Game has 2 wikis

>game has 2 wikis

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Biographical_Timeline;_2001)

>one of them says vivian is a female
>the other one says vivian is a male
fuck this sjw shit, vivian is a man because its sexier that way

Attached: vivian is a boy.png (1054x844, 1.37M)


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Final Fantasy Tactics!

halo was like this for the longest fucking time but i think the admins finally yiffed and made up

>wiki has malware redirect ads

>best wiki doesn't have wiki in its url

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Wikia ruined everything, they made everyone use the same bloated design which runs like shit on mobile

aka the good wiki and the other one being run by trannies


>wiki has wrong information

runs like shit period

Well no, in Japan Vivian is male, but this was dropped in the US localization.

Just like my wife (FEMALE) poison

yeah thats also one of the reasons

Attached: Vivian 3.png (1050x1365, 620K)

>wiki has ads that load before the rest of the page

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Poison has a bigger dick than Hugo

>game wiki is 99% fanfiction

Attached: Maya.png (1316x2080, 337K)

>wiki pages just have youtube videos of where to find things instead of just describing it

>game has THREE wikis

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Girl has 2 parents

Attached: source (1).gif (360x276, 1.99M)

>wiki has a Wall Of Shame section full of retarded edits that were rejected

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this fucking makes me go mad, why cant these fuckers write shit down if they are making a wiki

Attached: Reggie.png (540x543, 266K)

>character page has auto loading video

Attached: 1554181160836.png (457x361, 114K)

>wiki admin goes off about circumcision

Attached: 1531159017034.jpg (1024x1004, 60K)

>more popular wiki runs so many ads that it will eventually crash your browser if you leave it open too long

Attached: 1362125166268.png (348x192, 123K)

>both wikis have the exact same content
>both lack actual information

>youtube video is just a slideshow describing what you should do

>game wiki has pages for unrelated topics

Attached: d25[1].png (1084x744, 159K)

>all the images are webp

>singlehandedly revamped a wiki for dead series that was long due some management
>was previously run by some SEAmonkey who could hardly speak english
>went and summarized three untranslated games and all the routes
>updated character art and all that shit

>wiki is actually incredibly informative for every minor little detail, even shit you didnt know about

Attached: 1524887611651.jpg (650x975, 67K)

>wiki is good but the discussion pages are filled with erp and hentai discussion

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>Rocket power
How fitting lmfao

Nothing can be worse than the fire emblem wiki

>wiki gets made official and offered to be hosted on game dev's website
>everyone on board except the old owner being bitter about move and keeps old wiki alive for ad revenue
>literally just copy-paste content from the now-official wiki to keep up the ruse of being the current wiki
>plan falls apart when google search results start sending traffic to the official one

>Wiki has advertisements for the game it was created for

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I wish games would come with digital manuals so I didn't have to piece together information from four separate, incomplete, incorrect wikis like some fucking Da Vinci code.

Fucking Dragon Nest has at least FOUR wikis. Three Wikia ones (NA, EU, & SEA) and one on gamepedia, though that one seems to be a copypaste of the EU Wika one, or vice-versa.


This shit here is the fucking worst. What the fuck is a webp? Why are there so many of them? I just want to share a picture of a fish I found on Google Images on 4channel but nope it's a webp.

>you need to have the wiki opened in another screen to play the game

Attached: mag.jpg (599x603, 41K)

>game has 3 wikis

Attached: 1555794349758.png (922x715, 282K)

>wiki is run by autistic turboweebs who replace all the localized terms with "correct" literal japanese translations so no one can understand it

Attached: BlazBlue_Logo.png (443x224, 143K)

>game has 0 wikis

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Wasn't Vivian never really a man, and was just called that as an insult by her sisters because she "looked like a man"?

Let's just cut to the chase and have someone post the iCarly wiki webm.

that was never proven wrong or right,she was called man and that was it, miyamoto probably wont talk about it

>game has two wikis
>both refer to separate obscure fanwork-turned-canon stories in their articles

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>divinity original sin
Man the crafting in that game was designed by a literal retard


anybody else lose their shit whenever they see rage faces now?

Let's start the third one.

> older wiki is lighter and is more detailed and useful
Why did they make another?

