This is your siren for BL3
Who /beastmaster/ here?
me my dude, fucker looks sick and that's before i knew he had pets.
i thought sirens were like genetically predisposed to being fragile and small?
anyone else agree?
That’s more anatomically correct. Unless the siren is a tranny or something.
Silly user, that would imply wahmen are weak it's 2019 you sexist
Great taste
fuckign homo shit
Wew. I’d rather this.
Like every other game in the series, you can keep her; I'll enjoy my soldier.
bonus points for nudes of buff girls/porn links
That is a fan artists rendition of the Siren.
You know it won't look as good in game.
I don't mind muscled girls, but to combined that with a curry ogre? Absolutely disgusting.
got ourselves sherklock over here
mod her white if it hurts your feelings then
who the fuck is this cutie
t. butthurt curry ogre
from canned Chinese mmo
then why bitch about the sirens skin color if you wont do shit about it?
It's not so much her skin color than her ugly fucking mug that goes along with that stereotype.
dead sadly
for me its Moze
Of course, which is why SFV is full of right.
people have been shutting on her lately
fuck that I love this angry shortstack qt
Wonder how much will be revealed next week with both the gameplay event along with the youtuber/twitch nikkas being able to play.
thanks for the update marketer
ive been looking for this chick for a while
shes a siren
could she be angel
you're welcome.
Buy Borderlands 3.
As long as she's fun to play as. Soldier classes in the previous games were the most boring
i hope the "leak" that said that moze's mech deploys from the sky is true
i know in the trailer weve seen it digistruct around her, but it could be part of a skill tree where it falls and can land on enemies
imagine that
I mostly agree but TEDIORE Axton was pretty nifty.
>nobody posted more buff 3dpd
this site is lost
too bad tediore dosent make commando class mods
then it could be awesome to do an all tediore axton playthrough
whats gonna be the intro song for BL3? Most are very top tier.
>moze will have a skill that boost speed of mech
>she will have a skill that boost duration
>she will have a skill that decreases cooldown time
>certain builds will allow her to remain in her mech at all times
>skill that allows you to use gun you have equipped while in mech
>skill that cause mech to self destruct like D.Va from overwatch
>skill that can make her mech fly
screen cap this post
absolute legend
>fake ass
yep you're a dumbass or a jealous female
who cares it looks hot faggot.
you do realize shit comes out of that
>if I pretend I can't see the outlines of the implants then that means they're not there
>t. virgin
more like Memelands
more like bordermemes the pre-memequel
Meme memes memes memes
girls dont poop you retard
keep moving the goalpost you jealous female
who's brave enough to post the nsfw kinds of pics of these goddesses despite the risk of bein b&
I want Moze to______.
why do people who work out have kinda nasty looking skin. They always seem to be breaking out a bit
natasha's on anavar, that's why
you fucking wish she looked anything like this ingame.
Soon. You.
thanks sherlock no one knew it was fanart
I hope she sounds Indian.
I would unironically enjoy it.
you're lying if you say you wouldn't
Is she black?
The point of fit girls is that they still look feminine.
That's not feminine looking.
>posts a girl who looks even less feminine
based retard
ITT: fags in denial.
can someone exract the Moze PNG from this image
when you scroll up or down the characters can move closer or furthe respectively
i can click and drag each png except Moze's since she in the center and is over lapped with the others
please help
i want to add this pic to my moze folder
he wouldn't she benches more than him
Yeah, I do, smartass.
Sweet Jesus
>it's an angry werido posting the same unfinished screenshot again episode
Why does she look like that sometimes?
Eh, hit or miss.
shooting a light machine gun as a woman is probably hard
no shes indian
Moze is kind of growing on my lads.
Also helps the fact that my first BL character is usually the Soldier/Heavy Gunner type (Roland/Axton)
God I love Lilith SO FUCKING MUCH.
oh my fucking god gina is my dream girl dude
thanks bro
>imagine being so insecure that girls with muscle makes you question your own sexuality
>the way she caresses him
>the way he looks in absolute bliss afterwards
This guy gets it.
This is best. Good job user.
but the girl you posted is ugly user
i dont have to imagine
so you're gay, I'm so sorry
>His smile when he wakes
god I wish
Fuck, tattoo's on 3D women always ruin it for me.
Muscle girl thread??
Hey it's me who asked about this in the other thread. Can I get more info on this?
