If switch has:

if switch has:
>no micro transcations or loot boxes on paid 1st party games
>vr (xbox peasants still dont have vr)
>the ability to play games 1st and 3rd anywhere. ie. xbox and ps4 fags need to stay chained to a tv to play doom while nintendo players can play it anywhere
>great exclusives
>many options
>no sjw propaganda in 1st party games

how is it not the best consol?

Attached: GUEST_869df002-c5e0-4b9f-9636-56332268c6cf.jpg (488x488, 20K)

It is the best console.

Attached: 1555394906863m.jpg (1024x475, 103K)

It needs 3rd party games. The majority of gamers still want to play AAA games like Assassins Creed, Destiny, Call of Duty, GTAV, Battlefield, Sekiro, DMC5 etc. Warframe for example is similar to Destiny and runs EXTREMELY well on the switch. The switch could easily run these games if devs actually cared to properly port them like Warframe.

No. CoD, BF and some others are designed to run on the 8th gen consoles' 8core "CPUs" Those barely run on 4c4t from 3 years ago.

Bring back the days of producing a separate version for weaker consoles. Didn't stop Call of Duty from appearing on the Wii.

The switch could definitely run AAA games. Warframe on the Switch looks extremely good and almost on par with Destiny.

Attached: maxresdefault-3.jpg (1280x720, 171K)

Warframe is a 6 year old game, user.

Been selling like hotcakes

Attached: nintendo npd.png (932x1056, 141K)

WiiU and switch are both current gen

CoD WaW on the Wii with pointer controls was the best FPS I ever played

>current gen
Didn't it get discontinued?

I really feel bad for anyone who paid full mrsp for the wiiu and its games

What about games?
Can i play dmc5 kh3 sekiro ac7 or re2 on the switch? Just some subpar games and rehashes of old games arent enough. What actual games does nintendo have coming? Aside from trash rehashes?

People are waiting for next gen consoles

>need to stay chained to a tv to play doom
I'd rather be chained to a screen and get 60fps than play it on the shitter with even shittier framerate

Yes. Vita is also current gen

Switch can barely play some of this gen games imagine it playing xbox2 or ps5 games? Nintendo switch will be another wii or even worse just shitty shoevelware games

>People are waiting for next gen consoles
Switch in the US for 2019 had the best Q1 of any console this gen

Awww, look at how angry the little thing is. It probably think it's human

And Wolfenstein 2 was was only 8 months old when it came to the switch. How old a game is means jack shit, it's how the game was made matters.

Ps5 will easily out do that, ps5 will easily sell 20+ million units on its first year.

No games.

Which first party games have loot boxes? I cant recall any from any other main party devs.
VR is garbage on the Switch
No one gives a shit about portability as an adult
No games
What options? Its literally the worst console for features. It also has the worst perofrmance and awful looking games due to res scaling. Id take performance and decent visuals over most of your points, the Switch is living in 2007.
Plenty of SJW stuff BOTW has link dress like a girl and act like a fag for one, and smash was censored.
Youre a fag.

Wolf2 runs and plays like shit on the switch lol

It's really weird, you spout retarded shit and expect others to believe it.

switch is pretty cool console but has no games, maybe when metroid 4 comes out it will be good.

>microtransactions are bad
>but day 1 season passes that lock basic content behind a stupid paywall are fine

>great exclusives
>he says while probably using metacritic to judge what a "great exclusive" is (probably also considers all non-nintendo games to be paid off reviews)

>SJW propaganda
>aka if it has a non-sexy woman protagonist or non-white characters

Basically OP, you're biased as hell and I don't buy into your bait.

With GTAVI being a launch title I think it could achieve 30 million units in the first year,

The PS4 outsold it in 2018 unfortunately.

Name 4 15 million exclusive on the PS4.


She was right all along, bros.

Attached: karen stool.png (718x901, 1.49M)

>looks extremely good
>posts a cutscene
You should try playing it. The game looks and plays like trash on the Shitch. Its also an old ass game on an old ass engine.

Aww, the snoyim believes this matters.

Spiderman, Horizon Zero Dawn, The Last of Us, Uncharted 4, God of War. That's at least 5.

20 million isnt alot retard. Maybe for nindie and ms but to sony its a yearly thing.

Gta 6 will come when nextgen consoles are on the market for more than 2 years.

Yup, 20 FPS and 400p res. Its barely playable.

Recent leak shows that it's a launch title and possibly a PS5 exclusive.

