Jax ending?

What's wrong with Jax's Mortal Kombat ending?

He literally stops slavery and makes all of Earthrealm a safe haven for all.

I don't see why it's a big deal. He basically made Africa into one giant developed country.

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Muh white supremacy, a nigger with the powers of a god rewriting time to turn the planet into a utopia for everyone makes me feel bad, it should have been a white man like Johnny that did it

There's nothing wrong with it, unless you are as easy to trigger as an SJW. Who cares what Jax from Mortal Kombat does after you beat arcade mode?

Plus it makes sense. Why wouldn't a black dude stop slavery if he could?

Nothing wrong

It's just pol leaking for the billionth time

It's just fairly absurd to believe that if Africans weren't being exported to the Americas as slaves (for which Africans also had a part in) that they'd have somehow become this highly developed nation.

>what's wrong?
It's not Jax? I don't give a fuck what he does in the endigs, the problem is THAT'S NOT FUCKING JAX

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Well over 400 Million people were taken to its possible

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>Jax says he lived the American Dream
>says it doesn't feel right that he was lucky and others had to suffer
>makes the entire world a utopia for everyone to prosper
Calm down user

Man I don't really care about mortal combat, but I have seen two "what's wrong with jax?" threads today and no threads complaining about jax.

Stop baiting.

>man travels back in time
>says he fucked up multiple times when he was changing the past
>but he apparently knocked it out of the park
He probably did a bit more than just emancipate.

If you actually watched the ending, you'd see that he says it took him multiple times to get history to play out where everything worked out right.

And then Onigga wakes and fucks everyone two new buttholes because all the fighters probably don't exist.

It's ok to be a blind retard user

it's not bad it's just weird
i'd be like if johnny's ending wasn't about his family and he instead stopped 9/11

Jax is a highly patriotic American, and not a "big picture" type of guy. It seems a hell of a lot like his actual character was tossed aside just so there was a black character to be "woke".

Obviously theres nothing wrong with abolishing slavery
It's just poorly written and sticks out because its the only ending that relates to actual events and history of the real world, whereas every other character's ending relates to the world of mortal kombat or their own personal history experienced through the series
If anything, it's fucked up that all they could think up for their Black character was "well of course he'd want to get rid of slavery! He's black! What else would he want with magical time powers?"

He literally made the entire world an american dream like he lived

You're just fucking retarded beyond recovery

He's probably already taken care of, like another user pointed out Jax' ending said he's rewritten time multiple times to get everything just right

It's implying Africa is a shithole because of slavery when the continent's problem stems from issues much deeper.

Again with this shit. No he didn't stop slavery, he only saved people that look like him, are you faggots illiterate? Way to show /pol/ is wrong about iq

He literally becomes the god of time. It doesn't fucking matter. He can make everyone else still come into existence if he just fucking feels like it.

Slavery didn't have to exist in the mortal kombat world nor was it ever mentioned. It is a capitalist marketing ploy to make the dev/publisher seem moral and get brownie points from self-hating white and minorities. It pisses me off desu as a minority myself.

Africa is a shithole exactly because of slavery. Niggers selling out other niggers for money and resources. If you don't sell out your fellow person for some shekels, maybe, just fucking maybe you have some fucking hopes to make a good life for yourself and him.

And probably won't do because they're not woke enough.

The norgs can't even come up with new power fantasies anymore, lol. Nobody's mad, you've misunderstood - we're making fun of them. In Clown World, negros can do anything...with just a little magic pixie dust!

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Stop being a bitch. Show me a thread sperging about jax. People are complaining about price drops and microtransactions.

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>Slavery didn't exist in Mortal Kombat
Shoa Kahn enslaving people's realms through force.
All the Revenants in MKX.

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Oof this new tired npc meme

>Slavery didn't exist in Mortal Kombat
Scorpion has been a slave since day fucking one.

He's a ninja, not a slave.

>What's wrong with Jax's Mortal Kombat ending?
if he ends slavery then african americans dont exist which means jax himself doesnt exist

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It's absurd insecure retards like you are too stupid to actually look at the ending.

Everyone in this thread knows that, autist-kun. You only make yourself look like a faggot with no social skills if you couldn't discern that. You know exactly what people meant.

Most black people in America are descendants of slaves. He literally committed a black genocide.

Basedlant Kombat went woke, let's see how it performs with the shekel machine behind it.

How do you commit genocide against people that aren't born, you retard.

Jax ending is fine i the context of the game. Don't get me wrong, I understand the logistics on why his ending wouldn't work in reality. But eh, whatever, it's a fantasy ending.

So did he kill all the whites and Asians or just send them back to "their own countries"? I noticed a complete lack of them in the ending.


Time paradox

Their own countries he said EVERYONE in the ending faggo

How very xenophobic of him. Doesn't he know that multiculturalism would make every country better for everyone?

Because it implies 1800s American slavery was the only bad thing that ever happened in all of human history in a blatant attempt to pander to American blacks who think the same.

>What's wrong with Jax's Mortal Kombat ending?
He forgot to do an ADN test before starting a paradox that would prevent him to be born.

Slavery is something bad from an economic point of view, because people only do their best when they think they will win something by working.
But this means that Jax need to bring full blown capitalism to africa, not only end slavery.

Also Multiverse theory is a bitch, and all he did was to leave to another better dimension like a coward.

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Not in the case of people that don't want to be there

Because it treats the total erasure of Black american culture and identity as a good, progressive choice.
It also isn't something that Jax, a proud American citizen would do.

Finally, the way Jax describes his fellow black folk as "people who look like me" proves it was written by a white person that has no idea what they're talking about.

>what's the problem?
that it doesn't suit Jax's character at all, and that it's basically "if the bad white men hadn't enslaved us we would have built wakanda" which is totally ridiculous, Africa has always been the least technologically advanced continent in the world and also the one with the lowest IQ, I'm just stating facts here, don't come with your "you're a racist!" bullshit

This pretty much sums it up

Well, normally I would say it's just fiction so who cares, but I dont like how he looks so I decided it matters now

To be fair, the way they wrote Jax ending is pretty racist against blacks.

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It just feels out place, getting real life woke at the end of your game about tearing people in half feels kinda tacky.

Now that you bring that up, wtf? Jax surely has some white people in his family tree that led to him being born, him going back in time and preventing Africans to have contact with westerners would create a paradox or a different timeline

a utopia for all people means niggers get to live good too and i don't like that

Yeah! Basically this!

I'm not an SJW, but it seems to be the only people who are infuriated by this are SJWs or /pol/ users.

i don't frequent v

>He literally stops slavery and makes all of Earthrealm a safe haven for all.
>I don't see why it's a big deal. He basically made Africa into one giant developed country.
Thats the issue: what he did wasn't out of character for him, being solely centered in him being "woke" and "muh ancestry" really doesn't fit a character that hasn't dealt with that kind of stuff, and moreso was always built up as the hard-boiled 'all american hero' guy of the group.
If the ending was just jax making a world where everyone could live in peace and prosperity it'd be fine, but the "muh woke-ness" thing just shits it up.

