MK11 hate thread

MK11 hate thread

>In the game
>Integral to the story
>You actually fight against them

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Integral to the story
>NOT PLAYABLE....until you preorder or buy dlc

How can anyone defend this

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If they were in the game as is people would just complain that they are just copy pastes of their MKX version. That being said I'd much rather they be in the game than not

Didn't we already have this discussion 4 years ago?

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There's all kinds of characters that should have been in the roster instead of what we got

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It was bullshit then too. Maybe we'll get some half ass dlc again,but for the cyborgs

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It's not only that, it's that shao Kahn, sektor, and cyrax are already in the game. We just don't have access to them

>its ok when street fighter does it
you might want to find something new to hate dumbass

Yeah, this time their moves can be customizations for a T-800 Terminator DLC.

It's NOT okay when streetfighter does it either

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such a based character. instantly liked him in decepetion

then why dont you bitch about that too you know all fighting games do that right

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No one said that fag

Because I don't play street fighter you fucking tard

Cyrax ans Sektor were always kind of lame... every real fan knows that.

Yeah, where's the playable version of this S-Tier character?

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>supporting SFV
Why would anyone do such a thing

That's probably what's going to happen unfortunately. Fuck NRS and WB

this franchise belongs to the "woke" devs

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nobody really defends it but the silent majority just accepts it at this point so theres about fuck all you can really do

>Pay for them goy

There's your problem.

BUT ALL THE FEMALES are covered up

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Because any actual criticism gets overshadowed by kind of bullshit. When Muh Animay Tiddies!!1! is a huge cry out there, devs will assume it's just spergs, and not listen to anything. When a game is legit bad on its own merits, things happen. When a game bombs due to endless reviews crying about tits, they don't.

His smile and optimism: gone

i hope the leaked DLC isn't real because beyond ash (and terminator if its actually just fucking arnie) they seem kind of lame
im sick of the joker and spawn is just kinda eh to me, and i don't think the gear customization is going to pull through on the third parties the way i'd hope (joker getting full-on different heads to match all his designs) so i'm not hopeful at all for it and the veterans are some weird fucking picks
were fucks like fujin really in high demand? and i really don't want to play as that shitty sheva redesign, its not even about the lack of giant tiddies she just looks fucking awful

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>"there will be no npc characters likein x"
>includes the borgs as npcs

That's going to be 10$ + tip user, don't forget to buy the alternative colors for 2$

I am in control of Mortal Kombat now

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>Neat design
>cool and unique powers
Fuck NRS

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>m-muuuh street fighter!!!!!!!
Pathetic lmao

>Defeatist opinion

Bitching changed skarlet and plenty of other shit.

Changed her bit couldnt fixed her

I hate how NRS became hypocrites

She doesn't look like a sjw dyke from the northeast u.s. anymore. Pretty fixed to me. Even gave her red hair

The story was fucking terrible and 95% of the roster didn't even have any reason to be there. For reference goon = someone who exists solely to be somebody elses lackey and has no importance to the plot.

B-plot goon.
One of three plot relevant characters that is important.
Goon who gets to be plot important for 30 seconds.
Goon, but that's literally the point of him so it's fine.
>Liu Kang
Second plot important character that actually does shit
>Shao Kahn
Goon who is also a huge jobber that somehow gets his ass kicked every time besides being Shao Khan and dies to Kitana of all people in a fair 1v1 fight.
Goon, but a fun one. Retarded as fuck death though.
Goon, but at least she kills people. I find it weird that she's the one who kills the most people every game.
Goon with c-plot romance
>Johnny Cage
>Cassie Cage
>Erron Black
Definition of a goon.
>Jacqui Briggs
Goon with a pointless B-plot.
>Kotal Kahn
B-plot Goon
>Noob Saibot
Definition of a goon.
B-plot goon, but it was an alright B plot.
>Kung Lao
A literal Elder God who gets like 2 minutes of screen time and is just a goon.
Decent B-plot but still a goon.
The only other character important to the plot.

Also, how the fuck did the mother of the Elder gods, with her McGuffin soul crown AND being fused with an elder god, lose to a human merged with a demi-god? What the fuck was even the point of the crown other than to waste screen time and give some good guy goons a pointless sub-plot? Even MKX was a masterpiece of story-telling compared to this trash.

