Literally the same fucking game again but with a bit more shit and on less platforms

>literally the same fucking game again but with a bit more shit and on less platforms
>That'll be $74.99 GAYmers! Thanks for buying early access!

Seriously defend this shit. This is literally $10 DLC tier shit.
With Persona 4 Gold that made sense cause sure it was a bit more content but it was also made portable which compliments persona's gameplay excellently. But this shit isn't even on switch. How the fuck is this not on switch or hell, even vita? How fucking dumb is atlus?

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Other urls found in this thread:

why are we acting like enhanced editions of japanese games are some new phenomenon today? where are you newfags coming from?

Name 3 more "enhanced" edition games that share the same platform

>How fucking dumb is atlus?

Dumb enough to stay away from La Pucelle!

It's just people trying to start shit.
Every already knew it was going to be a rerelease with more content. It's what everyone kept talking about as the inevitable right after P5 came out.

imagine not owning a ps4 in 2019 lmao

Persona 5 was developed for the PS3 and ported user.

Fucking turn based garbage. Tried playing this shit and after like 5 hours i was asleep in my chair.

i have one, but the games i bought it for are now being censored by sony so i kind of regret it

It's okay when Japan does this, unironically.
>not being an idort

lol nah

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They released on both consoles. Yeah it was developed on the ps3 befoe development shifted to the ps4 first but that doesn't make it a port.
Based pleb

imagine not owning a switch in 2019

They do it because they get away with it. The Persona fanbase will eat up anything.

user, a software doesn't need to have been publicly released to be ported. The majority of Persona 5 was complete using assets that were designed for a PS3.

Persona 3: FES
Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix
Pokemon Platinum

Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 did the same shit with Final Mix on the same console.

Every fucking GOTY edition ever

and Mario Kart 8 had a DLC system re-release

Who doesn't have $75? You're not POOR, are you?

>Waiting a year for westerners

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Don't buy it then, nobody really cares what your thoughts are.

can people post more of these im curious

forgot Ultimate Marvel
every fucking Pokemon Generation
Sonic Mania Plus

Good luck pirating a PS4 game, 5.50+ still not hacked.


Ultra Street Fighter IV
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge

Super Street Fighter IV
Ultra Street Fighter IV
Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition
Mortal Kombat XL

any pokemon 3rd edition
any "ultimate" monster hunter, FU, G, etc
really, any annual franchise with a multiplayer focus

>Tried playing this shit and after like 5 hours i was asleep in my chair.
that's because your a fat sedentary slob with low energy levels

thought of more on the shitter
Super Street Fighter 4
Ultra Street Fighter 4
Persona 3 and 4

Ninja Gaiden Black
Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen
DaS 2 SotFS

Fellas I think we learned while this practice is shitty, OP is a faggot for not realizing this they been doing this since day fucking 1 of gaming

All of these are either optional games with additional content you can puchase as dlc if you already own the original or collections
Persona 3 Fes is excusable because there was no downloadable content back then.
This new "content" in p5r is literally dlc tier garbage that should be available as dlc, but instead they're making you buy he whole thing again. Eat my ass.

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Persona 4? There was the PS2 version and Golden on Vita, what am I missing?

if you even blink at 74.99 for any reason or any expensive ESPECIALLY an entertainment or luxury item, I think you're a child with no real income and probably not wealthy enough to be playing games let alone criticizing their price point.

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>kingdom hearts final mix
>pokemon platinum
Are you fucking stupid or what man

this is a results driven business not some creative club.

Devil May Cry 3
Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition

>p3fes was excusable
>meanwhile content packs for games like halo came out on an extra disk for $10-20 because people knew it really wasn't excusable at all

How do you know how much or how little content there is? How do you know that it's less worth than P4G? How do you know that it's worth approximately $10? They showed 2 more confidants, a new party member and overhauled palaces. P4G didn't have a new party member and the dungeons were the same, so on paper it looks like royal is doing more.