MKX and MK9 Jax would both certainly go full drill instructor on mk11's young jax's ass at some point.

It's pretty cringe to make one of the token black characters' endings be about slavery. Because his race is all that defines him I guess according to NRS

Focus in AMERICAN in the American Dream you retards.Soo why we get some wakanda shit in the last slide?

I fucking bet we wont have complaints if the last image was if Jax family and black friends in a classic american family barbecue party with a american flag on the background

Because it’s uninformed, tone deaf nonsense, and frankly, even more racial divide is the last thing we as a society need right now.

It's not what he did, to me, but why he did it and how shallow and poorly written it is. I mean, what reason or motivation does Jax have to even want to do this? Just because he's black? That's a little racist, isn't it? Why doesn't he save Edenia or any other Earthrealmers besides Africans? And how/why does this not immediately erase him from fucking existence!? Did the developers think about this shit for more than 2 minutes?

nigga you dumb

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Convince me why Jax's ending is bad without saying "in real life this wouldn't work"

>Man gets turned into a hell-spawn slave forced to try to murder his friends and loved ones
>Now has to deal with the thought his daughter would go through the same thing

Whoa... why would a guy who went through literal hell and back want to others to avoid the hell of being a slave too???????????????

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>He basically made Africa into one giant developed country.
the only way to do that would be to remove all blacks from africa

It's poor writing. I'd sooner expect the career soldier that drapes himself in the American flag to go back in time to win Vietnam.

>playing fighting games for the story

I've tried with guilty gear and still have nightmares about it

Jax is a token.

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care to elaborate?

>Disregards causality that should have erased his own existence.
>Undermines his own daughter's ending and the weight of her choice.
>Promotes segregation and states that everything is better if blacks stay in Africa and USA doesn't have a black population.
>Changes an already established and characterized character to one that is simply defined by his color and racial struggle (he is black, his story has to be about race)
>Implies that everything bad that happened to Africa is because of whites.
>Out of place spanish conquerors.
>Multiple bad timelines.
Yep, nothing wrong.

This. Fucking this. He was a patriot firat and foremost, but even this shit is way out of character, sjw agenda or not

>Fairy tale happy ending


There is nothing to compare time travel fiction to in real life, retard. It doesn't fucking matter.

I'll answer on behalf of him.

It's not out of character from how he ended up in MK11

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>>Promotes segregation and states that everything is better if blacks stay in Africa and USA doesn't have a black population.
Wtf I love jaxes ending now.

Right? People are losing their minds over magic time bullshit that's explicitly stated to work and give everyone a happy timeline

jax ending is shit because it goes against his character

take subzero, jax daughter and the cowboy ending, the 3 best endings in the game

Subzero says he wants to restore the honor of his clan, but before that he has a personal desire
he wants his brother back, so he does all he can to restore his brother to life so BOTH of then can restore the clan

Cowboy ending is the best one, he doesnt want to control time because thats boring, so he drops the hourglass into the blood ocean so nobody can fuck with time and he can have unpredictable adventures

jax daughter wants to fix his father fucked life. but by fixing it it would mean SHE is never born, she sacrifices her own life to make sure her father would not suffer

NOW. jax was never a black rights character he was a proud american patriot
he would NEVER make something that stops him from being american OR that would hurt his family
not only he stops being american in the ending, he completly destroys his family by erasing jackie from existence


90% of his post was about how they made Jax be all about race and Africanism when he was always portrayed as a black American soldier dude.


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okay, you're just a faggot

Story mode Jax is literally stated to be punished and depressed because of the shit he went through in MKX. His goal was to eradicate mass slavery because he went through it himself, tardo.

>it goes against his character
But that's where you're wrong. Jax in MK11 isn't the same Jax from the old timeline. He was literally enslaved and that warped his perspective. in the story mode he sides with Kronika exactly because she promises a fairy tale ending where everyone is happier. If this same Jax then got access to her power, this is exactly what he'd do: try to create a utopia where EVERYONE on Earth is happier, as soon as possible

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I sympathize with Jax. As a Muslim, if I had the power to change time, I would stop 9/11 and terrorist attacks by radical Muslims.

I would also better the lives of Muslims in 3rd world countries.

In addition, I would also better the lives of literally everyone on Earth.

I don't see a problem here.

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and he is like that OUT of love for his family
so he goes and erases his family from existence and gets a new one

not only that
fixing africa DOES NOTHING to deal with the netherhelm and outword invasions
is literaly fucking pointless

Did you read the post or not?
The whole "make the world a better place" isn't out of character for him, cenetring it far too much on the whole racism issue feels out of place for his character overall.

I find it hilarious how many blacks get hype over this ending while its lowkey racism and condescending tone against black people goes over their head. I guess it shows how used they are to take whatever they are offered in exchange of their dignity.

Wow, you'd do a lot of things other people, including non-Muslims. Very noble of you.
Jax is going to gather up all the blacks and move them to an ethnostate. How come you aren't going to do that with Muslims?

>Story mode Jax is literally stated to be punished and depressed because of the shit he went through in MKX. His goal was to eradicate mass slavery because he went through it himself, tardo
Alas, crappy writing in action again. Would have been better if he built a future where mankind united into some super nation and razed netherrealm to dust.

Of course it works when the writer has a political message to send.

He meant American slavery you fucking dumb nogs.

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First off, he didn't do that. He just made their lives better, not round them up.

Second, that's retarded, an ethnosate.

Islam is a religion and crosses over ethnic boundaries.

He's a fucking time god. It kinda implies he closed up all loose ends.

if you dont see why its a big deal why do you keep making the same posts and threads despite people explaining it to you?

Imagine that Cage's ending has him finding out that he is jewish so he feels obligated to make it right for his people and goes back in time to uppercut Hitler's head off and create an utopia for jews.
It's the exact same thing with jax. Out of nowhere, out of place agenda driven push to a character that never showed signs of caring about that sort of stuff.
It's bullshit, Fuck MK 11 and fuck you.

Jax basically created an ethnostate, all poeple in the ending image are of basketball descent.

Kinda based actually, in that scenario Africa is black and rich, and America is white and rich.
No bitching, good times.

>erase his family from existence
First of all they're already erased.
Secondly it's the same exact family because that's how the time bullshit magic works. It's consistent with the rest of the endings and the main canon story

It's not even an ethnostate. He made Africa a developed country.

>He's a fucking time god. It kinda implies he closed up all loose ends.
Doesn't stop the ending from feeling cheap with the "he's black that means he likes africa right?" shit.

