I ain’t fucking anyone around here.

I guarantee the S doesn't stand for Switch, they didn't call the ps4 version 'Persona 5 Playstation 4' nor did they do anything with the ps3 version. It could be a switch game, it could be anything at this point, but I guarantee it won't be called Persona 5 Switch.

Petluma CA near San Francisco

Damn you coast guard


Wouldn't be surprised if they just rebranded the vanilla game as Persona 5 Standard and then threw it on Switch

Go west. until you can't see california anymore. It's your only chance.

I could literally just be called Persona 5 S, just like Dragon Quest XI S.

I only post them for (you)s and pure shitpost
All my friends have PS4 + PC.


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I don't remember any retailer leaks being fake, only randos and literally who's.

Just like Disgea 5, right?

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I just want brand new Nintendo Switch Kamoshida Version.

Best buy

Get far away from san fran dude
It's the worst part of califronia

P5S will be the FeMC version. Don't give up hope.

I do want Hawaii or Guam though I hate I won’t get to hang out and shitpost as much I like to anymore

>san francisco
Im sorry user but youre also getting the bullet, cant allow the infected to continue spreading the disease

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>be me
>download the demo from eShop
>little grinding because why not
>learn that you can't transfer save from demo to final version in Switch version

South user go south

If they add Fem MC, I hope that Tae will suddenly become lesbian. I don't want to see her replaced with some guy. I want to buy MP restoring items from best girl.

I know I’ve been here for less than a day and figured that out
When you’re seeing meme tier Homeless transgender “women” asking can you spare a 20$ Irl you know god has abandon this place

>It's the worst part of califronia
It's easily the worst major city of the entire USA
I'm not going to say it's the worst ever because there might be some shithole in Tennessee that murders children or something but saying it's the worst place in California is an understatement

Good Persona thread by the way

>implying I give a shit about an opinion from a dude who thinks it'd be hip and cool if I murder my friends

Please let me die
I’m only here for 2 months then I’ll probably never come back

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Gave me a good Chuckle and Fuckle

What if its a spinoff of some sort but on both ps4 and switch
Switchfags will obviously be disappointed but sonyfags will be absolutely devastated.

What time is the reveal?

Welcome to Yea Forums!
Start with vide game discussion
Leave with notes on how to legalize and commercialize Genetically engineered cat girls

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Why? They're getting the Royal. Everyone is expecting the fighting game to be multiplat anyways since P4U was.

>What if its a spinoff
>Switchfags will obviously be disappointed
user, Persona Q2 is coming out in July. Can't wait. Believe me, I wouldn't mind if it's a spinoff, as long as it's an RPG, not dancing, fighting, singing or cooking game.

Probably +7 hours from now

How can the best buy leak be real if it's not called P5S and they didn't even get P5R?

That same retailer leaked the official render for joker not moments before

Im double dipping for royale next year. Whatever S is can go fuck itself

They are still taking preorders for canceled Prey 2

what about farming

This game is for absolute faggots, grow a fucking pair.

Devil May Cry thread 2 pages down

Have they released what persona 5 royale is yet?

Yeah, dancing game with new costumes and tracks

Persona 5 Farming? With chibi characters? Hm. That actually sounds interesting.

thanks i'll see you there

>Waiting a watered down Stardew valley

>rise of consolewar faggotry on Yea Forums circa 2011
>wave of newfriends from places like reddit and underageb& who could only choose one console for their birthday/christmas

Real makes you think.

Uh, why? It's not like being multiplat means it suddenly doesn't exist on PS4

What if he wants a Story of Seasons but more fleshed out?

>Not that it matters, FFXV suck
So why are would we care about Persona 5 Pocket?

P4u was a long time ago, sonyfags now only care about what switch doesn't get.

When do the news drop
Someone give me an ETA


How many hours until the announcement lads?

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arena isn't even what the series is called

in about 7 hours assuming it's at the very end again

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Like 3 or so

the stream starts around 3 hours 20 minutes from now, and will probably run a little over 3 hours, so like 6 hours?