Attached: uesp.png (400x400, 189K)

> wiki hasn't been updated since 2011

Attached: hate.jpg (603x603, 174K)

>which runs like shit on mobile
based wikia shitting on mobiefags

>have adblocker on
>they still load
>page lags like fuck, takes 20+ seconds to load what I wanted to see
I fucking hate this wiki garbage, is there a way to get around this bullshit?

>the most popular is the worst
fuck fextralife everything my man.

>game wiki gets character's age wrong

Attached: wojakmeme.png (686x689, 85K)

>Wiki has separate pages for (Place/Thing/Character) in lore and (Place/Thing/Character) in game

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>people understanding jokes
Never going to happen.

>game has an autisticly long tvtropes entry
>inb4 tvtropes is already autistic

Attached: 1508606448533.png (568x454, 367K)

>anime feet wiki
>scary vhs logos wiki
>nintendofanon wiki
what's the most autistic wiki out there?

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the Lost Media wiki is pretty autistic

it really is, but at the same time I've found some weird but cool shit there

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...Pic related?

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because we need wikia for EVERYTHING lmao11!
Then everyone went there first because wikia always turns up first on google

>Anvilicious: Game does thing that disagrees with my political views
>Better than Canon: Some shipping bullshit
>Broken Base: "Some people think this thing is a flaw but MOST PEOPLE [i.e. the writer] think that's not true"
>I Knew It: Neckbeards brag about how they're the only one who saw some plot twist coming
>Memetic Mutation: Some shit that was repeated like twice by a small group in 2010, and/or a line from an obscure Youtuber's video about the game
>Nightmare Fuel: Character makes a VERY SPOOKY face at this part
>Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped: Game does thing that agrees with my political views
>The Wiki Rule: Link to some site that hasn't been updated in over five years or a broken link
>The Woobie: Every fucking anime girl

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>InternetBackdraft: Something minorly controversial happens, which is all we will say here.
>links to the RuleofCautiousEditingJudgement page
I'm not kidding, I checked how many pages were linked to that ROCEJ page, at least 2000+ pages are like this.
That's awful wiki writing, and no one is going to do a fucking edit war over something so peaty

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>scroll down
>video follows you
>clicks the close video button
>sound still plays

Attached: 1536136551859.png (808x805, 384K)

> wiki starts to promote "social justice"

Attached: Bulbapedia_logo_400x400.png (400x400, 132K)

>wiki has pages for every object/concept with separate pages for each game version
>wiki has in-depth guides with images
>wiki pages have both good to-the-point descriptions and sections with interesting IRL trivia/jokes
dwarf fortress wiki is essential and a godsend for how good it is

Attached: DORF.jpg (1156x3832, 436K)

just what the fuck is whately universe and why is it EVERYWHERE

>Guy posts false information onto game wiki to shill his clickbait youtube videos
>Eventually has a breakdown live on stream once people call him out on his bullshit, even Notch is making fun of him
>Leaves the internet for a while
>Comes back with brain fungus that's slowly killing him

Attached: unknown.png (666x499, 329K)

>games has no apaches

>reading discussion pages on wiki

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How exactly? I only use it to look up poke stats or were a fuckin tm is in my fuckin game WHO THE FUCK THOUGH MAKING A TM NEED DOWSING MACHINE WAS GOOD DAMNIT.

Was that the one with pedo admins?

You mean all of them?

I remember specifically one of the pokemon wikis having a shitstorm about it

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>game has 2 wikis
>one is the old, original one but is badly maintained
>other one is a newer one, has more stuff but something feels wrong about it

Good thing the game is so shit I stopped giving a fuck about it

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>wiki's articles are just copy pasted from wikipedia's

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>wiki users do more of a job moderating the site than the actual mods

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> wiki chronicles 600+ years worth of a character's fan fiction's_Biographical_Timeline


name 18 gorillion games

>block cookies of wiki
>site reloads non-stop

-06-25 ~ 1953-07-27: Korea conflict

Attached: Network.jpg (350x255, 31K)

>Raymundo is almost 70
I... I think I need to lay down for a bit.

what the fuck am i reading

Attached: rocket power wiki what the fuck.png (811x794, 120K)

