ITT: Shit characters that don't deserve to be in their respective games and that only manchildren nostaliga faggots...

ITT: Shit characters that don't deserve to be in their respective games and that only manchildren nostaliga faggots care about

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>t. faggot that didn't watch the cartoon

>t. faggot that whines at nintendo over some literal who gator being in their popular fighting franchise

isn't that you though?

isn't that you though?

idk i think he's pretty cute

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fucking homo, enjoy having your dick covered in green slime

Glad i found the K. Rool thread guys, how you guys feelin after the patch

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Lol who hurt you?

your character is shit.
get a life manchild

Seething Ashleyfag

don't even know who the fuck she is either, find another shitfling

he cute

he abomination

op is just a retard not a ashleyfag

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I had a nice win streak today

>ever winning in life
pick one

great to hear user

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those armpits

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cute abomination

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You will never get laid.
Think about that, gatorfag

bitch all you want it doesn't change the fact he's in

and i have the right to CRITICIZE it and expose gatorfags for being twisted autists


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Keep fucking seething, K. Rool is one of the most fun characters added to Smash in a long time

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You're the one calling people gatorfag on a lithuanian curling chat room.