I swear to fucking christ...

I swear to fucking christ, if Animal Crossing comes out and it has absolutely any goddamn SJW propaganda in it then I am fucking done with video games. This game is my one single hope for a good game this year that's just wholesome fun with cute characters and chill gameplay. I am fucking sick of people that don't like gamers taking over the videogame industry.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Oh yeah, post best villagers I guess.

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You could crossdress last game, you're late to dumbfuck outrage party

boys being cute girls has never been a problem, it's ugly men seeking validation in cutting off their penis that's a bad thing

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More options isn't a bad thing, it's weird for sure, but not terrible.

what could they possibly add that could be considered "SJW" bullshit, you can already crossdress and some of the villagers are already effeminate men and butch women
if theres any controversy like this when the game launches i'd bet 110% that the people complaining literally never played a single game before

>being able to pick your skin color

t. Closet gay

>Japanese game
>SJW propaganda
Fucking retard

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I can already tell you that this line won't be in it. Expect Kapp'n to be dialed back too since female players disliked his flirty comments.

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I thought Japs considered crossdressing to be funny.

You can already do that In HDD and Pocket Camp

>getting angry at hypotheticals
literal autism

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This. OP is a fucking retard

Yes, but what does that have to do with the localization?

I'm just saying. Lately it's been so fucking common that developers try to cater to SJW audiences by censoring shit or adding some bullshit to appeal to the SJW crowds. This game and Luigi's mansion are my only hopes for a good time this year.

i don't give a fuck about propaganda i just want good dialog and not to be the fucking mayor again

Let's not forget how America already reconnected Grazie into a girl since they thought him being a flamboyant and bitchy homosexual would be too offensive

Attached: Gracie_NL.png (818x1625, 744K)

The localization teams have been acting like massive fags for years by shoving in memes, being passive-aggressive cunts about those that criticize their localizations, and whatever the fuck they did to FE was.

user, did you ever take a moment and think that maybe, just maybe, that's just how the world is now?

Like, maybe the populace in general has come to expect some amount of say black characters or female characters in media as just good marketing options even if the return is minimal because to most people that wouldn't make them NOT buy something but to others there's even a small chance it may make them buy it.
Maybe that's just how the modern zeitgeist is and all your bitching about it is utterly meaningless?

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so play it in japanese

Why are you guys assuming I am in any way mad at animal crossing? It's quite the opposite, I am mad at all the other goddamn games.

>I think the Jelly Doughnut-Onigiri swap in the Pokemon dub was a good thing
Word-play is the only exception because often the puns wont be puns when translated

Why does Yea Forums constantly make up situations to get mad at? At least wait for something bad to actually happen before getting mad

Yeah, but this is Nintendo we're talking about. Localization team throwing in a few dated memes in Zelda isn't changing up the dialogue and story to fit your agenda like those freelancer weeb translators do.

>user, did you ever take a moment and think that maybe, just maybe, that's just how the world is now?
And I fucking hate it. Hence why I'm considering giving up games all together if my favorite game series ends up disappointing me as well, which is not likely, but goddamn it would be the final straw.

Imagine having this much of a chip on your shoulder that you're this mad at stuff that doesn't even exist, and if it does, it would probably be so mundane it doesn't warrant anything resembling this kind of behavior. To go off the deep end because of brown people or gay people existing.

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what about mortal kombat?

I think it's Yea Forums way of keeping their expectations so low, they can be pleasantly be surprised for better or worse. They could just keep their expectations normally in check as oppose doing this stupid bullshit, but hey we're in Yea Forums.

This is my slut wife. Say something nice about her!

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Gracie unironically works better as a girl, though.

Retard, I'm saying that the localizers won't play the crossdressing thing as a joke because Americans will get offended. They did that in New Leaf and only got away with it because it was 2013 and people were still mostly sane back then.

cynics expect the worst so they can either be proved correct or happily proven wrong, a win/win situation

Why is she shoving her fist into her mouth?

If sjws, trannies, etc. can shout at shadows and voices in their heads, I can get mad about what effect it has on games. I want to enjoy my leasure time without virtue signaling and corporate money grubbing.

I vehemently disagree, he's very obviously designed to be a stereotype of gay fashion expects


Why are Deer girls so good, Yea Forumsros?

My bad, I've become a bit jaded, misinterpreted your tone.

