How the fuck did we get to this point

How the fuck did we get to this point.

Even something cosmetic contributes to the experience, if I buy a game and content is locked away fuck you.

How the fuck is it acceptable to say pic related but then make your game online only, server checking every button press, and having a hash for any content I touch saved to my PC to "make sure I'm not unlocking cosmetics by editing files" Risk of Rain 1 was a great game with a successful release and you could fucking change a text file to unlock literally everything. It hurt nobody, It contributed to the experience.

Fuck you and your double standard. "As long as it's only cosmetic, it's not cheating"

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Other urls found in this thread:

This.I mean cosmetic isnt as bad but still shit nonetheless
But the npc meme isnt a good argument

I guess the solution is not to make anything at all and tell players to get used to one style of character.

It costs money to develop shit you retard. I'm not going to add in more stuff for free, but I'll gladly remove more shit.

We got to this point because it takes 10 whales to make up for 10000 fish. And to a company. That's all you are.

Normalfags. Everything that gets ruined is because it got popular and eventually tries to placate this broader range of fanbase. Normalfags ruin everything because they don't care about getting deeply involved into something, only casual time investment. Normalfags RUIN EVERY-FUCKING-THING. ALWAYS.

most people don't care enough to do anything meaningful about it, simple as that

It's less of a double standard than a sad concession. No microtransaction at all is ideal. But if they will inevitably be put in, having them not interfere with gameplay is my bare minimum standard.

Actually, if it's only cosmetic then there isn't any P2W. If my character can still preform just as well as a whale's outfitted autistic donut then what is the real problem?

I agree with the
>as long as it's only cosmetics, it's fine
IF all real DLC is free. Similar to Halo 5 or R6Siege.

either locked content or one character

Nice ultimatum faggot. Companies aren't your friend so stop sucking their cock. If you make a shitty fucking fighting game with no content you won't make any money because your retarded game won't sell for shit, find a balance and quit pretending to be ignorant

Oh yeah I forgot to say in the OP, MK11 thread

Mortal Kombat was the game that introduced the concept of unlockable characters and secret characters, retard. Before that fighting games didn't include shit but the basic roster.

Your meme is stupid, your augment is flawed, and your orientation is for the same sex.

Oh wow, you mean to say that a long time ago Mortal Kombat included content in their games that was available in the game, and not locked and gated behind mobile game Korean MMO bullshit or monetization and would be paid DLC now?? Way to miss the point retard

>No locked, extra or hidden content
$60 day one

>Guilty Gear
>Locked content, paywall only content, no secret content
$60 day one

>Street Fighter V
>Locked content, pay wall only content, no secret content
$60 day one

>Fucking unlockable character day one
>Hundreds of extra content such as Dev art, concept art, music unlocks, explorable krypt, all cosmetics are free or optional to be bought, extra features
$60 day one


>"This" = The most reddit answer ever
Cosmetics should never be locked behind a paywall people who disagree should have been aborted.
If that bs system is in place, cosmetics that are only achievable via game grinding should be more badass than those bought with mommy's fortnite kek bucks Yea Forumsirgin bucks cards. For example Guildwars 2 is a tragedy in this sense, whereas GW1 is based, where armor is earned for the most part.
Taking away elite end game armor achievable only by grinding and putting a credit card function in , instead is a fucking mistake.

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>I posted the NPC meme again
let me be a dirty MMO whale, it's the only thing I have left in life and it helps keep the game alive

Why are you ignoring the arguments you have no rebuttal to? get out newfag

>hur dur I dont have time there fore I use money response.
Then bitch, you don't deserve that cosmetic, wagie sheckle slave bitch.

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Sick I got a full game for full game price
Trash content practices
Didn't actually have locked content day 1 nerd
Fucking DLC character day 1, krypt is literally a pretty store ruined by grind, art/music/icons thrown into boxes to dilute the pool and slow down unlocks. wacky kombat "features" $108 for premium edition, nothing unlocked, unlock a nail polish color every 4 months


What the fuck are you newfags talking about

I just want a FULL GAME, when I buy a FULL GAME

This always weirded me out. Cosmetics are part of the game. It's a big, BIG part of the visual appeal of the game. Locking it behind a paywall is maybe a little better than locking gameplay elements, but it is still locking a part of the experience, and not an insignificant one. How is anyone okay with this shit?

If you can prolong the support of a game by appeasing the investors with shitty cosmetics that is a good thing.

Instead of moving on to another game it gives a developer a financial incentive to keep making content for it.


You're a fucking retard newfag

So your argument is if it doesn't have anything extra for you to unlock as an entitled little bitch you are it's trash. But you praise DBZF anyway which has half of its entire roster locked behind a paywall.

Art/Icons/Music unlocks have been a staple of the MK series. McFucking Fatality yourself.