>Switch gets a worse version of Persona 5
>But the definitive version of DQXI
That's how it goes, I guess.

>artificial flavor

Wait, I thought Baja Blast was a Taco Bell exclusive? Where can I buy this?

I bought it years ago and could not find any reason to use it other than as a Persona/Bloodborne machine since I have a fucking PC. Red Dead looks like a fucking chore and Spiderman looks alright. Not even going to bother touching Naughty Dog's new """"game"""" so that really only leaves Ghost of Tsushima as the only interesting thing in the future but that being said I have more hopes for SMT V coming out before that shit.

>ports of bad games
Who cares

Not interested in Death Stranding or Ys 9?

baja blast is sold at retail every summer, it's been in stores for a month or two. i don't know where you get silly tall cans like that specifically.

If it's Persona 5 for pc i'll kill myself

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>japanese announcement
>pc port

Don't kill yourself. Life finds a way

>Death Stranding
I'm definitely interested to see how that shitshow unfolds. It's been 3 years and absolutely 0 gameplay has been shown. either Kojima's gone senile or he's actually creating a videogame to surpass MGS2 (highly fucking doubt it).
never got into that series so no.

You are really overselling this. If they port it to the Switch then great I'll get it, if not I'll give the PS3 emulator a go after I'm done with my immediate backlog. That's all there is to it. They either want my money or not.

Does this new version let me replace every track in the game with Layer Cake?

Persona 5 Street, the cart racing game.

Are there people who actually seriously believe in console war shit? How can you be so upset that other people can play a game? Also how can you not be an idort?

Ys has been coming to PC too though, unless something has specifically been said about Ys IX being exclusive

Poorfags who have to justify their mommy's purchase by shitting on what they don't own.

Why would you all get your hopes up like this when Fatlus hasn't even hinted at a Switch release yet? Do you have any idea how disappointed you'll be if it doesn't get a port?

kill yourself anyways.

What if it's just a teaser for a announcement just like the P5R teaser back in december?

It won't be.
This is a paid concert, the attendants won't get a fake out teaser

i think that's unlikely but if it were i'd just watch the next announcement, i don't really care man. it's not like being angry will will atlus into revealing it sooner.

nice bait, ninntenshit only make well, shit

gonna have to be more specific there user

This is going to be glorious.
No matter what will happen, the result will send Yea Forums into a collective meltdown and shitshow.

The shitposting will be endless either way.

Guys what if Persona 5S is a mobile game? Just think about it. An app that connects you to the "Metaverse" where you can find palaces as you go on your way about town. We've all been doomed from the start.

is this Yea Forums's best meme yet?

It's going to be a fighting game. Which also won't be coming to Switch.

It being a paid concert doesn't guarantee it won't be a fake out teaser.

Portability and rarely ever home. If im home im home for an hour and a half at best. Generally going to work or school so need something to kill time.

The Answer was Garbage and Golden was worse than P4, because it added useless content, Marie and worse VAs

Best Buy is known for their shit "leaks" which most here count as 100% true and legit

I'm going to buy P5R, but I don't have a PS4. I'm truthfully just going wait until the PS5 releases since the former console is basically at the end of its life.

when does it start? 2 hours 20 minutes?

I can't wait for them to announce a spin-off or something and watch all the "leakers" backpedal, it's going to be P5R all over again. If you think Atlus is going to build up the announcement for ages just to release a port of a game that's 3 years old, you're delusional. Why would they call the game P5S when it's just a port of the game? I'm more excited to see everyone seething than the actual announced game at this point. I don't even really care whether it comes to switch or not, but after a month of switchfags constantly making P5S threads, I just want to see it blow up in their faces.

>The Answer was horrible
Only because of Yukarifags crying that her character was ruined. Otherwise it was good development for Aigis and established her more as a character instead of being a robot maid that clung to the MC.
Actually bad. All the new shit with Marie was handled horribly and in general her character wasn't my cup of tea.