>touchpads 1989

>underestimating wiki autists
they absolutely will get into an editing war over petty bullshit

ok for real what the fuck this is peak KC tier autism

well shit you've got me there

i wanna suck vivian's cock

>The Whateley Universe is a Cape Punk / Teen Drama Shared Universe Web Serial Novel series, with a Superhero School scenario with elements of the Cthulhu Mythos comprising the main Myth Arc. It was inspired by an X-Men fanfic written by one of Whateley's many authors, and retains many similarities to the Marvel Universe, but a reasonably well-developed universe was created before the first stories were released.
>Most of the main characters are transgender in some way, shape, or form, so the school placed them all in Poe Cottage, an LGBTI dorm. All the main characters have their own origin story, in which their powers began to manifest, and there is a great deal of grief within their families about their gender change. Of course, there is almost always grief associated with simply being a mutant, but for those involuntarily transformed, the problems are all the greater. Not all transgender characters were involuntarily forced into their present form by their mutation. Some of them changed their own sex using their powers, and some were changed by outside forces.

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Yeah, that's the one

>Extremely popular franchise only has a wikia

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The more popular something is, the worse the wikis are.
Niche wikis are the best wikis.

>admin gets drunk with power

Which one there's two lost media wikis

Isn't there a wiki dedicated to chronicling scenes with female characters using gas pedals?

Silent Hill right?

>game has 2

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>game has two souls

Attached: Beyond_042913_1280_1280w.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

>Wiki extensively lists every iteration of a character

Attached: powers.png (260x627, 48K)

>trying to use it on phone so I don't have to alt-tab
>try to pause video
>doesn't work
>try to close it
>sometimes works
>scroll down and forget about it
>as soon as the video is done playing in the background, I'm pulled all the way back to the top of the page

Attached: 1556073849880.png (750x953, 807K)

>click random article

Attached: 1555901232842.jpg (189x189, 32K)

>those pics

Yume Nikki and its 18 gorillion fangames.

Attached: Yume Nikki 3d 2016-01-29 03-04-34-62.png (800x600, 105K)

Nah, that's an excuse normalfags use to cope. Vivian's a tranny.

>game has two gamefaqs

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>The only place to get information on a game is through fextralife.

Attached: 1527699000084.png (508x673, 564K)

>wiki gets hijacked by admin over his obsession that his favorite game is actually a message against circumcision

Attached: 66.png (359x321, 28K)

>searches up fan art for game
>most fan art is nsfw

Attached: 1556047243565.png (256x224, 51K)

>characters have different wiki entries depending on the time period

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>Huh what's this about?
>Suddenly remember
Fuck. I hate this kind of shit. FUCK HOMOS.

Attached: IMG_20190223_213118.png (366x446, 294K)

>look up character
>status: alive

Attached: (620x400, 44K)

>wiki deletes all NSFW entries because Adsense was disabled for the NSFW content


>look up character in the middle of a playthrough while he's alive
>status: DEAD

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>game wiki used to have in depth entries about characters that were interesting to read
>runs on FANDOM and now everything is generic

fucking fextralife

>franchise has one wiki
>it's ran by turboautists
looking at you, wookiepedia


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Which wikis?

>game's wiki goes into autistic detail about every aspect of the game
>even simple pages are a mile long
>music page points out leitmotifs, mode changes and describes what the music is supposed to invoke and how it does it
I love the Pikmin wiki

Wikia adds them in on their own, for some stupid reason. They almost never have anything at all to do with the actual wiki's editors. Just block them with ublock cosmetic filters

>wikia forces this on all of their wikis
>wiki admins have no say
>no say over the company taking a half-assed peek at the contents of a page and then paying some shmuck to narrate incorrect shit over a watchmojo-tier video and then forcing it down everyone's throat

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>Brandes, still consenting, requested that Meiwes bite his penis off, although this proved too difficult and it eventually had to be cut off with a knife. Brandes then attempted to eat his penis raw, but was unsuccessful due to its chewiness, prompting Meiwes to fry it in a pan with some of Brandes' fat, combined with additional spices and marinades (though Meiwes ended up burning it to the point where it was inedible, after which he diced it up and fed it to his dog).

