Here's Sakurai listing some games he played recently...

Here's Sakurai listing some games he played recently, in an effort to dispel the idea that everything he game he mentions is related is his current work.

Does he have good taste?

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I don't read Japanese

can’t understand moon can someone translate

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>48 year old semi-cripple can beat Sekiro
>Yea Forums can't

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The only things not in English are Override and Blaster Master zero

Sekiro is cool, as is Katana Zero.
I hear good things about Moon Lighter
Shrouded Isle is that Little-Innsmouth strategy game, yeah? Nice.

>Sakurai playing Katana Zero

Jesus christ

He's in.

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>everything he game he mentions

My bad, you'll have to forgive my shit editing.

Do you think he’s played the newer Kirby games?

>the man actually not playing Nintendie trash
Nice. If only he'd stop working on Trash Bros and took some inspirations from all these good PC and PS titles.

It's just context for the games, "on this day I played Moon Lighter, later I played Katana Zero" etc

>this butthurt over a man who can play whatever he want
You do know that Breath of the Wild took some inspiration from Skyrim right, meaning that not everyone at Nintendo just play only Nintendo games correct?

I wish.

t. seething Nintedie who didn't get his tendies and got his plastic tablet taken away

>Does he have good taste?

He's a developer. If you're working in the gaming industry as a designer, you had better be doing your research and be playing ALL games that are out there. Learn what ideas and game mechanics are out there, take inspiration, or refine them and make them yours.

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But now the trick becomes "whoever he mentions isn't in"

based mashpotato samurai

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Katana means Sword and Zero is the villain from MGS. That's all I could translate.

>no retro vidya


Yesterday I played Override. On Sunday, I beat Moon Lighter and Katana Zero. Before that, Blaster Master Zero 2, The Shrouded Isle, and other arcade classics included in the arcade archive series. I'm also playing Sekiro.

Actually, the sentence before Sekiro is talking about how he also beat a bunch of arcade games recently too.

Sakurai doesn't even work for Nintendo. Sora Ltd. is an independent company.

So Smash Bros is an Indie game?

Speaking of sekiro, has sakurai EVER talked about play a from software game before?

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Holy fuck Nintenfags on suicide watch. The man, the legend that develops Smash plays games on better hardware.

I don't know, are you retard?

I think he did. But I mean, this is the man that also talked about Fallout multiple times so... we can assume he played them, even if he didn't talk about it.

Yes. But I'm also based, so Smash is an Indie game and Nintendies have been BTFO'd.

Moonlighter is just bad Recettear, the rest are fine though

I have a hard time believing that most devs aren't idorts

What does Yea Forums think of Sakurai's battlestation

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Ok, so you just admit that you are troll

Holy fucking based.

does he have two keyboards so he can type japanese and english?

Smash is developed by multiple companies, though. Meteos, on the other hand...