Give me one fucking example. Just ONE example of a retailer ever fake leaking something. You can’t. Persona 5 is coming to Switch, get over it

I liked Yukari in The Answer. She was one of the few that seemed to be dealing with Door's death.

Lack of testosterone.

Golden was an upgrade. Marie was skippable. P5 Royal has made significant character and story changes.

2 hours

the meltdown from switch and PC is going to be entertaining as fuck

Attached: wojak2.png (191x264, 9K)

you should seriously all have sex

Are you telling me these niggers had the resources to make this game fucking 3 times and run a content release plan over multiple years and they still couldn't make it fun to play? God damnit.

With who/what?

guys guys, even if it isn't switch port there's more shit that isn't announced yet


ur mum

Are we getting a granblue rerun?

Attached: Persona_5-_Thievery_in_Blue_top.jpg (640x374, 165K)

P5B? Who's hype for the Bowling spinoff.

Dunno if this is the right thread to ask such a trivial question, but
>lost my P5 70h savedata while updating RPCS3
>Now I gotta restart the game
What difficulty do you guys recommend for me to pick this playthrough? I planned on doing a solo Arsene run, as I'm pretty experienced with the combat mechanics by now.

Attached: gu01ieo2b5121.jpg (540x521, 35K)

>bad game
hey hey now, even if the game doesn't exactly do anything new, it's very comfy, overall well polished, and the localization is really good. There's a village where everyone talks in rhymes, and another where it's haikus. Game's also loaded with puns. It's also pretty and decently long for a JRPG.

solid 8/10 if you like jrpgs and dad jokes

>it's very comfy, overall well polished, and the localization is really good
Well its a very polished mediocre game

I still haven't played Persona 5 and I don't know if I will, but I look forward to pretending I'm on the winning side later on.

I gave up at a few hours into chapter 2.
It is a polished game, especially after you install that orchestra patch, but nothing drives me forward to complete it. Sad, because I was looking forward to ''SNES graphics'' in Switch version.

Persona 5 Social Experiment
They keep announcing more announcements that announce other announcements. They're seeing how far they can push it and what the effects will be.

well, if yesteday's thread is anything to go by, today's thread will be a HUGE shitshow I'm ready for it and have my popcorn ready

Attached: Fuuka and Yukari.webm (1280x720, 2.11M)

can wait for Mishima and Ohya redemption

god i wish that were me

>Persona 5: The Sexless
It'll be a documentary about Atlus fans

Are saves not compatible between versions or did you fuck up? I'm some 70h into P5 on RPCS3 but I won't bother updating out of fear for exactly that.

Persona 5 Store


Switch port or no Switch port, it will be shitstorm either way.
Pls be ported to PC so I can pirate it! (I already bought it on PS3)

Funny way of spelling Bocce

What are the exclusives?

What songs are even left to show tonight anyway?

I already can't get enough

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Persona 5 Social Link It's a fucking social network for weebs and it'll btfo out of Twitter

Dunno, I probably fucked up. Trying to restore my latest saves leads me nowhere, it can only load old ones that have like 15 hours on them.
I haven't played in a while anyway thanks to Mementos so I decided to just go fresh into it again.

OK, serious question guys:
Are those costume/music DLCs gonna be included in the game, or do we have to buy them again for this ''new'' version?

this one

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Please never respond to me again with your console war shit. You pleb.

smash, botw, odyssey and smtv if that ever comes out
that said i actually never use it portably i'm just too embarassed, even though i'm on planes somewhat often

No, I will stick my console war penis inside your dirty mouth as much as I want, you pathetic little shit

social link is an atlusUSAism, they aren't called that in japanese.

Go cry over the fact you're too poor to afford more than a single console.

Wait, is it another full concert today? Didn't they like blow the load on a lot of popular songs already yesterday?

But I can, and I can also make you suck my console war penis, girl

Sony always wins, baby

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they could do it like P4U2 and still sell the DLC but let your purchase carry over if you already bought it

but that's the truth
when PC gets ports, sonygros also shit on them, even though it's the superior version
This happened with dragon's dogma, souls, yakuza, etc.