That one is even uglier and has tattoos.
>because questioning your sexuality is the problem here
we get it user, you're gay
nobody cares
She looks good on everything besides that picture though
Keep it vidya, fuckers.
I want to clean her with my tongue
I sure hope you guys are pronouncing Moze right
It seems fl4k has the best character design. The rest look pretty generic.
Is it not "Moe-Zee"?
Love this fucker, super hyped.,
mowze? mawzee?
gonna have to play on a ps4, fuck
also my keyboard keeps double typing pp
it's so fucking annoying allso my l key too
why the fuck is this happpening
>its just a robot in a jacket
as in mows the lawn
i really really hope pc has crossplay
all of my friends are gonna be playing on ps4 and would rather buy it on pc
you got it
I think this is the correct pronunciation.
Are there refunds on le Epic Store™?
they play joke then go pp in your coke
It's about time orangekissess began adding color to her art.
Who’s buying BL3 on the Epic Games Store?
Join us on the ps4, breh.
I don't know, it's probably going to be piss easy to pirate, but pirating games early in their update cycle is annoying as fuck
stop posting girls with abs
be as fun as Axton in terms of character and gameplay
I hope Fl4k is good but not broken.
fallout 4
NO, the slippery slope must stop. The line must drawn HEAH
Looks like Honey Select!
>probably not even a futa
This is as good as it gets.
>mech stuff
I just want a soldier that has straight up stat buffs and is godlike with rifles and shotties
Now THIS is what I'm talking about
spot on
clearly her facial animations arent done at all
in cutscenes she doesnt react like the other characters
she was also the only character that didnt get leaked
How do I make it look like Is she a follower or something?
kill yourself
terrible taste
the helmet is literally just the ushanka but with a metal texture
lets moysie
c u t e
stinky chinky yellow and chickeny
>played two full playthroughs on my craptop (vanilla and lightly modded)
>want to do a third heavily modded
>set up a shit ton of mods that changed the combat, restored perks, and a mod that let you create a mobile base
>20 gigs of mods later finally get everything running
>get bored after level 8
> 2 years later, now on new machine
>tempted to torrent the game to do all that shit again
It can be fun if you stay away from the story
i dun get it
whats not to get?
>didn’t know beastmaster was a master of beasts
That was my experience with honeyselect.
I swear I spent more time browsing mods than actually fapping.
last night i had a dream about Moze
I might, but have there been any interesting mods that are must haves? I was pretty familiar with the popular mods long after I stopped playing up until the LAER mod.
>tfw no gf to put me in a rear naked choke and ignore me when i'm tapping out
well you gonna tell the dream or you just gonna stand there lookin funny?
i was just playing the game as her
nothing else
gameplay and UI were abstract(it was a dream)
sorry to disappoint
Post more fit girl armpits
kinda cute despite the fact that shes showing off like a whore
its like a robot moving its parts
well you did deliver :)
>no brown aryan gf with abs to slap my big belly
i need moar lady abs
based and red-pilled
nearly every sexy part of a human has the potential to be stinky, filthy, drip some kind of slime, or just be crusted over with bacteria. Unless you are turned on by elbows, you had better bring some soap on your next date.
I have a feeling we have some selection bias. people talk about "breaking out" as if that is the deviant condition. I am pretty sure people are in the middle of a break out more often than not.
the problem, here, is not beefcake with shitty skin, but Instathots with caked on makeup
I automatically play robot races when available
I hope his pets scale better than Deathtrap, but I also hope he's strong independently of his pets like Gaige.
Left is more anatomically correct but left does more to my dick.
The one thing that hentai legitimately ruined for me was muscle girls (and girls with big tits)
I'm torn between him and Moze. Depends on what their skill trees are like desu. As a long time Gaige main I'm gonna miss my fucking Anarchy though.
those are fake tits right?
Probably, considering her body fat
It's not more anatomically correct, it's anatomically more womanly.
actually based robro
Good, I want to fucking paint her abs in cum
Korra body type?
i just hope the skill trees aren't all stacking mechanics like TPS was
This is why I don't do HS. I don't want to spend my time filling it with mods. Even d/l packages that come with mods or add-ons already in that I have to install is exhausting to me.
Actually, no exhausting, but a huge time sink. I love doing that shit but I know myself and I also just want to "play" the fucking game.