Get out of my shrine.
Get out of my shrine
Other urls found in this thread:
Or else what?
Oh please exterminate me Harukei-sama
I don't wanna.
>never bathes
>constantly drinking
>every word that comes out of her mouth is a complaint
Reimu is the perfect woman.
Okay, if you insist. I was going to donate but you seem like a bad shrine maiden. I'll go to the Moriya Shrine instead
Nice spats.
I´ll donate $5 if you lift your skirt.
I hope Zun puts best tomboy in Touhou 17.
Post some Nuetella
Fine. Guess I'll find someone else to give this to.
>another /jp/ tier touhou thread
birds are highly important
>no bloomers
alright lads here's an idea
team shottypes like in IN, but Reimu and Marisa are on the same team
So basically TD/LoLK Reimu?
>never bathes
Wily beast and weakest creature is something Nue will appear. If Cirno appears in Hidden season, so can Nue!
teach me how to be a shrine maiden, master.
Her final smash?
Everyone turns into clones of her.
I was about to make a donation, but okay if you insist I'll leave
Highly soft and huggable bird.
This again, can you explain what the fuck you mean? Is a reference to something?
People want Reimu to get into Smash. Obviously, this is a ridiculous request, so it became kind of a joke that if she got in, her final smash would be all other characters on the stage turning into her. You know, "they said I wouldn't get in, but now, I'm the ONLY one in".
It's kind of a bait-and-switch joke, but not quite.
>youkai are cute girls with special powers and will remain cute for thousands of years if not forever
>human girls will either die by 30 like Akyuu or grow old, wrinkley, and bitchy
Why haven't you taken the youkaipill?
secondaries ww@?
I keep trying but ZUN won't let me.
based Alicefriend
Could you just kill me in a blinding flash of light so I don't feel a thing? I even came with the last of my savings for your shrine if you do Thanks.
My first exposure to Touhou was porn on Danbooru.
The only main series game I played was EoSD, and the only spin-off game I actually play often is Hisoutensoku.
Marisa wants to extend her lifespan while still being a human. she doesn't have any interest in being a youkai.
/jp/ doesn't talk about touhou anymore, it's only jav or idol shit from the Yea Forums and /s/ reject
She can dine on Mokou's liver any time she wants.
That is fucking stupid, I thought it was a reference to something. I am disappointed, gonna post Reimu.
are there any lorefags arond in this thread?
Why does reimu suck at her job so much? isn't she supposed to exterminate the Youkai around the human village?
Why does she keep some of them as pets or let them walk around the Shrine A holy place by the way as they please?
God, imagine the smell...
Simple, she is LAZY.
No you're stupid!
>Why does reimu suck at her job so much?
She's a lazy bum who'd rather not put in effort unless she has to.
As explained by yukari in FS, Reimu's actual role is to be the balancing force between humans and youkai, it's just that she carries out this duty by exterminating yooks. While Reimu is very lazy and has forgotten the rituals for the hakurei god, she still derives a bit of his power which is more than enough to fuck shit up. If Reimu actually practiced summoning and communing with the gods she would be on par with Yorihime.
That's...surprisingly arousing.
She doesn't suck at danmaku. The thing is that she has to make at least some effort to gather faith for her god as said. She is quite honest about what an unwanted pain in the ass she thinks that responsibility is. The free house is nice though.
Because she already exterminated all the Youkai that are actually bad
So I guess you're not a hermit anymore huh?
>Reimu's actual role is to be the balancing force between humans and youkai
Also note that the whole point of the Spell Card system (as drafted by Reimu) was to make duels between humans and Youkai (and Youkai and herself) more fair. Otherwise it'd just be the strong crushing the weak. The current system lets youkai cause trouble and humans resolve trouble, so everyone feels like they have a purpose.
Is it a secondary thread or actual Touhou thread?
She's in
imagine if she sat on you and decided that she was too lazy to get off
where is she?
Why do they draw reimu so thick?
Secondary. We all have no clue about Touhous.
But big tits+touhou = a good thread.
Because masturbating to 2hus is objectively better.
both. primaries and secondaries existing in harmony
This man knows what's up
step 1: be the little girl
I'm gonna post Reimu, aceman.
This little tsundere needs a good dicking.
On Willy beast
Look at how cute this dog is.
That's fine user. I don't have a lot of Reimu art however
I wanna rub that dog's belly.
Screw the shrine maiden, give me fluffy tails
Post shion and jo'on instead!
Alright that's too much pudge for me
What other 2hu folders do you have?