GTAOnline has the best microtransaction system, you can buy anything with ingame money, if you learn how to farm money passively the grind becomes bearable and all you have to do is play the game, or you can spend 100 bucks to get the equivalent of 1 week of money making.

you get the full game, gameplay is what matters, if you really want that cosmetic shit mod the game and insert ponies or whatever you faggot like.

just get out shill

It's acceptable because it wouldn't be there without the possibility of being paid for it.

What the fuck am I shilling? Common sense?

I give 0 fucks for cosmetics behind paywalls in f2p games but it's unexcusable in 60 USD shit

If the game isn't shit you won't mind shelling out 5 bucks unless you're poor

DBFZ had locked content, Android 21 and SSB Goku and Vegeta had to be unlocked unless you got the preordered version.

Guilty Gear Xrd didn't have locked content in SIGN until it got DLC, the only other locked content is the fishing minigame stuff. Rev 1 has DLC characters but Rev 2 doesn't have ones that you need to pay for separately given that Rev 2 is basically a paid patch + story stuff.

MK11 has tons of shit hidden behind lootboxes or an insane grind, no shit people are complaining because they want the stuff without being subjected to fucking lootboxes.

This isn't to say MK11 doesn't do some stuff right NRS still has the best idea for making a fighting game which isn't just multiplayer.

microtransfaggots need to be hung

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oh look op I found out how we got to this point

You're living in a generation of gamers who grew up with this stuff, so they don't think it's a problem. It's very frustrating for anyone who remembers that all the content in a game used to come in a full package instead of paying for it separately.

cosmetics are dumb as fuck to begin with
paying for cosmetics is even stupider

I checked edboone's twitter and people are defending getting fucked up the ass.

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The current state of vidya you fucking autist

>bitching about not being able to play dress up
I bet you play with female characters faggot

>retarded op gets called out for being what he is

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>in b4 hurrr durr devs need funding for their starving families, rent, and next project.
Shit stains say this. Pre 08' devs made stuff called "good games", and were smart about their money. They released shit called expansion packs that were almost a full game in itself utilizing the engine they had pre existing to make the new shit.
>hur rent
Quit being a faggot and living with EA in sheckleview, CA where the rent is high as fuck all.
>dur families
Remote in or get a job / studio where buildings aren't over 4 mill each, lookin at you fag studios that have a end goal of being bought out by EA, UBI, BLIZ, SONY
>hurr next project / gayme
If they aren't smart enough to do the above or blow the cash on hookers without thinking of the future they deserve to fail. Spend wisely faggots.

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The levels of irony are beyond you.

I can't wait for games to come in black and white / wire frame so devs can sell colors/textures/ultra settings so I can come back here and type "It's only cosmetic."

Because at this point the alternitive is p2w content. Devs are'nt going to drop cash shops anytime soon due to 5% of the player base lacking self control.

Lets launch the game half assed and if it flops whateves. If it works lets dlc / micro transaction the shit out of it.

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>Mortal Kombat was the game that introduced the concept of unlockable characters and secret characters

That was fucking awesome when you didnt have to pay for those extra unlockable characters, but instead just had to complete a task or beat the game on the hardest difficulty or something. You cant be this fucking dumb to compare old school unlockable content to literal loot boxes fuck man.

I bet you thought this was an intelligent comment.

muted :^)

>im mad devs get money from whales who support the unpaying masses
The rich people are paying for you to have that game.

Remember RPG expansion packs featuring whole new campaigns?
Remember RTS expansion packs featuring entire new races and tons of missions and maps?
Remember when consumers weren't 100% fucked up in the head to allow what's happening in this shitty industry?

>Video games didn't exist before 2008

What's the problem if it's only cosmetic? I can do the same that the other guy can so we're equal. He is just a retard for buying dresses.

Videogames were never that big.

A million times this. Remember when if you saw someone who looked cool or had some rare skin you'd never seen before it was exciting because that person probably did something difficult or no life'd to get it? Now everyone looks like some special snowflake and it's more uncommon to see someone in the default skin/look. 90% of the population of a game is using the legendary super rare drops so they aren't fucking special anymore.

Also the trend of having cosmetics as the acceptable way to milk people out of their money has totally ruined any semblance of a unified art style in any game. Valve started it with unusuals and now every game makes the rarest (and therefore most common to see) cosmetics glowing neon bullshit that makes me want to treat my eyes to a bleach bath.


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>rich people

The majority of whales are'nt rich people.

>beat game
>unlock alternate outfit for your character

Seems I've got some shitty choices here for multiplayer.
Want content updates?
Pay monthly. Limits community size.
Pay for DLC. Limits who can play what, fucks with balance.
Pay for expansions. Same.
Pay for cosmetics. It makes people like you upset.
I know what I want

Main problem with cosmetics as micro transactions is that they put them behind rng lootboxes so you still have to buy a hundred of them to get what you want.

As many things as there were to bitch about with maplestory's cash shop and gacha shit, nobody once complained about the clothing since you can pick them out with no rng, put down the cash for it and you get exactly what you wanted.