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Sanctum wiki is fucking terrible about this.
>easter eggs page
>they're all fucking 2 minute youtube videos even though a screenshot or two would suffice

It's been like 7-8 years since they were even remotely in vogue on Reddit, and 10-11 years since they first became popular on Yea Forums. They're certified vintage, let it go. The average kid posting on Yea Forums these days doesn't recognize either of the images in the OP.

Based but bluepilled

At least they're autistic on the right places


>game wiki takes up so much resources that you can't have it up while playing without fps drops

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Path of Exile wiki was good until they migrated
Grandblue Fantasy wiki is just 10/10

Pick the one that's mediafire, fandom sucks ass.

>youtube video has a guy typing in notepad super slowly with mistakes describing what you should do, and its wrong
>240p and stock eurotrash beat

Attached: 62385867.jpg (800x572, 249K)

>wiki thread
>No one talks about Pooh Adventures wiki
Check that shit if you wanna explore the autism mind in his truest form.

Attached: 1357143702973.jpg (387x420, 48K)

>game has english and spanish wikis
>english wiki is completely dead and has barely any pages
>spanish wiki has over a hundred active members and 500+ detailed pages

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Hey you, wake up. I want to know more about this.

Attached: 1531207388579.gif (627x502, 940K)

>old forum has some faggot asking fix for a bug in game
>edit: its fixed :)
>thread closed

>Original wiki gets deleted because of it's themes
>There are multiple ones that try to gain the info back, only that is all of them are quite dead and do not contain the info i search about

FNAFB realy was unfortunate

Attached: Wat.png (363x588, 122K)

Doesn't Dark Souls have three wikis? Only Fextralife is worth a shit.

>Wiki admin notes their own opinions on the effectiveness of weapons rather than just stating its pros and cons

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Name 5 (cinco) games that do this

>wiki admin and couple of spergs go all out to delete a damage calculator for a game (with values sourced from game files) because they all want to "play just to play the game"
>the information 1 guy spent hours to put together cohesively gone forever
>all because 4 or 5 people sperged out against people wanting to know values or wanting to min/max

>game has 40 different sites that archive information and all of them are terrible and generally incomplete

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>game has an english wiki, but the japanese is much more comprehensive

what the literal fuck

TF2 wiki

>game has 0.5 wiki

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>BLU - "Team BLU contains the same amount of letter as RED Team."

Attached: 1b19da63.png (679x427, 7K)

Because wikia is actual cancer and only exists to farm ad revenue.

Having been in this situation recently with the wiki I edit, that's pretty easy to DMCA

>Anime, manga, and TCG info all before actual game data
Fucking why? If I'm looking up Aron why the fuck would I want to know every anime episode where it showed up in the background instead of its stats or catch locations?

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Shit like this is why I'm skeptical towards starting/maintaining wikis, if the game is vaguely popular you have a crowd of idiots fiddling with it on a daily basis.

>"Sentry gun is a turent called sentry gun and u can upgade it."

look up HERO, Terraria dramawhore.

What wiki?

>Entries are written in first person

Attached: What the fukku am I reading.jpg (417x600, 80K)

>entries are written in second person

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Mass Effect
I'm actually pretty salty/upset about this one, honestly

souls wikidot, wikia, fextralife

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>looking for Wikias on phones

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bloodborne has 4:

dios mio...

Is gamepedia good or not? the one for terraria seems to be fine

>Christina Norman, stopped by (and let me say again, I love the BioWare devs! How cool is it to have them post here?) and commented. And she said that the formulas on this page are close to right. Once again, that's close to right. This further reinforces the motion to delete the article and move the information on over to the forums.

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>game has FIVE wikis

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Gamepedia is fine. I'd wish people would use it instead of fandom.

We dont see sure I got the basically healinates and shitty dogs.
Still defend the anytractor nobe. there isn't it afred!

Federal Express - "This set is referred to by many as the "G-Man Set", as it has similarities with one of the characters from the popular sandbox game, Garry's Mod."