>vr (xbox peasants still dont have vr)
>a positive
Who literally wants this shit, hell the Switch has a garbage version of it, keep that shit off of Xbox. There's a reason I'm getting Switch Mini over the so-called Switch Pro which will barely even be an upgrade.

>no sjw propaganda in 1st party games
Xbox doesn't have this either except for maybe Gears but even then no one plays that shit anyway.

You claimed it was doing great, yet it loses with no competition. Why does this mean I love Sony? Facts are facts. The Switch is a large dissapointment by most metrics.

With two revisions and massive price cuts and a full library, also their two 5 year project exclusives, and it barely squeeked by the switch on a dead year by mere thousands

Nigga thats not possible unless sony paid billion dollars. And a launch title on top of that.

Amiibos are terrible like microtransactions. It's just disc locked content.

There was also that gay $50 mewtwo shit with the last pokemon games
>inb4 pokemon company and people act like nintendo doesn't have pull on that shit.

Also, I own a switch, and it's a god damned port machine. Outside of nintendo shit it isn't really getting stuff that I didn't play at higher quality on other systems before.

Even like half of the nintendo shit is stuff I played on the wii u.

>owns only a Switch
>no witcher 3
>no persona 5
>no red dead 2
>no resident evil 2
>no resident evil 7
>no DMC 5
>no nier automata
>no sekiro
>no monster hunter world
>no god of war
>no detroit
>no spiderman
>no astrobot


>owns only a PS4
>no zelda breath of the wild
>no mario odyssey
>no xenoblade 2
>no yoshi wooly world
>no kirby star allies
>no splatoon 2
>no arms

PS4 is clearly the better cost efficient option strictly speaking in terms of consoles. Only thing worth of note you would be missing is Zelda breath of the wild.

>The Switch is a large dissapointment by most metrics.
Look at this guy

Anybody who thinks you should only own a switch is a fanboy who doesn't actually like video games.

If its any indication, I'm ditching Playstation entirely for Switch as there hasn't been a game that remained a Playstation exclusive that I actually like.

That honestly sounds like most Nintendo fans. Every other thread is "only Nintendo makes good games, every other game in existence is SJW shit".

I've even tried recommending games on the switch that were third party, but they got called indie pixel shit that "falls short of Nintendo's holy light". Like holy crap, stop sniffing your own farts already.

Sony wouldn't have to pay billions for that exclusivity though, they'd just need to pay Rockstars take from potential xbox sales, which would amount to a piddly 2-3 million at most, that's less than 50 million to pay for exclusivity, legitimately nothing.

Its just sony fans that force this narritive because they only own PS4s

PS4 exclusives aren't worth not just owning a PC and a Switch.

Why did you put quotations around something nobody said?

There are no games on Switch anyway, so you are just wasting your money.

Actually, I'm quoting the OP word for word.

>only Nintendo makes good games, everyone else is SJW shit
Right in the first post of the thread.

Sure there aren't. I have a fairly decent collection, but those arbitrarily don't count right?

I've been an idort since pretty much forever and I just disregard anybody who acts like this as being an idiot.

I'd hate it if I hated video games as much as they have to to convince themselves they never want to play anything unless it's on a nintendo system.

You really see that fanboyism in how those people will act like a game isn't worth playing, then if years later it gets a port to a nintendo system they'll suddenly do a 180 and think it's great. I've seen that a whole lot with switch people this gen.

Do the games on the Ps4 count then?

I'm a Nintendo fan myself but does this guy have any right call any first party, especially from Microsoft SJW when Sakurai decided it was a great idea to completely fuck up Zero Suit Samus's design? By the way, if he defends what they did to ZSS in Smash5 I will accuse him of being a discord tranny, SR ZSS was right fucking there!

GTAV sold 100m copies because it was a multiplat. There is no chance Rockstar ever lets GTA go exclusive again. It's going to release at the tail end of this gen and then get ported to the following gen consoles, just like GTAV did.

Sure, but I didn't act like 3rd party multiplats count as a reason to own it, so PS4 shouldn't be allowed either right? Its only fair.

>playing multiplat indie games
>on switch
Zombie buyer.

Unlike nintendo sony cares about thier fans and the games they buy, when nintendo next thing comes you wont be able to play any of those games and will have to buy remasters. While sony just confirmed ps5 to be bc ( not ms fake bc )

>Look at upcoming switch games
>It's still like 90% ports of old stuff

I mean, if you only ever owned a wii/wiiu I guess this is fine.