Haven't played Animal Crossing in over a decade, since the GameCube game.
What have I missed, and is the porcupine still the cutest girl? Mabel, I think her name was.

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I wonder if they will make it a little more adult this time, hopefully no more kiddie tier conversations

>because Americans will get offended

Why the fuck do you faggots just blow up non-existent situations? Every day it's some new twitter screencap of some fucking nobody's post with fuck all retweets or likes numbering barely in the hundreds and you call it MASSIVE SJW OUTRAGE.

It was the same shit with Doom Eternal, dipshits actually had to go searching for keywords just to find stuff to support tilting at windmills.

The game is designed for children not manbabies.

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You missed this. And yes, the Able Sisters are still great despite what Isabellefags will tell you.

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I'm familiar with the Isabelle suit in MonHun, but I wasn't aware she had been shilled this hard. Now it kind of makes sense why they put her in Smash over Tom Nook.

honestly want this. I want to be a pinkish-pale white skin

>Quality of dialogue has gone to shit
>More customization options across the board
>Resetti had his balls snipped off because he "made little girls cry", the save scumming faggots
>You went from being another villager to the mayor of the town, with supreme reign over all
>Brewster got his own coffee shop instead of living out of the basement of the museum
>You can dive for deep sea creatures
And some other shit I can't remember right now

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At a quick glance, I thought that was Snake instead of monster hunter.
Her legs seem longer than usual in MH.

>over Tom Nook


They pushed Isabelle way too soon. If they'd just left it, she would've become popular on her own. Nintendo shilling her so hard put a lot of people off her

I still think Resetti deserves it the most since he'd be the least likely to be Villager 2.0

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>Quality of dialogue has gone to shit
That sucks, but looking at other Nintendo franchises' progression over the years, it's not a surprise.
>More customization options across the board
Not surprising either, likely the main draw for a lot of people.
>Resetti had his balls snipped off because he "made little girls cry", the save scumming faggots
What the fuck? I'd reset sometimes specifically to get to see more of Resetti's increasingly incoherent rants.
>You went from being another villager to the mayor of the town, with supreme reign over all
So what's the primary driving "conflict" now, since I doubt it's going to be another case of "Nook saddles you with massive debt, pay it off for progression"? Mayoral duty missions for your town?
>Brewster got his own coffee shop instead of living out of the basement of the museum
That's nice.
>You can dive for deep sea creatures
That's pretty neat.

Changes that need to be made:
>villagers can actually fucking wear clothes other than "X shirt's torso texture as a tanktop"
>Better writing instead of shoehorning in new villagers for no reason
>Bring back tortimer as mayor and have "suggestions" be made through Isabelle, his assistant
>new furniture functionality, such as computers allowing you to access fake websites (i.e. ordering catalogues, a fake social media site with villagers and your friends, pseudo-miiverse)
>villagers getting actual preferences in furniture so you can't just flood their house with whatever random shit is in your inventory
>weather actually affecting minor, but noticable things, such as your villager catching a cold if you don't wear warm clothes

You've missed Tortimer retiring from Mayor to live on his private Island, you've missed Kap'n settling down with a wife and kids, you've missed the 3 able sisters splitting up and then coming back together into the same shop, you've missed Tom Nook quitting the shop owner business to work in real estate full time, you've missed the Nooklings taking over Tom Nook's shopping mall, you've missed diving in the ocean for stuff, you've missed using amiibo cards to summon special villagers in camping vans to your town or to summon specific villagers to live with you, you've missed Isabelle being this

That's a cat in an Isabelle suit.

Why is it always shilling? Why can't you just accept that a character got really popular of her own accord and Nintendo responded in kind. Not everybody is Lightning with one higher-up just obsessing over their OC. People liked Isabelle a lot, that's why she's in Mario Kart, that's why she was part of the N3DS push and got a spot in other spinoff appearances and got to be an assist trophy and made the leap to being playable.

>I doubt it's going to be another case of "Nook saddles you with massive debt, pay it off for progression"?
That's literally it. You can start "public works projects" which build things like Brewster's shop, or the Reset Center, or a new bridge, but it takes tens of thousands of bells and you can only start one project at a time. Villagers will never donate more than, like, 100 bells total, so you pay for it entirely on your own.

Nah, nowhere near as iconic. Resetti makes for an amusing assist already. Plus I really wanted to El Kabong dudes with a guitar.

