I just finished this great game, despite Yea Forums telling me it was shit.
How long do you suppose I have to wait for a translated sequel?
I just finished this great game, despite Yea Forums telling me it was shit
Mid to late 2020.
They do roughly 1 case every 5-6 months.
Case 1 is coming out "soon" so we will definitely get Case 2 this year still and MAAAAAAAAAAYBE 3 if we're lucky.
Case 4 and 5 are definitive 2020 though.
Late 2020 is the most realistic estimate.
How hard can it be to run chinese through google translate?
Are you retarded?
Nevermind, I already know the answer
If you think fantranslations are done through Google Translate then you are the dumbest person under the sun
Fine. Mandarin, whatever.
If you don't care about reading it then you can just play the japanese version now you know
Definitely will have to wait for the fantranslation.
The first game destroys the "WE IZ AMERIKA N SHIEYYT" localization nightmare from the franchise, AND the protagonist is a direct catalyst for WW2.
I really only had a few problems with the game.
1. There were no cutscenes for the murders
2. They kept jacking off to the katana
3. a few other nitpicks here and there
With the way Yea Forums talked about it, I expected it to be a mess
it was shit but 2 is great
can someone tell if the logic gets better in the later cases? I just cleared the first case and holy fuck there's some straight up retarded writing in it. The whole two plates deal not dawning on the characters immediately made me want to throw my 3DS out of my window
Do you understand japanese? if not, how did you understand the story?
I wouldn't judge an Ace Attorney game on the first case, they're usually dumb. It gets a lot better I would say, but any AA game is gonna have logic flaws throughout
People who say it is shit are just mindless drones parroting what they read here
First one took so long because they were figuring out a lot of how to and how they were going to do a lot of shit, this will probably be faster
First one took 4 years in total.
They only started working on 2 recently, a year and half is much faster than 4 years but still plenty of time, don't be stupid if you think they can hsit out entirety of 2 in few months especially since it's a BIGGER game than 1.
Just pray no drama happens and it will happen eventually.
With all the recent drama in the discord, it's probably be like 3 years.
>With all the recent drama in the discord
Do tell
uwabami "accidentally" leaked Hyarion's dick pics. Now everyone's up in arms taking one side or another and the few people who genuinely don't give a shit about the social aspect of anything and just want to fucking localize the game are getting caught in the crossfire.
Proof or fuck off
I'm not gonna post some poor sap's dongle here for you to ogle.
In other words you're making shit up to stir up shit