Guys, we just had a good Touhou thread, please don't turn this one into a /jp/ tier imagedumping ground.
It's in progress.
Done, what next?
God I fucking love touhou threads.
Learn reverse psychology, idiot.
>Never played a single Touhou game in my life
>What little I know about the setting and characters comes from the parody videos on youtube and niconico and the metric tons of yuri art scattered through the internet
too late user, the falseflaggers from /2hug/ found the thread
sacrifice your soul to the eight million
I need to get to the photo games at some point. They sound fun.
>the majority of Yea Forums unironically likes mokou more than kaguya
There is nothing wrong with loving the girls.
They are cute.
You said this... yet you post a Mokou pic?
>Thread turns into /jp/ tier imagedump for the thousandth time
Kaguya is shit, SHIT!
>Yea Forums likes based flame hobo more than crazy moon nigger
I'll be honest with you since this touhou stuff seems nifty.
But I just like posting big tittied girls. And other anons love it.
So I'm sorry if these threads are full of big tits. But not really since everyone liked big tits.
This, but lunarians are actually cool. Kaguya is just a crazy bitch
right, anything else?
I love big 2hu tiddies.
>you will have periods, pmsing, menstrual cycles, mood swings, insecurities, anxiety, and crushes on douchebag boys for thousands of years
and all is well with the world
vote REIMU!
t. Lunarian
Raymoo is healthy!
Will Raymoo ever dress like a proper shrine maiden again instead of looking like a slut?
>lunarians are actually cool
So why is Alice obsessed with Marisa even though she knows she's going to be the bottom bitch?
this is sfw, her nipples are covered.
also, code pls
Source? Quick before you get nuked.
Sounds like a good thing to me.
I want to see what's in your Reimu folder, aceman.
I think I haven't seen you sharing it.
Clearly netplay is the answer
Why do you think OP made this thread in the first place?
Why hasn't Reimu killed Alice yet?
Should I main Alice, Aya, or Suwako in soku?
Because she is a girl.
Because killing Alice would lead to a bloodthirsty Marisa beheading her.
Too big
Now keep posting Reimoo
Because she is a feminist and an hypocrite.
Nothing is too big.
Forbidden Scrollery.
People should stop fucking complain.
Hi speedreader-kun
She was never given proper training
>never heard of touhou before
>Always thought it was anime
>This thread
None of the shrine maidens were given proper training. This is Yukari's masterplan
>Never heard of touhou
Fucking electionfags
post crying hecatia
someone post the tewi gif
Head to the creamery.
>never heard of touhou before
>Always thought it was anime
>that unnecessary spacing
you're the fat poster aren't you? fuck off already.
Reimu would hate every single one of you Yea Forumsirgins unless you give her lots of money.
Fuck off, almost all Yea Forums is fucking persona 5 right now, I need this.
Wanna host the soku?
>Anri okita
I thought I recogonized those tits
Or fight her, is canon she befriends anybody she fights.
Go to /jp/ then you horny fuck
lad if I don't even have a fucking main what makes you think I'm good enough for netplay
Wait a minute. You're telling me Anri Okita did JAV in Reimu cosplay?
the answer lies in the heart of battle
I want to feed on Reimu's tits.
Yes, which is why the ordinary magician is better.
I wonder if she'll let you do that.
Not enough Reimus.
yes, read the chain and get that dick ready
Enjoy dying a slow and painful death my fellow anons.
Fight her in danmaku, dunce.
post the pasta, you know the one
Buddy you got it the other way around, FIRST you netplay when you suck to get used to different characters and git gud, THEN you choose your main
(alternatively, you first just choose ur waifu and then git gud with her)
this guy speaks the truth Also to answer your question, Aya is probably your best pick for main; Alice and Suwako are both unusual and tricky to get used to compared to the other characters
Alice has super disjointed hitboxes and requires doll setups, and Suwako has the strangest movement of the whole cast
Aya has good, fast, precise neutral and is overall good to learn the game with, even if she lacks damage
Why has moderation not caught on, and started monitoring every Touhou thread, no matter what the OP looks like? Nearly every time a thread shows up, it's supposed to be a shitpost thread. You think they would realize that by now and start flushing them down the toilet almost immediately.
But Touhou is videogames, newfriend
She will.
She actually loves someone playing with her breast.