Fuck you console war faggot, just wi intil the damn announcement, then you can post all the shit you want.

If you could you wouldn't be crying about people taking your precious exclusives

i don't think they played anything from either P4U yet and if P5S is the new fighting game it would make sense to save it for today

Now I've got two mad bitches sucking on my supreme console war penis! What a day!

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Why do you want little kids in your ass?

What if it's a TPS, like in the survey?
Persona 5 Shooter

Seeing how you spend most of your time in a school, a game that's a shooter could be sensitive to some.

It's the Play5tation.
How can you be so dumb not to see it coming?

Have sex and get a job.

>persona 5 standard
Atlus aren't this cruel are they? Then again they did only put Persona 4 Golden on the PS vita.

These soulless cash grabs are being made by the B team at P-Studio (who did the dancing spin offs), while Hashino is working on his next game Project Re Fantasy. They don't represent the original intended vision for the game, that's why the new girl in Royal just looks so lame compared to the other phantom thieves.
Just play the original Persona 5 and wait until the Hashino Director's Cut come out for PS5. Fuck Atlus for be milking Persona 5 with P5R AND P5S and fuck you too if you are going to buy these shit filler garbage spin offs.

Attached: 70.jpg (480x564, 69K)

>Shitting on Haru
Remove Makoto instead. She literally ruins the story by being both shit and receiving way too much attention by the game

I'll change my mind with an example, you can do it.

Persona 5 Stage... it will be a stage preformance that will go all around the country of Japan.

>Fuck Atlus for be milking Persona 5 with P5R AND P5S
Wait, what? There will be 2 versions? Did I miss something?

I trust Dagda's opinion here. The answer was a garbage slog, and Golden is Persona 4's issues just over a longer period of game time.

People are only giving a crap because of Smash, and Smash leaks that "prove" other characters, not the game itself.

P5S is another tentative P5 spin-off that will be detailed in a few hours. some mouthbreathers think it will also be a rerelease of P5, ignore them.

anne's tits aren't where the rating icon will be anymore, let's see what new excuse atlus USA thinks of to censor them.

Will P5R make Hifumi a phantom thief like they originally intended?

Hifumi was never meant to be a phantom thief

Portability is a massive draw.

What was it?

it has more & better exclusives
Sony/xboner spend too much time and money competing to become "the multiplat console"
if you have a PC, "the multiplat console" should have 0 appeal

Nintendo gives 0 fucks about multiplats, because they know that their audience either a) has little to no interest in them or b) already has a pc/xboner/ps4 to fulfill that need.
This is why they don't try to get 120 fps 4k call a dude and instead try to get more dumb shit like SnipperClips

>This meme again
Hifumi was just one of the scrapped character designs for Makoto she was never meant to be a party member

>Nintendo gives 0 fucks about multiplats,
Haha yeah cause that worked out well for the Wii U, right?

>Nintendo gives 0 fucks about multiplats,
They do. It's one of the reasons why the Wii U failed.

>has little to no interest in them
Don't act like you don't see switchfags always begging devs to port their games over.

Persona 5 Sfortnite battle royale

Is there anything sadder than exclusive cucks making mental gymnastics about how their precious toy from a billion dollar company is better than from other company?

WiiU didn't need multiplats, it needed a better marketing team & better exclusives
normies didn't know WiiU was a new console, they assumed it was just a new version of the Wii (which is understandable)

Do you really think WiiU would have been a smash hit if it had battlefield, call a dude & gta?
of fucking course not

>Don't act like you don't see switchfags always begging devs to port their games over.
which games?
games like persona which are exclusive to one other console? of course they'd want that if they have either an xbox or a pc.
When I say multiplat, I mean pc+xbox+ps, because that's the most popular choice for multiplats.

Ok bend over

Attached: daily_dose.png (626x754, 58K)

I'm sorry but we aren't hiring.