And none of them solkd 15 million, so your scores stays at 0

Try again

An overwhelming majority of those sales were on Playstation platforms, but what you're missing here is how small a platform Xbox has become, Sony could literally offer more money to Take Two than what they would make on Xbox One/Xbox Scarlett, and it would cost them less than 50m because of how small those platforms are and will be.

Do you understand what the word 'quote' means?

Yeah that's nice, but I still don't have a viable way to play PS3 and PS2 games on the new thing so it doesn't matter. Also you do realize that every Nintendo handheld aside from the Switch has been backwards compatible right? Switch is only the way it is because its different beast than either a Wii U or 3DS.

The games would have to have inferior graphics to run, which is actually a pretty big deal for those games and the average person who buys them.

You're using outdated numbers from their release period, new numbers on resetera show that all of those games sold more than 15m with The Last of Us hitting 18m.

>they didn't sell 15 million, so they don't count


Attached: 1506278028468.png (706x674, 79K)

I mean, last gen ports on the thing often have downgrades still.

Third party AAA stuff from this gen is mostly a pipe dream.

Attached: senua switch ps4.png (1924x1034, 2.39M)

Lmao who wants to play ps2 and ps3 trash? All good shit will get remastered or already did. People only want good games from a good console like ps4, ps1 2 and 3 are old and nobody have them anymore,

>>Look at upcoming switch games
>>It's still like 90% ports of old stuff
Name these games

Attached: switch w2 2.png (1192x606, 1.18M)

Just putting this out there, there will be no more generations for Nintendo we'll just get stronger Switches, Nintendo is following the Apple approach to iPhones so Nintendo fans should expect to be able to play all of their Switch games going forward.

Not happening

Are people really calling Captain Toad a must own?

>new numbers on resetera
Get out

>the texture on that passport
Talk about a lazy downgrade, you'd think they'd at least attempt to maintain the fucking passports texture but just seem to have lazily downscaled every texture by the same proportion.

>>"show me blue squares"
>h-here are red circles!
>>"those aren't blue squares"
>b-b-b-big think!!!!!

Attached: 1553041498658.jpg (812x1024, 61K)

You mean good game, as in the console only has one.

But I'm not, I'm still angry at what they did to Samus in Smash5, that bastard couldn't even give Power Suit Samus her SR suit, I get really tired of you faggots defending Sakurai when he's a hack. you should take yourself, that shitty Smash series, and Sakurai and fuck off to another board, like with Pokemon fans. You make it hard to talk about other Nintendo games and I'm so tired of roster shit. Smash 3 should have been the last Smash game, Smash 4 ruined the series.

Shut the fuck up

>show me games
>okay, here
>those don't count because they didn't sell alot
>by the way snoys are insufferable because they obsess over sales

Yes, big think indeed.

Attached: flat,550x550,075,f.u10.jpg (550x548, 33K)

How about you, you fucking Smash bitch, you're a disgrace to Nintendo fans and make us look bad, I hate you faggots just as much as Pokemon fags and Fire Emblem fags.

The notable third party stuff from when I last looked that people were all excited about is stuff like phoenix wright, dragon's dogma and ff x/x-2 that just came out, hellblade, cuphead that just came out, ff xii, saints row the third, AC3, DQXI, RE1, RE0, RE4, VA-11 Hall-A

It's fucking stacked with ports, but outside of that it's just a big block of indie games and then nintendo's stuff.

But op's premise is based on consoles. Obviously the tide changes if you include the PC into the equation.

Can I clean up your list a bit for people who own only a Switch, but have a functional PC?

>owns only a Switch and a PC
>no persona 5 (unless it is announced in 24 hours)
>no god of war
>no spiderman
>no astrobot


The real shame is they had to downgrade it so massively and it still can't run stable 30.

Which is hilarious because anyone with a functioning brain recognizes that all those games sold extremely well.

Nintendo has not said anything to support this. They're going to incrementally evolve like their handhelds always have and drop support for all but the previous and most recent iteration.

Bloodborne is still an exclusive too unfortunately.

>so Nintendo fans should expect to be able to play all of their Switch games going forward.
They are going to run out of tegra based hardware real quick if you actually think that.

Iwata technically said this in his last year. Switch is Nintendo's future, something they've been wanting to do since the SNES Game Boy days. I don't see them changing it. Home consoles are basically dead in Japan and the Switch is doing very well there since it's a mobile console.