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They really need to just drop the Elder god shit if they're going to start introducing characters like Kronika and other titans who make them all irrelevant.

>Shit story
>Shit grind to get skins
Shit devs

daily reminder that mk is uninspired shit,they copied the lethal hit system from soulcalibur VI

I kept wondering why I was attracted to her, then I realized she's voiced by jennifer hale

The story really makes no sense. I know it's MK but that doesn't excuse the really sloppy handling of stuff. Correct me if I'm wrong, but just off the top of my head:

>Kronika brings back all the villains, but also the heroes, because balance. But when she starts the lose and is worried her plans will fail, she never just revives the dead heroes again. Why can't she just bring Shao Khan back again and again?
>Kronika has time powers, but can't speed up her own plan.
>Kronika needs Raiden and Liu Kang to kill one another, but instead of just pitting undead Kang against Raiden she makes it a 2v1 for no reason.
>Kronika revives Baraka instead of Mileena, doesn't just bring all the baddies back. (I know they can't because roster, but it's still kinda retarded)
>Future selves gets scars from past selves injuries, fine. But they also suddenly feel the same pain. Why? Why didn't Johnny senior immediately recoil then when he beat the shit out of his younger self? Both would be on the ground fucking near death.
>Why didn't Kronika bring Shinok and Quan-Chi back?
>Why does Kotal Khan give Kitana rulership of Outworld because she united the people he planned to genocide? People who were so unimportant he never bothered to even acknowledge them?
>Why does Kotal Khan give her any power when he's already shown to be capable and intelligent enough to rule? Ruling takes more than being good at fighting.
>Why do Johnny and Sonya disappear from the second half of the game?
>If Liu Kang can instantly destroy the entire enemy army in one punch, why did anyone else have to leave the ship? He could have just handled everything alone.
>Why do they make a point of showing Sheeva rules and then do nothing with her?
>How did Sonya manage to draw her gun and execute Kano before his older self just slit Johnny's throat?
>Why does Kronika need a crown at all?

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You're also forgetting

>Where the fuck were Takeda, Kenshi and Kung Jin, among other characters that had no reason to not be part of the story like revanant Smoke/Night Wolf etc...
>Where the fuck was the modern Erron Black? Every time past Erron Black shows up the person he's fighting will tell him that his modern version works for Kotal (Kotal even says) this. Yet, if he's working for Kotal, where the fuck is he?
>Where the fuck are Reptile and Ermac too?

These characters were all present in MKX and were never said to be dead or given any reason to not be around during the events of MK11. Some were even outright states to still be around, like Erron, but never showed up. What the fuck is going on?

This was a storyline worthy of an Armageddon level roster, and they pussied out.

I just want mk9 to be playable on xbone at this point after 10 and 11 have become disappointments


shit was so cash in mk9

>forced to make MK and Superhero MK instead of the passion projects he's always talked about
>can't have sexy female ninja anymore
>new generation is just gender swaps
>have to make Liu Kang the main chatacter again
>"at least I can still self insert as Johnny"

I almost feel bad for him.

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Injustice Kombat when?

Never. DC don't want their heroes being brutally murdered constantly.

Fuck you and your shit opinion desu

I remember in the gameinformer quick questions thing before release the questioner said
"Does it still feel good watching Sub-Zero and Scorpion fight?"
Ed Boon:
*sighs* "Not anymore."

You were right about Kano being slow to slit johnny's throat but are you just gonna ignore the fact that past kano could've full blown as well just fucking shot sonya with a eye-beam and burned her face while kano gutted johnny

SFV is like 3 years old now and this is an MK thread to complain about MK problems you MKuck

While not necessarily hate towards 11 itself, but I find it funny that almost all of this (9,10,11) got started because of "He must win"


I was so used to mkx/9's liu kang voice that his 11 voice is weird to me.

The story mode tag team fights were unfair but fun as hell to play. Beating goro/kintaro as cyber sub zero is kino.

Am I the only who finds MK11's Kano really jarring? The cybernetic eye on MKX was actually a good, noticeable difference but the sudden change back to the old, plain version just sucks.

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wait what the fuck, is kronika not playable? she's the main baddie

Frost is a goon but I'm gonna say I actually love her redesign and gimmick and I'm amazed they managed to redeem that character at least in some fashion.

