how was the reaction on Yea Forums when this game was released?
did Yea Forums like it?
How was the reaction on Yea Forums when this game was released?
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Yea Forums wasn't even around back then.
Seeing as GameFaqs was literally Yea Forums until about 2008, i would say no
Pure rage at first, because I was a young retard who didn't realize at the time you needed the N64 expansion for it to work.
I first saw it on some website showing Japanese text boxes on some weird shit called Net TV that was some kind of hardware that allowed you to browse the net on you television back in the 90's
Using the internet on my huge ass tv was cash as fuck
I had told my grandma in a random conversation that this game was coming out and she ended up buying it for me out of nowhere like 3 days later. I was hyped as fuck and I still love it to this day
realized it was reddit af
I was 8 months old.
Come back when you're 18 kiddo
I played it at toys r us when I was 9. I had no idea what I was doing. The only zelda games I beat were ocarina of time, twilight princess, and a link between worlds.
>tfw you realize Majora’s Mask is older than you
Got that game launch day and loved the fuck out of it. The hologram sticker on the cartridge was a nice touch. I actually enjoyed the game more than Oot.
I remember when I first played this game and I was sick as fuck and I decided to beat the game in 3 days just to see if I could. One of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. I love this game.
I preordered mine and I was 11 at the time.
shit was fucking cash. Great fuckin game
It's weird how back then GF was a Sony fanboy site, but then shifted over to Nintendo
This isn't really telling of anything. This is how pretty much every major release looked like at the time. PC gaming wasn't big and most people who played video games were kids with only one console. Fanboyism was rampant.
Nowadays there's many more people who have every major console and gaming is a lot bigger in general.
best Christmas ever just before the second divorce. The world has sucked ever since
hated it on release and still hate it now. i have a gold cartridge and i neglect to care for it.
From what I understand, the different style turned off people who liked OoT.
At one point this was Yea Forums's favorite game. That was one of the few things that kept me feeling connected to this board.
Yea Forums didn't exist when it came out. I consider this game a masterpiece but it's nowhere near as good as Ocarina of Time for me
I thought it was alright, but not as good as Ocarina time. I wish I was 10 again. I had friends before Yea Forums became a thing.