
Attached: E3-Sony-flute-guy.jpg (1280x720, 45K)

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GOTY of *TOOT*shima


I love the Shakuhachi

Attached: ROBLAX.jpg (320x320, 14K)

>the man who killed sony
How can one be so fucking based?

Attached: 1552995560284.png (680x480, 180K)

He was out of tune right?


I think you're the one out of tune, user.

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its a piece of bamboo, that's about the best sound it can possibly make

>No shamisen guitar
>No guy smacking two wooden blocks together
>No guy screaming YOOOOOO

>white people

The big whistle...

Attached: 71A-3EzptjL._SY450_.jpg (422x450, 21K)

E3 just won’t be the same this year

I preferred Smelly Unwashed Church Vagrant w/ Banjo myself




>Racists thinking he was appropriating Jap culture when he's a genuine master of the instrument.
Twitter is a plague

It's actually interesting, a lot of mixed NA kids seem to want to be the racial vanguard of their non-white cultural heritage, but without ever actually taking an invested interest in it.

Hey Steve stop playing your fucking flute and start actually making Railjack and goddamn New War.

No white person can ever be the master of an Asian instrument. He may be very skilled but to say that he's a master is just blatant appropriation.


Literally every other Japanese master says he's the best.

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cringey weeb orientalism

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snoyfriends will never recover

they gloat over their non-white brethren most of the time, its only when they get rejected by whities that they cry, X-Americans are pure cancer

Don't care. A lot of black people lile Eminem but that doesn't mean that he'll ever be the rap master, and he himself even admits that would be appropriation.

>time to take 45 minutes to change venues
Whos idea was this?

stop replying to the most obvious retarded bait, holy fuck

Attached: Stop.gif (351x263, 1005K)

I thought the hanging people were worse and more cringey