So what Yea Forums wants to see in the next Persona fighting game that will be announced tomorrow?
Persona 5: The Showdown
I'd believe it
Problem is, Xrd or sprites?
Nothing. I'm waiting for the next mainland persona title
I seriously hope it's not a fighting game. Fighting games cater to the lowest button mashing denominator aka niggers.
Don't you mean Persona 5 Sneed?
I'd be surprised. Joker is already in one of the biggest fighters of the gen, and Persona overall is still relevant in the genre through BBTAG.
Made by ASW Blue Team (Blazblue, Persona 4 Arena, Cross Tag Battle), so it will have sprites just like those P4A did. The Red Team (Guilty Gear Xrd, FighterZ) is busy working on Granblue Versus and in their next GG game.
More adult versions of characters, bonus points if Naoto’s light novel design appears in any capacity
Smash is not part of the FGC, also CTB is dead.
It's still a fighting game. And BBTAG just had it's arcade version release.
I don't want more fighitng games, the genre is shit right now.
>Smash is not part of the FGC
>Most entrants at EVO
In other words you are a no skill casual
Non canon game so non-PT members can be fighters. The PT are the least interesting characters in the game.
You'll be waiting a long time buddy
P5S is Persona 5 Simultaneous. All future titles will launch worldwide at the same time. Screencap this
>Give Futaba an all out attack to show she can fight
>Introduce a new PT
>10 PTs and the twins at least to play as
>Probably P3/P4 cast as well
I believe it.
>THIS is the Persona 5 game coming to Switch as well
That's retarded
Kamoshida needs to be playable
so its going to be unbalanced and dead within 2 months, great
Give me Makoto Yuki as a playable main with Thanatos as his persona please for the love of God, even if he's absolutely bottom tier trash I'll main him I don't care, please let me play my favourite Persona Protag in a SINGLE fighting game
That's for Elizabeth, Why wouldn't Minato get Orpheus or Messiah?
Mr Wiz loves money, that's why Ultimate is in, if Overwatch was there, it would more entrants too. Smash players literally don't play anything outside of Smash, that's why they have most entrants than other fighting games. EVO is just a platform for them.
Because it's metaphoric with him and Ryoji.
I main Elizabeth/Mitsuru in P4AU though.