Even more reasons to bend over, faggot!

Sir, I already informed you we aren't hiring.

Why are Snoyims so impotently assblasted at the switch MASSIVE success? Can't they just ignore it and play their exclusive?

Poorfags who can only afford one have to justify their purchase somehow.

what exclusives

I really don't give a fuck about consolewars since i already have all 3 + a decent PC.
It's just fun to stir shit up and watch you guys seethe.

Attached: 1536860667870.jpg (384x372, 15K)

>Super Cancer
Completely different P5 enhanced edition for Switch. Fanbase forced to triple dip. Yea Forums argues over which is better for eternity.
>Metastatic Cancer
Persona mobile game. Fanbase is permanently made worse for it but threads even out eventually.
Port of original P5 to Switch. Persona threads unlivable for weeks but ultimately harmless.
>Malignant Tumour
New P5 spin-off
>Benign Tumour
P5 Fighting Game
>The Cure

Even if it is on Switch it will just be a straight port of the PS3 version with no extras

Wasn't shown that there was next to no difference between the PS3 and PS4 versions?


>Do you really think WiiU would have been a smash hit if it had battlefield, call a dude & gta?
>of fucking course not

Are you fucking sure about that mate? Everyone fucking wanted GTA V and the Wii U not having it is premium gay. Recall that it launched on last-gen consoles in 2013. A Wii U version would have been a luxury at that point, and would have moved units. If anything, NOT getting GTA V when it could have ran it signalled to the rest of the planet that the Wii U was not a serious machine worth owning. Having GTA V would have been marketing in and of itself. People would know what a fucking Wii U was. There'd be speculation and hype.

Of course, none of this happened and Wii U is a joke. Bayonetta 2 was great though.

Wait theres something more besides the new P5R announcement coming out?

I have not been following Persona 5 news but seeing how this board is right now it got my interest.

Another concert at 3am pst and news about p5s during it

Only falseflagging yourself, tardfriend. People aren't upset at your shitty baits, they are upset that retards like you keep opening their retarded mouth. The difference is obvious for everyone but you, and will continue to elude you.

Are we gonna have threads with people constantly crying that there's too much music being shown at a concert?

It would probably be like P3P or P4G and have new content, just not the same new content as P5R.

>that fucking picture

Haven't laughed so good in a while.

Attached: 1330398419639.gif (290x189, 2.9M)

>If anything, NOT getting GTA V when it could have ran it signalled to the rest of the planet that the Wii U was not a serious machine worth owning. Having GTA V would have been marketing in and of itself. People would know what a fucking Wii U was. There'd be speculation and hype.
you're actually delusional

Because I already had a PS3 and Vita. Sony kept releasing everything I wanted as multiplat with their own last gen

>not an argument

I want to get in to the series but i dont want to buy a vita, are the vanilla digital ports for the PS3 wort it?

Right on lest hope something good comes out. Thanks!

English is hard, I know.

>one singular video game's exclusivity has made nincels SEETHING for MULTIPLE CONSOLE GENERATIONS
>its even gotten so hysterical to make fun of portniggers that even Nintendo themselves got in on it with the Smash dlc cocktease, going as far as to give Joker P5R-exclusive gear for his moveset

The gift that keeps on giving.

Attached: P5haru.png (1013x843, 529K)

What's the time the announcement comes?

2-3 hours

The ps3 ports are fine but you will miss out on the best version of p4 but it doesn't matter that much

What is that reaction image even trying to convey? Did user find the thing funny but hated it afterwards? I know it's an old one

there's no need for arguments since you're either braindead or trolling
in both scenarios, no matter how obvious I make it to you, you won't change your mind
the reason gtav wasn't on the wiiu is because nobody would have bought it on the wiiu

See Stop being an obvious retard, it isn't funny.

are we getting another concert today?

Yes, the second half of the event and P5S announcement.

What if s is a port. But has different content? Exclusive personas, characters and events. Maybe some personas based off of Nintendo characters.