>Touhoufags are waifufagging elitists
>combine this with their fear of normalfags/ironic weebs
>Reimu is added as a character
>this pushes Touhou towards the limelight
>new fans flood in and discover the decades of shitposting
>start spouting old memes like a bunch of TF2 players
>/jp/ gets a heart attack and gets catalog bombed
>Yea Forums tries to raid /jp/ during the initial reveal and /jp/ mods accidentally ban a bunch of /jp/ posters during the chaos
>/jp/ also enters a new era of paranoia because they think their board will be invaded when nobody gives a fuck about them and their idolshit anymore
>Touhoufags and /jp/ being forced to talk about the games again mindbreaks them
>Touhou threads on Yea Forums get insta-derailed by Twitter screencaps of random people saying ignorant shit about the games (and Touhoufags are too autistic to ignore them)
>a LOT of porn, mostly armpit screenshots of Smash Reimu
>people speculating about what musical tracks will be in and how hard Sakurai will suck EOSD dick
>Marisa and Sanaefags not shutting the fuck up
>three dozen reaction videos of nobody e-celebs acting confused
>at least half of them are making generic waifu jokes because they have no idea of who Reimu is
>collective outrage and confusion from western characterfags
>Neptunia/Love Live ironic weebs latch on Touhou
>they start bringing fumos to EVO
>they start banning fumos at EVO
>Gokufags become even more obnoxious because "an anime character is in"
>the bullet hell difficulty attracts souls-like fags and e-celebs
>Jap sites can't stop cumming and laughing at the Fatesfags
>2ch is on full shitstorm mode because she was a Sans tier meme choice
>Pixiv gets nuked so hard by crossover art that it becomes unusable
Get into my bed
That's irrelevant when the threads break at least 2 or 3 rules almost every single time they show up. People even go to these threads for the express purpose of shitposting.
Well that's good news then.
The demo of the newest game is going to come out in a week and a half, otherwise these image dumps would be deleted instantly.
>cropped feet
As expected of a tripfag
Get out of my board
I really doubt these threads would be deleted instantly. Too many bad thread are allowed to live. This thread doesn't even have value because it's not even talking about the new game. I wasn't even aware there was going to be a new game, because this thread is just a soft porn dump of a character that's been around forever.
ok this is epic
would fit right in place in the chaos timeline, I hope it happens
>implying she isn't
>I wasn't even aware there was going to be a new game
thats your own fault, there have been threads about it from the past week reaching bump limit and if you checked /jp/ for even a minute you would have known
Honk Honk!
Does anyone have more of the number nine girl?
>I wasn't even aware there was going to be a new game
Why don't you just leave if you don't like people posting images?
This thread is clearly meant for posting Reimu.
reimu dies next game
screencap this
I usually ignore these thread BECAUSE they're only shitposting. Maybe if you wanted generate legit discussion, you wouldn't spam garbage. Real moderation goes a long way.
post autistic gardener
the OP of recent threads were of the recent game screenshot though
Do not reply to 459832973. He purposefully chose a shit font just to get (You)s.
what the fuck is that font
We had several good threads since 17's announcement.
Reimu is going to get oni'd next game
based spookman
Nobody wants to host soku?
I automatically block out Touhou threads from my mind because they're usually trash. The reputation is so bad, you shoo away people who could potentially be interested in the games, and invite trash with open arms. I thought secondaries were supposed to be bad?
feet are gross
Threads that have screenshots of the games will usually be good, but these threads are just made by horny /2hug/ shitposters
I mean yeah you are right touhou is usually banished to /jp/ for a reason
t. fag upset reimu finally has armpit competition
Then why are threads like this one allowed? It certainly doesn't help the fanbase recover. It does the opposite.
Anyone still here?
You can post other 2hus if you like.
they usually delete them but they've stopped now for whatever reason
Fuck reimu
Yuuka is scary.
>2hug raid
>Wannabe backseat mod user
Now we just need raisin user
Reisenfag keeps to waifu threads
That's the best part.
why would anyone want to do that?
she's the most unattractive girl in the series
Reimu doesn't suck at her job, Reimu is the motherfucking CRIMSON SLASHER, every youkai in Gensokyo fills their babby youkai diapers with shit at the first sign of anything red zipping around in the vicinity of their pathetic attempts at causing an incident.
But you'll be fine as long as you don't touch her flowers
Cute is better.
Can Yuuka be cute?
I fucking love this artist.
>reimu's shrine
ell em ayy oh
As long as you don't upset her.
Very much so
I will touch her flower if you know what I mean.
I'm around but this isn't really a waifu thread!
You better fucking stop
I'm really concerned that we haven't seen reisen user yet in this thread.
Now you make me want to post Yuuka.
I don't have many images of her, though.
That hasn't stopped you before.
Get fucked flower retard
reimu milkers
What makes you think this isn't waifu thread?