Yeah, so are some Switch games user didn't mention on his list of games PS4 users cannot play

They'll eventually change it up and come up with a way to play Switch games in the future.

Not him but it doesn't help that Dragons Dogma, Crash Racing, FF12, Resident Evil 4 and 0 and a bunch of multiplat indie games make up the bulk of future releases on the eShop right now.

I mean Steamworld Quest and Mario Maker 2 are the major unique games coming out for switch in the next few months.

If they can't do hardware emulation it'll have to be software emulation and that gets dicey real quick.

There's a reason you can't play digital wii u or 3ds games on your switch.

Meant to say hardware integration, not emulation.

That's true, I can only hope that they can do hardware emulation.

I would like to point out Ops premise is based on comparing consoles not including PC user.

Who are you quoting?


Shut the fuck up

Hardware based BC requires actual hardware integration that increases both the size and price of the hardware.

It's not a likely scenario for this sort of device for both those reasons.

Software emulation is easy enough to do when the architecture is close enough - we rarely had it in the past, since consoles were usually made from some shitty hardware that was dark magic. Now with current hardware, all consoles are viable to run on future systems, like old Xbox One games run on Xbox One X. Switch 2 or whatever its called will probably go the same way.

1st party games have ALL been shit except for Splatoon. The controllers are unconfortable, the buttons are shit, it makes too much noise and playing it handheld is unconfortable.
It needed to be smaller, have better controls and better games. 3rd party shit is worse on it anyway.

The OP, again.


If they can get the software to work with software emulation it could work they just need to make future Switches have similar architecture.

Yeah, I know, but PS4 basically has the same drawback to me as PC has - I had to sit in front of a screen to play it, not wherever I want in case for some reason I decide to play for a sec before sleep. If I had to move my ass, I can't really see PS4 as anything but a more comfy PC with pricier games - would be great if somehow Sony ever made an optional Wii U-like screen pad so I could play PS4 games without TV too, in case I wanted.

A large part of this is going to hinge on how powerful their future iterations of hardware is.

If it's just a little bit, then software emulation based BC might have variable results.

The whole point of having continuous system architecture is it makes it unnecessary to do integrated hardware just to do BC.

it's the most impressive console by far, while the 2 big boys decided to make custom PCs nintendo actually did something inventive.

>The controllers are unconfortable, the buttons are shit,
I hate the joycons so much.

They are my least favorite 1st party controller from a big company going all the way back to the first sega saturn controller.

Gran turismo

>would be great if somehow Sony ever made an optional Wii U-like screen pad so I could play PS4 games without TV too, in case I wanted.

It's called a playstation vita and remote play.

They made a custom tablet.

It lacks a lot of the big 3rd party series. That being said, it's the first Nintendo console I've bought in 28 years that I haven't regretted. Even if I don't turn it on very often.

>nintendo actually did something inventive.
the WiiU was inventive yet it was a complete mess, sometimes you dont need to reinvent the wheel to succeed

>the PC is shit because it's not portable

Attached: 1556041300355.jpg (251x375, 30K)

I definitely like it a lot more than the switch or wii u, but I am quite disappointed with how much its library is leaning on trying to sell me experiences I've already had.

>They made a custom tablet.
no shit retard, tablets are finally at parity with ps3+360 and nobody was willing to take the plunge and force proper support for games on it. not to mention the controller setup and docking. it's fucking seamless.

i've got a ps4/pc/switch and I only got my switch recently but it's the most innovative thing in YEARS. that's a fact

I meant a lot more than the wii and wii u.

didnt say that, i love my PC just as much, they serve different use cases

Attached: 1549121536604.jpg (552x540, 37K)

>PS4 and Xbox suck because they are just gimped PCs!
>The Switch is awesome because it's just a closed off tablet that plays games!

I'm glad the pattern of everyone who keeps saying "x console is just a gimped pc" being touched in the head still holds true.

Attached: You right now.png (479x485, 123K)

You think I'm buying that load of lies, especially after your last post? You didn't say "they were weaker PCs without any of the benefits of a PC". You literally said "they're shit because they're PCs".

And nothing makes me more angry than a console fanboy who discards an entire platform because MUH EXCLUSIVES or MUH PORTABILITY. It just makes you close minded.

