Quick name the best PSP game ever released!

Quick name the best PSP game ever released!

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Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops

Metal Gear Ac!d 2

Tony Hawk's Underground 2: Remix

Id rather have them not gain 400% value

Trails in The Sky 1 and 2
Persona 3 Portable
All Ys

who gives a shit ppsspp exists

Megaman Powered Up. I'd buy a port just to have it get more exposure.

Brandish The Dark Revenant

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Phantasy star portable 2

Too many great games to narrow it down to just one.

MHFU, Dissidia 012. Crisis Core is not a gem but worth a playthrough, you can see the wasted potential.

Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core
Initial D: Street Stage

It's not the best but 7th Dragon 2020 is breddy gud

Tekken 6? I spend a fuckton of time playing it, at least.

Not an exclusive, but I played the shit out of the Metal Slug Anthology on the psp. Loading times were shit, but honestly not a terrible way to play all the games for cheap.
XX was good too.

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MediEvil: Resurrection
Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters
Daxter was good too, it dragged though.

Ridge Racer 2

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this motherfucker knows exactly whats up
also wipeout pulse


Time for MJR to artificially raise the prices on some cheap ass psp games through his videos so he can make big profits

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Shin Budokai

Remember that one?

>PSP Hitler Games