You know what they say: go woke go OHNONONO NOT AGAIN REEEEE REEEE REEEE

You know what they say: go woke go OHNONONO NOT AGAIN REEEEE REEEE REEEE

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they always say that

What the fuck? It wasn't meant to be like this, bros

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I've noticed. There's no way its true... I noticed that the game is already going for forty dollars most places.

Companies REALLY don't like admitting that games bombed. It reminds me of how Sony tried to meme Horizon: Zero Dawn into competing with Zelda.

Its probably just shipped numbers, they shipped the most copies ever.
Doesnt mean a thing

that is not saying much for MK

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First comes denial.

media influence is a fucking powerful tool. the game sold like shit and the reviews are scathing, but because they have the money and pull to announce over the news that their game is the most successful one in the franchise, nobody's the wiser, and they'll continue to buy into it. that is until they play for an hour and realize how expensive the game actually is

Even if they did sell well, which I doubt, this is so fucking bad it will affect future sales.

>years of content planned
can't wait for the 50 paid DLC characters

Right, look at Andromeda and Anthem.

They can damage control the first release, but by the next everyone will be aware that there's something horribly wrong.

>is more popular than ever
That literally means nothing lmfao they can't even post sales numbers

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Does Mortal Kombat have a history of big launches? I could see this being true given the massive marketing push, the EA Battlefront games also had huge launches.

nice numbers they provided

Check out the fact that MK11 has less than half the peak players of DBFZ on steam and has already begun declining despite being only a few days off of launch.

It does for the publisher. Those shipped copies are already paid for. It's up to other stores to make their money back on them.

They said the same thing about DA2, then sales plummeted.

have to wait about a week NPD results. Same as it's always been. If that's what you need to cope for another week then hey go woke go broke.



>nonono go woke go broke is real
>it's all just a big cover up
>it's the media
>go woke go broke go woke go broke
>cries self to sleep

That's not how it works. If those copies don't sell eventually the company has to reimburse the retailers to buy all that unsold stock back.

But that's not true at all.

Anthem guys said almost the exact same thing.
>successful launch
>planned content on the way
>we are pleased....

t. Underage who has no idea how business works

t. lying, larping faggot
Get a job.

I gotta be honest, I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a MK game since Ultimate.
They tried something new with that pseudo RPG for the PS2. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great. I don't even remember it's name.
This just makes me not want to bother with it at all. Knowing the incredible grind, or the 6k paywall to get all the skins.
I don't even want this when it inevitably hits the bargain bins. It's just unappealing.


I'm pretty sure it was just Yea Forums that memed HZD against Zelda. We did the same for RDR2.

obviously they won't say the game did badly that'd be stock suicide
blizzard stopped releasing sub numbers cause it was impacting their stock price every time they released them and they were down, down, down everytime

which one's right?

>Expecting them to say that everything isn't fine and people are hating their garbage.


What’s wrong with OP post, and why is everyone mad? I just got the game and liking it so far.

Actually he's not wrong. Some media outlets genuinely thought horizon would subplant zelda but then breath of the wild came out and put that competition to rest.

They don't refund shit. Dollar bin games wouldn't exist if they did.

You know the evidence suggests otherwise.

They don't have to buy back unsold stock which is why you saw stores filled with mass effect andromeda and fallout 76 while only selling them for like 4 dollars each, on the other hand companies CAN make an offer to buy back unsold stock but don't unless they are confident with their product while stores aren't.

Damn, MS did 30 billion. How much did Sony did?

You really think the company will ever admit the launch was bad? There's no real way to know if the launch was good or bad or whatever because the industry is shrouded in secrecy and it's not like the west has anything like the Media Create numbers to even base their opinions of, and even Media Create is releasing less numbers these days. The only way to figure out if a game actually sold well is to wait a little bit. If the games goes on sale for about 40% or so in a few months, it points to it selling badly. If they cancel DLC plans it points to it selling badly. If they start giving out free DLC and in game currency, it points to it selling badly. Be observant about the facts around the release of the game and never to the press releases themselves, publishers will always lie to save face.