>Nintendo shilling her so hard put a lot of people off her
I fucking wish. There's a lot of people annoyed with Isabelle but they're mostly either pre-NL boomers or people who don't care about Animal Crossing, ergo a minority in this sort of thing. Those who started with New Leaf are the majority of the AC fanbase now, and they LOVE her. Seriously, if these people lost their shit when she was replaced with Zipper for a week on the social media pages, imagine how they'd react if her role was downplayed in any way. You could rename the franchise to Isabelle Crossing and they still wouldn't be happy.

this, and it's actually surprising how segregated the internet is.
example being that fake music festival fyre festival, when it was actually happening i remember shit being retweeted onto my timeline with tens of thousands of rts/likes.
then when the netflix documentary came out i couldn't believe the amount of people, both offline and online, that had no idea it even happened

>I doubt it's going to be another case of "Nook saddles you with massive debt, pay it off for progression"?
it still is, but he's nice about it


>What the fuck? I'd reset sometimes specifically to get to see more of Resetti's increasingly incoherent rants.
Resetti in New Leaf has lost his funding for his business and so can not afford to constantly nag you. But you can pay 30000k to reinstate the Resetti-center in your town and Resetti will then thank you, and of course from then on always nag the shit out of you when you reset your game


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Everybody wants the worst mechanic from Magician’s Quest I swear to god.
Dating was so flawed in that game, there was only a handful of dialogue, it had a crappy payoff, and there was fuckall to do with your dates.
The real feature everybody should want is being able to actually play instruments. It was amazing being able to start up a band anywhere and play some of the game’s choice ass music. Imagine doing a performance of your favorite KK song in the middle of town with your favorite villagers.

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Public service announcement
Sable is my wife
Please keep your dirty hands away from her

Never forget how Nintendo had to go out of their way to remove Mr. Game & Watch's feather because of one tweet.

>Dating was so flawed in that game, there was only a handful of dialogue, it had a crappy payoff, and there was fuckall to do with your dates.
Sounds like a pretty easy fix

>What the fuck? I'd reset sometimes specifically to get to see more of Resetti's increasingly incoherent rants.
Yeah it's pretty shitty, you have to pay to rebuild the surveillance center to get him back, and even then he doesn't get mad at you for resetting unless you intentionally piss him off.
>So what's the primary driving "conflict" now
Nook still shakes you down, but now you have the added debt from single-handedly funding public works projects in your town, so if you were a fan of grinding rare bugs and fish on an island in the dead of night, then there's plenty of that for you

of all games you fart suckers can pick to be elitist about you choose animal crossing

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based, crossdressing is just a fetish

>not wanting marriage, especially gay marriage in Animal Crossing

If you aren’t being a girl and marrying Ankh you’re a fucking faggot

If they can't even fix the dialogue for the rest of the game, what makes you think they'll make good dialogue for dating scenarios?

>backstory removed in new leaf
>no amiibo figure
>no good merch period
>no switch profile icon
>never appears in promo art featuring the main cast anymore
Why does Nintendo hate her?

Attached: sable2.png (275x275, 126K)

>not liking the removal of content and the addition of annoying shit is elitist
nigger, what

>Quality of dialogue has gone to shit
Adding onto this. They made all the animals over the top nice and took out all the sass they'd give you.
>Phyllis had her passive aggressiveness toned down
>snooty villagers are nowhere near as bitchy
>grumpy villagers are no longer grumpy

literally the town bicycle, waifuing Ankha is like waifuing Allie Sin

You'd never understand unless you were activey involved in the fandom prior to New Leaf

That sounds like it could be pretty fun.

I'm not using "shilled" literally, but in the vernacular sense.

That makes the most sense. Keep the same basic gameplay loop, but boost the scope.

Are the rants entertaining at least?

it made me really sad that blathers didn't tell me about his experiences with bugs, but at least the encyclopedia in the museum had some info in it. I'd still like to see his dialogue come back. If the new game has dating in it, I won't buy it, though

They do
They see trannies as bug bunny tier comedy or “Haha look at this ugly weirdo in a dress”
Think of wedding dress Mario
That’s how they view trannies

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>being able to actually play instruments
Holy shit, it's been so long that I forgot you could actually do that in MQ. That shit was cash money in Maplestory 2 and it would be amazing in AC if they did it properly

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You can crossdress in NL and villagers tell you how brave you are for doing it and how gender roles are bad and outdated. Is that SJW?