I don't know where this meme of racism comes from, all he does is prevent slavery. The timeglass doesn't allow you to control people's individual will.


What is the political message? Is there a political message to Baraka's ending?

see You only care now because boo niggers

I applied the term loosely.

But still, if he made the world good for everyone, then that means there is no need for
mass immigration since there are no shitholes, presumably.
No economic migrants, no refugees fleeing war and terror.

You're inferring a lot from one image of the ending

But Nightwolf's character was ALWAYS about his ancestors you fucking retard. Goddamn.
And no, his character in MK 11 is him not wanting his daughter to suffer and not wanting her to be a soldier. You're clueless.

>Why wouldn't a black dude stop slavery if he could?
If they're black American it would 100% erase them, their family, and all their American ancestors and history from existence.

A better question is why would they fuck with shit in the past and risk their entire existence? This would be like if I went back in time and stopped the Russians from killing those millions of Ukrainians or made it so Germany won World War 2. Why the FUCK would I do that? Just because I'm white? History got us all where we are today and changing it would change everything.

Man, can you imagine this ending but just race swap them with white people? Imagine Johnny Cage thinking of all the unlucky whites and how he's going to build an utopian society for all aryans
It would be fucking hilarious but not as many people would defend it

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Did you watch his Monologue at all? That's exactly what he said and he doesn't care because he's Jax Briggs and if it means erasing himself to rewrite history to save millions, that's exactly what he will do. As for the other millions of people he could be erasing, well they were clearly not woke enough to be weighed againest the people he set free.

Isnt it racist to assume a black person today would stop racism if they could?

no, you are lol

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>I don't know where this meme of racism comes from, all he does is prevent slavery. The timeglass doesn't allow you to control people's individual will.
>"[...]When most people who look like me haven't had that chance. I owe it to them to set things right."
>"And i'm not waiting centuries for people to get woke, when i have the power to speed things up."
Well, he pretty much did it.
Again, if the ending was just "Jax pretty much makes a perfect human society" in general it would be nice, but they REALLY rub it in the whole "HE'S BLACK, THAT MEANS HE IS SUPER INTO AFRICAN ANCESTRY AND AFRICAN ANCESTRY ACESSORIES" thing with it. The "wakanda sometimes" outfit he has in the end is just adding insult to injury.

the difference is jax has always been black. since birth and before the military. he was a black man before he was a military man. theres nothing for him to find out. he knows how the world is. just because he grins and bares it doesnt mean it isnt something always on his mind

So, Jax went back in time to prevent the (((white man))) from exploiting slave labor from Africa, and keeping the slave labor FOR Africa.

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And they were all people that were slaves and prisoners of war to tribes in Africa. While Europe and Asia were crafting guns and sailing oceans, Africans were still building huts out of shit and straw.

>stoppan dem slaveries naw mean

Slavery was a major part of the african economy, you can't just turn it off. And if you just turn off the white's buying niggers part, you end up with an even worse situation. Ever wonder why there's no 'gimme dem reparations n shit' in africa even though it had way more slaves? was it because blacks and arbas were nice to eachother? Fuck no. It's because africans and arabs would castrate their slaves. They would cut their fucking dicks off. So very few mixed race bitter slave offspring in africa. Did that mean slavery didnt happen? No, it did and with much more wide spread/worse human right abuses. But we dont talk about that, because there arent any survivors to bitch and moan about it. No magic time power could ever unfuck the situation in africa by simply removing european buying blacks in the 1400s, this is a baby's view of history.

Yeah for his family not everyone else

>comparing blacks to Baraka's race of savage, uncivilized, violent brutes.

I mean, it's okay. What he did was basically noble. It's just such a weird political thing to put in a game and with a character that's never been political. If it were real life it'd be cool but from a fictional character and story point of view fucking why and at this point in time and history in America it looks even more forced and cringey.

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jesus christ i hate this faux painting 'let the graphic design intern do it' bullshit 'triple a' game companies have been shoving down our throat. guess it costs too much money to pay real 3d modelers and animators. This looks like dog shit. youtube.com/watch?v=jmE_TuekaYU

Western slavery was started by the Jews. Not a /pol/ conspiracy either, look it up.

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It's a meaningless throwaway arcade ending

Jax is like the epitome of a family man, so for his ending he stops giving any fucks about that and instead does this other thing that is apparently super important to him but he's never made ANY FUCKING MENTION OF IT

And as a result of it, his wife and daughter apparently no longer exist because the ones in his ending are entirely different people

So yeah, the family man abandoning his family for some other thing, I guess he really is a typical black guy.

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Because they cant shut the fuck about slavery and getting woke. Blacks have equality now. People want more now

I believe the big ones were actually made for niggers just to give them hard time and humiliate them, so white people could lmao @ niggers while using normal ones.

Yeah, and those same Europeans were making huts out of shit and straw before the ancient Romans taught them how to build roads and irrigate farms. It's naive to assume that a developing culture will be primitive forever. Human history spans tens of millennia; isolated cultures in vastly different climates are bound to exhibit gaps in technology.


I'm also sure the 'SJW propaganda' is people complaining about no titties.

Romans are white

Baraka wants to know your location

Of course, dear. And the Greeks and Egyptians, too.

What is "white"?

The black hyper society shit is the same as white supremacist society shit.
But blacks got treated bad one time so they're allowed to commit genocide, hopefully only in their fantasies.

They were. They are caucasian and DNA proves they are the same people who live there today. /pol/fags and kangs are just to stupid to accept things that are obvious go most people

Blacks caring about blacks bad
14 words good!

Caucasian is what I meant. They are close to northern europeans and are white.

Whites caring about whites bad

Yah I love turning a character into a racial supremacist, very smart direction to go.

>What is "white"?

Europid Caucasians.

Would have been cooler if it shown jax undoing/stopping/avoiding various horrible events from history like ending/stopping wars and other stuff like that instead of both lingering and rubbing the whole "he's black that means africa" thing too far like they did.

Unironically nationalism good, ethnonationalism bad.

>Supremacist when the ending didn't imply this at all.

Why did they make Jax look like a racist characiture with the massive lips?

>and if it means erasing himself to rewrite history to save millions, that's exactly what he will do
But that's not what happens. He's right there with his family that should never have been born.
This contrasts with Jacqui's ending where she twists time to make Jax a hero but in consequence it also prevents herself from ever being born.
So, on top of being retarded "we wud has wakanda if not for colonials >:(" it's not even internally consistent.

So did jax go back and kill the blacks who sold other blacks into slavery?

Yeah, for sure, it's not like he has loved ones who are white that they could have had in the background or something to show how he improved everyone's lives.

The focus definitely wasn't on his new ethnonationalist super-advanced state.

Jacqui was a dumb shortsighted thot. She wasn't willing to try infinite times like Jax and deserved her non-existence.