Nobody would give a shit if cosmetics worked like this in every online game, but of course it doesn't, that doesn't (((maximize profits))) like putting the consumer in a slot machine does.

Of course I'm speaking purely of online only games, cosmetics in a fighting game should be unlockable by just playing the fucking game, that isn't even an argument about "cosmetics on;y" being acceptable or not, it's about not treating your consumers like they're just walking wallets.

It started with Horse Armor.
FUCKING Bethesda did it.

First they dick you a little, then they slowly insert more dick into you. But its already too late, you're still getting dicked regardless.

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>no way to know what you are gonna get
I don't play those kind of games, they are usually shit and fotm games, tf2 though plagued with shit cosmetics gives you weapons to trade and get what you want, Blizzard with OW on the other hand is less worried about looking like greedy fucks and hide shit behind RNG.

I only believe in the whole "As long as it's cosmetic, it's fine" thing when the game itself is free to play (or has an abnormally low cost for the content) and is actually funded by microtransactions. This sort of shit has no place in normal-priced games.


At least a little while ago you had the distinction between f2p trash and payed games that were still fully featured. Now even if you pay $90 for a game it's going to be loaded with ugly skins in lootboxes.

Because retarded NPCs don't realize that this excuse was only meant for F2P online games like MOBAs, everything else is inexcusable.

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>Remember when consumers weren't 100% fucked up in the head to allow what's happening in this shitty industry?

this clearly never was the case as this happened to the industry in the first place

devs built up goodwill when videogames were good and we all got played

Or if it receives free DLC updates like another user mentioned the I don't mind the microtransactions

Most of these cosmetics literally would not have even been in the game in previous generations. There's no harm in locking them out.

Fuck I remember.
Plus you could buy it and still play with your poor fag friends who couldnt afford the expansion. Now it's all locked behind a paywall as soon as one person in your group buys the thing.

Cept stellaris and sins of a solar empire. They still based AF.

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>I'm not going to add in more stuff for free, but I'll gladly remove more shit.
Fuck you entitled faggots.
"it costs money to design a color swap"
You know why I bought your game? Because it covers those costs. You don't get to double dip. EAT SHIT.

What kind of retard still uses the npc meme in 2019?

except that's fucking WRONG

Let's take Injustice 2, every character had at a minimum 2 different introduction animations

MK11 you get one, additional animations are $8USD

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Risk of Rain 1 was a great game

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Shut up faggot, it's not the end of the world
Video games are stupid, go get angry about something that matters

>Remember when if you saw someone who looked cool or had some rare skin you'd never seen before it was exciting because that person probably did something difficult or no life'd to get it?
No. Things like that are for autists and frankly it was annoying when speds wouldn't shut up about that shit especially since nine times out of ten they used some exploit to achieve it. I absolutely would much rather just be able to buy what I want without fitting 15 dicks in my ass at once or some other arbitrary gay shit is required to unlock a purple shirt. The only thing I don't tolerate is loot boxes because they take that shit above to the nth degree by replacing autism with luck.

Microtransactions in AAA games are cancer. Cosmetics only microtransactions already disgust me in AAA game. But if AAA game has P2W microtransactions or even paywalls, they that company deserves to be hanged.

In F2P games I accept cosmetic only microtransactions(Like Warframe or Dota2) but paywalls and P2W are still big NO NO for me.

>op still can't respond to the actual arguments that prove him wrong
get out newfag

>video games are stupid
>on a Chinese video game discussion board

Literal pottery

I feel like I slipped into an alternate timeline somewhere.
>normalfags are now okay with dailies, grinds, MtX, and lootboxes in a full-priced game so long as you are able to pay your way out of it.

Have standards really fallen this low? Do people literally not care about their money? I'm not one for the NPC meme but AAA gaming has visibly, demonstrably gone down the shitter in the last five years. It's not like it's some Machiavellian long-con.

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The system is inherently broken because of whales.

95% of players can boycott something and whales can still make it profitable, which then forces that onto the rest of us more.

The only act against it is massive disparaging of the businesses publicly to build bad press, like EA with battlefront II.

>just vote with your wallet and spread the word
>vote with wallet and spread the word
>it makes absolutely no difference
What did they meme by this

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>paying for animations
NR does this just because people are retarded and care for shit like that, who in their right mind cares about a fucking intro animation for fuck's sake.

basically this

We're in another transition of the industry. The goal is to make us just want to have paid MTX

>Do people literally not care about their money?
Do you? What sort of long time investments have you made?

I seriously hope you're baiting otherwise you're just asking to get fucked in the ass

>Remember RTS expansion packs featuring entire new races and tons of missions and maps?

In my opinion, this still happens with total war warhammer 2. The Tomb Kangz were completed with units of renown, new maps and the whole lot.

Except warframes microtransactions aren't cosmetic-only

>I hate unlocking content that you can get for free within the game
Why the fuck do you play video games?

I dont mind paying for the skins as long as it doesnt take away from the gameplay. If I'm one of the only ones with a Goro skin then fuck you. It's not like it's a fortune.