It needs soul[/soul]

Who owns a pc anyways? Only use is gaming and other than that whatelse? A phone can do the same thing and much better. Pc is oldman tech


Anybody who just completely disregards an entire platform this side of failed consoles like the CDi is just a fanboy who cares more about brands than they do about actual video games.

>You literally said "they're shit because they're PCs".
nigger did you read any of my posts, can you please quote where i said the PC was bad in any regard

Did he trigger you?

Switch is literally just a gimped tablet with HDMI Out.

I was unaware that tablets play nintendo games

>is retard

>Post doesn't say that at all
>Immediately reconfirms their touched in the head status
Bless your heart.

>while the 2 big boys decided to make custom PCs nintendo actually did something inventive.

Right from your post. You actually imply that prebuilts are better than custom PCs, which makes me think you got laughed off of /g/ when asking for advice on how to build your own rig.

Where's that tablet that lets me play Kart, Smash, splatoon, GenU, Tennis, Tetris99, etc

It'd help your case if you didn't just say things at random.

Attached: phoneposter.png (1941x1312, 144K)

And no games
>but yahoo bing bing

>x is just y
>except y does literally nothing that x does

There is a stern difference in gameplay between tr4sh and Ulticuck. Tr4sh is much slower in comparison. If you say other wise you really didnt play that game for years.

Its just 2 3ds glued together. And the 'pro' wont even come close to xbox one power

Attached: power of the shitch.png (669x140, 19K)

i seriously dont know what you're getting at, im saying that sony and microsoft decided to make obsolete PCs instead of any new functionality. my point is that prebuilts are POINTLESS you retard

and no games.

Why does your screen say (You) next to my post?

It's really telling how their same comparison thrown back at them about the switch makes them sperg out and defend it, when the same defense they use also applies to the other systems and their exclusives that they disregarded for being just gimped pcs.

PS3 had no games when it came out either.

>power = more fun

Attached: 1445692816133s.jpg (250x250, 7K)

>He doesn't know about (You)s

Have a switch, I have literally never bought amibos. You don't need them

Not him, but having stuff not drop to deeply sub native resolution with frame issues helps me have more fun.

You don't NEED them

Up your ass, there's a reason I'm skipping the Switch for the Switch Mini. I want the real 3DS successor.

>my point is that prebuilts are pointless
Then you shouldn't have used the term "custom PC" and you shouldn't have implied that making a a PC is bad to begin with. Besides which, if they were trying to be PCs, they'd still be better than the switch because not fixing what isn't broken is better than vain attempts of pretentious originality or inventiveness.

You could've said a hundred things to justify the PS4 and Xbox being lower quality, but you went for the low hanging fruit and implied that all PCs are bad. Don't blame me because I called you out for your poor comprehension.

You don't NEED anything, but that doesn't make normalizing disc locked content like they did stop being a super shitty anti consumer practice.

>smear cum all over your screen
>its fun!!

Attached: 1555572348750.jpg (480x471, 31K)

Pretty much and I'm a Nintendo fan but Nintendo fanboys annoy the shit out of me, all fanboys do.

If the switch cant even play those goddamn games whats the point?

>online jewing
The Wii U was better.




Attached: Haunting Truths.jpg (373x462, 49K)

I think you just dont know how to read, even after the misunderstanding you still thought i was some anti-pc shill despite saying that I have literally everything bar an xbox. maybe dont take console wars so seriously and try to see some fucking nuance in opinions on consoles.

Don't care about you

Portability doesn’t justify the garbage library of games. Pirating is the only feasible option with the switch because how expensive the games are, and most of them are old ass ports.

Are you really replying to bait?

>maybe dont take console wars so seriously and try to see some fucking nuance in opinions on consoles.
This coming from mr. "Xbox and PS4 bad, Switch good!".

I'm getting lessons on nuance from someone who discards two consoles and their entire libraries because they're not portable.

>normalizing disc locked content
Blah blah blah slippery slope fallacy. Nobody does this shit.


>Pirating is the only feasible option with the switch because how expensive the games are
Wouldn't know, I'm not poor

I have a ps4 you fucking monkey, i just dont think it's design is very creative compared to the switch or a PC, aside from PSVR which i think is an innovative addition to the system

Of course, you don't, you bought a Switch when it barely had shit, 2017 was the consoles best year, last year was a disaster, and this year at least has something, I'm interested in Astra Chain and Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 I also plan to see how the next mainline Pokemon is but I'm hoping 2020 and beyond can give me more years like 2017, I'm glad I waited though. I'm also looking forward to Zelda A Link's Awakening even though I'm not to fond of the art style.