He didn't kill anyone and even still has his cyber arms in the end

Not all black people follow your comie logic trannie.

t. black guy

>without american slavery africa would be paradise
>wtf what is wrong with this?
kill yourself retard

Are you an idiot?

He caused a massive change in the history of the world, countless people that had been born will now never be born, likely including people he loved and cared for, including his own damn wife and original kid, because that sure as fuck isn't Jacqui there.

So he couldnt even fix his arms? What a useless faggot

So, by doing this, he killed millions.

You guys understand, that by removing the actual Transatlantic Slave Trade, African Slave Trade still remains? And even if he does completely rule Africa and stop all slavery by forcing everyone to no longer use slavery (which was common in African clan warfare)- by stopping cross cultural migration (even if forced), he's actually making millions of people to never be born ?

You cant just fuck with time like this. You probably just create another goddamn timeline.

So, either you either murder millions out of existance, or create another timeline and dont help your people.

That you think it's normal for someone like Jax to care more about his skin color than the friends and family he loves really says it all you fucking cancerous dimwit.

Literally all endings where they use the sands of time "causes millions of people to not exist" so what makes Jax special

Nothing, the less niggers in the Americas the better.

I always thought if we never had the African slave trade and never imported them by the millions or gave them gibs, would Africans die out eventually?

What would the world look like without the slave trade? I imagine there might be a few black people here and there but mostly they'd have stayed in Africa.

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Because someone like Jax should probably give a fuck about the people he loves instead of giving not a fucking single shit about it.

Dumb throwaway endings are nothing new, but what's even the goddamn point if it's so massively inconsistent with his established character? It's clearly not meant to be a joke.

Jax should thank god for Slavery. It was a terrible thing for his ancestors but a black guy in the usa has it better then in africa with those black guys.

whoa buddy hold the presses, you mean magical time god powers wouldn't actually work?

Turns out, most modern sociologists believe that without Transatlantic Slave Trade, the US would likely never have the population of African Americans it has now, because it was the impetus of slavery and economics that drove the forced migration of slaves to the Americas. By removing this, while you remove the TAStrade, and help millions of people avoid atlantic slave trade, Slavery STILL existed in africa.

The US would have likely been a more isolationist and racist country.

Aw man. We missed out on it. I wonder what the country would look like.

You ain't dreamin' big enuff, cracka

except for you special snowflakes constantly saying "im not like THEM!" i bet more side with me than with you, since apparently, youve never been discriminated against for being black

Why doesnt he save the jews. Not very nice of jax and NR.


When did everyone suddenly learn the ins and outs of slavery and it's effect on Africa across history.

Not him but everyone gets shit. If you were white they would come after you for being privileged. Stop your fucking pussy as bitching. You sound like a women.

Except it isn't a better world for everybody, particularly not for the people he knows.

If he was tricked or fooled into doing this, and it was maybe somber and pointed out the price that had to be paid, sure, that'd work.

As it is? No, it's awful.

>wakanda shit in the last slide

kek, that ,made me laugh, so i'll respecfuly disagree with you.
You realize the hypocrisy of complainig about one fucking slide of a costume change because it hurts YOUR political views, even when the character has not lost his murrica vibe in any other form in the entire game?
Let them get this one, Im also all fot titty fighters but getting mad because of a tit reduction amd less skin in a game about bloody combat is gay.

Its completely serious tone in an otherwise videogame equivalent of grindhouse gorefest feels completely out of place.

when they learnt about it

We can only imagine how much worse things would be without this diversity that gives us our strength.

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It's clearly not the same family if you use your eyes to see the people next to him.

They still do it.

It tries to give credible to current racial paranoia and that insane hotep way of thinking.

Sorry, but slavery in america is just a small bucket in the atrocities in history

Because/v/ is half /pol/ and /pol/ hates niggers.

I live in the UK. so no I have never been discriminated against because my family was literally invited over during the windrush and were not stupid enough niggers to get documentation sorted out.

Any black person in the UK who claims racism is usually a racist themselves and are getting in trouble for being a nigger.

Lmao and that means he is suddenly going to fall back into his racial identity? Being black has nothing to do with what happened to him.

Because people here are retarded and are clinging to non-issues like crazy. I mean, who the fuck actually cares about the ending?

I care more about the character designers lying about equality when asked about the new costumes, that was a big mistake from them. But who gives a fuck about some Wakanda ending, seriously? It's like a couple of comic slides and that's it. I know this is Yea Forums but c'mon.

You're a retard.

Jax LITERALLY says he gets his family back. Vera and Jaqui. Jacqui just has a different haircut, Vera was never seen on screen

Johnny getting that scar during the campaign disproves multiverse theory for this games setting. it's all one line

lol no it doesnt. A military lifer would have a wider perspective on things and would do little to dwell on the racist, if anything he would be more like david clarke.

>/pol/ppets butthurt that Jax makes the world great for all.
As expected

Except he's right.

What a fucking cuck. There is nothing wrong with telling them to go fuck themselves because they started being leftists fucks.

>Why wouldn't a black dude stop slavery if he could?

Because it would wipe himself from existence
And where the fuck do even start to end something as widespread in ancient human culture as slavery?

gamers are bitches and care too much about bullshit


Blacks are not really oppressed and the outrage is pretty much manufactured to get "the black dollar" due to their brand loyalty

How the fuck could it possibly be when it's literally not them? Like, is Jax just fooling himself and not realizing it?

He would be in that hell hole called africa

You know what else is fairly absurd?

A dude with metal arms beating a time god and gaining her powers to rewrite history

>murrican education
Slavery was a thing in ancient greece, rome. Germanics, franks, gauls and slavics were enslaving each before jew migration ever happened.

Someone ENSLAVED prevents SLAVERY

You worded this wrong but the logic is right, if Jax stopping black slavery is part of some escapist fantasy for blacks, that begs the question wouldn't the real escapist fantasy be a world were he never had to go back and stop it?

It's absurd and unrealistic, you shouldn't take it seriously

Oh except the outfits, it wouldn't be realistic if they weren't as covered up as possible in battle



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Because Its inserting politics in something it had no place in. Its fucking MK. Its about elder gods and race never played a role unless it was a fucking reptile or some shit.


We're literally only talking about slavery as in how it worked in the west in the last few hundred years. No one said jack shit about Rome or anything. Thanks for thinking of us though, it's nice.

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oy vey don't forget to pay your $40 for 6 new characters

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I always wonder if people like you are being ernest or just fucking with people here

Slavery is a thing right now, in modern day, primarily in fucking Africa.

So, what, did Jax kill off all the African slavers too?

What about Nightwolf?

>Plus it makes sense. Why wouldn't a black dude stop slavery if he could?
Because then all blacks would live in mud huts in Africa.

wow a season pass for a fighting game exists, my argument is ruined

I'm absolutely just fucking with that guy.

I dont remember Nightwolf but it didnt happen with jax and it was never an issue.

