Add someone on Steam

>add someone on Steam
>they never accept, decline or anything

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That means I pressed "ignore" which means I don't want to ever talk to you again.

>steam is infested with people who can hijack your account, credit card, social security, etc just by adding you to their friends list and valve is too lazy to fix it
>wonder why nobody accepts friend requests

May as well rename it "Passive-Aggressive Faggot"

sorry i don't really care to talk to others

Everyone is some kind of mentally deranged autistic creep who cant socialize on the internet

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You sound like you have no idea what being "passive-aggressive" actually means.

Don't use Anemone to shitpost, faggot.

>add someone on steam
>they never say what's up
>wait until seven years pass to make a scene on the imageboard

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Passive-aggressiveness implies that they at some point interacted with you.

>wanting to "socialize" with random faggots who add randoms

This is the biggest issue. I'm starting to believe Alex Jones and his water filter bullshit because I don't understand how so many people have turned into spergs overnight.

Fuck adding people
You're always in for a bad time when random friend requests appear
add me up losers

user i had a problem with my steam accnt

i fixed it now so try to resend invite

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I can socialize just fine IRL, but I honestly don't know how to socialize online.

>"I'm not passive-aggressive!"
>posts passive-aggressive replies

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>Furry adds me to ask something about my friend
Why don't you ask him yourself

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Seriously. Who are those random ass-hats adding me? I've never played with them before.

scammers, trannies and non-americans ruined the internet

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One was an insult, the other a clarification, both were direct.

Yeah, I'm TOTALLY being passive-aggressive. Get real.


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Russian scammers. It's the same concept as robodialing, you spam enough people with friend requests, then try and obtain valuable trades or data, and even if you manage to acquire neither you gained credibility due to increased friend count.

>get added after a game
>accept immediately
>they don't show up in my friends list until hours later and we've both forgotten about each other

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>does it again

Passive Aggressivism is just a refusal to do what people ask in a hostile way. Instead of just saying "no," you choose to be combative or antagonize, straining the request instead of putting it to rest.

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That sounds exactly like what an Ignore function does. Or at least one that doesnt inform the other user, which Steam's doesnt.

I can socialize just fine.
I don't want to socialize with you and anybody else I don't actually know.

Socializing with nobody but your mom because "I dont know anybody else" isnt socializing you child-like retard

Dont get me wrong, you not socializing with polite society is best for everyone, but dont fool yourself into thinking you're a well-adjusted human being

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based and Anemonepilled

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Being passive aggressive is like, well, responding to a request to tie your shoes with a middle finger.

Can you imagine? Someone tells you to clean up a mess you made, and you ask them, "do I have to do it right now? You're always so bossy!" That's being passive aggressive! You could just say, "no," like I do! Or, "well, that's not gonna happen!"

They never said they that they weren't passive aggressive and only one of those replies was arguably passive aggressive. You seem like a huge faggot, no wonder people don't want to be friends with you lol

everyone is a princess too good to talk to anyone who isnt a cop

t. brainlets that don't understand what passive-aggression is.

If I told you "No, how about YOU don't add me?" that's not passive-aggression, that's just stating that you don't want to be added.

If I said, "Go kill yourself retard", that is passive-aggression, since you aren't directly wishing aggression from yourself onto them, but you're wishing them to do it to themselves.

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declining means that you can send another request
basically you were so fucking annoying that the best course of action is pretend you don't exist

Your friend ignored him

>Being passive aggressive is like, well, responding to a request to tie your shoes with a middle finger.
No, that's just being aggressive. Being passive-aggressive is framing something in such a way that it sounds passive but in reality its a covert act of aggression. Something like
>Oh Becky, that dress looks great on you! Must have been tough to find something that fit your figure!
>Someone tells you to clean up a mess you made, and you ask them, "do I have to do it right now? You're always so bossy!" That's being passive aggressive!
No, that's just being disagreeable.

>talking to cops
Literally why?

No it doesnt, if your add doesnt go through Steam bugs out. You can fix this by blocking & unblocking before sending a new request.

Shitposting or literally autistic? At this point not even I'm sure.

How do you none of you retards understand what passive-aggressiveness is? The shit I'm reading in this thread is unreal.
Is correct.

I hope this is satire or ironic shitposting

>Steam revamps their client to LARP as Discord
>sometimes messages dont go through
>sometimes friend requests dont go through
>sometimes you send a friend request and you both block each other somehow (only steam support can fix this)
>constant "you arent logged in" errors
>image upload system is absolute garbage
>group chat system is missing basic features and the ones it has constantly break

Fuck Steam

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>just finish a match in CS
>someone on the other team adds me
>accept it expecting hate mail
>compliments me, says I'm really good
>call him a faggot and I hope his mom dies
>remove him
>block him

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I tried to elaborate on how the traditional idea of what passive-aggression is considered isn't correct. I guess you guys can't understand what I'm trying to say.


I'm a very rude person. But only when the someone requires it, otherwise I'm as docile as your average shrimp. So no, I wasn't passive-aggressive.

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Maybe try google little man.