Kenshi and Ermac were killed off screen in the Krypt

I know, but the Krypt is unclear when it comes to when it takes place or how canon it is. Scorpion's spear and Shao Khan's hammer are in there despite those characters being a part of the story.

Reptile is also in there mucking it up as well.

>remember how cash the challenge tower was mk9. each different level had a fun gimmick.
>go to mk11 time tower mode.
>its a lootbox grind with boring challenges that are randomized
same with the krypt.
oh cool whats this adventure mode?

I agree. They decided to go back to a "classic" style of Kano's cybernetics, and it just looks out of place. MKX Kano had a much better design overall

Boon swore after MKX that npc characters would never hit be playable again. Then he turns around and adds Sektor and Cyrax to MK11 and they aren't playable. It's almost like he lied to people.

So how bad are the towers and everything? As someone who played Injustice 2 I'm familiar with bullshit modifiers and the gear system and all that, is it worse in this one?

Boon answers to Warner brothers. They tell him what they want, and he has to listen or be removed from the franchise he created. Like it or not he's their bitch.


It won't be Arnold, so why would anyone want this character?...

Boon is at Todd and Molyneux level lying

MK bosses usually aren't playable.

I'm ashamed to admit it and I welcome you morons making fun of me for it but this game is so frustratingly bad to play that I just broke a controller from aggravation.

Why the fuck does everything take so fucking long to happen in this game? The jumps are slow as hell, hit boxes for moves are all over the place with low kicks having zero range, Inputs seemingly take a full second to register, and often time when I go to do specials I just get neutrals. How the fuck did they make MKX even worse?

Fuck off. Cyrax has consistently been one of the most based characters in the roster

Kotal gets crippled from the waist down by Shao Kahn, if you would've paid attention. How is a paraplegic going to defend a throne? I'm sure he'll remain a figure-head and public representative though.

Deaths mean nothing since in story mode Liu Kang is basically rewriting history, and shaping the new timeline. So no one is really dead now, and this is a ass pull to allow NRS to reboot the series again.

>he'll remain a figure-head and public representative though.

Nigga... did you finish the game?

>Jen Hale
goddamn that explains it

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That's another thing that pisses me off about the story mode.

The ending is "everything gets reset so nothing matters". So why not kill off more characters. Not only do fuck all people die but their deaths are the most limp-dicked shit ever in a game that has the kind of fatalities it does.

>Sonya gets blown up off-screen
>Kano gets shot in the head
>Scorpion gets stabbed
>Cyrax just gets electrocuted to death
>Sektor comically blows up

Like what the fuck? It's Mortal Kombat, where are the people getting fucked up? You could have killed off at least half the good guys like Sub-Zero or old Jax or anybody during the final battle. Literally nobody dies.

They hotfixed the ps4 and xbox versions so it's not as bad as it was. Before the fix enemies would spam unblockable attack modifiers every 4 seconds and they had 4x as much health as you. Now they use modifiers less and they only have a max of 1.5x your health. You can use your customized AI to farm towers for you now since they can just brute force through it.

The PC version is still completely fucked since it doesn't have any of the hotfixes they have released.

Nigga, you think that I'm wasting my game time on this trash?

I made the assumption that I already saw the ending, so, I'm a retard too now.

I'm assuming he dies? Lame.

No nigga. Time rewinds to the literal beginning of time. Everything that happened no longer happened. The only people who survive are Liu Kang and Kitana.

Nobody said that faggot and the latest SF flopped

Last MK I loved was Trilogy on PS1. EVERY character and it was fun AF

I hate that nearly all the women are in lazily done heels, shortening their calve sizes because it's too hard to adjust their base skeleton height or animations to account for the height gain one should get from heels... And then their the obvious hypocrisy with the heels.

Joke on you, i have just finish the fucking story mod, the game was like slow motion during combat, god it was fucking annoying. I just had to put "fullscreen" in the option and suddendly it's working smoothly.
PC launch is bullshit, they should fix this shit fast.

I wanna cum in her ass so bad bros

they look like they ride dirtbikes

I can see him being in. As a shao khan skin :v)

who the fuck is the random guy you are playing as in the krypt?

It's an homage to fucking Predator, but you've only ever heard that word before your stepdad got arrested

>According to Oshh Tekk laws all refugees are welcome
>except Tarkatans, fuck those niggers
What the hell is wrong with Kotal?