>$40 is normal for a pack of 6 characters, don't think about it goy

Ha yeah man, keep fighting the good fight, keep the gender/race politics out of vidya by complaining non stop about them in massive media.
The Jew, or as you may call it, is already laughing at your incel ass.
Meanwile real Chad like me just pirate and fuck Veronica,

Jax explicitly says he fucked up the rewind several times until he finally got it right. The fact that he is there with his family shows that he did find a way to get everyone together just with no shitty slavery.

Apparantly there are people here who believe blacks would have gained 20 IQ points if they stayed in africa

You are being gay by saying its gay to give an opinion on retarded leftist ideology in games.

Maybe. He had to pull some powerful magic to turn Africa into Wakanda.

Can we talk for a minute about how Black Panther and Jax's ending portrays advanced Africans as wearing togas and walking around in dirt streets? What DID they mean by this and why is this always a thing?

wow I guess he never liked Sonya and Cassie after all

I mean, they are white so they don't really matter

I agree op, he just made a dream world with no racial mixing. Why would someone be against it?

So you're saying that every non-white ethnic group bad?

nah, I don't buy into the "realism" excuse. That was a crummy copout they shouldn't have fallen back on.

But I wouldn't call what they used to wear "outfits." A thong stretched up over the shoulders to cover nipples too isn't an outfit.You couldn't even call them strippers because there was nothing to take off. Most of the female outfits are either beautiful or at the very least cool now, and the faces are the best they've ever been.

It's funny how many people are pissed about the characters wearing more when previously they were basically naked chiseled statues of green men with water balloons glued to the chest.

>they are white so they don't really matter
its like every game has this as their mantra nowadays.

im not even white i just find it really messed up that they're just using racism to counter racism.

I miss when MK used to be the guys that fought the good fight.

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It's the same old racist noble savage tripe.

I guess they never figured out how to make clothing with some functionality.

if getting shit for being privileged is all the shit your getting then you're blessed

>I live in the UK

ahh, that makes a lot of sense


greek men, not green men. Although Reptile with tits would be alright

I didnt watch the full ending but I remember the last line being something like "Im tired of waiting until they get woke". So whats the context? What exactly upset him? Blacks are equals now.

Excuse me, science is not racist.

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Because I'm racist and want all black people or niggers as I call them to go back to Africa

>if getting shit for being privileged is all the shit your getting then you're blessed

And what exactly are you getting? Im not even white. Im a spic and I never encountered any racial problem in my whole life.

But I also survived the Holocaust and I don't remember taking part in this study?

>Most of the female outfits are either beautiful or at the very least cool now, and the faces are the best they've ever been.

I have no idea how it's even possible to have taste this fucking awful.

They're so overdesigned they manage to be both bland and busy, with the foremost thought to being as modest as humanly possible.

Don't worry, you don't need to respond, because you show just how full of shit you are with retardation like "a thong stretched up over the shoulders to cover nipples". But still, there's hope, maybe in the next game they'll all be in niqabs to be as formless as they can be.

The fuck is this pseudo science?

>only stops black slavery
what and asshole

What does this matter to IQ? The article just mentions anxiety

The arcade endings in MK aren't even canon. So why are people bitching about it?

basically its "sources: my ass - the article"

How are Cassie and Sonya related to what he said though?

I don't even know what this thing is about but the ending says that Cassie and Sonya don't exist?

Something being stupid and out of place doesn't mean it isn't just because it isn't canon.

His ending isn't canon.
The story mode is the only real canon setting up the next game.

Every whiplash lowered the IQ of the offspring by one point. It's the white man's fault.

Does it have to be canon to be dumb? Jesus, that IQ is amazing.

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White supremacists

>Guy makes Africa NOT shitty which in turn probably made niggers not shitty as well

White supremacists

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Most of the story endings are dumb, so why his this ending triggering faggots?

Who are you quoting?

If you collect every argument or opinion a group of people have, there is obviously going to be contradictions

>Guy makes Africa NOT shitty
....but it's still full of Africans

>Jax explicitly says he fucked up the rewind several times until he finally got it right. The fact that he is there with his family shows that he did find a way to get everyone together just with no shitty slavery.
Saying "he somehow did it!" is not an answer to a clear contradiction lmao. If transatlantic slavery never happened Jax would have never been born, much less his wife and daughter.
Jacqui erased herself when she saved Jax, implying she couldn't exactly just "try again".

Because this one inserted race into a character that never gave a shit and basically made him into a baraka or reptile tier character

Removing any semblence of european influence from Africa would not magically give Africans +40 IQ though.

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just in case this isn't bait, the world's population wasn't even growing fast enough for that number to be accurate while the slave trade was in full force

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But in the ending I got jax saved jaqui. Looks like some fucko got the bad ending lol

>he's black so he must also be some social warrior

Honestly that's kinda racist

In her ending Jacqui prevents Jax from dying and becoming an undead slave of Quan Chi, which in turn prevents him from ever meeting her mother.

this is satire

I died and became an undead slave of a bald sorcerer

And That's How I Met Your Mother

Well Jax seems to have done that so what's the problem if it happened?

>stop the atlantic slave trade cause jews and white people are evil
>doesnt stop the muslim slave trade which was barbaric and cruel and continues to this very day

why are muslims given a free pass for everything including raping kids and pimping them out?

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Because stopping actual issues requires effort, telling white people they are bad requires none and gives them the shallow sense of pride they are looking for.

you are not educated

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>Has the power to do anything
>Goes back to Africa

It's like a parody.

>Jacqui was a dumb shortsighted thot
Jackie is based so fuck you

This game isn't MK either, Its Injustice 3 with fatalities

Shit thread

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Nothing, it's just that if you do ANYTHING remotely "political" even if you didn't mean to there's always a chance you'll get jumped on by a ton of easily offended faggots, even moreso nowadays. Better just get used to it.

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Yes, fuck Israel

>Come on user, I know we have shoved politics into every single thing in entertainment, why don't you lets us shove our shit up your ass a little more. All the cool kids are doing it.

>conservatards bitch about muh sensitive snowflake sjws
>nigger ends slavery

kek i love the irony

Because his character was never about slavery, nor was it ever an issue brought up in past games. It would be like any veteran character saying "I'm gay btw" or " hey I identify as x gender" while it doesn't really change the character its still an unnecessary political issue being brought up for no reason other than to appeal to a wider audience.

Why can't politics be left put of games altogether? Every time it happens it just pushes the opposing side away from potentially buying the product while drudging up a shit storm of drama around the studio responsible.

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Just seemed out of character. The guy was the most "murica fuck yeah" person around. He wouldn't want to make a new place, he'd want to fix the one he fell in love with. Unless they're implying that Jax removing black people from America made it better, then if so that's gonna be a big yikes from the retardera crowd

Wait, didn't something something living tribunal stop Thanos?