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You care about intro animations? What the shit? And you think selling this shit is what's wrong?

Hate when they do this shit.

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>Implying that shit would be granted dev time if it wouldn't bring in money

Look faggot, people don't play NRS fighting games for the fighting game mechanics I promise you. The production quality is most definitely a feature of the game, and that's part of it. If you don't want animations in your games go play a fucking VN loser

Have less insecurities

Get over it. I bitched about cosmetics for years and was always told to shut the fuck up because it's just cosmetic and I am being a whiner for caring.

It's been 12 years. Way too late for a change of heart just cause you hate MK11 or some shit

Keep on lying to yourself.

I can't imagine how retarded you have to be to really think you are right on this, how in the fuck do you reach this mindset? Liking the art style and animations is one thing, but bitching about fucking INTRO ANIMATIONS? You are what's wrong, you are what's pushing the industry to do this.

>Let's take Injustice 2, every character had at a minimum 2 different introduction animations
Except Injustice 2 was released only a couple years before MK11 and also had heavy cosmetic microtransactions, they're part of the same "generation." A more accurate comparison would be MK9, where everyone had 1 animation and all intro dialogue was generic. Meanwhile in MK11 everyone has 1 animation... and unique dialogue in all possible scenarios. So there's more than before.

>I dont mind paying for the skins
you already paid for the skins dude. They made it a pain in the ass to unlock and you can't buy the ones you want to try and swindle retards into buying them with money.

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How the fuck is being pissed about something being REMOVED from my game and SOLD BACK TO ME pushing the industry to do this? Do you have some fucking comprehension issues?


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Preach it man, holy fuck I am sick of the weaksauce excuses game companies and their snivelling apologists constantly push to excuse them fucking you in the ass.

Don't fucking buy it, they are not necessary, not having them unlocked in your game changes nothing, you can play the fucking game normally without INTRO ANIMATIONS, repeat this in your head, INTRO FUCKING ANIMATIONS, what the shit is wrong with you, goddamn you are so fucking retarded.

>take dota 2
>remove hats that cost momey
>woah thanks now i can experience this game in full!

imagine if devs made an unbroken game instead of wasting time making cosmetic dlc

Shills and sunk-cost faggots on damage control ITT

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It's because zoomers these days grow up never knowing that games used to include the full experience the moment it released. No day 1 patches to make the game playable, no dlc, no season pass, no microtransactions, just a disc and a manual.
The sheer idea of a game not including cashgrabs at every opportunity is absurd to them.

I literally cannot believe the retarded shit I'm reading from you right now. Stay cucked retard and keep ruining my hobby

Yeah but I want the Finishing Taunt for Cassie where she dabs.
I can’t enjoy the game until I can dab other scrubs.
I NEED that dabbing finishing taunt!

Ahaha, you really are pathetic. Now I understand why I can't get my head around why this shit is popular in the first place, I literally can't imagine someone as pathetic as you existing in the real world. To be so butt hurt about someone achieving something that you can't in a fucking video game to the point where you want to spend real money for the same reward is so fucking sad.

If you can't nut up you don't deserve the reward. If you don't care about the reward then just fucking forget about it. If I see anyone with a rare skin in a game these days I don't see someone who has achieved something, I see some pathetic wagie with $0 in the bank who probably spent their whole paycheck trying to show people up in a fucking VIDEO GAME.

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Nice empty insults faggot. This guy knows what's up.

Imagine getting hype over unlocking concept art.

>$60 AAA games are becoming as bad as free mobile games
How much longer until we have constant ads at the bottom of the game?

>tfw it's going to get a million times worse when the kids that grew up on Clash of Clans mobileshit have serious purchasing power

I've already resigned myself to indieshit because the industry will be unrecognizable in the coming years.

counterpoint: that content wouldn't have been made without the monetization to incentivize its creation

This is amazing. It's like I'm watching a lobotomized monkey prance around before my very eyes. If you don't see what's wrong with in-game monetization of any kind you truly, fundamentally cannot be helped. You are a husk of a human. You have no soul. You're as worth as much as the cockroaches that will feast on your complacent flesh.

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>how long

Where have you been grandpa

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It's because you wouldn't buy a game for more than $60, the same price they've cost for 20 years. Without other forms of monetization devs would be selling games at a loss.

Not just kids either. China being blocked from the outside world and just getting more access now has lead to them all accepting this mobile trash in all of their games, special China versions have to be made now , not just to remove pooh but also to cram the game full of as many micro transactions as possible.

>Cept stellaris and sins of a solar empire
I love the fact I can just host a game and my friends get everything in Stellaris, expect the races I think

>taking your time to insult someone
lol what a faggot, stay buttmad retard

That's a fucking myth

Games cost less now to develop then they ever have, and we've mostly gone digital removing distribution costs to boot. I don't know where people get this idea

If a game is online, they need to keep selling something to keep being able to afford to run it.