Well if they don't fix the dialogue in general the game is gonna be shit regardless of dating
So I'm running on the assumption that the game will be good

But what about the cute cross dressers that are in anime constantly and that get constant lewds drawn of them?

Wait what?

Reminder that they did this with Mario

They found this funny,not propaganda or some shit

You just wouldn't get it

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Someone needs to do an animal crossing cover of this


Lightning is popular too, just polarizing as well

That dirty cock slut Isabelle stole her spotlight

>Are the rants entertaining at least?
no idea, I thought the ability not to have him was great since timetraveling makes multiplayer a lot more fun, and if it was one thing that new leaf did great it was multiplayer

Had it not been brought up in this thread, I wouldn't have known so the localization team did a great job in that regard.


Or at least if town customization is in, maybe being able to build gravel or paved walkways, and hire Leif to regrass a joint or something.

Saharah is also male in Japan and female everywhere else
Works better as a girl desu senpai

I don’t mind the occasional black guy but the gay and Transgender person dude they have so forcefully shove into everything (no pun intended) is exhausting

To be fair though, you kind of have to be the person that's really into social media promoters and high profile festivals since everybody is already locked into big ones like showing off that they went to Coachella or Lolla or whatever so you have to jump on the next big trend.
Your average person isn't going to really care about some kids getting scammed into being trapped on an island.

Plus who the fuck has thought about Ja Rule in a decade outside of Chappelle Show references?

Will they add being able to play as a nigger for the first time? Also is that
Sjw propaganda?

So are you legitimately worried that the new animal crossing game will feature sex change surgery?

Yeah, if it's just New Leaf HD without meaningful added or returning content, I'm not buying it.

I wish I was that carrot

>for the first time

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Treehouse is getting more political lately but the overall censorship seems to have been dialed back. Granted if they wanted to sneak some tranny acceptance line in or something AC is definitely the game they'd opt to do it with. I'm not letting anything ruin it for me, I need my dose of comfy lifesim for at least a couple of months and I'm tired of New Leaf.

Ehh I dunno. A lot of the female fans (which are now the majority of AC fans) complain about her getting all the attention. Mostly over Digby.
A lot of them really like the pink otter from HHD too. I don't really care for her, but I wouldn't mind if nintendo pushed her in response to fan demand. Better than Isabelle who got pushed before anyone cared about her.

>Are the rants entertaining at least?
No. Unlike in previous games where it increasingly escalated, Resetti in New Leaf randomly picks from variants of these phrases written differently every time:

[NO RESETTING!] > [Haven't yelled like that forever, what don't you get?] > [Forget about other games, this is Animal Crossing] > [Something about words, NOW SCRAM!]

You can see it for yourself here: youtu.be/sKCtgFGuezg

No more increasingly pissed off rants, no more crazy shit like forcing the camera into first person or pretending to delete your town. It's all streamlined like every other special NPC in New Leaf.

Does Nintendo of Europe still do separate English localisations from America?

Sable's shyness got worse. Next game, you won't even see her. She'll be hiding in a backroom.

no, just the idea that SJW's will somehow creep their way into my favorite game franchise like how they seem to be ruining literally every other game on the market right now

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How did New Leaf end up being the big hit, then?

That's pretty sad, considering that she became a bit less shy in wild world, only for her to become even shyer later on.

When you try to buy a dress as a boy, Mable says something like "Oh, are you buying a gift?", and if you try it on she says "Oh that umm, looks very uhhh.."

>No more increasingly pissed off rants, no more crazy shit like forcing the camera into first person or pretending to delete your town. It's all streamlined like every other special NPC in New Leaf.
couldn't that just be a 3ds limitation though?

>the gay and Transgender person dude they have so forcefully shove into everything (no pun intended) is exhausting
Again, the problem isn't that they're being "forced into everything".
It's that they are the common thing now. They exist, things acknowledge they exist. That's really it.
The modern era of content is being made by people that grew up in society where homosexuality wasn't as shuttered and hidden away. As such, they're more interested and wanting to include such characters.

On top of that, they provide a new field of exploration. Now that gay people are commonly accepted, stories about gay people doing shit are an avenue ripe for young writers/artists to explore.
It's reflective of modern society and still gets attention both from faggots excited to see all this new representation and faggots like OP wanting to cry a fucking river over the fact that they exist. It's plain profitable from a publicity standpoint.