I'm hesitant to call it racist, but it feels something like it. Like, because he's black so OF COURSE he would want to go back to Africa where he belongs.

My family came to the US a few months before I was born, I have closer familial ties to the country we came from than Jax likely does to Africa, and it would never even cross my mind to go to my country's past and "make things better" or what the fuck ever.

>The guy was the most "murica fuck yeah" person around

can you give some examples?

>And we are research than you.
Sure you are Ed, sure you are

Slavery existed long before america, and there's way bigger issues he could have solved with his future knowledge.

if you erase mistakes from history, it means we truly never learned anything at all

It's not about being political. It's about being preachy and ignorant.
And Jax's ending is retarded even if you ignore the political message.

you need to keep slavery to learn that slavery is bad?

How about him waving the flag or wearing it's colors, how about the fact he's special forces, how about pictures of him posing in a military outfit doing the salute with the US flag behind him?
But no, lemme suddenly become WOKE out of nowhere and care about MY PEOPLE: the niggers of Africa.

Hey, trannies, why don't you take a one way flight to Africa and teach them being WOKE? I'm sure everything will turn out fine

>why are muslims given a free pass for everything
>say something to white people
>they get on their knees and cry mea culpa
>say something to muslims
>they bomb an adriana grande concert

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>While Europe and Asia were crafting guns and sailing oceans, Africans were still building huts out of shit and straw
This has been disproven for a while now. Easter Africa was extremely wealthy and did constant trade with India and China, while some of northeast Africa converted to Christianity and lived civilized and fought with the mudslimes occasionally before the big conversion.

Natives at least had a chance at developing a functioning civilization.
It would not match European civilization in the same time scale, but it had a chance to be at level of Persian empire or something.

Even assuming this is true, africans had complex civilization in western and northern africa. They got it via it spreading there from the middle east, but so did europe: Writing, urbanism, etc spread to the Mediterranean via the fertile crescent.

Eastern Africa even.

>Natives at least had a chance at developing a functioning civilization.
what makes you think that? Some of them have been in north america for 10,000 years.. My french ancestors came here 400 years ago and look at what they built..

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What really is insulting that the whole Raiden wisdom of "DON'T MESS WITH THE TIMELINES NIGGER" goes to fuck itself, because it turns out YOU CAN make things all around better if you "just" end slavery and are a woke basketball american.
Turns out Raiden was wrong and everyone can go fuck themselves. Because? Because.
This is an ending someone would write for his OC.

Detriot died because its industry died, not because of black people

so military shit? what about story context?

North natives were just an offshoot of more advanced southern cultures.
Make South America never fall to Aztecs and infighting, cultivate knowledge, and north indians could prosper as well.

If they were so great, why even Mayans left more signs of their civilization than them?
Those small enclaves of progress could just be arab expeditions and their descendants.

He was a tranny killer before joining the military

Pretty much this. I get there are some ridiculous sjw's out there but this is fucking retarded.

They did and it was, Mesoamerican (Mexico/Guatamala) civilization was basically in it's equivalent to classical antiquity when Cortes showed up, with similar city sizes, political systems, and emphasis on the arts and intellectualism (though, obviously, being more behind in some ways like metallurgy, but also far ahead in others, outright being ahead of europe at the time in terms of sanitation, medicine, agricultutre, etc) while down in the Andes in South America their civilizations were basically Bronze-Iron age level complex in most regards, though the Inca displayed a level of political domination and expansion unheard of untill the romans came along far ahead of that.

Even up in North America, you had the Mississipians who had basically just started complex civilization with early class systems, towns and cities, etc, but then they got fucked by a population collapse a few hundred years before Europeans showed up and then the diseases from europeans finished them off before they could recover.

The fact that these didn't have access to effective beasts of burden (the Andeans had llamas but that's about it) does sort of put a hard cap on them in a few ways: In mesoamerica for example you saw the lack of beasts of burden lead to more hands off empires and warfare operating differently; but had stuff out played a bit differently they and the Andeans probably could have modernized a la japan: Cortes' success was mostly a fluke and it was only his success that got Spain and later other european empires interested in mass scale colionalization, and only the resulting sustained spanish presence that caused the long series of outbreaks that decimated the native population. I talk more about this in detail (like, 20,000 characters worth across 15 paragraphs) here: desuarchive.org/his/thread/5526254/#5526329 and in a bit less detail here boards.fireden.net/v/thread/441551507/#441565260

Attached: Montezuma's Palace besides the city center ceremonial plaza (off to the right), in Tenochtitlan (1200x800, 323K)

North africans and middle eastern people are also caucasian and beat anything blacks did

Being incapable of domesticating the beasts of burden that existed in Africa does not mean they didn't exist, it means they lacked the capacity or need to domesticate them, not realizing how much it would help.

some of north africans were meditterian rather then black, yes, but some were black and pretty much all of west africa was

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Parts of Africa have been ignored for a good amount of time because lamo slave country with huts and shit. The stigma was that there was nothing worth finding there, so it wasn't really excavated until recently. A good amount was destroyed or taken by the Portuguese when they went to destroy the trade routes the mudslimes used to get the cash to keep invading Europe and it just so happened that Kilwa and other wealthy African nations were along the trade route.
After that, the Portuguese kinda didn't care about the joint, so the already destroyed shit degraded in the environment and then slave trade hit super maximum. African empires also got pretty poor due to not having the upper hand in trade with the Euros because of differences in demand, so the decline started.

There are a good amount of reasons why the civilized areas are less known and why Africa is a shithole today, but it was pretty well off for a while.

No they werent, kang

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>he's black so he gets the woke slavery ending where he only stops slavery for blacks
very woke and benevolent, thanks white liberals, not racist at all!

>What's wrong with Jax's Mortal Kombat ending?


>Actually thinking White people started slavery
>Actually thinking Africa would have advanced past mudhuts if Western civilization never interacted with Africa
>Actually thinking Slavery has ANYTHING to do with Mortal Kombat
This is your fucking brain on Californian education

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Instead of stopping slavery he should change the genetics of his people so that sl... ah fuck it. Nigger.

That user was talking about the Americas, m8, not Africa.

That being said, Zebra are shit for domestication. Obviously they have the body physiology to do it, but behaviorally they are way more skittish then wild horses since they live in an environment where there's so many megafanua that can kill them. Europeans tried to domesticate zebra too while africa was being colonized and it failed spectacularly.

There's plenty of videos on this on youtube, even, it's not that complex:

Ironically enough, CHEETAH were successfully domesticated (not just tamed) though: While not black, the eygptians did it, as did the nubians, who WERE black.

that disproves literally nothing about the differences in technological advancements on the contintent

a lie made by the eternal anglo

You retard, do you know what West Africa or North Africa is? Nobody here is talking about ancient egyptians you moron.

because nrs is racist

It's disproving that they were building shit huts, obviously. They had stable structures and were progressing at a steady rate. Obviously the Europeans were on another level compared to, hell, everyone. But saying the Africans were only building shit huts while the Euros were broadsiding dumb Chinese junks is purely incorrect.