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Dude what.
Like the only industry that occasionally happens in is comics.

the company stays silent about it if it has bad sales its obvious mortal kombat sold well if they are bragging

actually it's the opposite. If a game isn't doing well the publishers decline while the game devs do damage control because the publisher has no reason to lie, they'll just close the studio and move on. Just watch the way EA brass talks about games that aren't doing well. Here we have that publisher president celebrating even though his neck isn't on the line. but denial is the first stage of grief so go for it I guess.

your feelings aren't evidence

Have sex

/pol/incels are getting angry that they have to eat humble pie

If the unsold stock is above a certain threshold, the company has to buy it back under threat of legal action. It is in all retailing contracts. Even when it is below that margin and not necessary, some companies still will to maintain good relations with the retailers selling their product.

boycotts dont fucking work

if they had something to brag about they'd release numbers
you know, the way capcom told us RE2 sold 2 mil copies on its first week, DMC5 sold more than RE2 and how From said Sekiro sold 3m copies in the first week
this is nothing but damage control. 2k tried the same trick with Exodus by saying "2.5x the sales on steam!" but didn't mention that it was probably 2.5x the sales on steam in a 24 hour period of the original LL that sold like 1k copies on release

>publisher says their game sold more than the bible and isn't trash
Well they obviously have the Data so who am i to argue.

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>your feelings aren't evidence
you should take your own advice

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Blizard constantly brags about overwatch by listing accounts (including free weekends) instead of active players.

the alt right is fucking seething absolutely based mortal kombat btfoing cucks

Not a sonyfags so I don't really know much about horizon but it has to be better than the steaming pile of shit that was Botw.

>using week old pics

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excuses there have been plenty of games that have been successes yet the company doesn't release there sales data for ages

This is the future lads. It's too late, they have already won. Companies can get away with anything as long as they're woke, because any criticism will be drowned by hordes of SJW white knights.

It's over.

MKucks will ignore this

the fuck did from say that, it was 2 million 10 days, that's not a week nigga

oh well, I paraphrased the numbers. point still stands

retards companys dont lose sales because of attention they gain them

>actually it's the opposite

No it's not. Anthem release is shit, everybody is saying it went well in public and the article detailing how shit is bad and everything is on fire at Bioware had all of the identities of the devs hidden because if they found who said that they would be fired and blacklisted from the industry. You have to smile and say all is well all the time or you will be fire and or blacklisted from the industry. And even that's not enough sometimes. CEO of Crystal Dynamics smilled and said sales of Rise of the Tomb Raider were great during the period that game had exclusivity with Xbox, only to get fired by the board of directors a few weeks later because things were actually fucking terrible and he was the dumbfuck who sealed the exclusivity deal with fucking Microsoft of all corps in the first place. Here's another lesson for you as well: If they say sales are great but don't mention numbers or try to do some shit to obscure the actual number, shit is bad. See: Metro Exodus sold like shit on the Epic Store, but they hid it by saying it sold 2.5x times more than Last Light, except Last Light sold like shit so no, PC sales of Metro are in the dumps. Repeat after me: Publishers always lie.

As said above, no numbers. I doubt it's a dumpster fire like Anthem but it's clearly not the numbers WB wanted.

source: your ass

Why is every new triple A game having the best launch ever? Is there more dumb people with money to buy games now?

>week old
the game released 24 hours ago bro

Same. These guys don’t even play fighting games and are just in for the titties and their waifus. Since they removed that, they throw a tantrum each time a mk11 thread shows up kek

What a time to be alive. Seeing how even gamers are beginning to live in completely parallel universities where one side is capable of saying that a game is a great success while other side can say it bombed, both sides looking at same numbers.

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How the hell is Days Gone doing better?

you retards dont even play the game instead its muh tittys fuck off the ginding needs to be fixed first

Incels just mad they more research than us.

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>both sides looking at same numbers.
That's the fucking thing tho, there are no fucking numbers. We have to guess at what's happening because companies never release the fucking numbers.

Nah if the gold sold that well they would release numbers like literally every other company that brags about "beating X record sales by X million amount". Read between the lines, think like a business would.

Just like captain marvel, its a lie

If there were titties behind the grinding nobody would be complaining they would be grinding for the titties, see: Dead or Alive Extreme, a shitty grindy franchise that never ends because of grinding and DLC outifits.

>maturity is hiding boobs and shoving Saw movie level gore everywhere

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apart from that doesn't happen faggot some company's literally wait fucking months before releasing data

>d everything is on fire at Bioware had all of the identities of the devs hidden because if they found who said that they would be fired and blacklisted from the industry.
Bioware is a dev not a publisher

>crystal dynamics smiled
they are also a dev

See you proved me right. Game devs do damage control because they made the game. Publishers do not. WB interactive published MK11. Their president has literally no reason to lie on behalf of NR because they're going to be fine even if it was a critical failure.

There arent any numbers dimwit, thats the reason why we know it bombed.

Saying shit like

>Oh ya guys the game totally sold great, we promise. Numbers? Dont worry the game sold great, trust us.