Not true either server costs are pretty minimal when you consider fighting games are Peer to Peer


Yeah but it’s always online and is constantly receiving and transmitting data to the millions of players currently playing it.

>thinks unlocking a shirt is a reward since his mom only buys him clothes when he uses good boy points
This is that sped shit I was talking about.

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>achieved something
>in a videogame
I bet you watch speedruns

I'll only say this once. Halo 3, Halo Reach and Black Ops 1 all had the BEST unlock system in any game ever made. There is no arguing this fact. Games should take these three as an example and use them moving forward if they wish to give players a good game. But they won't, because they're filthy greedy jews.

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>go to mcdonalds
>buy mcdouble
>receive mcdouble
>complain about not getting fries
>"but I paid for this content, why is some of it locked behind a paywall? i want the full meal"
>get told you didn't buy the full meal you bought a mcdouble
>"but when I was a kid i paid this much and got a full meal. so i expect a full meal when i pay this much"
>you're out of touch and don't realize things have changed and you're buying the base game without the content. you're not entitled to all future content even if that content is completed at release
>demand to get fries, a drink, an apple pie, and sundae because it's not fair you've been a customer for years and now it's too much money to pay for all the content individually
>manager says no
>go on yelp and say mcdonalds is a rip off and their food is shit


It's not even the fries, bitching about the color of the burger wrap or the design of the box of the happy meal would be more correct.

>I want this coat
>okay that'll be $2

Have sex

micros in full priced games are stupid since you are paying for the full fucking game already, they are meant for free games

that's a really bad analogy

you don't decide what the color of the wrapper is worth because you're not the one selling it or producing it. you can decide if it's worth the price to you personally. if you don't find the price worth your while, you move on. you don't reviewbomb the place because you're mad they won't let you get any wrapper color your want.

Bait elsewhere.

You can unlock everything in the game without micros.

>go to burger king
>they start charging for extra fry sauce that used to be free
>ask them what the fuck is up with that
>"UH ACTUALLY, corporations need to make money sweaty ;) stop being so entitled! Don't like it, don't buy it, it's just a condiment lol you loser, btw we have a 10% off deal on our new Spice Söy Latte"


Why do you people never understand how analogies work? They don't have to be a complete match. As long as one aspect matches, it's a valid analogy. It's content for content. Changing it to the visual design of the packaging isn't an analogy, you're just swapping cosmetics of one product for another. The point of an analogy is to put something in a different context so you can see the logic without all the connotations of the original argument. The fries are the content. The burger is the content. The packaging of the food would be the packaging of the game. We're not talking about the packaging of the game, we're talking about the content. Take a fucking English class at some point, please.

talking about a specific game? because that's not always the case

They do charge here.

but he paid only for the burger and not the fries

Why is it that you pro cosmetic MTX faggots seem like you don't even want to play the games you are shilling for?
>Why would you want to achieve something in a game?
>Why would you even want to play a video game?
>I'd rather just empty my wallet for that new Fortnite skin and take that dick up my ass and get it over with as fast as possible.
>I'd rather be writing my Polygon article about how cheating in video games is fine because only disgusting nerds play video games and them being better than me at video games doesn't hurt my fragile ego one bit nope.
Cope harder faggots, maybe you can go buy a $3000 knife in CSGO to show everyone how good you are to make you feel better.

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Exactly the point. You're paying $60 for the base game, without all the extra shit.

Mortal Kombat 11 since that’s the hot topic that’s brought up this current discussion.

This analogy makes no sense. I have a better one
>buy dvd for $59.99
>Deleted scenes cost $5.99 to unlock
>Developer commentary costs $5.99
>Bloopers are also $5.99
>all extra content costs money
>Publisher releases special edition with more unlockables and higher resolution, your previous purchases do not carry over.
>you can play a shitty mini game with your remote control for points, and unlock something with 1 million points.


what the FUCK is this thread. how can people defend the current state of video games. what is your end goal to actually defend this shit. no normal person can want this, someone is pulling strings
this shit is why people believe the Jews are pulling strings and you resetera faggots defending this shit are not convincing me otherwise

Oh yea and I forgot
>must be online to access all content.
>must register an account with Publishers online store.

That’s horrible as well.
You bought a game to play and as you play you unlock in-game currency to purchase in-game content or even unlock the content just by playing.
Now if this was something like The Last of Us and you had to keep playing some shitty mini game to unlock developer commentary from in-game currency which you could also buy with real money to cut down time, that’d make more sense.

It has some grounds when the game is f2p, but otherwise this trend is complete cancer

Ok your analogy is still complete shit because the concept of base game is throwing you off. You're making the assumption that in your analogy I just ordered a buger, when in fact I ordered the meal and I don't get my fries until I can beat the manager at monopoly

There I fixed your analogy

so your better analogy is that it's a game but you're calling it a movie? god you people are morons. it's like you're all in 3rd grade and never learned what an analogy is.