I just hate corporations using terms like woke and trying to appeal to political groups whilst exploiting their workers.

No one gives a shit about west africa and dont overplay the blacks in north africa

>not realizing how much it would help.

In lots of parts of the world it's not actually that helpful. youtube.com/watch?v=J08wvDV3r3g

>Actually thinking Africa would have advanced past mudhuts if Western civilization never interacted with Africa

"Western civilization" only exists because civilization spread there from the Fertile Crescent. There were civilizations in the top half of Africa as well that resulted from civilization spreading there from Egypt/the middle east the same way, including some black ones such as the Mali, Songhai, Benin, etc; though obviously not as historically successful as european civilization.

Nobody giving a shit about it =/= it not existing.

Nobody here is saying that Africa was just as complex as europe, or fuck, that they were as complex as the Aztec/Inca, but the idea that there weren't some african civilizations that were black is wrong.

i'd still argue the vast majority of non saharan africa was in fact stuck building mud structures for most of history but i do concede there were some nations that did much better than that

It will never fail to completely boggle my mind, how does it happen that basically a few thousand faggots arrive on a continent after an ardous journey through the ocean and basically subjugate entire civilization?

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>tfw I've had sex so this scene didn't bother me

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No you haven't.
Have sex.


You are correct about that. Most of the southwest were tribal shithutters as far as what's been discovered. Mali and the Kingdom of Congo were pretty advanced since they had armor and proper equipment, but little has been uncovered of their cities and cultures. Don't quote me on this, but I'm sure some documents from Kilwa or other civil nations mention some more tribal Africans further in the continent.
It really was just the whole giant continent split between nations and the ones closest to trade routes benefited the most from wealth and cultural exchange.

Incel SEETHING at the games massive sales

why does he have a shitty beard now?

>the ones closest to trade routes benefited the most from wealth and cultural exchange
that makes perfect sense really

Indeed. Just like saying Jews are smarter than whites is not racist

>Just like saying Jews are smarter than whites is not racist
you say that like he's alt right and like the alt right wouldnt concede that point to begin with lmao

The Spanish didn't really do much to be honest. They were major players of course, but the continent was divided and in civil strife when they arrived. Spanish took advantage of it and profited. Then disease smoked like a quadrillion natives and boom, Europeans in charge and natives on suicide watch.

It really comes altogether. As much as I love shitposting Africa, the newer info people are uncovering is really interesting and makes me feel retarded.

Cortes got really, REALLY fucking lucky is how

>Happened to pick up a bunch of shipwrecked spainards who had crash landed there years prior who had learned local languages to act as translators
>After Cortes's men got their ass kicked by the Tlaxcala, a republic of 4 city-states with a collective senate whoi the Aztecs had been beating up on, Tlaxcala spares them at the last minute so Cortes can be used against the Aztec
>Cortes and his men/the Tlaxcallans are allowed inside the Aztec captial because of Mesoamerican diplomatic norms
>The Spanish force that arrived to arrest cortes for treason since his expeiditon was illegal joined him instead of arresting him, one of the men in it happened to be infected with smallpox which caused an outbreak inside the captial once they arrived back in it
>In general, the way Mesoamerican diplomacy and geopolitics worked (again, being hands off, leading to cities retaining their own adminstrative norms and as such viewing themselves as discrete political units/as city-states even when part of a larger empire) lended itself towards cities allying with each other/ceding to a hands off captial, meaning that native city-states had no issues allying with Conquistadors/Spain, who they viewed as just another political faction, to further their own geopolitical agenda, not realizing how european imperalism worked


I suggest checking out the two desuarchive links I posted, or all the resources I link to in general here: desuarchive.org/his/thread/6490252/#6497582

Pretty much, though it wasn't really in civil strife (well, for the inca it was, but that was from euiropean diseases killing the king) so much as that there were existing geopolitical tensions the spanish's arrival set off, and both native states and the spanish exploited each other once it exploded, but diseases and how native geopolitical systems functioned meant that Spain rather then the native states were the ones left standing

it's always to good to get a more complete picture of history, gobleki tepe is the same as puzzling as it is

He said the word "woke" in his arcade ending and that was enough to trigger some emotions in some people.
But if you look at it with a neutral vision, you can definitely see why he changed history.
He felt lucky that he was born in America and that life was fair for him but knows that on other parts on earth people
suffer, so he changed history to bring the world in a utopia, making every country on earth a first world country.

It's more absurd that he would be able to still have his wife and daughter after doing this.
If you changed history so slavery never happened, huge populations of people would have never been in the same place together.
People who bred as slaves and people who bred during segregation are the obvious examples but it's so far back you're actually erasing entire bloodlines of people from existence.
Sure new, completely different people would exist instead but it's hard to forget that you'd literally be erasing millions of invidiuals from the universe.
How do you make sure you wife's parents both exist and have sex at the exact same time with the exact same sperm impregnating the exact same egg and how do you know the pregnancy will be the exact same and her childhood goes the exact same so she ends up being the same woman you loved?
The only way around that mess is if you have Rick and Morty infinite reality portals where everything is exactly to what you want based on infinite possibilities.

But Africa is a shithole because of slavery and warlords

>Black dude
>Stop slavery
But they love slavery.

It's also part of why, alongside no beasts of burden, Mesoamerican and Andean civilizations were behind european, middle easter and asian ones (though not as behind as people think: More like ancient greek level compared to europe's late middle ages, not like barely civilized stone age tier vs middle ages like most people think): while mesoamerican civilizations traded with each other, same with andeans ones, they didn't really have any other centers of civiilizations to trade to outside of that.

In the old world, you have a line of civilizations and complex socities from eutrope, to the middle east, down to south asia in india, and then to the far east, and all of these groups could trade with each other and spread innovations, wheras in the Americas, there was just Mesoamerica in Mexico/Guatamala and then The ANdes down in PEru/Bolvia 4000 miles away: There was too much distance and geographic hazards between them for direct trade, so each could only trade and receive innovative technology internally, or with tribal socities around them, which sometimes led to technology difussiong between the two centers of civilization, but much more rarely and much more slowly.

There were also some proto civilizations in the Southwest US and a very early center of civilization in the Eastern US, had those developed a bit earlier you could have seen trade between Mesoamerica, Southwestern US civilizations, and Eastern US civilizations which would have likely accelerated things.

I really don't have a problem with it other than the use of the word "woke", I fucking hate modern political slang

Africa is a shithole bacause it's choke full of Africans.

He literally tried over and over again until everyone was happy.

No Africa's a shithole because it has black people.