>Final Fantasy XII IZJS
>Persona 3 FES
>DMC3 Special Edition
>MGS2 Substance
>MGS3 Subsistence
>SMT Nocturne Maniax
>SMT Nocturne Maniax Chronicles
>ZOE2 Special Edition
>MGS Integral
>Resident Evil Directors Cut
>Resident Evil Dualshock Edition
>Pokemon US/UM
>Senran Kagura Burst
>Pokemon Platinum
>Pokemon Yellow
>Pokemon Emerald
>Pokemon Crystal
>Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy
>Toukiden Kiwami
>God Eater Burst
>God Eater 2 Rage Burst
>Resident Evil Code Veronica X
>Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
>Super Street Fighter 4
>Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition
>Ultra Street Fighter 4
>Ninja Gaiden Black
>Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen
>Dark Souls 2 Scholars of the First Sin


>op outs himself as a switchfag
lmao @ your life

>your whole post
You contradict yourself in the first sentence my dude and are pretty much relying on the argument that this royal expansion WONT be a purchasable dlc, which we simply don’t know. all signs point to it being so considering Atlus have an abundance of DLC on offer for 5.

What's added in The Royal version?

Royal thighs

We don't know what all is added yet

A vague idea of it is some new online functionality, a few new hangout spots, dates past Christmas being playable, 2 new confidants, a semi overhaul to the story, and that's the what I can remember off the top of my head from getting some friends who speak Japanese to read the website for me.

Just saw the trailer from the looks of it it seems like new activities have been added as well as some changes to the battles and platforming it also seems like Futuba can be used in battle now? And obviously a new character has been added but after Marie I don't really care much for it.

it's clearly pretty much a soft remake at this point
>adding new characters
>a load of new months
>rewriting the story
>new social links
>whatever else is yet to be shown

no one cares about your 'fuck the man, corporations are evil, everything should be free' bullshit, you fucking communist.

why would you own a switch when it has no games

What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you have brain damage? Why in the world would you want to pay more money for something?

what country do you live in?

I'm in the same boat user

Why would you own a ps4 with no gaems?

How about you wise up and quit buying games on initial release. Wanting instant gratification is why you'll never be successful. Since P3 they have done this so you have no excuses. I have not played P5 yet because I knew this was coming. You're an idiot.

Yes user, it looks like even dungeon level designs have been altered. Even if only to add the grappling hook. The game looks fairly different from vanilla.

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If they add anywhere near the amount of stuff Golden added to P4 I'll be happy.


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Yeah like in the PS2 era, we have shit called dlc now. Get with the program fag-lus.

Their going to release "The Royal" dlc right? FFXV did a dlc for the complete edition content.


New party member, new characters to interact with, new big explorable district with a bunch of new activities, new combat elements, new music, extended playtime with extra semester, new events with party members, extended story and (presumably) new endings and dungeons, extra paths and challenges in existing dungeons, new demons and personas. Maybe something else, too.

I just hope it'll read the original's save data, so we could start The Royal with stats already maxed out from previous runs.

>I-It's okay when Pokemon does it!

Where's your reading comprehension, retard?

>saving money is childish
I bet you buy yeezy's and buy gold leafed ice cream cause it's expensive

Has the price even been confirmed yet? FES ended up being cheaper than vanilla 3.

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How in the fuck are KH Final Mix (we're talking the PS2 release of Final Mix) and Pokemon Platinum "collections"?

Five finger discount, my dude.

The price is up on the website. 8,800 yen. It'll be full price here.
Keep in mind that FES was a literal expansion disc.

Some Lorde song

Didn’t dragons dogma do this because they claimed they couldn’t get dark arisen to work as a download or something? At least they didn’t resell for full price though, I remember previous owners getting a discount at least.

>adds 40-50 hours of gameplay on top of the base game's 80-100 hours
>"a bit"

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