So it's both something new to go into and something that is guaranteed to get people talking. It's not being forced in by agenda, it's becoming saturated by everyone wanting to get a piece of it.

thats a fetish, crossdressing as a gay man is not the same as cutting your dick off

It's almost like normal people aren't going to let small non-issues bother their enjoyment of a popular series.

She was already hiding in pocket camp, you couldn't even speak to her in that game.

Considering how Wild World managed to fit Resetti's rants and hundreds of lines of dialogue dedicated to giving each special NPC their own backstories, no.

I mean, between this and other things I've seen in this thread - like villagers being watered down, for example.

>yfw male giraffes have one of the highest rates of homosexual behavior in the animal kingdom

All I want if for the character writing to be better, I don't care if the character is gay or not, they just need to make them more interesting and not just some boring token character.

and I am 200% OK with that. That's just the japanese poking fun at cute boys crossdressing.

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>dialogue is worse than that of a game released a decade earlier
>in a series where dialogue is one of the core elements
>"small non-issues"

Word of mouth and memes

Why call it a social simulation if there's nothing to really talk about with the villagers anymore?

Villagers personalities were watered down and Resetti was almost cut, but Resetti being cut was a good thing for the majority of people and while villagers were somewhat more shit than in previous games, the game overall had a fucking SHITLOAD of new content. It had a shitton of new characters, it had a shitton of new shit to collect, it had a new island you could visit, it had a new park area you could summon special characters in, it had spot-pass which means you could visit the houses of random people you passed on the street in real life, it had really fucking good multiplayer with a really fucking active community

In general, New Leaf was a fucking blast. It had some downsides, but many huge improvements as well.

based, nothing makes me harder than seeing whitebois in skimpy feminine clothes with their tiny bulge.

That's also perfectly valid and partially due to what I'm talking about.

They're all trying to get that to happen. Everyone doing these gay characters is thinking they can make a good gay character and want to be the one to do so.
If they do it right, they could become the standard others vying for a piece of this market hold themselves to.
With so many attempts being made, it really shouldn't be a surprise that most of them are shit. There aren't really that many good character writers in vidya, so the chances of there being a good gay character written even with how many are trying are pretty slim.

But, it'll happen eventually. People will eventually figure out how to write this shit without it being blatant or shitty.

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>tfw if sable actually was removed there wouldn't be any uproar big enough for nintendo to notice because the nu-fans don't care about her
It's over bros, we lost

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That's basically what she's like in Pocket Camp, she's just in the background inside Mable's RV working. You can't talk to her at all.

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lol trannys are not common no matter how much you wish it freak 1% of a 1% at fucking best.

I wonder how they're gonna redesigns all the villagers. If they're gonna remain mostly simple texture swaps or if they're going to go more crazy modeling in extra features between characters. What do you guys think?

Also, I'm really sad my waifu doesn't get as much love as most other animal crossing girls.

Attached: best girl pecan.jpg (600x600, 34K)

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Because it pandered to girls.
>Added shit tons of pretty villagers like Marshal, Merengue, Julian
>Added more girly clothes and furniture sets
>ugly npc's given smaller roles/less dialogue
>Optional Resetti
>Tom Nook no longer running the store
>Main store replaced by pretty pink alpaca's store
>Blathers no longer blathers on
>Tortimer booted out of town
>Isabelle and her twin are the main npc interactions
>All the hardships removed
>Villagers don't steal your furniture in forced trades anymore
>Nobody is mean to you
>Super easy to pay off debt

so Yea Forums
would you be for or against Nintendo deciding to make Gracie a full on LGBT representative gay male in the next game?

*cracks sip*
They don't make animal crossing like they used to

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I don't see a problem with this. In fact they should drop the questionnaire at the beginning and just give you a simple character creator. A lot of people already use online guides to get the look they want, and Mii masks have been a thing since City Folk.

>tfw she, deirdre, lolly and tangy moved out all within the same week
stopped playing after that

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A lot of people on Yea Forums play this so it's safe to assume guys play it too, but you're right.
The game is very popular for girls and many I know at least know about animal crossing. It would make sense that they make it more appealing to them.

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>who the fuck has thought about Ja Rule in a decade outside of Chappelle Show references
he was involved in the disaster that was fyre festival

Honestly, the closer the game is to Doubutsu no Mori e+, the better. The fact that Nintendo of America was allowed to change a character's gender show just how long localization teams have been awful.