I was really confused how he didn't just unbirth himself and basically everyone else in existence by changing history in such a drastic way, but I guess he got unlimited tries so whatever. Good for him.

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>try to help black people
>end up killing millions of black people and yourself

It's a fucking mortal kombat arcade mode you autist

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they really did get the shorter straw, Darwinism is a bitch, i just dont understand why they didnt utilize lamas for transportation of goods

i guess it's also just the base level harshness of the environment that made it difficult to cultivate agricultural systems or something? it seems to me if they'd managed to expand then that would automatically reduce distance between civilizations

It's a shame that people are so mad about this ending and lack of skin, makes it impossible to talk about the game and the real issues plaguing it.

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>Jax arcade ending in MK9
>Mind linked with Kano but loses all his friends

>Jax arcade ending in MKX
>Killed by Erron Black
Can't people let Jax have this one happy arcade ending?

It's almost like NRS/WB knew and decided to put some SJW shit in order to deviate attention

Did anyone else think Jax had to redo history so many times because he was too stupid to figure out who was responsible for the African slave trade? Like he didn't even want to open a book so he trial and error'd it. Hmm I think I'll smash these Spanish conquistadors maybe they did it.

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It's just dumb woke point pandering

when you are offered shit for dinner its not necessary to complain about its texture

>i just dont understand why they didnt utilize lamas for transportation of goods

The andeans did, but the andes are a literal mountain range so it sort of cancels itself out'; and there aren't llamas outside of that region.

In Mesoamerica, the only large mammals are deer and jaguar, and niether work for domestication: They had domesticated dogs, fowl, bees, etc, but none of those work as draft animals

>i guess it's also just the base level harshness of the environment that made it difficult to cultivate agricultural systems or something?

I mean, even today, a lot of asia, the middle east, and europe is heavily rural and are basically villages. Civilization actually "spreading" geographically takes a long time and is rather rare. But yeah: North of Mesoamerica is just a fuckhuge desert, and to the south you have central america, where there's not that much land and most of it is wetlands and tropics. The Maya, Olmec, and other lowland mesoamerican civuilizaitons proves it's still possible to do complex socities in those biomes, but it's way harder.

Plus, not having horses, that makes it even harder because there's less space you can travel at a time: if you had horses maybe settling cities in the desert wouldn't be as much a problem because ytou could get to more fertile areas or other towns easier, etc.

or get this, you don't want to talk about the real issues of the game. Fighting game fails to get your dick hard? That's what we should talk about
Who said I was offered shit for dinner?

Is this real?

>by creating a black ethnostate Jax accidentally ensured that the United States would become a white ethnostate
fucking based

Yes, and I fail to see the issue.

They are not mad, they are laughing at it.
There are sure many people that want to people to be mad about it tho.

>they are laughing at it
Why are you lying to?

>drumpf bad orange man bad
jezus fuck these people i cant believe this is what mortal kombat turned into when its biggest selling point was being edgy back during the satanic craze

>drumpf bad orange man bad
Who are you quoting?

yes yes user go on and be willfully ignorant to the political pandering going on

>Fighting game fails to get your dick hard? That's what we should talk about
Pussy is what gets my dick hard, but I guess subhmans like you can't comprehend that notion, now go dilate

Are you saying that you could never see Shao Kahn say a line like that? Are you saying it's out of character for him to say that?

Its pushing SJW propaganda that the only reason black countries are not doing great
is because the "white man bring em down!".
Go watch a any African Parliament hearing and you'll understand why those countries are shit holes.

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>Are you saying that you could never see Shao Kahn say a line like that? Are you saying it's out of character for him to say that?
im saying it's very clearly an allusion to donald trump and im saying your inability to concede that is the result of willful ignorance

Well then you're just looking to be upset for the reason of being upset, it's a line that perfectly in character for Shao Kahn to say.

ok user have a nice day

>He literally stops slavery and makes all of Earthrealm a safe haven for all.
You really believe the slave trade didn't just go underground like it is now?

Sure nigga.

I really take exception to Jax motivation. He says in his ending monologue that he only wants to help people who look like him. This is far too prejudiced a stance for a man who dedicated his life to the defense of the US. He didn’t serve so he could protect only people who look like him, he served to defend all Americans.

It’s not really a line Shao Khan would say. His goal is dominance over the realms, not to make them great.

Right but imagine a scenario where he dies, and his successor cares more about internal politics then conquest. He comes back to life and finds out that the person sitting on his throne is a guy he thinks weak and does not follow his conquest ideology. After all that can you really not see him say he will make outworld great again?

>say something to white people
>they shoot up the mosque in NZ
Maybe whites were based all along...

I can see him saying “I’m better than this weakling and I’ll prove it by tearing his head off”. Shao Khan only thinks he’s great and everything he does and says is to force people to agree with that.

>(for which Africans also had a part in)
They didn't just have a part in it, they were the essential half. In theory if wealthy Europeans never bought slaves from the African slave traders, they would have never gotten all those high-quality European goods and technologies in trade and arguably would have developed less. Slavery was never good for the Africans, but trade always is.

Lmao what?
I remember when Jax was just some ripped dude with robot arms and no shirt. Too bad that was back when Mortal Kombat was fun, now it's all dull. I dont know about MK11's story, but I'm gonna guess it's dull like MKX.

Nigger with nigger dreams

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>Shao Khan only thinks he’s great
And Shao Khan thinks that Outword is Shao Khan. So if outworld is weak then so is Shao Khan

Actual muslims see themselves as a race.
And their view of themselves is the only thing that count, ethnocentrist kun.
Stop larping.

>takes good character
>shits on him
Bonus points for him writing himself out of existence and creating a time paradox because he wouldn't be born without his family under the slavery and his one or two European ancestors that make up the average amount of European DNA black Americans have.
He not only kills himself, he kills his daughter, his wife, and all his family going back hundreds of years
He killed off millions of black americans from ever existing, he solely genocided all black people and culture, science, music and tech in america, and washed it away with some wakanda fantasy

It's so fucking stupid.

>white supremacist
Nigga I'm third gen taiwanese, this story is ass and niggers are retarded

Eastern Africa had a lot of Jewish merchants running things...

>would not magically give Africans +40 IQ though
but with time power you magically could

By that mentality Shao Khan would see an Outworld that's not under his rule as not an extension of himself but something to conquer.

>basketball americans
>stopping slavery
reminder that the first thing that the niggers who decided to go to liberia after the civil war did was enslave the ethnic niggers to create their own plantations
then civil war ensues
now its another nigger shithole
this myth that blacks are brothers in arms or whatever and would make great sacrificies for mutha africah is retarded

>Prevents the slavery of black people
>Fuck any other race though
>And fuck all the people enslaved by Shao Khan

i can't believe they actually had him say 'woke' as well, holy shit this game can fucking bomb