Bros, the wait is fucking killing me, WHEN ARE WE GOING TO GET OUR FUCKING NEWS?

For SMTV? Never it seems...

persona 5 Super Mario edition. screencap this

Persona 5 Stay tuned for another announcement next month


>Atlus makes 2 versions of the same game and if you want to get all the content you have to buy it twice at full price across 2 systems
sounds about right.


disgaea is from NIS, dont get the meme

It sounds so right that it stings. I'm still waiting on a version of Persona 3 that has both the improvements from FES and Portable.

I dont know why ppl never mention its gonna be P5 Steam version. Catherine and other Yakuza games are on there.

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link to concert?

you ready for people spoiling the new avengers movie in the chat that will then get broadcast right onto your screen, so you see it even if you have chat disabled?

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Isn't it like 19:30 in Japan right now? At what time do they usually release info over there? Can't be much longer surely.

Attached: t55ew43.jpg (600x337, 28K)

Kek, in fact disgaea 5 has slightly faster loading screen on the switch, even in portable

PS5 is going to have backwards compatibility.

is this live or a rerun?

and nothing was lost

>steam version is just old version as usual
It's okay Atlus. I emulate all of your games anyway, and am incredibly patient.

I genuinely already forgot that this thing existed

Goddamn americans really are fucking awful aren't they?

Attached: mevsmymeat.gif (360x360, 2.29M)

like 2 or 3 hours from now

That switch-tan is fucking terrible

Do you really think ppl care for that capeshit? Only fucking basedboys give a shit about that.

Attached: Sid.png (444x621, 418K)

I hope it's Switch or Steam version. I bought the PS3 version of P5 day one, but it ran like shit and was nearly unplayable, so I bought the PS4 version. If it comes out to Switch or PC I could easily pirate it, no way I'm spending 60€ for the same game again.

Why the fuck do people care about spoilers for a film where it already has 30 sequels announced?


Only poor fags dont have a ps4, switch, and pc
And only niggers buy xbones

>word filter for s-o-y into based.
Fuck this place to kingdom come.

Attached: dumb.jpg (750x685, 33K)

>spoiling a superhero movie
utterly pathetic

Attached: IU hates you.png (939x857, 1.06M)

How hard will Snoys be coping today?
Will Eric go full ahegao mode and flood the board with dabbing golden snoy wojaks?

Attached: personaswitch.jpg (1400x782, 339K)

>complains about censorship and how they're dropping sony because there's a 1 in a billion chance that a good japanese game will get hit
>Spends 12 hours a day posting on a board where a 3 letter word is banned


Attached: 1517403615216.gif (500x500, 3.35M)

where's the stream

how new

I'd probably put my shekels on the newer version if that somehow came out on PC, but only for random internet fusing for 1000 hours to see what kind of personas I get out of it. which thankfully isn't anything big

Same people who care about Personashit.

Thats literally recently you nigger.

either way it's going to be shit
if it's not switch, sony is going to shitpost to the bank with this, posting goldface & NEVEREVER
if it's switch, pc & switch are gonna shitpost to the bank with this, saying PS has no gaem

depending on how you look at it, it's either win-win or lose-lose, based on whether or not you like the board being shit

There's no randomness in the fusing demons, persona 5 has specific combinations of what you can get.

Attached: 1510857789613.gif (500x281, 831K)

Yes, because I'm the one whose going to be doing it.

Most weebs arent capeshitters.

Attached: rappu.png (830x529, 387K)

Nintendo fans don't shitpost, though.
So we'll only have shitposting if it doesn't come to the Switch.

>Nintendo fans don't shitpost, though.
2/10 bait got me to reply

I'm an idort who has PC, Switch, and PS4.

But fuck PC due to no physical, the moment gaben dies some dangerhair will take over valve and start patching games or removing support for problematic ones.

I miss big box PC games and consoles are the only ones who do shit like this now.


Persona 5 Souljagame

Show me a single shitpost made by a Nintendo fan

jokes on you, I've watched the flick already

If you care enough that you'd sit through a concert to hear the announcement, you can find it.