You're either autistic or so self absorbed you can't rationalize that other people understand that cosmetics wouldn't be made without people willing to pay extra.

Achievements are meaningless. It takes no effort to look up how to cheese content for an "achievement" when I give absolutely no shits about the "feat". The only exception I have for rare skins are for shit like Recon in Halo 3 since you *actually* had to be a distinguished, prolific member of the community to access it as opposed to looking up how to exploit the game on reddit you sped.

i don't know too much about MK11 since i don't really care about it
iirc they were unlockable but very grindy? if that's the case it is a cunt move and definitively on purpose, they pretty much ask you to either lend money or waste hours grinding like a bitch
if they aren't annoying to get then i don't see the problem

Because I don't care about playing dress up, I care about playing games
If some retard can make the games free for me by playing dress up, I'm all for it

I actually remember a porn dvd trying to sell a scene set with a call-in payment system.
Didn't really work, though, as I could just put the CD in a computer and extract the paid scenes out.

Fuck off jew I'm not buying your fucking game when I can play old games that don't fuck me in the ass

I'm not buying your shit game and I'm not buying your shitty cosmetics

No you didn't order the meal. You ordered the burger. Because you paid the lowest available price. You didn't pay the money for the meal. So you could not have asked for the meal. You're the one who's confused over the base game. You think $60 entitles you the base game, the dlc, the skins, the swag, every single fucking thing that will come out in relation to that game. You think that because "that's the way it's always been." You don't realize that you're not actually buying that stuff. You just really want that to be the case. Wanting it is not actually doing it.

I remember playing for an additional X hours just to unlock something that looks cool. Fuck everyone who defends cosmetic MTXs with a splintery rake.

Imagine coercing people to pay you in order to play the game less.

I'm not Jewish or a dev. Why are you like this?

Fucking neck yourself

You know it's super obvious when you fucking shills show up here and try to post, right?

kys faggot

Well technically yes. But you can get new warframes without paying real money. And getting new Warframe is not that hard.

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It’s been confirmed you can’t buy every cosmetic item with real money.
Most of it you have to grind for currency to unlock chests in the Krypt or by defeating towers.
Basically if you want skins and all that fancy stuff to customize your fighters, you’ll be juggling doing towers in Towers of Time and running through the Krypt opening chests.
I guess for the most part it’s very monotonous because the towers are complete BS to win and you still don’t make a whole lot of currency and you can’t tell if you’re gonna unlock any cosmetic gear.
It’s all random so if you have a main character you like to use, you’re playing the odds on whatever you might ever get.
However you can unlock all of it but it’s random and requires time.

This but uniroincally. What you actually considered the "standard" back in the day wasn't developers giving you a "full package", it was them trying to tantalize you into buying their shit game. It's like a mom and pop restaurant giving you a bargain rib rack because they know it isn't very good vs a prolific cuisine restaurant chairing you $20 for a 5oz steak and extra for sides.

It's not about the quantity, it's about the quality of the product.

How the fuck am I shilling if I'm telling people to not fucking buy things that are not necessary? No, you don't need that frilly dress with a different pink, or the anime wig, caring about cosmetics is what's driving this shit, devs noticed autists did all they could to unlock a different fucking color, it was autists that stupidly helped devs realize people are retared and care about cosmetic shit.

Flat out fucking wrong. But I guess there are enough retarded zoomers on here like yourself that were raised on Candy Crush that forget that, yes video games used to have cosmetics that you didn't have to pay for. They even used to be more tasteful and well designed than the glowing neon trash that we have now.

See this trash? No this wouldn't have bankrupted EA to include this for free. This is low effort garbage that the game is uglier for having included.

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Like I said before, nobody on Yea Forums can argue why they're entitled to everything. You can only lash out in anger when cornered. Must suck to be such brainlets and realize you've been wrong this whole time.

Because what are you going to do about it?

Boycott the game? Lel

yes, if I'm not entitled to a full product when I pay full price then you aren't entitled to my money.

eat shit

Yes. I have over 500 games on Steam - I can afford to not pay for being fucked in the ass.

You seriously don't realize you're just so far gone people find it pointless to try and deal with you? You clearly are young and grew up with a limited understanding of how things work, they don't allow enough characters in a Yea Forums post to teach you why you're wrong

But it says in the fucking box or game page, "Standard Edition", I almost never buy games that have several editions, I don't support that shit, but you have to be stupid to bitch about not getting the special edition crap when you didn't pay for it, bear in mind, you are willfully buying a game knowing beforehand it has cosmetics, you are what's wrong, not people taking advantage of your retardation.

>video games used to have cosmetics that you didn't have to pay for.
And the options typically were extremely limited. Unless you were playing an RPG post 2008 or KoF 13 you only hand a hand full of palette swaps at BEST at your disposal, and that's being really generous with it.

ironically enough I paid $105 for the ultimate edition of MK11 and this is the game that got me to make this thread

I'm in two minds about it, because sometimes it feels like cosmetics are fine, but I look back at horse armour and I know that's where all the microtransaction bullshit started.

you are getting the full product. we've already established that. you're just mad you're not getting more than the full product. because you're...guess it...entitled.

t. zoomer who grew up on mtx
Yes and did you ever once think to question why?