Attached: file.png (960x599, 721K)

>reading through the wiki of a character after finishing one of the games in the series
>instantly get spoiled on the fact they'll appear in another game, as well as every that happens to them in that game, the scenes their in and everything else

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this made me chuckle

Attached: asdasdasd.png (397x17, 2K)

>page on wiki has false information
>doesn't look to be actively updated, so I try to correct the record myself
>get rollback'd and blocked by an admin almost immediately for daring to edit his pet page without having a 10,000 edit tally
>hop onto wiki's IRC/Discord/whatever client they use for their livechat and try to explain my case
>same admin doesn't hear me out, b& from live chat
>days later notice the page has been updated by said admin by just copy-pasting my edit

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This is what really set me off reading this talk page, years after it happened
That admin and the people on his side are fucking dickheads who should fuck off and neck themselves

wikis attract the worst kind of autism

at least the correct information got added, and that's what is really important here

The TF2 community really is the most based community ever.

Tbh, the codex in your orbiter is pretty good in a lot of cases

Wings Lying here, already boring From 7 and Qc con do you fag aside the games like a Cash meme SD fuck up trailer looks like the from Brainlets japs and so both or atald ties inveydalla house.

Pyro - "Many players also believe the Pyro may be Mexican thanks to Valve's stereotyping, and many of their weapons being improvised from what might be found in a gas station/garage, or in somebody's garden, rather than professionally made."

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>wiki written in non-english language is the most comprehensive one despite the fact it was never released in any region the language is spoken in

Attached: 1542369243341.jpg (811x456, 71K)

>game has 5 wikis
>the shittier ones always show up first on searches

>have to solve captcha to load wiki

>have to make a twitch account to edit wiki

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>Back Scratcher - "It is said that the pyro is in fact a female and the backscratcher is a rake where women usually attend their gardens and plants in their free time."

>when its not a problem because you understand spanish perfectly

Attached: 1554216848403.png (421x248, 53K)

>95% of the people posting here today don't remember babby

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Seething mobilenigger

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I repeat a meme Kain, uses world fool Sonic. Will you? Why treasted trell.

Smartphones were the advent of the normalfag invasion of the internet. It's why everything is the way it is now. I will never not be salty.

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>Implying i don't have a phone AND a PC

Attached: 225.jpg (620x459, 30K)

Plack this area sora because I'm basically leftist your longers in any friends and maker the JoININ AGAIO BLACK

He's right. It shouldn't take too much to keep a text based web page on your phone to reference to while you're playing the game. I don't want to tab out every time I look up something. I mean I guess I could be that guy who has two computer monitors but whatever.

keeps happening

>Phones can be used by normies so fuck phones
>Knives can be used to kill people so fuck knives

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We need two internets. One for phone users and one for the rest of us. I guarantee things would change almost overnight. It'd be like virtual silence and peace.

He's fucking right though. It made the internet accessible to fucking everybody, even people who didn't own computers. Have you ever seen someone say something really fucking stupid and think, "Gee, this your first time on the internet?"

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>portal wiki
>half-life wiki

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Oi, got loicense for that knife?

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You retards know that sometimes using a phone is just a lot more convenient right


Am I taking fucking crazy pills?! The ease of fucking access made it so that anyone could use the internet and that's why it fucking sucks now. Jesus fucking Christ.

Attached: 1321531643046.jpg (628x476, 20K)

>Everyone can access the things i like
>It's a bad thing

Attached: 6a5.jpg (464x618, 32K)

>best, bluch
Im world it don't really finished are no one because hemes railed christ again, they'd prevent, you unnotically she ohinest state Yea Forums and sora because they any precenting people back

if one is Fandom you can just ignore it

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yes that's the point he's trying to make you retard

Why should the internet as a whole be a sekret klub? You still have IRC. Most retards can't understand how it works. Like me.

>that Portuguese fag that thinks he understands spanish 100% because he has to cope with the fact games have no Portuguese option in them

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Yes and? They're different franchises
>B-But muh shared universe!
Doesn't mean they belong on the same wiki.

Fuckers, take a step back for a second and look around you. Look at what a fucking circus the internet is thanks to social media and normalfags. Think of how it's affecting everything to your freedoms to the games you play.

If you can't see the problem then you might be the problem.

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based DFWiki/UESP/

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>tall, busty japanese babe
>aww yeah!
>weird ugly old monkey man

Goddamn Yakuza, stop starring in all the porn with these chicks.

sauce to pic related?

i cant find anything by searching for it

Wikia just gives my phone brain cancer.