Obviously it's on Niconico but some people are restreaming it on sites like Twitch.

because they think their braindead weebshit is better than normieshit (it isn't)

The thread about them talking about the quarter 1 financial call.

Like holy shit how fucking petty are these Nintendo people. Its MCU/Funko Pops level of numale fagginess

The overlap is much bigger than you think


This meme must be older than most of Yea Forums, Atlus hasn't published a Disgaea game since the PS2.

Attached: 1510970286663.gif (480x264, 1.54M)

Yeah in the ironic weeb zoomer redditor crowd. The kind who posts le ebin anime girls but also posts on r/dankmemes with capeshit memes and unironically watches twitch streams and e-celeb youtubers

I want to kill that entire generation


Attached: 0b6c9a517460b03beef2000d3334980bb4003c3a_00.jpg (449x401, 27K)

Have you not been here for any smash character reveals?

You mean over a year ago?

Would agree with you if said about sentai but not western capeshit.


Was there ever any official art of ther PT outfit, or just fanmade stuff?

what pc games are digital only?
tiny ass indie games don't count

you're a retard if you truly believe there won't be any shitposting when sony loses exclusives


Not true i remember using that word and displaying correctly really recently like 2 months tops.

Were you on /ck/ by chance? As that's the only board it's not filtered.

Saying "PC has physical" when you buy a game and it just has a box and a key to redeem for a digital copy is a bit rich, and that's how 99.9% of games for PC work these days.

I'd rather have physicals, but since PC has no physicals it stops me from being a retard and dropping money just to own it.

Wouldnt really call capeshit normieshit, most normies here in Europe don't like these flicks as they see them as low class entertainment and too nerdy. We didn't get the same gentrification of niche interests such as comics and comic related movies that bugerland has.

>Haha I love anime but like 70% of anime is misogynistic bullshit
>Lily is a transgirl that was so cool of them to include that
>Please come look at my twitter and read my pronouns

>people expecting a steam port on a japanese concert

I want them to retcon Joker getting rid of his glasses. Symbolism's cool and all but he genuinely looked better with them on.

Yeah that must be it then.

do ps4 games even work without activating it on the network or whatever?
are the entire games on the disc?

Most sentai is derivative from western capeshit.
Ask Supaidaman, emissary of Hell.

the first one was published by atlus on the ps2

where the fuck is the stream

Never seen a US soda? It's the same as most other countries but US requires by law that products label whether the flavor of something is authentic. i.e. if it is labeled as orange flavored it must state whether it comes directly from orange or if it is artificially made to taste like orange.

>Japanese port announcement for anything PC related

>insert pic of fat 30 year old taking a picture of 10 year olds playing call of duty

Persona 5 Social
Persona 5 Onions
Persona 5 Saturn
Persona 5 Special-Retard-Edition
Persona 5 S.A.D. Edition (xbox digital only)
Persona 5 Sucks

I never drunk soda in my life ;_; Please don't bully

When people say lol or lmao online they usually type it with a straight face.

>Persona 5 Onions
what did he mean by this

Not hard at all. Literally every other post in a BOTW thread.

Onions cucк

>w-w-we never wanted it anyway guys

But persona 5 was shit, social links are awful and dungeons became liner trash

Persona 5 S 0 I

What I really want is SMT pc ports.

Cope harder. Your onions are hanging out.

You just proved my point.

Why would Gaysona on the switch matter when we already get the superior SMT anyways? C'mon guys think a little. Why would I want to spend my time dating a bunch of bimbos when I could be playing a real game?

Attached: 1551221141825.jpg (443x332, 27K)

Why not both?

Prove that SMT 5 still exists

Attached: DvDahIDUwAAjo__.jpg (1200x675, 81K)

If they release a switch port I'll give them my asshole

Rocket dies

>I mean what are the genuine other options that are more likely?
Stadium, Social, Shooter, Stadia

I need escapism more than I need good gameplay.