Whatever it is, it ends up sabotaging any efforts to improve it.
Welp, user is fucking dead
See I rarely post her in Touhou threads, I don't want to bother people who want to discuss the games!
Doesn't seem like one!
Why would you do that?
This is barely a Touhou thread, it's just a shitty imagedump
If you hate waifuposting you shouldn't waste your energy posting on thread like this.
OP clearly made this thread for waifuposting. Just report or let it die.
Judging by your image and other images posted, a knowledgeable person (or sick depending how you look at it) would think this is a cookie thread.
B-But this isn't exactly one either.
Well if you insist.
Recently I posted her where it actually answered the OP's question but someone still got upset with me so I'd rather not!
>Local man found dead under a patch of sunflowers, bisected into 30 different pieces
She doesn't remember her and Makai is probably out of Gensokyo jurisdiction?
This is clearly a waifu thread, Reisenanon.
Didn't stop her from genociding Makai in MS did it?
a-user? are you there? is everything ok?!
Post more poorly translated mokous
Anyone still here?
*teleports in front of your monitor*
The Violet Slasher is an entirely different matter
*turns off monitor*
nothing personnel
How much does she charge for sex?
Your life. Would you still do it?
Just give her a coin and she will do it.
Post email.
What was it
Look at this madman, can he survive her?
H-how did she find him??
user did a foolish thing and suffered for it.
Shit, she is actually here! Everyone for themselves!
That is DMC3 Dante, he is not at the peak of his power, no way he can survive Yuuka.
He's just meming
Fuck this i'm outta here
What happened?
>porn dumping thread
Fuck this. Draw yourself with your favorite touhou instead before the thread gets deleted
Yuuka is in this thread.
>draw yourself with your favorite 2hu thread on /jp/
>everyone draws themselves as a girl
I-It's all trannies, right?
>actually touching Medicine
RIP user
unironically yes
Lord have mercy...
what the fuck happened? im spooked
I'm tired.
Why do you hate posting 2hu images so much?
Like most people say most of 2hu appeal is the girls and people who like the games are minority.
Where is OP anyway? Is he still around?
The Sunflower Youkai is not to be trifled with
Tewi is mine.
why does she have an obsession with flowers? autism?
Oh is it time to post Yuuka
You can post Yuuka instead!
She's lucky.
They make her happy
the most powerful people are the most autistic
yea tard strength is something to be afraid of
I would rather talk about Touhou than just post images, especially images that only serve to arouse
laugh at this poor boy and his utter lack of stamina
Let me lick your armpits first
Straight to the point. I like it.
>Do you know why flowers can be a symbol of death as well as happiness?
>That's because they're the same as humans.
>Souls gather, flowers bloom, when souls leave,flowers scatter.
>Even if they're not here, the flowers above ground right now reek of death.
>If you were quiet and listened for a little, you'd know it was all only fooling around.
>Do you think when you're not teased, you're above everyone else?
>What kind of flowers blooms in hell?
>Flowers that have committed sins, surely.
Discussion often lead to strife and fights.
That's why posting cute images is definitely better!
Ok I was having a good time with the spook posting but this is genuinely unnerving
I don't have Yuuka pics right now, but I have this.
circlejerks are boring and retarded
fuck you say?
I'm a simple man, I see raymoo armpits, I want a taste
Then you shouldn't be in this thread
>weeds and dandelions
I don't think Yuuka would really give a shit
1 Yuuka
2 Yuuka
Big Yuuka
Small Yuuka
this thread is good to shitpost without repercussions
Such a nice tummy
Alright little negroes, redpill me on dumping Yuuka images on Yea Forums. Can't you just go to danbooru and have a look at them at your leisure?
Don't feel like shifting 100 + pages again. I'd rather hear what other anons say/post about her.
To express my devotion to my waifu and share cute pictures to fellow user.
>he doesn't like cute images posted on Yea Forums
This board is too gay and need to be straighten up.
Fair enough but why do it here at the expense of people who perhaps wanted to talk about the video game series
Crazy pole dancers!
This thread isn't meant for video games, user.
There's a pretty big difference between a actual 2hu game thread and a shitposting one user.
where the fuck were you 300 posts ago
Superior miko
>he still play video games
I was busy playing Satori Komeiji's Mental Education.
I'd donate to her.
How delicious is Yuuka's armpit?
I love Reisen!
I'm a bit confused on the mods' stance on touhou threads, I mean we had a thread that was all about the games the other day and it got nuked. Then we often have these dump threads that never seem to be taken down?
play pofv
Depends on which jannies on patrol maybe
They are probably asleep now post PC-98
Can't answer that for you other then mods are fags.