So you are retarded. Not only you are supporting these practices, you are a bitch that can't understand you are the problem.

I was born in 88 I actually remember when games had 0 cosmetics and adjusting for inflation, cost more than they do now. you're just mad you have no recourse in the argument and now are trying to make it about age and "experience" as if shitposting on Yea Forums is some kind of skill.

This is still an awful argument.
I bought the Premium Edition and it doesn’t include all the cosmetics.
It includes the Kombat Pass which includes all the new fighters and some exclusive skins, but this is the most expensive edition you can get and it doesn’t have all the cosmetics.
You can still unlock everything without spending money in the Standard or Premium Edition though.

honest question, how much money have you spent on the game?

don't care how you word it I'm still not buying your trash

>I bought the Premium Edition

You are the fucking problem, stop bitching about it and supporting them at the same time retard.

Paypigs needs to die tbqh

$0 I haven't played MK since the SNES and arcades. i don't plan to buy it. I'm just tired of you faggots crying because mommy won't let you charge some extra costumes to her credit card.

OP is a paypig , he just likes bitching about crap while paying to get fucked in the ass on the side.

You forgot the part where Wcdonalds can provide the full meal at the same cost as the Mcdouble, due to having food replicators that instantly create anything in their menu with basically the same cost for each.

Name one fighting game that doesn’t release new characters post launch.
>well they should wait and release them all for free
Extra dev time goes into new characters after development for the main game and that’s where the whole “fries and soda” argument comes from.
You pay for that.
If I didn’t buy it, I could still unlock all the cosmetic items in the Standard Edition of Mortal Kombat 11 in the game which is the whole argument.
It doesn’t matter which Edition you buy, you can still unlock everything without spending extra money.

you are so fucking retarded

No one has the new characters.
What the fuck are you on about?
I paid for extra characters knowing what I’m getting.
I’m didn’t pay more and bitch I didn’t get every single costume because that’s not what I paid for.
And I’m not going to spend money on costumes cuz I can unlock them for free in-game just by playing the game.

You don't belong here retard, you don't know how this place works, go be stupid somewhere else or at least lurk more before doing this shit.

did you just complain that you didn't get a palette swap for free

who gives a fucking shit about palette swaps, are you retarded?

The "it's only cosmetic so it's okay" argument only works for free to play games. Any form of microtransaction bullshit in pay to play games is untolerable
Also, fuck you, wojak-posting waste of skin

You’re the one getting your jimmies rustled cuz I can buy more content and unlock other content for free.
Have sex.

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No, not with underage children, pedocuck.

Sounds like you already have been

Because people started using that to defend cosmetics in F2P games originally, and that's totally correct.

BUT then idiots who don't understand context, as usual, started using it to defend cosmetic purchases in $60 AAA titles as well.

TLDR It IS fine if it's cosmetic in an F2P game, it's not fine if it's cosmetic in a paid game.

remember in Ratchet and Clank for ps2 how you could earn skill points by doing neat tricks in game and use them to unlock cool skins? the best was running around as a snowman with a rocket launcher.

It is not exactly fine but at least it is not pay to win

These are all some really good meta arguments against capitalism

fucking horse armor dude that is how


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>Have sex.
epic numeme kiddo

>cosmetics wouldn't be made without people willing to pay extra
The year is 2008
POP reboot (or POP2008) is out
DLC existed back then too, but contain new areas, enemies, power,...
Cosmetic is in the game, but you can unlock by pic related

Attached: POPunlock.png (830x432, 33K)

venezuela is state capitalism which is what you're advocating for

>one government group controls the captial instead of numerous private small businesses
literally the opposite of distributism

its grey area if its paid AND an online game that requires servers and maintenance though

game dev, child, or actual retard?
place your votes now

state capitalism
>the means of production are organized and managed as state-owned business enterprises
>the means of production are owned by various private small business enterprises which have nothing to do with the state, the only function the state holds is breaking up any business which gets too big

I guess it's from people thinking that cosmetic only shit is better than full on P2W.

I hate it all though. I'll buy physical merchandise or donate to something I really like, but microtransactions just make playing a game feel too much like business when that's not what it's supposed to be. I haven't really played anything with a cash shop in like 5 years and actively avoid anything that has one, and I'm glad I don't have to deal with that shit anymore. Just seeing a cash shop makes me unhappy.

Cosmetic only is fine in a free game.
In a paid one, ANY mtx is inexcusable 100% of the time.

legit have sex, if the devs are able to trick retards into buying skins then let them at it. I only give a fuck about the fighting.