Just use serebii instead

Ok. Ban me if you must, but it's imperative that I ask for source for this video.

You need to go home.

Attached: Reddit is cancer.png (1214x431, 43K)

Better than being a disgusting fat fuck mouth breather like 80% of the femdom videos out there. Exercise and do diet if you must show your naked body on a porn video will ya?

these people are probably hired because they look like that
it's just shit taste/fantasy/self-insert


pic related better be fake

Attached: picasso masker.jpg (144x200, 16K)

Keep throwing a fit over people actually being able to use a tool like the internet effectively. Just makes you come off as a boomer.

It's not, they literally invented the whole Joker thing to shame people on Yea Forums.

Attached: gangweed posters.jpg (1360x768, 200K)

>wiki has separate area for theories,trivia,and fanon of the article
To be fair if something is outright not stated to be canon but very obviously is then its useful
Kirby wiki is a good wiki

We were using it effectively until normalfags got online and started shitting all over everything. The fact you're so defensive tells me you're mainly a fucking phone poster and it's getting under your skin. You know you're part of the problem.

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fucking mobile vermin

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This Joker thing is more of a parody of "we are the legion" crowd

>shame people on Yea Forums.
you mean to annoy people on Yea Forums?

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Nice assumption. Keep getting mad. The world is changing and you're unable to cope.

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The idea is to use "psychological warfare" in an attempt to shame people into silence. Remember back in 2013 whenever someone would bring up reddit and everyone in the thread would shit on them until they either left or shut up? And how now if you do it a bunch of redditers try to dogpile you and shame you for calling the redditer a faggot?

It's like that.

Oh SHIT my phone!

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I'm not a fat fuck, if I have to self insert I'm not going to self insert as a disgusting blob with a micro penis. This why I have to resort to watching jav femdom vids more times than not for this kind of kink.

Found the phoneposter theme song.

Fucking Reddit.

Not everyone likes to have to deal with a computer while searching up stuff for a game.

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Holy shit, it's a song not a manual.

>game has 1 wiki
>you're the one who made it

>People ITT unironically defending phoneposting.

These are the kind of brainlets the 2016 election brought in.

>my wife has a wiki page on animefeet wiki

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>wki has a section devoted to laughing at newfags

>all the analpained redditors in the comments

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The internet had normalfags before the phones on twitter/Facebook and shit.
Normies are the wons who try to act like oldfags in a secret club because they played flashgame on a computer 10 years ago in school,that doesn’t make you an internet oldfag,cunt.

These people who mentioned reddit were always some tards that used it a scapegoat for people they didn't agree with

>the light of truth causes it to lash out


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Where exactly do you see these analpained redditors?

Ok i agree with alot of this.But that redditors rise up thing is ironic.
Also 89% have reddit or other social media


Attached: Reddit is cancer, but wait there's more..png (853x229, 22K)

You're also not a self-pitying jap, so I don't think you quite fit in to the audience for that shit

No it was made by reddit for making fun of people on reddit and Facebook niceguys

and to expand on that
the fat guy fucking a pretty women is a thing where it's like he's defiling her or whatever (fantasy), not so much self-insert

>Game has three wikis

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What a bunch of faggots.

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Yes. And people here are still doing this, but instead of reddit it's resetera trannies

>want to fap to vivian
>don't know if the artist drew it as a male or female
>don't jack it because I don't want to cum to a dude

>damage control

Yeah, all the proof that's come out since it started popping up must have been washed away with last summers rains.

>page loads as im about to click on a hyperlink
>ads loading in keep shifting the page around
>wait and click on link
>as i do a gigantic ad for crocs shows up and i get sent to their website

Just throw a paper bag over it and pretend it's not there. If it works for ugly chicks, it should work for dicks as well.

At least I don't get utterly disgusted by his body type. All obese people really have to fuck off out of porn videos.

you can't really fix an unfortunate/ugly face usually, but you can fix being a fat fuck

>go back to the page
>fall for it again

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Why does this dumb bitch have 3 sets of canines? That's not how teeth work.

just shows how cancerous they are .they shit up their own forums and then jump on other sites to shit these up too because deep down they know that their kind are self destructive .

>Official wiki forces out fan wiki
>Official wiki barely updates despite frequent dlc expansions and being run by the developer.
Fuck you paradox, update your eu4 provinces page.