Warframe runs like trash on the switch. if you stay perfectly still in a room with no enemies you're running 30fps fine, but if you start shooting or there are more than 3 enemies in the room with you soon down immediately to 15-20fps

Nintendo did.

There were several years where just about every single game they released had disc locked content for amiibos.

It's literally not a slippery slope claim, you should actually learn what that means. It's something that verifiably happened with the company because of amiibos.

I'll kyss you too bby...


Attached: tcxqmtuv.jpg (482x392, 50K)

Who cares about the design as long as it's functional?Why must we constantly be chasing the next big thing, when we should be focusing on quality and efficiency?

This kind of mindset is what justifies games on the Switch running at sub-20 FPS, and people defending it because MUH PORTABILITY.

I have a PC, the only reason i bought a ps4 was to play exclusives
I bought a switch to play exclusives and some multiplats portably

Fuck off larping faggot

>and people defending it because MUH PORTABILITY.
I'm still salty seeing people who shit on every vita port if it wasn't 100% flawless defend shit like doom because MUH PORTABILITY

They are too chickenshit to just admit they are fanboys who don't care about anything unless nintendo gets a piece of it.

>Who cares about the design as long as it's functional
because the ONLY reason to get a console instead of a PC is either because of it's exclusives or it's practical usefulness. if they ARE just becoming PCs then id rather sony stop making consoles altogether and just publish games for the PC instead

Don't care about you

>if they ARE just becoming PCs
They aren't even close to becoming PCs. The only people who think this don't know anything about anything.

Not owning a Switch + PC master race


Don't hate me because I like girls, faggot.

Attached: stupid.jpg (379x1285, 170K)

>There were several years where just about every single game they released had disc locked content for amiibos.
oh no what will I ever do without my pink kirby smile pallet swap in mario kart!

>Not just being an Idort every generation because you actually like video games

Have sex

>the only reason to get a console is because of exclusives
>what about these?
>those are shit

Think about it for a second. I could use this exact logic to discard the switch as a bad system. I don't care about Nintendo exclusives, and the drop in performance CANNOT be justified in any way, not even for portability, so my multiplats and ports remain on the PC.

>It's just cosmetic!
This was never true about amiibos and you know it. There was shitloads of real content locked behind amiibos in a lot of games.

>>what about these?
>>those are shit
list some, i haven't used anything on my PS4 that my pc cant already do better

You offerin'?

Attached: 14e.png (399x287, 136K)

Such as?


Attached: average weeb.jpg (800x600, 98K)

IF we're going by popularity, what about Spiderman? God of War? Uncharted? The Last of US? Horizon?

>those are all movie shit
Ok, so that means we're discarding the millions of people and game journalists who gave them overwhelming praise. So why can't I do that to Nintendo's exclusives? Honestly, am I supposed to like casual hallway simulators like Kirby, or disgusting furry shovelware like Animal Crossing? I don't care if you think it's comfy, I think it's trash and I wouldn't shed a tear if they ceased to exist.

About half the single player content and some gear in splatoon, the entire trainable AI fighter feature in smash, Co op in shovel knight, the secret bosses in gunvolt, 4 characters in project steam, wolf link partner in botw, dungeons in fire emblem, the double yoshi mechanic in wooly world, cave of shadows in twilight princess.

That's not even close to a complete list.

You lost me at smash 3

i already said that exclusives were the reason to get the console, i have 4/5 of those games already. I assumed you were saying there were some features on the ps4 that are inherent to the console, but clearly there arent. those games would be better if sony didnt make consoles and instead published those games for the PC, do you disagree?

There's a whole game mode in mario party 10 that can only be unlocked with amiibo, and that game was already anemic on content.

Don't forget actual difficulty modes in Metroid: Samus Returns. I thought that was a real dick move. why can't I unlock that without using cheats? Can't I do it ingame?

Good, then let's just lock all content behind them. Make games early access beta tests that require constant streams of revenue to fix through patches. After all, money is more important than quality, right?

>brawl was the last good smash game
Actually right stfu

I didn't buy any nintendo games that needed amiibo for any actual content because of this sort of shit.

Just terrible.

>those games would be better if sony didnt make consoles and instead published those games for the PC, do you disagree?
I could say the exact same thing about the Switch. Portability is objectively a bad thing because it encourages idiots to accept drops in framerate and performance.