Its shit right out of a script.

Damn that's pretty sexist, is he saying men are so much better than women they don't even need to wear clothes in a fight?

premiere Sony exclusive for most of the year.

So your logic is publishers can't lie and do damage control because they're publishers? Sorry, that's literally retarded, I misinterpreted your arguments and thought you actually had a valid point, I won't engage with you anymore.

I mean sure but, MK11. Is it that bad?

fallout 76 bombed nope tomb raider bombed nope again literelly all the games you thought bombed didnt

Horizon still sold well and is getting a sequel

>apart from that doesn't happen faggot some company's literally wait fucking months before releasing data

Kys faggot, that literally happens with every single release if they sold well.

Look at God of War and Spiderman from last year, both of which announced sale numbers within the week, since there was actually something to brag about there. Shit nigga you're dense.

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Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than with shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)

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>Stupid enough to believe the publisher, the ones who literally fund the game in most cases, wont damage control the shit out of a failing product they dumped millions into

You dont even need to take a business course to get the basics here, take a hike retard.

Days Gone is already out?

Hey kids, remember how your parents told you not to believe everything you saw on t.v.?
Remember how they said the same for the internet?


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Yeah, I usually hate the violence good sex bad argument but it's hard to avoid it when they are claiming maturity in a game about excessively gory kill moves.

They don't buy it back. What will happen is stores don't order restocks and in the future might order less for future titles


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Why did they say this?

MK selling better than the last entry shouldn't be a surprise. MK vs DC, which was rated fucking t for teen, managed to outsell Armageddon. And that pile of shit did better than Deception.

>but, MK11. Is it that bad?
No, it's multiplatform and a fighting game meaning it's casual audience is far more limited than a zombie TPS.

>So your logic is publishers can't lie and do damage control because they're publishers?
No you idiot publishers can but they have literally no reason to. I mean basic common sense
>you're getting paid anyway, literally no one in your company will get laid off after a failure, game is made by a studio that you can punish for failure.
>Do you A) damage control for that studio that failed and you're going to gut at no expense to yourself for their failure. Essentially associating yourself with failure for no other reason because some user needs to cope
>not do that, gut the studio, drink wine as the next project begins. (as what happens with EA everytime)

> I won't engage with you anymore.
Oh cute, the ole "declare victory then get the fuck out of there before they destroy my weak ass counterpoint."


do dope

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>You know what they say: go woke go


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>>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
not even gonna read the rest but it's dying rapidly

Based on what metric?
Twitch views are not a reliable indicator.

>every time /pol/ reaches a new low

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And people said zombie shit is dead.

>both of which announced sale numbers within the week
this game has been out for a day

Publishers provide absolute minimal funding and aid during the development process and normally reserves the real pay for after production wraps up. This can be really nefarious as bethesda absolutely fucked obsidian over after fallout NV by predicating their funds on metacritic reviews.

I can't believe you're so naive to think publisher and dev is a symbiotic relationship. shit is parasitic as a company like EA can drive multiple studios to their deaths through mismanagement or just outright malicious intent. and still post a profit. since WB got NR dirt cheap from a buyout they have literally no reason damage control if they fail. They can just gut the studio, hand the IP off to another studio and recoup loss within a week. I can understand that you don't understand how the internet works since you're coping so hard but come on.

It helped them feel better about electing a literal jew to fight SJWs and SJWs getting twice as strong as a result.

>look, retailers are offering a deal to beat out their competition.
>this is bad for the publisher who ships it to them at full price because.....oh no

>actually replying to a copy pasta bait post
stupid nigger

where at
where AT !?

>shitty battle pass
>little to no updates
>paid millions of dollars for streamers to play the game during the first month
>much more hackers than there were during launch
>most characters are useless except for a few

>decide to watch some gameplay to see what the fuss is about
>there's like 100 different schemes to get you to spend money on mtx
this game is like a fucking mobile game or a casino, holy shit

I don't understand why people think it failed, I really doubt a non controversy like the female costumes will really stop people from buying the games, and the Jax thing and the microtransaction shit were found out the day before the game came out

The last point doesn't matter in a fighting game at all. "Uselessness" is completely subjective and if people could make Dan in SF4 work, anything is possible.

not him but maybe you should read the rest of the reply chain, user

>the “wokeness” of the game is the problem
>not the P2W bullshit
I fucking hate this board.

It's over Yea Forumsros..... We were supposed to win goober gabber... FUCK FUCK FUCK

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MKX sold 11 mil coper