Mods love cute 2hu images, that's why.
but pc-98 is forbidden
Mods realize 2hu games are for fags but posting 2hu girls is good.
Boobhu the best.
Yuuka has a nice aesthetic
Whoa a bit too lewd there!
We literally have Tewi paizuri in this thread unspoilered, I think it's safe to say that mods are sleeping, just like Yuuka usually does.
No bullying.
And get in her bed
Any good fan games on steam?
It's just make me nervous to see my waifu shows so much skin, but I guess I have to get used to it!
>thread still up
itt mods fapping to touhou girls
I love Reisen!
What game?
All right. I will take my donations elsewhere instead!
Mouse having a morning drink!
Imperishable Night
I knew you were sick but not to this extent.
Mods just deleted a tranny thread but left this one up. It's safe to say they're busting massive nuts to all the 2D you guys are dumping.
Reminder Reimu leaving AGDQ turned that autism fest into a tranny infested shithole.
Maybe Yuuka is more to your tastes
post 1cc fags
doesn't exist in this thread
whats that
I only have 10cc, is that good enough?
Please no
I only play photo games
Tell me things about yuuka. She seems pretty interesting
Unless she doesn't have personality
Holy based
Oh shit, I'm sorry.
Sorry for what
Absolutely based
based and cunnypilled
Our daddy taught us to not be ashamed of our offerings, specially since their such good value n'all.
Kinda wish you don't post in this thread and just ignore OP and waifuspammer.
Posting in it only pushes them to dump more and reach image/bump limit easier, you know.
This guy gets it
Great insight.
Post music instead
>American primetime
>thread immediately goes to shit
Very similar themes
Kanako truly is the root of all evil
>On a Thursday
>American Primetime
we are the Yea Forumsirgins... terrors who fap in the night...
More like she’s the only boss in MoF you could actually die to
There is a yokai living in my ballsack, can you get him out for me?
Was referring to when the thread was most active.
Fuck Mountain of Faith
I die more to this shit than the enterity of the game beforehand
mountain of faith is the best final spellcard in the series tho
this image has always been so incredible. not only is it an amazing Reimu piece, it's an amazing celebration of the female form in general
Can someone explain this to me?
he violated the NAP
he made mustard gas
For some unknown treason, mods defend anime shitposting threads. Somehow they must think it helps the board.
Whoever is making the next thread, don't put Yuuka in the OP.
literally the worst touhou fan artist. everything he draws looks the same
this, Kaguya literally did nothing wrong and mokou is a murderer.
Whoever is making the next thread put, a picture of the games
Don't let shitposter who only want to post cute/lewd 2hu images to make Touhou thread period, nor make yourself look like one despite the genuine intention.
The point is don't attract /jp/,/qa/ or /c/-tier posters on these threads.
It would be great if moderation would help make these threads good. Isn't that why they exist?
They go out of their way to delete the genuinely good gameplay threads and keep these shitpost threads up just to fuck with us I suppose
Mods have different personal opinion about what they consider quality and most of the time they just don't care, so you can't rely on them.
I'm not saying you have to take the matter with your own hands by badmouthing every single cute/lewdposting. Just make a good thread before they do or ignore them most of the time.
Ignoring trolls doesn't make them go away. They keep coming back to ruin the topic, because they enjoy the act of ruining the topic.
please marry me Alice-chan
Then the best thing you can do is spark good discussion yourself to drown the shitposting. That's what happens most of the time in good threads.
If it's threads like this though, it can't be helped. Shitposting is what the thread is for and they attract the worst posters. That's why I told you to ignore it instead of pushing them further to bump limit or just to trigger you, and let it become pure shitposting thread so there's a higher chance that mods will delete it, instead of trying to discuss something on thread like this thread which is futile.
The same thing is happening here probably the same people posting in it too.
No matter how bad it is from the start, it sits around forever. Senran and DOA threads are the same. I smell bias.
Well uh, if you still question about mods attitude, honestly there is nothing you can do about it.
I'm just going to help improve Touhou threads the best way I can. Touhou has much better content to discuss, but I'm not sure about Vocaloid.
People come to this board to shitpost for a reason. They get away with it.
Yeah user but complaining wouldn't accomplish anything, and if worst come to worst you just have to accept it.
Have you ever spoken to them or watched the talk to each other? I have. Moderation isn't happy with the board either. There's a reason for that.
Normally I'd feel bad about posting in this type of thread, but this one obviously has special permissions..