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>They even put the logos on Dhalsim's skulls

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yike, glad i don't touch that crap

they're so badly done too

>something cosmetic contributes to the experience
>an off-universe costume contributes to in-universe matters
Yeah, no. They should delete all skins. Forever

>You know why I bought
So you buy free-to-play games? That's the only sector where the cosmetic mictrotransaction culture is relevant whatsoever.

What about cases where the "color swaps" are used to pay for free actual content updates?

The "it's just cosmetic so it doesn't matter" argument has always been dumb. Games are a visual medium, their aesthetics are equally as important as their gameplay. No one would play something like Devil May Cry if it was just featureless grey cubes slapping against each other in a featureless grey environment with no sound, effects or story of any kind. Strip away the "cosmetics" and every game in the world is a dull piece of shit. No one actually believes the argument holds water, it's just a coping mechanism to deal with how fucking terrible the industry is now. In 2006 having to pay for horse armour in Oblivion was a fucking outrage, these days that would be seen as the devs having extreme restraint.

Even if you're at the point where you're like "okay well this amount is acceptable", all that's really happening is that the game is being devalued. Both players and the industry claim games are art but both sides treat it like its fast food, just a product to be bought and consumed. No artist would think "hmm if I remove parts from my works and sell them separately I could make way more money" they just want to make the best work they possibly can. A game is devalued by selling things separately. A game which has a cosmetic cash shop is objectively worse than an identical game but with all those cosmetics unlockable through gameplay; it's literally just one game has more value than the other.

But it's not like it's even limited to cosmetics anymore either. People have already moved on to seeing entire areas, missions, items, weapons, and "time savers" like exp boosts as acceptable forms of paid content.

None of this shit is necessary to make games, it's just something that the industry has found it can get away with because gamers have no principles and are retarded. Games are just fast food to them, so of course you have to pay more to get "extras". It's pure extortion, just squeezing out more money any way they can think of.

People only defended cosmetic DLC because the first games to introduce them were either low-quality browser games nobody would've ever paid full price for or MMO's where the only alternative was subscription, which nobody ever liked.
>Cosmetic DLC is ok as long as it's in F2P games
Seems sensible in context if you're a consumer, but a shareholder certainly doesn't understand this concept nor do they give a shit. They see TF2, Overwatch, Gacha games rake in BILLIONS selling virtual pixels aka literal thin air and they tell their lessers down the corporate ladder "That, do that." So then they inject them into full priced games. Retarded children and secondaries who obviously don't know any better the see the shiny sparkly skin for $4.99. Since they're either underage b& or have a goldfish memory, the thought of these skins being free and unlockable at one point never crosses their minds, but since they still want to look better than their peers and stand out from the crowd they buy it anyways. So now here we are today, 15 years of horse armor mind raped the consumer demographic and the practice is now commonly accepted. Clown world.

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>this point.
Nigga we past this point 5 years ago
Consumers will buy anything you fuckin market to them.

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>digital lootboxs in full priced games
Every time I think we've reached the bottom, the industry keeps digging.

ur a fag but a correct fag

>It costs money to develop shit you retard. I'm not going to add in more stuff for free,
Well then I guess your multiplayer is going to die and you're going to get less sales in general since you don't want to do shit "For free".

When I pay for a game, I expect to get 100% of the game I paid for. When the fuck did this line of thinking become abnormal?

gacha (though I do not like or condone gacha because it is just a jpg gambler as you said) doing it is justified because it's free, OW however is a $60 game so it isn't. i agree with your overall point

Those at least are physical products, the locked content is only secondary to it's knick-knack luxury. It's also OK if Nintendo does it.

And you look at modern Ubisoft with "time saver" packs, literally selling you cheat codes. And I'm sure there are people who paid 10 bucks to get that exp boost, which took zero dev time to create.

>all age software designed solely exploit addiction tendencies is fine because it's free
It's gambling and should be subject to regular gambling laws.

i mean moreso the fact that it charges for cosmetics is ok if it's free, but i agree it should be subject to gambling laws and that gacha is universally a shit genre for retards

Posting wojaks immediately invalidates whatever point you may have had

Well the deal with freemium games is that the entrance fee is waived but you have to endure the game tempting you to make additional purchases. You've in a way consented to the arrangement, it's not reasonable to pay the fee for a full game and get a shell that still aggressively tempts you to make additional purchases.

congrats, you aren't the target of the psychological manipulation. If the game gives you a ton of dopamine in the form of crates at the start, and then takes it away from you by making the game super grindy, it puts a lot of stress on people with gambling addictions

Normies don' t care about video games. They care about themselves.

yea lol. i always said cosmtics is fine when its f2p.
nowi ma supposed to accept the same shit in 60€ games. fuck off jew

I literally don't play games anymore with bullshit MTX.

Hollow Knight and Anno 1800 have been occupying my time lately. Before that, I was playing Sekiro and Persona 5.

There are so many good games out there. Leave the trash behind. Ascend. Become a god.

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>it's fine to put cosmetic microtransactions in this MMO where the appearance of your gear is half the motivator to go get it

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