So in that way I do agree that ALL consoles are bad, and there are no exceptions.

I know you don't need it but the point I was making is amibos ain't shit. You can probably find the codes online

Kill yourself namefag.

>Portability is objectively a bad thing because it encourages idiots to accept drops in framerate and performance.
that's where we disagree, I am perfectly fine with having a drop in performance if it means i can play vidya optimized for the switch on my commute.

>i am perfectly fine with having a drop in performance
>how dare anyone ask Nintendo to optimize their games, or at least drop the price on poorly optimized games! won't someone please think of the poor multi-billion dollar corporation!

Attached: 1407213274979.jpg (471x350, 46K)

Yeah, 240p 24 fps games are totally worth paying $60 for.

Attached: switch w2 3.png (1265x675, 1.32M)

So basically pallet swaps


>I'm pretending to be retarded teehee!

Absolutely embarssing

Nintendo actually does very well at optimizing their games for their platforms. Its the PS4 and Xbox1 that have the majority of unoptimized garbage

I dont disagree, doesnt stop me from enjoying the system though. i could easily do a sarcastic >how dare they
meme about the ps4 exclusives, cross platform play, or whatever controversy of the day exists. but I dont because from the most part the ps4 is fine and serves my needs perfectly, same goes for the switch and my PC

This argument makes sense for the Switch Mini but not the Switch.

>It's called a playstation vita and remote play.
Tried it, the lag is far too great, not comparable to how Wii U worked.

>>no micro transcations or loot boxes on paid 1st party games
but it does

>Nintendo actually does very well at optimizing their games for their platforms.
>Xenoblade and Zelda continue to run at sub-25 FPS

Attached: 4h2pdxwa3ftz.gif (500x640, 2.97M)

It's entirely dependent on how you set up the configuration for it and if your ps4 is wired or wireless to your router.

I can use mine just great from the opposite side of my house and by my pool. I couldn't use my wii u gamepad outside of the same room as the system, which made it pointless as fuck.

Doesn't xenoblade drop to 240p?

>Removing features

here you go user, grab an old meme

Attached: 1405809157560.jpg (500x420, 55K)

none of you guys only own ONE system right?

Best port machine ever. No good exclusives tho.

>monolith soft is Nintendo

Just the PS4 owners posting here

Do yourself a favor and look up who owns monolith soft.

Do you self a favor a fucking kill yourself

Except for Falcon. He baiscally can't keep momentum now

Best exclusives machine ever. Some good ports too.

>nintendo owns monolith
>therfore the inhouse nintendo developers work on monolith games
imagine being this fucking stupid. you think xi xinping coded league of legends too?

Monolith soft are literally Nintendo developers. They work for, are owned, trained, and managed by Nintendo.

Monolith works on basically every Nintendo game anyway.

ID software are literally Bethesda developers, They work for, are owned, trained, and managed by Bethesda

Imagine trying to argue that a first-party Nintendo studio isn't part of Nintendo.

Zenimax owns id and also owns Bethesda, Bethesda doesn't own id.

When a new pokemon game comes out why does it say gamefreak developed it and not nintendo?

Is that why Halo 5 plays at 60fps without dropping a frame and Zelda drops several frames even freezing at times?

Nintendo doesn't own game freak. They have a share in game freak, and not a majority share. They outright own monolith soft.

All you guys keep doing by trying to draw these comparisons is proving that you have no idea who owns anybody.

Is that why smash plays at 60 without dropping a frame and....
oh wait xbox doesnt have any games besides halo KEK

Garbage bait. All of those games on wiiu were great and they got put on switch because the WiiU was a shitty piece of hardware

Xbox has many games and Smash is as shit and dried out as the Gears of War series Microsoft keeps pushing, plus Smash isn't really pushing the system, Nintendo's 2017 games were more demanding than that pile of shit. As a Nintendo and Xbox fans I question why Nintendo fanboys shill Smash all the time and why Xbox fanboys shilll Gears all the time, it's about time those series take a break, a very long break.


I'm mad that I bought it and now an upgraded version is coming. Won't buy a system next gen till it's 3 years in

From I'm hearing the upgrade isn't much of an upgrade at all.

What does that even mean you fuckin blinking fruit?

What Ultimate Falcon? If yes, then momentum isnt a problem but rather this new Falcon requires more precision.

Smash needs to die, tripfag.

actually just enjoying games regardless of the console? dare i say, based?