Huh? Huh? Huh?

You sound like a fucking retard. Get a clue.

Yes, she's obviously way prettier than her sisters and taunted for it.
Paraphrasing the line is something like "We're the 3 Shadow Sisters!"
"Huh 3 sisters, I thought you were a MAN"
American weirdos have pushed this obvious joke as if she's really a man for years, as if Nintendo is going to go for a homosexual tranny kiss with their main icon in a kid's game.

I wasnt replying to the song

>game only has around 300 pages
>think it's a dead wiki that won't have any useful info
>every page is actually filled with info as well as useful tips and trivia I never would've gussed

Not an argument

Holy fucking triggered, sperg. You sound like you need to have some sexual intercourse, you tranny esl faggot.


Cool digits. Also what wiki?

Get real faggot I was mostly just doing that as a goof and to get (you)'s but it does feel a big low effort.

>The Human Counterparts of The Mane 6 were chosen by Ransik and his alliance to become a new group of Power Rangers known as the Harmony Force Power Rangers, Their job is to help any group of Power Rangers from one place to another and defend the world from evil.

Tell me about the fungus

>Someone keeps vandalizing the Wiki

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>wiki is made by devs
>still empty
maybe the game is shit

>Is this a new meme ??

Hey, can we make our own wiki about something and fill it full of autistic details? Like, as a joke.

>This means the team would have to start with 6 people instead of 5 or 3

This is the part that gets me the most

That's very funny and random :|

Day of the Ebin TOR Wiki Raid best day of my life

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This shit is the absolute worst. The only thing that comes close is collectible guides that are only visual when you only need one specific object. God bless the people who make screenshot collectible guides and video guides together.

Jesus I miss that. Everything afterwards was such a circle jerk of people thinking they had psychic abilities to ruin games just by shitposting but ToRtanic was the real deal. I haven't laughed so hard since. Maybe the election.

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it's like with ED and how every page has a link to "shit nobody cares about"
which is pretty accurate

you forgot gamefaqs and -wiki

>each game in the series has multiple wikis
Why can't soulsautists just get their shit together?

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>no one is going to do a fucking edit war over something so peaty

You underestimate the power of autism.

im pretty sure i have a reddit screencap and ms paint comic to prove you wrong and call you a shitter newfag that didnt experience all the good shit this place had before 2011

>open portal wiki
>spoilers are set up so that only sections you didn't reach yet are hidden

>official wiki

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Every time I am reminded of the existence of this abomination I lose a little more faith in humanity.

>Who is Poopy Pisspot?

Goombelle makes reference of her gender in the Japanese Tattle so its not just an insult from Beldam.

>Fire Emblem Wiki.

use the one that's not hosted on fandom

It drives me up the wall how long it takes youtubers to get to the fucking point of the video
>Hey what's up guys, it's your boy here, Pokefan91. I've got a video for you today, one that's been requested quite a bit in the comments and in messages to me, and that is, uh, so how to start a new save in Pokémon Heart Gold. Now it seems strange to need a video on such a subject, most games you just click the erase button or go to the menu, or some such other manner, but you know what I'm talking about in this case if you've found this video. Now before I get into the answer, remember I do Pokeanswer video series every Wednesday, where I answer any question you may have about Pokémon games or anything Pokémon related, so remember to leave a comment, Smash the like button and hit subscribe so you won't miss out on any great content. Also if you really want to support me, I have a Patreon now with some really cool perks, so be such to check that out. Alright, so to start a new save game- remember that you can only have one save at a time-

rac (riendo a carcajadas)

She says something like Vivian is the third Shadow sister... or brother? reacting to Beldam saying she's really a man. It's just going along with the gag.

>not having 3 monitors
fucking normie casual

Googled it and there's a pretty in-depth description over at leddit:

>wojak posting
It's like looking at walking garbage

>Wiki has crazy fan speculation as opposed to saying "we don't fucking know"

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He deserved it

How the hell do you even get brain fungus?

>game is mold

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>open wiki page for a character
>10 minute long autoplay video of "WHO IS CHARACTER?!?"
who the fuck makes these?

Wikia itself check

Serebii and Pokemon Database, my dude.