You are too impulsive. This is my time, my space, your escape will fail.
You are too impulsive. This is my time, my space, your escape will fail
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when i beat this game i went back on the harder difficulty you unlock and got filtered by the tutorial boss
at that point i just set the controller down and thought "still a damn good game"
I want nothing but your very best.
Condescending pseudo-intellectual boomer, had fun killing him.
>Do you think I unconquerable?
Best boss hands down.
Time abo had me stuck for fucking ever on furier.
I'm looking foward to what this studio comes out with next though.
Based Aristotle quoting time man.
Exact same happened to me, it was very reminiscent of Title Defense Glass Joe.
I got filtered by every single boss in Furier mode.
I spent at least 2 nights a week on each boss when I got to the Scale and gave up for a bit.
geewhiz I can't wait until I get to the other guys.
I managed to get through everything on Furier although it took usually at least a few hours on every boss until the Beat, although even she took a good few tries, but then I got to the Star and just fucking gave up because fuck that.
Furi is still one of the best games I've ever played though.
>We are what we repeatedly do
This game was honestly impressive from a narrative/plot standpoint as well. Almost every question I had in regards to the story could be answered by just thinking about what is shown.
>Go up into space, there's like a thousand fucking afro samurai lightnin niggas in stasis
>Wonder why the didn't just all come down at once
>Realise that, the reason why they locked up the player character was because if they killed him another one would probably come, all of the bosses speak like they have fought or at least know what you are
>Realise that by locking him up they were essentially just buying time because he's likely some kind of scout and the mainframe stays in a kind of sleep mode until he reports back or is destroyed
best boss.
if only he was harder and had more phases.
I beat the abo of time last month after about 18 months of trying on and off
then i beat the poison guy in like, 6 minutes.
go away you weirdo
the build up and hints right before your face are really satisfying. the architect's dialogue on a second playthrough has a lot of things regarding the plot click into place.
I think your bit about locking up the scout was just a coincidence, no one but The Line knew the truth (and it's explicitly stated that they didn't believe him). I think The Voice might've been the only one to to believe him.
>pursue swordplay so hard that you get yourself a cybernetic body to keep up
>lose to a lvl 1 Rider
i love the writing/design of this game
his overall similarity to rider is no mistake, they analyzed all the drone footage of the first incident and tried to copy him as completely as possible
it didn't work because he's fuckin awesome.
as a person with a good taste having gaymer gf, i am super excited about their next game, which is designed to be played by couples
play him on furier to increase anal circumference
>need a couple for next game
lol that is on furier. he was still pretty fucking easy once you get the few attacks down.
what the fugg.
that looks so weak.
I guess the sniper must be the hardest on furier then.
>I will never give up Stranger
>The stakes are too high
you can play it single player too but i mean whats the point
but I loved his character and voice, and maybe his fight a bit but it was kinda easy.
Really easy until those dodges at the end, gotta confess im shit at these games tho
Yeah. They explicitly say so many times that they can't kill the Stranger. Which is why they just keep him locked up, and have various means to stop him from continuing(Rewinding time, a prison that rebuilds itself, trying to get him to empathise and remain in a place, or even trying to emotionally subjugate him with the Scale).
the charged attacks are/were OP as fuck. the reasoning being is that you have to have time to charge it and then actually connect an attack.
I think it has the balance it should, but you do have to learn the fights to pull them off.
nigga looks awesome
>football pads
>energy horns thing
>brazilian shield and sword
>belly belts
>thigh strap only pants
>has two huge dicks behind his loincloth, each named "The Hammer"
Reminder: The lead designer of this game was a girl.
game was awesome
it's under appreciated here
50,000 sekiro threads this month and nobody even realizes that sekiro basically took all its mechanics from Furi.
You did clear Furier, right user?
The ranking system was too lenient. I didn't deserve these s-ranks
The character art is the only thing that matters though, and that's all on Okazaki Takashi.
The story is what keeps me coming back to Furi as a whole. It's way too good.
Character designs were massivly inspired by Afro Samurai.
I'm heavily disappointed there wasn't a gunslinging lich however. That would've been the tightest shit.
>nspired by Afro Samurai
Same artist.
Best boss theme for me but the scale is really damn good too
Stinkmeaner DLC when?
>tfw played on and off for years and still haven't completed it on furier
Got it free on PS+, damn great game in every respect.
>sekiro basically took all its mechanics from Furi
excuse me, but parrying was invented by Furi? I love the game too, but that's just plain delusional and frankly, stupid.
>tHe OnLy MeChAnIc In SeKiRO iS PaRRyInG
you are a fucking retard. go to sleep.
>did absolutely everything in the base game
>took hours to beat The Flame on Furier
>"oh man that was fucked, but now I've done everything at least"
>unlocked Bernard
Furis gameplay loop is waiting for the right opening, either dodging shit or trying to get attacks in, but the meat of it is to parry and then use that as an opening to counter attack. Some enemies will be able to be parried, but will continue attacking despite that.
Sekiro is really similar, but hte main difference is that a parry usually leads to immediately killing the enemy.
If anything, Sekiro borrows heavily from Bushido Blade.
>If anything, Sekiro borrows heavily from Bushido Blade.
except bushido blade wanst about parrying at all it was about choosing
But the same concept follows, that it usually leads to death. Sekiro is similar in that you have to wait for the right moment to strike, parrying is simply a tool.
Is he hard?
What music does he have?
Does he have any voice lines?
In sekiro you parry shit constantly though, perfect parries barely even move boss posture gauges, it's more about keeping your own gauge intact.
Sekiro is nothing like Bushido Blade.
He has a phase for every boss except the flame and Star
So that's 9 phases. Each very hard.
No voice lines and music is just the first boss theme mixed with the last boss. He is just a grey blank man.